Watching this now
What am I in for
Watching this now
A waste of time
Rambling, sniffing, shirt pulling, clean your room bucko
This is so asinine.
>HURR how can be I be a Nazi? I may hate Jews and believe in MUH MUSTARD RACE but I don't live in 1930's Germany! Check mate, atheists!
The FACT that postmodernism is based on MArxism isn't "refuted" by pointing out that "classical" Marxists would have rejected postmodernism!
two dudes embarrassing themselves and a bunch of redditors in the audience cheering at the most inappropriate moments you can imagine.
Which ideology is less likely to molest me?
Literally just "I agree with most everything you say, but let's exasperate these tiny details I don't agree with for the sake of this ticketed event"
Completely boring as a debate, but still worth the time. Should be retitled "Peterson & Zizek vs Postmodernism"
Jordan Peterson is a post modernist, though. Is he also based on Marxism? Should we call him a Marxist too? If so, why is he arguing against it?
>Postmodernism is "rebranded" Marxism
You refuted your argument inside your own bait pic
you are a faggot for even watching this garbage
>Mops the floor with JP
>Makes SJWs simultaneously seethe and kiss the ground he walks on
>Makes /pol/tards seethe and try to defend JP even though they don't like him to begin with
>Makes JP cultists seethe or admire him in awe
>Has never had sex
>Made unironic kino
>Is a hegelo-lacanian marxist, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean
>Will never have sex
>Somehow made more poignant and powerful criticisms against marxism than the faggots like JP and /pol/tards that bitch about it all day and use it as a boogeyman strawman
/our guy/
>post modernist
You say that word, but I don't think you know what it means
You're also dodging his point
I-Is this the intellectual level of Zizek's fanbase?
A showcase on why Peterson should be a forgotten nobody.
No, he isn't.
2 pseud e-celebs mumbling and agreeing that society has some problems that we should fix somehow
>only true to the core orthodox marxist theory can be marxism
>but it's totally ok to label anything as fascism even though it has nothing in common with original italian fascism
Imagine being this retarded.
A spectacle of embarrassment for Jordan Peterson.
There's a reason all the /pol/tards here just scream about how stupid you are for watching it, because daddy dick cleaner got his pseudo intellectual facade blown off.
youre fine as long as you dont join any organized religious groups
he really is unironically fucking based
>Tranny looking wife
>Pic related when Zizek is dismantling him
I'm starting to think something is up, bros.
No commie is based, fuck him and fuck this thread
coping and seething
It's funny how trannies celebrate their idol reading off a sheet for 20 minutes and then agreeing with the other guy for another 30 minutes as some huge victory over fascism.
Two old men debating philosophy in a tribalist world
intellectual surface-web
some of the most basic bitch argumentation
fucking this
peterson is the fisher price of intellectuals.
>Based Zizek being the tranny's idol
I mean, he is for the next month or so. They'll quickly be reminded why they hate him soon enough. *sniff* *pinches nose*
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk. All of the /pol/ idols would get destroyed by based Zizek.
Ben Shapiro would "destroy" Zizek with "facts" and "logic". He wouldn't have time to finish a "and so on" before Shapiro gave him a 610000 SPD limit burst attack.
yep. I can't believe leftists think that's a good defense.
Does /pol/ unironically like Charlie Kirk? If so, that's fucking funny.
>Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk
All of these have been disliked on /pol/ for years. Peterson isn't even right wing.
I didn’t even watch it, how can I be coping?
I'm curious. Does Zizek consider "the alt-right" fascist? Has he ever stated that? Or are you attributing him arguments you read on the internet with vaguely like-minded attitude?
my only defence of peterson here is that the fame has gone to his head. he walks into a theatre of people who think he's some kind of God every night. he's become a lot like a religious figure where he feels as if he has the answers for everything yet is clearly woefully inept when out of his depth
Yeah. Candace Owens literally inspired the Christchurch shooter.
The only modern 'conservative' writer I like is Scruton and I doubt he would hold up well in a debate. He's more of an art critic anyway.
Zizek is literally a Marxist through means other than core Marxist theory, though. They talked about it in the second half of the debate. Did you not listen at all?
