Are you tired of Star Wars and do you want the franchise to die? Why or why not?
Star Wars
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I just want it to be good again instead of bad.
It will never have the magic it had when I was young so I just stopped caring, if it dies it dies it doesn't really matter I still have my memories.
Same. But I doubt the ((SJWS) will let that happen.
I think they’re interesting to watch from a writing standpoint. Like how I would write a Solo/Obi Wan movie vs what they pull out of their ass.
I do get almost no enjoyment from them anymore though.
Admittedly the Star Wars land looks like a wonderful experience, but I doubt I’ll ever want to subject myself to Disneyland again.
I hope they make good games eventually
I'm tired of Disney's terrible fucking version of it. I want the real Star Wars back. I miss George Lucas. I miss the EU. I miss good books, comics, and games. Not one single good piece of non-film Star Wars media in 6 years. They have squandered and destroyed every attempt.
At this point I'm just so fucking tired of hearing about it. Just kill it and move on already. But of course they won't. Disney will squeeze every last red cent out of this corpse of a franchise if it takes them a century - and it likely will.
>Original Star Wars
Three movies over six years
Three movies over six years
(Soon to be) five movies over four years
I don't want the franchise to die but Disney is the wrong studio for this and as long as SW is made under Mouse banner it's gonna be shit. that's a fact of life. so kill it and cross fingers that a worthy studio picks it up.
literally looks like a man in this picture
100% autism over 13 years.
Because it is.
There is no right studio for it, only Lucas. If not him, then no one else should touch it.
"You're either the hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
Same with Star Wars and Marvel let em die.
Open more opportunities for fresh ideas and stop using old material
Only franchise that deserves eternal life is Godzilla
I want the franchise to die because the people running it have no original ideas and have given up doing anything new with it. There's no structural difference between the political, spiritual, or aesthetic difference between the Original Trilogy.
>Republic's gone and the Empire reigns
>The Jedi are nearly extinct with the Dark Side reigning
Snoke being killed off a movie early was the best part of the ST but now Sidious is being brought back and all the shills that praised Rian Johnson for being original and clearing the deck for Episode 9 to truly be unique are now praising Abrams for bringing back Palpatine. The franchise has been completely subsumed by normies, the death knell for any creativity.
This. I'm tired of the new triology since it took all the old beloved characters and their accomplishments and took a giant shit over all of them, completely ruining them and turning their accomplishments into failures, all so that Rey Mary Sue, Comedic Relief Token Nigger Finn, Meaning Spic Who Does Nothing Poe, and Super Diverse Cast Tico can take their place and accomplishments. The ST is an abomination. I just want good Star Wars.
Tired of -Disney- Star Wars.
Don't want the franchise to die but would like the rights to go to some other company that will come up with original stories and settings instead of milking the OT material, and perhaps make the old extended universe canon again.
What is it about star wars that makes its most rabid fans become racist and angry all the time? How do you go from
>Wow X Wings, I love Clone Troopers whee
>Fucking nigger kike spics
It's just a fun space series.
>star wars that makes its most rabid fans become racist
“The dark side”
It's not about Star Wars that makes us like that, it's about liberals who care more about diversity and their own politics/beliefs so they make those things their priority in their movies, rather than making good Star Wars movies, while at the same time ruining the old movies by taking a dump on all the old characters so that their token diverse characters can be the real heroes.
/pol/ spam doesn't reflect actual fans.
Idiots like 113226836 are just trying to get your replies. They post constantly everywhere so they can get off reading their own posts.
She should be naked
Tranny horse.
Star Wars is likely never going to be good again and doesn't need to be explored further.
That's fair.
It seems like Star Wars attracts the most of those schizos on this board, but I guess that's just a symptom of its popularity.
I've noticed that people who get the angriest seem to know the least about it, like the legion of retards that say that Clone Wars is a Disney cartoon or shit like that.
I don't want Star Wars to die, i want Star Wars to succeed but Disney killed the future of the series when they axed the Old EU and took strict control over the creative processes for the Nu-EU.
The prequels may have been bad movies but the Old EU stuff during that time was pure Star Wars ludo: KotOR1/2, Gennedy Wars, TCW, RC, Jedi Outcast/Knight, etc. so even if the fans didn't like the movies they could always play a game, watch a show, or read a book/comic if they wanted good new Star Wars material.
