What is the Classic WoW of television and film?
What is the Classic WoW of television and film?
X-Files or The Simpsons.
raiders of the lost ark
also.....whens classic out?
Game of Thrones
The Shawshank Redemption
This summer supposedly. Probably August/Spetember.
Imagine how many disappointed people are going to try and recapture their youth through this nostalgia only to realise the last ten years are gone and you can't get the time back.
Twin Peaks
All sorts of soiboys screaming about its return
u rite
You can never go back
Freaks and Geeks
they should just make a movie about sylvanas already. and cast taylor momsen.
Arrested Development
fpbp. its Simpsons
>he missed the golden age of vanilla wow in 2015-2017
probably the greatest mmo experience of all time and you weren't there lmao
people will do it anyway just for the taste, look at oldschool runescape
>Started off pretty good
>Got continuously better for a few years
>Got worse as time progresses
>Refuses to die
Sounds about right.
My god this is so fucking kino.
more guild wipe kino
the people that want to play classic will get bored of grinding for 5+ hours
If you play classic alone or with 1-2 dudes, you will be disappointed. If you play it with 8-9 friends that all are going full no-life, youll highly enjoy it.
Whats with this meme? Why would some one get bored of something that they're asking for?
This has been proven wrong time and time again with private servers m80
/vg/ guild getting btfo
LOST was comfy
Never played vanilla so I'm not nostalgic for it. I'm still gonna play the shit out of it so long as they don't fuck it up, I've tried it out on private servers in recent years but never dedicated myself because it was unofficial. It was a lot of fun, much more enjoyable than anything I experienced in regular wow (at least after lich king). It's was and will be a good game, just like any other classic vidya that I also play without nostalgia.
The first seasons of The Big Bang Theory
It's not a grind if you're enjoying it. That's the difference. If you're imagining grinding the amount of time it would take in vanilla to level in present day wow, it seems miserable. But it's genuinely fun in vanilla (provided you're not playing completely solo, but even then it's still 50 times better than current wow solo).
Nostalrius achieved 1 million accounts registered, 200k active accounts during the span of 1 year with zero advertising other than word-of-mouth. A server run by a few French guys in their free time.
>he didn't know about the secret donation system on Nost
people are so naive
>people were willing to accept that bullshit because of how good it was
Seems good to me
yeah sure, but "in their free time" is just bullshit, this was their job
What secret donation system? The server was owned and financed by two people in Denmark.
The Simpons
>S01 - 04 = Classic
>S04 - 08 = TBC
>S08 - 12 = WotLK
>S12+ no one gives a shit
Can someone knowledgeable tell me if the rogue permastunning will be a problem? I don't know if the patch that allowed it is the same one they're using (or maybe that worked throughout the whole version) or if they've said anything about changing it. Otherwise it seems like there will be mostly rogues on pvp servers.
When I tried private servers there were always like 40-60% rogues on both sides.
That's very accurate. Perfect analogy.
Diminishing returns on stun is a thing in 1.12.1, so you cant get permastunned. HOWEVER, due to gouge, blind, preparation and sap, you can get perma CC'd.
Rogues are much harder to play perfectly that it looks like. Plus you are cooldown dependent and have to be PvP specced.
I would worry more about frost mages if I were you. Personally my experience with mages was so annoying that Im playing hunter for that reason.
fuck :( we can still pretend
MoP was ok though
Said noone ever.
No-life games was a mistake, is embarrassing that that south park episode could be a good representation of a WoW player
So glad that philosophy is long go and dead
It's more like 15% rogues. One of the more popular classes, second to warrior. (Those are actual stats from multiple huge servers.)
Sap being 60 seconds on paper is not the same as it lasting 60 seconds. It will break randomly way, way before that. It's not a big deal at all. Rogue is powerful in PVP but compared to mage and hunter they're just situationally powerful.
Diminishing returns existed in all of vanilla, so no real permastun.
Like the other guy said, mage is far more annoying in terms of keeping you from playing. You can literally make people unable to play the game for hours.
