Where do you think her career goes next?

Where do you think her career goes next?

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right 'ere *points at dick*

imagine how many producers saw that angle in person

I think it will be ruined when it comes out she was fucking her married producer while his wife is pregnant

Attached: elle fanning 65.jpg (612x612, 91K)

SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE ______ ______

I want to blacked her

Is there a pornstar that looks like her?

Sounds like something Kstew would do.


i love her as much as i hate myself

What a fucking slut.

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Nah. Anyone else?

Sounds hot

Nice glasses, nerd lmao.

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She is gonna be a surprising 27 clubber if not earlier. Coke binge.

Mary is pure

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What an angel.

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tfw keep having weird sex dreams about getting kstew back into dick (and making her grow her hair long again)

Dakota's fat friend took that pic

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Ella Hollywood


Is that smeared makeup or did she date a black guy?

HOw you know?

A scene with Based Mike Adriano

She's dressed for the part.

Attached: Elle TrueAnal.png (1280x960, 1.45M)

>trying to be a trap with those eyebrows and that bone structure



Groundbreaking lesbian movie with her sister

I wanna pound Keely while Elle watches us and laughs.

She's literally Kiernan Shipka but hotter

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she's gonna keep churning out three bombs a year every year until she croaks

Looks like a girl to me

>tfw your cute pure waifu has grown up to become a thot like everyone else
it hurts bros

she's a woman user, all women are sluts

And that's how I know you've never seen a real girl's genitalia

>She's literally Kiernan Shipka but hotter
That's Alexia Gold

Attached: Alexia Gold.jpg (798x1200, 95K)

Twitch streaming.

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Interracial hopefully.

Is that possible natty?

Attached: elle fanning 6bakEgwhi.jpg (720x479, 152K)

lel fucking inbred jews, bet they were seething at Elle in school

>pokemon go

this pic is a leak btw

Is this Avril Lavigne?

Attached: elle fanning 30829613_1734278234788.jpg (612x612, 64K)

She was top cute a few years ago. What the fuck happened?

She took the thot pill, like most young women with money

if it follows my dreams she'll star in a movie with anya taylor joy that involves lots of physical contact

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