The sequels are trash and unfortunately for fans they can't look elsewhere to get their star wars fix because almost everything else sucks just as hard as the sequels do: Rebels, Resistance, EAfront 1/2, etc. And the fans are tired of it, clearly shown by Solo bombing.
God she's so fucking cute and beautiful man. It's a shame her character sucks. I really wish the writing of the Sequel trilogy had been good, because Rey seems like she could've been a great protagonist that you can root for. But the people making these films were so focused and hard set on making a strong female protagonist, that they either forgot or didn't bother to write vulnerabilities and flaws for her. You know, things that make a character relatable.
Rey was a poor homeless girl, who suddenly and without any way of earning it, gained great power and status, over the course of 72 hours. Who the fuck can relate to that?
>Are you tired of Star Wars
>do you want the franchise to die
>Why or why not?
because I don't really care that much about the franchise and in terms of what Star Wars does to cinema and movie goers and culture and that general argument. I believe that if it wasn't Star Wars it would be something else. GI JOE or He-Man or Thundercats...there would be some childhood beloved thing in SW's place being milked for every penny they could get there would be people inexplicably latched on to it and people screaming that this is what's wrong with movie.
My kids enjoy Disney Wars, so it is fine.
I'm still in doubt if they deliberately make bad decisions or if they're just incompetent; either way if I want star wars now I play The old Republic, nuwars is dead to me.
It's strange, because making a good star wars movie seems to be one of the easiest things in existance, yet they keep fucking it up in ways that are so daft that it has to be studio decisions, ie decisions from peopel who haven't even seen the original trilogy yet think they know best.
Tired of Disney's approach.
>more humans with an extreme focus on diversity
>pitiful amount of aliens
>too much focus on the OT
>stepping back from movies every year because they believe it's fatigue rather than their own inompetance
Unfortunately, women. Specifically attractive women. Good genetics pretty much enables them to coast on easy mode just like rey. Have every one like them just like rey. Hand every thing to them just like rey. Plus delusion of having another set of parents and actually being a princess is pretty common just like rey.
Disney should have found writers and not jewish YA typing monkeys.
>Episode 1-6
The true Star Wars story
>Episodes 7-9 + spin-offs
No, its pretty good especially for the new generation who they are intended for.
You faggots should seriously grow the fuck up and let the kids enjoy them like you did the OT (lmao old faggots) and the PT (get a life).
Have sex
t. Disney PR
Too much too fast.
People wouldn't have bitched so much if there was three years in between movies like there was with the OT
>Are you tired of Star Wars and do you want the franchise to die?
>>Why or why not?
NuWars is less about telling an interesting and entertaining story than about using nostalgia to squeeze every last dollar out of the fanbase.
Truthfully, the franchise needs to die so Disney can begin telling new stories instead of rehashing old ones (See: Live Action version of all their 90s animation).
you're part of the problem. Tfa ruined star wars.
t.struck a nerve
the series died in that throne fight room with the dancing retards spinning around with their weapons disappearing mid attack
can someone explain the plot line for the sequel trilogy?
surely someone must know
>Only franchise that deserves eternal life is Godzilla
Good lord no
The series died with tfa
Disney wont allow it to be good, because they're in the business of subversion, not entertainment. It would take a huge overhaul of that company's management and priorities to save it, so it may as well just die.
This problem is not exclusive to Star Wars.
The Internet gives a voice to people who really don't deserve it, best you can do is ignore them.
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
I want imagination and wonder, not a Disneyland ride.
The series died with the first scene from tlj, tfa was a bad re hash of anh but it could be saved within the next two sequels, rian johnson crashed that ship with no survivors
>it could be saved within the next two sequels, rian johnson crashed that ship with no survivors
Fuck off with that utter bullshit you retarded little cock sucker.
I still love the OT, Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games and X-Wing/TIE Fighter games.
Even though everything else is garbage, they can't take those away from me.
No, I'm not tired of Star Wars. I love Star Wars. I grew up with it and it's part of me. What I'm tired of, is Mouse Wars shitting up the place, giving the real fandom a bad name and dragging the rest of the franchise down with it.
