Out of all the new Star Wars movies can we all agree that Solo and Rogue One were the only good ones?
Out of all the new Star Wars movies can we all agree that Solo and Rogue One were the only good ones?
Solo doesn't deserve the hate it receives.
They were all garbage. Kill yourself cock sucking shill faggot.
Nu wars deserves every modicum of hatred it receives.
Rogue One was the only good one.
Solo was not good.
Rogue One is a videogame
Solo isn't Star Wars and Rogue One was unnecessary. But yes, both were the only good ones.
Solo was horrendous
Rogue One was trash made for manbabies
They were all boring and shitty.
why do redditshits always need some consensus?
please kill yourself.
not Solo. was awful
>Rogue One was the only good one.
Irebel was a mistake. Get some standards you pathetic faggot.
rogue one wasn't horrible
solo was completely unnecessary and offered no value
mouse can't into star wars, it's dead. there will be some half-assed attempts to make more sw before stopping completely and after a while disney will sell sw back to lucas for $500m
t. Cuck letter media
Consensus fags should be executed.
Solo was bad. It wasn't insultingly bad as TLJ, but it was still bad. Rogue One was a competent film, but it was so harmless plot wise that it was hard to care about it.
good films >>> FA>RO>>>LJ
Not seen Solo
I dont watch that youtube shit zoomer faggot.
Rogue One was ruined by reshoots. Solo was decent at best and kinda fun, that by default made it the best Disney Wars film.
If you didnt drop it after tfa you're part of the problem.
Please don't contribute to a thread where we're discussing films you've not even seen
I still haven't seen solo.
The movie looks like ass. Could they not afford a light bulb
Attack of the Clones is a masterpiece compared to the abomination that is Solo
I saw it at my sisters last week. It was faggot shit for moronic zoomers.
Rogue was alright but Solo is Liquid shit
I liked Solo and Rogue One just on their aesthetic design based on the OT (less for Solo).
>around the shill thread a perimeter create.
What film?
Kill yourself reddit.
faggot shit nusolo
Nah, Solo was complete shit
The only thing I remember about Rogue is the cute ass rabbit and fan pandering bullshit.
I don't get what point you're making, so you're part of the problem too?
>cute ass rabbit
what did he mean by this
>cute ass rabbit
That fucking hag couldnt even move her face lest her wrinkles become to prominent.
if solo wasn't released as closely to TLJ it probably would have done better. it was still a colossal heap of shit and I booed when darth maul came on screen
disney will never get another cent out of me.
Is solo worth the watch? I was watching a stream that crashed 15 min in or so and couldn’t be arsed to find a better one because I was turned off by female Jabba the Hutt replacement, Chaloresee and a stupid car chase scene
If you’re bored. The movie itself is pretty boring and extremely predictable but it’s interesting to see the “explanations” for random OT things. (One of which was very clever and a good addition)
Kill yourself dumb fuck
This human garbage is a fucking shill. Disregard his post. Solo is fucking atrocious. Totally shits on Harrison Ford and Han Solo as a character, it's also a huge fucking insult to anyone who read the eu.
Solo gets a pass solely because it gives us a new look at the galaxy. Same with Rogue One.
I hate how sterile and boring these new movies are. The opening of Solo on Corellia and the casino scenes were so nice. Like, almost all of the sets are so much fun and new and exciting. Kessel was fun, the whole tunnel through the maze was fun, the battle scene on Mimban could've been better but they're balanced out by the heist scene. The movie is legit good.
The last 30 minutes of Rogue One are the best Star Wars movie in almost 40 years.
You spelled wife wrong
>I'm a disney wars shill
TFA was the only one that even remotely approached serviceable and it was still garbage
I literally said that I hate half of the movies they have produced.
This, though the EU was garbage, too.
The only way that film retcon of Han Solo's EU backstory works is if you make him secretly some rich kid from Corellian high society who got bored with private school and fingering heiresses in country club bathrooms and decided to start racing speeders for fun before he ends up ditching his life in the space Hamptons for good to run drugs with his wookie sidekick.
It would totally invert his character if you saw him as some kid from fancy prequel -looking parties being pressured by his parents to become a space diplomat or an imperial officer while he makes excuses and ducks out to race his hopped-up speeder for credits as a fish-out-of-water rich kid like Paul Walker in the original F&F. It would also explain his cockiness and "I'm better than everyone and everything" attitude perfectly.
You literally suck cock.
>Spielberg-dictated casting
DisneyLucasfilm thought they could fix Solo like they fixed Rogue One i.e. taking on a Darth ending. Maul was tacked onto Solo after Lord & Miller were forced out.
This. It literally was a mission straight from Rogue Squadron. That’s why I have a soft spot for it. I don’t mind if Disney makes them more like this.
solo was really bad, mainly cause bad lead actor and a han solo that wasnt han solo in personality at all. In solo he's a feminist instead of an anti feminist.
rogue one was terrible.
Solo was boring, Rogue One was the only good one
It wasnt good, faggot.
I refused to watch Solo as soon as I heard about the name.
What the fuck, what about Thracken Sal Solo? There are entire novels around the Solo lineage. Fuck Disney.