Simpsons season 3-7
a shitty remake of a sequel originally filmed 20 years prior
Thanks a lot for the info. Rogue has been my main since lich king, and I'm considering if I want to take my love of the class back to vanilla (especially since I prefer playing mostly solo aside from later pve content) or if I should take the opportunity to try something new. Having the ability to perma CC seems fun if I master it, I just hope it won't be a thing anyone can do.
I meant to say in battlegrounds, and it may have only been a temporary thing or pure chance but I remember it happening multiple games. Thanks, I will consider playing a mage. It was my main before switching to rogue. If I end up playing a rogue I'm glad there won't be a ridiculous amount of them.
tfw actually have better memories from nost than actual vanilla
No worries. Youll definitely like rogue, if you like exploring the world and engaging in pvp. Just keep in mind that the "private server culture" has evolved to such a degree, that the best weapons you can possibly get before raids will be pretty much all rolled for by warriors and hunters. Even Felstriker the best dagger is pretty much considered "a warrior weapon" by the tryhards. My point being, gearing up as a rogue can be very hard without a guild.
>I just hope it won't be a thing anyone can do.
Trust me, 90% of rogues cant kill anything outside of a dungeon. It takes real skill, experience and timing to perfectly execute a perma cc. However if you master it, noone can stop you.
Id recommend mage though. The sky is the limit when it comes to skill in pvp. Furthermore, you you can easily farm gold (guides everywhere) and you are always welcomed to 5 mans and raids, due to dmg, sheep and water.
Lastly, just keep in mind that every class in vanilla has disadvantages, but some classes can ruin your experience alltogether (playing warrior without experience).
>tfw ywn wield a pre-hotfox Barmam Shanker ever again
nost replaced my nostalgia for vanilla, now i miss that fucking server instead
>he doesnt realise that WoW classic was 40 years ago
Most WoW classic players are retired now (or dead) and have more than enough time to restart their WoW youth in Azeroth
You're getting me amped up user, I think I'll go with my first choice. I'm really looking forward to it. I am going to try to meet people and be active in the guild, but I still enjoy playing mostly solo when it comes to leveling, world pvp and just making up fun bullshit to do. Ever since switching to a class with stealth I have a hard time enjoying the game without it, unless I force myself to play with others which quickly become tiresome if its constant. Writing in a guild chat while going about on my own and joining a group when its time for a dungeon/raid, that's perfect.
I'll keep that in mind, and I know how powerful and useful they can be. But as I outlined earlier that stealth is worth a great deal to me. I'll continue to consider them until its time, but regardless of which I pick they both sound great to me and I'm looking forward to the release.
quality post
they think they do, but they dont
>The sky is the limit when it comes to skill in pvp
Eh, the skill cap in vanilla is extremely low for any good player in 2019, it's not really as you claim it is
Glad to hear it man. Remember that youll be in the same boat as literally 1000 other people who also want to make friends and experience the joy of playing a game with others.
Personal tip: Avoid guilds with drama, guilds where talking politics is allowed and guilds where there is a tight clique from the start.
Rogue is a great choice and youll highly enjoy it. You can always buy yourself a "Krol blade" (sword) from the AH (usually 500g or more) or you can make yourself a "heatseeker dagger" for pvp or combat daggers. So dont worry about gearing up too much.
Yeah thats totally why blizzard had to step in and kill that dying private server where everyone decided they didn't want classic
>the people that want to play classic will get bored of grinding for 5+ hours
Wrong, I'm testing things out on a private server and resisting the urge to play more. I forgot how addictive wow used to be. The leveling experience was balanced around vanilla so every copper, every drop is useful in some way. The armor vendors actually have useful armor, the greens the drop are actually big upgrades, every skill matters, every talent. Without addons you need to read your quest log and quests actually give a useful amount of silver. You die, alot, and pulling more than one mob is dangerous business
Every single aspect of the classical leveling experience has been diminished by each expansion. Mobs have no challenge, nothing that drops from them is useful and the game tells you where to go fro every quest. You feel like a super powerful badass from moment one(especially when you have heirlooms) and that never stops.
