Was it Autism?

Was it Autism?

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Read too much Thoreau.

just an elaborate suicide

Should have stayed with Kristen Stewart

Should have bought more rice

Why go all the way to Alaska to eat poisoned berries? Just eat them at home

He did pretty much the human equivalent of this

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eddie vedder is a fucking faggot and i can't wait for the day where i'll shit on his grave

but he's so smart if he planned to kill himself thats pretty lame payoff

He was unironically based. Imagine participating in society. Once I finish college I plan on moving to Alaska and living in a cabin in the woods

He lived a full life.
Just because he died by accident, his life doesn't automatically become a tragedy. People die by accident all the time.

It's a mystery to me
We have a greed
With which we have agreed
You think you have to want
More than you need
Until you have it all you won't be free

this, he probably lived more in 1 year than i will in my entire life

That pissed me off but I was even more furious when he didn't let the old man adopt him.

He was a fucking MAN, why be adopted?

I took it more like he was asking him if he could be like a father to him rather than officially signing papers or anything more literal.

Pttff I shit post more in one day than this dead faggot did in a lifetime.

Nah, just a privileged brat.

Think about it. He has all these quasi-important statements to make on the banality of life and what being human really needs, yet he has the audacity to literally burn money that isn't his (as opposed to giving the money away to someone that needs it, or dare I say donating it to some nature conservation group). He meets tons of interesting people throughout his journey that enjoy his presence and want him to stay, but he laughs them off in the name of pretentiousness and self-destruction. World is better off without him. Literally the only person who wanted this to be a movie was Sean Penn, the king of this bullshit way of looking at the world.

I wouldn't quite say suicide, but I think he deliberately put himself into situations where death was a strong possibility. It pretty much is suicide, but it's a big difference than sticking a gun in your mouth.

When the last tree is gone, and the last whatever whatever, only then will you discover that *you can't eat money*.

...which is why if you're looking to burn through money, you might as well put it toward something that helps preserve the life of plants that literally give us air to breathe.

not sure what point you're trying to make here, but you sound about as pretentious as Chris so thumbs up dude

>be privileged brat
>get taught stupid ideas in college
>decide society is harsh and uncaring
>resolve to go live inna woods
>discover that society's idea of "harsh and uncaring" is a pale imitation based on the real thing

Of course.
But why would he need a father figure? He was a grown man.

His sister wrote a book claiming he was physically and sexually abused by their parents and it fucked his head up. Parents denied everything.

This. Probably took some 100 American Lit course and autistically began obsessing over him and living in the woods

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He could have lived innawoods in the lower 48.
There's still remote areas in the middle of the country he could live off the grid. What a waste of life

This is what happens when you're book smart but not intelligent. Plus a snowflake cuddling Mother who convinced him he could do anything just because he read about it.

link to this? never heard about it but that's really interesting if true

Actually, you can eat money. It's wood fibre. It's a filler. So while you feast on all the bugs that will outlive the apocaylpse you can help stuff your obese self with dollar dollar bills ya'll and survive to an ... well, until you do something stupid like trying to fuck a rotten corpse because its your first time.


I was literally just quoting the phrase.
I don't get why you're hating on some guy just trying to figure out life??

Dude. Take a weekend out of the year to go camping. I know the graphics ain't so great but it's worth it once and awhile.

William Hurt breaking down in the street crying always breaks me, like holy fuck

It's more like why are you defending someone who did something ridiculously stupid?

At least when Cheryl Strayed (Wild, also movie with Reese Witherspoon) did it, it was on a path where she could periodically stop for supplies and help if need be.

Because his shitty mistakes are literally spun as something admirable and taught to kids in schools nationwide. Valuing nature is extremely important and can be done by teaching people how to actually live in the woods in a manner that's both safe for you and the surrounding environment, without being a dick to others like Chris was. But that's not as exciting as something that's narrative, somewhat fictional and more fun to read, which is why Into the Wild is brought up so often. Kids will automatically identify with anyone who "sticks it to the man," so the discourse surrounding this book should really be carried out in a more responsible manner.

>But why would he need a father figure? He was a grown man.
Because he was an impulsive kid with barely any survival skills to rely on and therefore it was inevitable he would get himself killed. The only reason he was so sure of himself is due to how unstable his relationship with his parents was, which lead to him having to become so self-assured since they constantly undermined him. The old guy can see this in McCandless which is why he doesn't call his plan is straight-up retarded since that's the same thing the father would say. Maybe he was too late in his life to need a father figure but it was worth a try by the old guy considering how upset with his parents McCandless was.

Pretty much this movie is shown as a cautionary tale.
Literally no one shows this to kids as a good idea.

>how upset with his parents McCandless was
Imagine being a parent. Giving your kid everything. Helping prepare them for the modern world to succeed. Kid does drugs, flips the script, runs off to be Captain Caveman. retardation at it's finest.

Apparently they were drinking and hitting him, user.
And his dad had a second family with 6 kids.

>Kill moose
>Starve to death
Low IQ was his enemy.

>mfw after negative backlash sister writes a book about how her brother was really abused and not a dumb ass

What the fuck is wrong with her areolae?

lol wrong pic sorry for anyone who saw it esp lurking mod

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Probably had really puffy nips before getting implants

Sad. I always figured it was hubris, but I guess this is a tragedy of a completely different kind.

Those are called pepperoni nipples, new friend. Borderline salami nipples. Some women it's natural, some women it happens due to breast implants. Stretched flesh basically.

I often fantasize about the same but then the realities set in and I could also never do that to my family

>oh no people think my brother made a stupid mistake as a kid
>I know! I’ll write a book about how our parents were violent alcoholics to clear the family name

>t. shitty parents

There are a number of documentary style tv shows that display an actual life of what you are considering. Including off the grid. I really and sincerely ask you to watch them and consider what you're seeing. You need to stop thinking this is like Rust/The Forest. And I do not mean that stupid ass Alaskan Bush bullshit.

It is not easy. You need Money. You can't just walk into the wild and build a Cabin anymore.

Fuck, does your generation even make tree houses/forts anymore?

Sorry, bub, but I believe I am pretty much the same as my ancestor 3,000 years ago who could hold his own in the wild.
It's definitely easier with community, though.

Your ancestor also grew up participating, not watching. They learned by doing as well as being taught. What have you done in similar fashion? Camping is close, but not completely the same.

the ironic thing about thoreau is he didn't live a simple life in a cabin as some people believe. he lived on the property of a a rich guy(emerson) and his family and would often stay with them in their house and eat with them.

he only lived in a cabin for 2 years before moving in with his parents. thoreau was a neet throughout most of his life.

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