Fuck off, Mouseketeer.
at this point I just reenact tales of the jedi and dark empire in my head and pretend I'm watching a movie
>do you want the franchise to die?
The ST made everything done in the OT completely pointless. All they had to do was make the ST take place 100 years in the future with everyone from the OT being dead for a long time and it could have been fine. Instead they retroactively shit on the OT.
Star Wars can't be saved anymore because they ruined the one thing that kept everyone interested in Star Wars in the first place, the OT.
I don't care anymore. TFA and TLJ made me realize Star Wars was never really good.
People need to stop giving TFA a free pass, because "they could have saved it". I mean, maybe, but TFA was a terrible movie that left very little to work with for the poor cunt who had to write a sequel.
>Go on. Make Snoke a compelling character. Do it Rian. Take these heroes that have no motivation and no struggle, and make them work, Rian.
Fuck off Satan
>100% autism over 13 years.
doesnt take autism to realize nu wars is rushed, ill-thought out garbage
I'm not tired of Star Wars. I'll keep playing the old games and reading the EU. I am, however, tired of Disney's trash. Obviously, I'd love for it to be good again, but death of the franchise is preferable to this.
How fast they released it has nothing to do with it. The problem is the quality. Disney has owned Star Wars for over six years and the only decent thing they have to show for it is the latter half of Rogue One.
I like the pretentious youtube videos explaining why they suck
>decent thing
>latter half of Rogue One.
You are part of the problem.
>What is it about star wars that makes its most rabid fans become racist and angry all the time? How do you go from
people loved and accepted lando calrissian.
people were completely amazed by james earl jones voice acting for vader
people accepted and grew to like the maori mandalorians jango/boba/clone troopers
people enjoyed samuel l jackson as a jedi master
hell, even with nuwars: people said forest whitaker was the best actor in Rogue One and people universally agreed Donald Glover's Lando performance put Emilia Clarke, Woody Harrelson, and Alden Ehrenreich to shame, stealing the limelight.
claiming 'star wars fan are racist and sexist' is just very pathetic deflection.
even the whole 'there were no strong female characters in star wars, thank god for Rey' is a fucking insult to carrie fischer and natalie portman whose characters were infinitely more believable, likable, and held high positions of power in both the story and with their acting. people hate nu wars CAUSE IT SUCKS and people hated Rose, Finn, spic boy, lauren dern, etc BECAUSE THEIR PERFORMANCES SUCKED AND/OR WERE SO CLEARLY CHOSEN TO PUSH AN AGENDA INSTEAD OF CHOSEN FOR THEIR MERITS/ABILITY TO ACT/FIT IN IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE.
No, you are, Rogue One was kino.
This, desu, senpai
Kill yourself nu wars fag, it was fucking awful.
Even if IX makes eleventy bagillion hyperbux domestic on opening weekend at the box office, it's gonna suck balls. Which will retroactively make the title they had the arrogance to give it even funnier.
I corrected myself, its bandwaggoning /pol/tards that are racist, not actual fans.
>eleventy bagillion
zoomers should be executed
The one nuwars movie that can be called "well-made" is R1, and that's only because of the way it looks. Too bad it wasted a great performance and a villain with potential. Krennic could have easily been the main villain in a future trilogy. Why not go that way? The big bad is a narcissist officer and great tactician with a little too much power. Maybe he's staging a coup, I don't know. I'm just spitballing here. Point is, it's the only time the Mouse managed to get the visual part halfway right. Once. And the villain was pretty okay. Once. But they still haven't figured out how to get the soul part right.
I hate nu wars, Rogue One was kinoscopic.
>bandwaggoning /pol/tards
If anyone was bandwaggoning it would be the holes and shippers.
>Krennic could have easily been the main villain in a future trilogy.
good point, krennic was believable as an imperial officer, compared to that fucking general Hux faggot who always seemed to be on the verge of pathetic, cringey rage-tears.
Also, the Vader scene was cool as shit, BUT:
I. It created a plot hole just by existing. If the only thing separating you from an angry Vader is ten feet of narrow hallway and a door, you're not getting outta there alive.
