What kind of freak would willingly give up eternal life just to put something in their rectum?
Talk about mental illness!
What kind of freak would willingly give up eternal life just to put something in their rectum?
Talk about mental illness!
i dont know why but that pic made me laugh
Because it's enjoyable to see fags in agony.
This so much!
>enjoying seeing people in eternal torture, no matter how wicked they are
See you soon
Are you implying fags are evil? See you there to, breh
based. all fags will burn.
>See you there to
What about adulterers? They're going to the pit as well right?
good luck dying of insertine cancer
The old spicy keychain
homos btfu (burnt the fuck up)
How do you feel pain in hell when you no longer have a body, brain, nerve endings, etc?
What kind of sadistic psychopathic cunt would punish someone FOREVER for the "crime" of being tricked?
>Being gay is sinful degeneracy!
>*Goes back to his life of daily masturbation and never going to church*
You are given all the info you need to make an informed decision about homosexuality. Choosing to believe liberals because it is convenient and feels good is not the same as being le tricked
Not true, I do both. At the same time.
When you die the fire of the holy spirit washes over you. Those who choose God experience complete knowledge of him. Those who chose to be liberals and queers also experience that knowledge but through the incorrect and evil rejection of him, that knowledge is eternal torture.
yes but I'm ashamed of it, that's the difference between me and the faggots.
getting stuff to hit your prostate feels really good. that's why, dumbo.
Christ washes away all sins dummies
oh thats not too bad then
only if you genuinely repent from them, not just because you don't want to go to hell
>Just choose who you're sexually attracted too, it's like flipping a switch bro
>You are given all the info you need to make an informed decision about homosexuality
No you aren't you retarded faggot. And even if you think you are, that doesn't mean you can't be tricked! And even if it DID mean you couldn't be tricked, you're still punishing someone infinitely for a finite crime! There is no possible interpretation where God is not a sadistic psychopath.
Reminder, while you still have time.
Ok well its good youre making an informed choice. See you in the afterlife, hope you're not too much like the pic in op when you realize what happened. Remember tho: you are making an informed, free choice at this moment. Enjoy the fruits of that choice!
Keep up the cope. This is pathetic to witness. I'll pray for you. Your emotionallu stunted judgment of God doesnt change the fact that he is real
What if I believe all of this, but I kill myself?
Will I still go to Heaven?
No, but maybe if youre some idiot Pr*d you might think so. Anyway you're probably going to hell because youre a pedantic little nonbeliever
AIDS isnt working fast enough. still way too many niggers and faggots around
>there’s only one God
>but also he’s Jesus
>who was his son
>if you check yes on this box you get to heaven
>we definitely aren’t getting you to make arbitrary statements on command as a way to control you
>t. incel
Depends on the reason why you kill yourself, I guess.
Consider giving up your life for another instead. The Bible says self-sacrifice and martyrdom is a fast track to heaven.
>maybe if youre some idiot Pr*d you might think so
The C*tholic catechism literally says that people who commit suicide cannot be held responsible for it as they are not in the right frame of mind.
Your soul will burn with agony in the purifying fires of purgatory for what feels like ten thousand years until it is completely remolded and reborn from the misshapen, degenerate, and hopeless creature that you are.
is Yea Forums the most hallowed board on channel 4.
american (((christianity)))
based redditors
I'm getting mixed signals here.
>unironic pedophiles, homosexuals, and degenerate foot fetishists
Not even close.
judging others is a sin, that is God's job. I hope you all find jesus before it's too late.
Imagine choosing the wrong one.
If you believe in yank Christianity all you have to do is believe in God to go to Heaven. Mental.
>adhering your life to a death cult from the middle east desert.
>omnipotent god
>can't even bother himself to put on a yearly spectacle to show off his incredible powers
>When you die the fire of the holy spirit washes over you
A spiritual bukakke?
how do i know which religion is the right one so i dont get sent to hell or get reincarnated in a shitty body
what if i just pray to a vague, nondescript god ?
>Guys! All those other religions are the wrong ones!
>Also all 300000 religions that have come before were wrong
>But this time it's real guys! This is the real deal!
This is such a bad image
I remember when I was 20 years old
Why would god, the omnipotent omniscient omnipresent force in the universe who didn’t intervene when humans were mass murdering each other during countless conflicts throughout history, even give a shit who you have sex with? This is the dude who was like “Irish potato famine? Holocaust? Trail of tears? That’s crazy! You do you, humanity!” And he’s gonna turn around be like “WHOAH WHAT THE FUCK YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE DOING BUTT STUFF! NOT COOL! ETERNAL DAMNATION FOR ALL DOERS OF BUTT STUFF!”? Solid ideology you got their shit head
yikes and yikespilled
When you stop using logic?
Why did god create male prostates then? Answer me that
Unironically this
Satan put them there when God wasn't looking.
Adam grew a prostate after partaking of the Tree of Knowledge
Nice arguments you got there fucbois.
If you know anything about statistics you would understand that the chances of any current religion being 'the real deal' are astronomically low.
Yeah sure god hates gay people. It’s not that all religions are methods of control over their respective populations and that it’s in the best interest of the ruling class to shame the underclass who aren’t breeding and replenishing the supply of cheap labor. The god thing that makes more sense, totally.
>hurr derisive greentext with slojak
>nice argument fucbois
not an argument
You were one sperm amongst trillions of ejaculated by your father throughout his life time, only a tiny fraction of which were intended to go inside a womb without contraception. The probability of you as a person being conceived is likely lower than the probably of life on another planet, yet here you are.
The gayest thing in the world is teenage atheists thinking that they've discovered ONE NEAT TRICK TO PWNING GOD that 2000 years of theology has never considered.
It's really Protestants' fault for their garbage eschatology totally infesting American culture
> Afterlife before judgement day.
It's like they didn't even read their shitty book.
>And they'll know we are Christians by our love
kek what is this protestant bullshit
>thread denouncing the homosexuals on the television and film board
>65 posts
Too bad 2000 years of theology doesn’t logically prove the existence of God. And no, Aquinas’s 5 ways are not good proofs
as well as all theives and masturbators
Cry more, Synagogue of Satan.
This, true Christians would accept and love gays despite disagreeing with their sinful lifestyles. These are just larping /pol/fags who think Christianity somehow supports them
based and redpilled
>The probability of you as a person being conceived is likely lower than the probably of life on another planet, yet here you are.
Huh? He's just another person like millions of others, there's nothing unique about him at birth at all
Wrong love means saving them from eternal suffering. Unless you want some demon ejaculating molten iron on your face and anus everyday forever
True christians would kill every kike and let God sort them out
>protestants are more up in arms with gays then they are with abortions
Your fruits are rotten.
Theye both bad, depending on the race
>make some people biologically disposed to being attracted to other men
>a male falls in love with another man and they have 30 happy years together
imagine being this hateful.
polfag and notChristian detected
True Christians are good goys