Peterson was trying to debate classical Marxism, Zizek used a dialectical materialist argment (which comes from Marx) to dismantle him using ideas that also come from Lacan, Hegel, and Kierkegaard. Read a fucking book.
I refuse. Just tell me if Zizek is the big bad boogeyman behind BLACKED already.
Well, he said in an interview that a black guy told him to call him nigga, so probably.
Postmodernism A) rejects grand narratives, and B) takes a social constructionist view of ideological movements in which all ideologies are products of their era and time and can be deconstructed as such.
Is this wrong? Is this slightly wrong? Or is postmodernism a rhetorical red-herring that merely allows self-identified postmodernists to proclaim, "Hah, that's not post-modernism! I'm not going to talk to you anymore!" to dodge confrontation?
>JP spends his entire career around crying about Marxism and Communism
>never actually read the communist manifesto until prior to that debate
Wrong. If you're interested in Alt-right intellectuals, you should look at people like Richard Spencer, Millennial Woes, Black Pigeon Speaks and Jared Taylor.
>typical lefty hair splitting over definitions
>x is not what YOU think it means, it's what I think it means
>read a fucking book.
Says the guy who got all his knowledge from glancing over wiki articles
Here's my take on it: I'm not the biggest Peterson fan, but I agree with some of the stuff he says. I don't know much about Zizek because every time I try to listen to him talk I have to stop because his accent and mouthful of saliva is like rusty nails being driven into my ears. Nevertheless, I watched the whole thing. Peterson was Peterson, if you've heard any of his talks, you've heard them all, he basically just repeats the same thing over and over again like a broken record. His whole philosophy is aphorisms and common sense observations, anyone who gives him money or worship him for this shit is an idiot, but there's at least some truth in what he says. Zizek is barely intelligible, he rambles about masturbatory academic nitpicks, fails to make any points and the fact that he quoted that Lacan thing about how even if your wife cheats on you it's wrong to be jealous makes me think he's a huge cuck.
So in summary, anyone who paid money to watch that debate is a retard.
JP fell into the same boat as every right winger out there. They have no fucking clue what Marxism is or have read a single sentence of any writing in that area. Zizek completely destroyed him. JP couldn't answer a single question clearly. Did exactly what Zizek claimed he does. Over generalizes and misrepresents.
How would you define Marxism?
Guys like him don't want to be right on what Marxism is. They just want it to be a word that sounds politically literate but basically just means "Bad ideas I disagree with".
Peterson parroting 2015 Ben Shapiro, Milton Friedmen boomer talking points while Zizek bullies him.
>y-you don't understand the holy grail of ideology aka marxism
this is basically the standard argument by trannynet against anything critical of marxism
I asked another poster who has yet to respond, and I'll ask you too: what is Marxism? How would you define it?
I think I probably started masturbating to legit porn and hentai before I ever masturbated to a mainstream movie or tv show.
an extremely boring show that these two conmen used to make shekels from their fanbase
I'll bite. Marxism is the understanding that profit is actually the worker's surplus labor value.
oops. wrong thread
>I'm curious.
Nah, you're just deliberately being obtuse in hopes it will make you look smart.
daily reminder that JP literally works for UN to supplant neoliberal ideology into the minds of young white men
Isn't Zizek actually taking an Idealist approach to it though?
seeing hints of longterm antidepressant use slowly pecking at jordans brain. lots of heckling too. Zizek also agreeing with peterson that capitalism btfos marxism in practice
The intellectual equivalent of pitting a lightweight boxer vs a heavyweight
kek I agree with three of them but
>putting Millennial Woes on the same list as Jared Taylor
No, you've come to the right thread.
Actually, I was politely pointing out your bullshit.
Wow this sounds epic but how will it stop the hordes of brown people from wanting to kill me for my skin color?
2 people agreeing with each other for 3 hours.
I'm fine with you believing that.
Source on either of these things being said?
So Marxism is the casual observation that when you make money on something, that money is the total amount in the transaction minus the cost of producing the commodity exchanged? That's the most tautological definition of anything I've heard. It sounds like you're the one who doesn't know what Marxism is.