II. Vader uses a two-handed grip on his lightsaber and doesn't do flashy shit. They're treating him like a fucking circus animal, the same way they're parading around the original cast. But hey, at least the actors will know peace when they die. Unlike Vader. He's just a suit to them, and they have him forever. Fuck Disney.
III. Edwards should be ashamed of himself for being arrogant enough to think he could pull off Vader.
Yes, let it die.
Even the original trilogy wasn't that great and contributed heavily to the dumbing down of American cinema and the constant braindead capeshit we get now. The entire franchise is bullshit for manbabies and faux nerds. (real neckbeards always preferred Star Trek and Babylon 5)
>cool as shit
Like Kylo Ren said "Let the past die".
>Even the original trilogy wasn't that great
>Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia
How to spot a Mouseketeer 101. "Star Wars was never good" is the new narrative.
This. As long as someone competent is behind the franchise then I don’t care if it continues. Otherwise, it needs to stay dead. Disney has ruined it.
Is this some sort of newfag support group?
SW has been shit since episode 1
tumblr/ disney moms are out in force this weekend
>Even the original trilogy wasn't that great
literally wrong
If I had any affiliation with Disney I wouldn't want the franchise to die, you're probably a paranoid schizophrenic.
The old movies are simply not as good as fanboys want to pretend. The newer ones are certainly worse but the original trilogy was still juvenile bullshit designed to sell toys to overgrown babies (and it worked.)
Grow up, there are many better science fiction movies out there.
Like Blade Runner
Kill yourself shill
I'm racist against shitty characters that only get praise because of "diversity".
Star Wars is fantasy in space. Obviously there are better sci-fi movies. This isn't one.
Zionist Whores: The Last Bar Mitzvah
You pseudo-intellectuals are the worst. Lucas was by default a patron to some of the most brilliant technical minds in film, which he used to satisfy his perfectionism and bring Star Wars to the world. George's autism and ILM are responsible for technological advancements in cinema, that not even Jimmy Cameron himself can hold a candle to. The OT might be just another version of the good ol' Hero's Journey, but you'll always be a pretentious asshole.
I agree on everything except
>spic boy
Isaac passes as white though
>Isaac passes as white
you wish mutt.
Passes as a jew.
What about the James Luceno and Zahn books?
Nu wars sucks faggot cock you retarded reddit piece of shit
I'm a white european and italians and spaniards similar to him still pass as white to me
There are two types of directors nowadays.
1. Those that think "diversity" and "social justice" make a film good. Everything else is secondary. (i.e. Nu-Star Wars, all female Ghostbusters, all female Oceans 11, etc.)
2. Those that think background/lore and cinematography make a film good. Everything else is secondary. (i.e. The Revenant, Mad Max: Fury Road, Interstellar, etc.)
If you haven't figured it out yet, Disney has fully accepted the first category even worse, with a focus on (((merchandising))) everything first, which is why they keep hiring idiots like Rian Johnson, and is why almost all of their modern movies have been absolute dogshit. It only seems racist to you because you're too much of a dunce to recognize why people shit on the "diverse" characters. It's not about hating a particular race, everyone loved Lando and Mace for example, and other "diverse" characters, but rather it's about attacking the motive and the primary focus (see point 1.) of the people making the movies, albeit in a nuanced and ironically racist way.
>not being attracted to Daisy Ridley
literally homosexual
It’s amazing that Disney has killed Star Wars dry so fast. Something like Star Wars should last decades.
>that swollen cokeface
Lol I mean she's OKAY dude... Nothing special
What is this, The Last of the Mohicans?
There is no way for Star Wars to permanently "die".
If Rise of Skywalker is a flop, Disney will just wait a couple years and try again. No reason for them to do anything else.
Remember when we got 2 really shitty X-Men movies in a row, in 2006 and 2009, and people thought that franchise was dead/ruined?
They course corrected and released a good X-Men only 2 years after that.
Much like during the prequel trilogy, most things OUTSIDE of the movies are still pretty good.