>Eh, the skill cap in vanilla is extremely low for any good player in 2019, it's not really as you claim it is
Yeah and how many "good players" do you imagine inhabit wow?
played on classic priv servers recently. it was great.
The guild
Well most people who are semi-decent at arena will find it extremely lackluster, but you are right Classic wow is more for the casual type of players so most of the players are pretty bad at the game
I've been hearing this since Nostalrius came out. I enjoyed it in 2005, 2015, and I'll enjoy it in 2020.
>Well most people who are semi-decent at arena
And thas when youll be shocked to find out how many potions/trinkets/gimmicks/tricks people will pull out of their ass to beat you in world pvp outside of a sterile and boring experience that is arena.
At the end of the day that is why vanilla was such a great game, because it isnt "elo" or whatever that bullshit mmr is called. Its about killing for the sake of killing. Not always does the best player win in classic, where as in TBC it was always the best combo with the current meta winning in boring setups.
I’ve yet to have this answered. What will I actually need to play classic? I stopped playing midway through wrath and refuse to buy all the new xpacs just to play classic again. I feel like there has to be some catch here.
You dont need anything except for the subscription. No xpacs required.
How does classic WoW autism compare to old school RuneScape autism?
probly just a sub desu. they will probably do a 20 dollar cashgrab to buy it too. when i say sub thiugh, i dont mean wow sub, i mean a separate one.
Thanks for the advice. I can pretty easily recognize when a guild works for me or not, and I have no problem looking around until I find one I like.
I wonder how different it's gonna be now that the average player has such easy access to information, tools and guides compared to when the internet was a disorganized mess. Players used to have no idea what they were doing even if they were open to learn, now only actively ignorant and stubborn idiots will stay that way. For example the sort of information about weapons you just shared (thanks again) that people know of from having already played the game.
Time and some frens
Breaking Bad
Great the first time
Oh I'm well aware of it, I enjoyed some full engineering extremely geared mage PvP on Nost, but skill isn't what I would call it, though obviously the better player wins most of the time.
It gets pretty boring though if you are interested in competitive PvP, it has none of the lasting power of retail WoW arenas has even if they are absolutely awful compared to Wotlk-MoP era.
which is why people continue to play private servers for vanilla and wotlk (and tbc when they aren't complete garbage).
Tfw solo player and enjoy playing priest to healbot. I hope I can find cool people to play with again, felt great to always be welcome and wanted in any party.. unlike irl.
Remember that people also played a closed beta for months before the actual game was launched (myself included). So there might be a sense of elitism, when you are seen as a competent player. Meaning that if you are recognized as skilled, there will be a certain level of assumtpion towards your knowledge. But again, dont worry about all that. Youll catch up in no time.
This website might help.
Well to each their own I guess. I personally love the feeling of running into a guy who jumped me in STV and getting payback. Also in my opinion whats competitive about vanilla pvp is teamwork required to effectively win WSG and AB. Arena is a small experience compared to coordinated premade pvp.
You won't, like everywhere else, people nowdays are all assholes online
Be friendly, be polite, be a alot more patient that in other online games and youll make friends and get invite in no time. Youre in the same boat as many boomer returnees.
I honestly expected more. 10k hours in 6 years is an average of 4,5 hours per day. And only 17 people have that or more. In wow that's average numbers for those who are dedicated, of which there were many thousands/tens of thousands. The times I've dedicated myself to an MMO I easily played 6+ hours per day, and when I didn't have a job it was 10-14 hours. Although that was just for a few months at any time. Still though, there are many who unlike me prefer to keep doing the one thing rather than switch.
Once again I'm grateful. I'll try my best to keep up and look up stuff when I encounter them. Even if I end up with a bunch of elitists I'll make sure they're the kind I enjoy spending time with.
Yeah I agree the experience is fun in those moments and Classic will be very fun for a lot of people in the start and at lower levels for more casual players. But just like at Nost I expect most people will have to accept that at certain gear levels you become unstoppable and it's just farming people and other geared people just becomes a game of rock-scissor-paper depending on their class.
Can't say I really enjoy BGs anymore no matter the setting, but I also have like 600K kills on retail so just a personal thing for me.