>being a communist
You're automatically a brainlet if you call yourself "left."
>slavoj zizek
Did you even watch the debate?
That's Marxism boiled down to one sentence, yes. The ideas that followed involve the workers owning the means of production and not having their surplus labor skimmed off by someone who isn't actually even working (aka the business owner).
It's not my fault if you have some other bullshit understanding of Marxism.
Is Marx's shit easy to read or will a brainlet like me going to need a copy of "Marxism for Dummies?"
>peterson doesn't understand what postmodernism is
>peterson doesn't understand what marxism is
>okay, what are they then?
>posters disappear
Why bother? If anyone argues from a Marxist perspective he's automatically a retard. There is no debate to be had with someone that stupid.
You don't honestly believe that communist governments killed all those people, do you? You can't possibly be that stupid.
I can support communist happening if it means more dead commies
The Communist Manifesto is literally only like 30 pages. Das Kapital however, is where Marx's real meat and potatoes is, and you'll probably want to read it annotated or abridged.
the mental gymnastics has already started
look at all these assflustered trannies crawling out of the woodwork after you've pointed out their favorite fallacy. like poking a bee hive.
>That's Marxism boiled down to one sentence, yes.
That's "profit" boiled down to one sentence. This is like when feminists claim that "feminism just means you believe men and women should be treated equally". It's a convenient elevator pitch and states something totally innocuous and uncontroversial which betrays the actual underpinnings of the ideology.
So how did they die then?
You know he's explained this like a hundred times.
He never said Marxism and Postmodernists were compatible, he simply described how those people are acting:
They use Postmodernism to defend their position up to a point by saying everything is 'socially constructed', ie gender is a social construct, race is a social construct etc
They also use the Marxist approach of trying to say everything is basically someone oppressing someone else: white people are oppressing black people, men are oppressing women, heterosexuals are oppressing homosexuals etc
That is how those people argue, he is simply describing them as what they are 'Postmodern Neo-Marxist', because that's how they act. Despite the fact those philosophies are fundamentally incompatible when you dig down deep.
You have to be retarded to not realise this at this point.
he was literally a trotskyte
>disease rampant from starvation and destruction of economy
>concentration caps
>secret police
If anything it's probably a conservative estimate. I'm sorry if you've been indoctrinated to think that marxism is magical fairy dust and unicorn farts. But I have to consider anyone that supports Marxism to be a genocidal maniac or a brainwashed minion of the genocidal maniacs.
the government
Ever wonder where these memes come from?
Lobsterfags who were previously unfamiliar with the sniffer are likelier to come away having warmed up to him and his ideas.
Snifflerfags who were previously unfamiliar with the room cleaner won't find anything he says to be compelling enough to take seriously.
Thanks. I'll skim through Kapital next time I'm at Barnes to see if I can handle it.
If you want to attribute random aspects of liberalism to Marxism, then be my guest. You'll be wrong, but I guess you'll be content.
You asked me to define Marxism, bud. Don't get mad at me for doing it in a way you don't like.
>muh marx
>muh capitalism
my fucking god its just the same argument over and over. shut the fuck up, please
A guy with a giant Lenin painting in his house pretending to be a Capitalist.
>1800s book on economics from a kike that never held a job
>every application of these theories has lead to massive death and suffering
>let's do it again
>first of all, a factory owner has to lend money or get investors to build his factory and buy all the equipment
>then he has to go through the bureaucracy of buying land and building a factory there
>then he has to buy raw materials and have them delivered every day
>then he has to train every one of his employees
>then he has to provide his employees all the benefits they get, plus the constant stream of salary
>do all that by undertaking a huge risk
>some retard that only has to put raw materials into a machine for a few hours says that he's owed all the money that is created from his labor
how do you think businesses expand or buy new equipment? do you think it falls out of the sky?
this, the only acceptable idealogies are national socialism or monarchism
that's pathological *sniff* bro
wanting to not get killed in your country is *sniff* pathological
You don't believe that Hitler killed 6 million Jews in 6 years while being at war on every front, do you?