>isaac passes as white
star wars will go on endlessly, until it stops making money "it wont" and it will get progressively shittier with every new spinoff/trilogy
it must suck to be a starwars fanboy
I remember visiting my mother some years ago. I was walking and there she was, a 50 y o lady watching TV. When she noticed me she said
>look at this fucking crap
The scene was Luke and solo taking shelter in that snow camel
Moral of the story: only children and man children ever cared about star wars.
>making any more movies past the newest one
Why would God subjugate is to that?
yes and because people are too obsessed and brainwashed by it it's ruining the civilization
leia is her mom and her and kylo end up being siblings. what a fucking twist
>"it wont"
Unclear why you put that in quotes but Solo didn't make money, and Rise of Skywalker might be considered a flop if it makes less than 1 bil, which is very possible.
>unclear why you put that in quotes
to emphasize the point, and I get that solo bombed, but im convinced that has to do more with the TLJ backlash then the star wars brand as a whole.
this, except star trek and babylon 5 are also shit
Anyone who is over the age of 18, who is a fan of star wars should be publicly beaten
>be me, circa 1998
>watch a new hope on a vhs on pic related
>kino af
>pretend im luke skywalker and fighting evil and saving vader from being bad
>get a x wing model
>play with it, pretend my house is the death star and im blowing it up
>watch episode 7
>its just unoriginal nostalgia driven horrible shit
>watch tlj
>single handedly destroyed luke skywalker
>single handedly destroyed the entire mythos of the force
>made a mockery of the good vs evil angle in starwars
its just sad what star wars is today.
Nailed it.
Thats because you're a retarded child who sucks disney cock.
forgot pic kek
even if he doesn't and even if they chosed him because he's a spic, it doesn't matter, he's still the only attractive member of the new cast, better than horseface and a monkey with funny body type. I understand the diversity bait because they're desperate to attract more people since their writing alone couldn't save them, but at least they could've hired actually attractive black and asian people. One of the reasons why chinks didn't like TLJ was because they found boyega repulsive and he was kissing an asian chick.
>first scene of tlj
hey remember that space nazi who blew up 5 planets? lets just make him comic relief. in fact, lets just make the entire first order a joke. why should space nazis be a credible threat in this universe? unless nuwars is some weird meta commentary on fantasy films, then thats unacceptable
>chosed him
Kill yourself
Jewishness is Maternal
Frank Oz isn't jewish if his mother isn't.
Jew is not an ethnicity.
Might as well say your ethnicity as guitarist.
Was never a star wars kid I've probably watched the movies originals and the prequels about 3 times in my life each. I saw the first of the new wave and I'd rather watch the prequels on loop for 24 hours then watch it one more time because at least there are cool designs in the prequels. What I heard about TLJ made me decide to never involve myself with the new movies again.
We'll never a mini series about jan ors and kyle katarn's mercenary adventures.
It should be put out of its misery at this point. There's no undoing the Prequels or Sequels.
I watched Force Awakens and thought it was pure shit. The worst of Star Wars. I vowed to never see one again. I haven't seen one since. I then heard they shat all over the Monomyth by making a subversive flick about a hobo Luke Skywalker.
The modern individual doesn't have an idea of what makes a heroic figure and ultimately the masculine and religious manifestation that can come from it.
This often results in poorly produced protagonists in modern Hollywood Cinema. But not only that, they scoff at such a thing. They indulge in debauchery and the hero suffers the same fate as God - they despise and kill him. We've seen this with the likes of some Marvel. Iron Man 1 is a stark contrast to any other modern Marvel origin story.
The result is modern Star Wars. A complete disregard for generations of storytelling and what it inspired and provided. Gone are the days of King Arthur, or even Luke fucking Skywalker, and what we're ultiamtely left with is a protaginst no one will remember in a hundred years. Fuck Star Wars, but most of all fuck Disney.
If it dies, it dies. But only because people haven’t had a fucking clue how to make a decent Star Wars film for thirty-some fucking years.
The only way to save it would be to get away from the current continuity and start with a relatively blank slate. But not a reboot. Distant past. Distant future. Different galaxy or alternate universe. Tell a good, consistent story with compelling characters and keep the social engineering and real-world politics out of it. That said, I have zero faith in Disney, Lucasfilm or anyone else in Hollywood to actually do that.
i would like for it to end. I was satisfied with ep 4-6