This was a real tree apparently

This was a real tree apparently.
The prop department made a fake tree for Arnold to carry, but when they took it outside the sun reflected off it, giving it a shiny plastic look.
So instead they cut down a real tree and Arnold carried it around for two hours while they got the shots they needed.

Attached: 1446132080066.jpg (1469x1471, 447K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Turbo chad

No it wasn't you reddit

Literaly imposible

He was the only person on the T2 set strong enough to pick up the mini gun

its real but the middle and back is hollowed

you're looking at 50kg max

Arnold was a pretty cool guy

they could just hollow out a tree there problem solved. a wood glue cap the top and bottom

>implying 50kg isn't heavy

I can stack 24kg no problem on my shoulder and I'm a skinny fuck. Arnold probably can stack 50 no problem

Jesus christ user, go to the gym

Attached: arnold bruh.png (289x386, 173K)

Imagine how strong you'd have to be to carry that.

Only a black man would be actually able to, i call bullshit.

How onions are you?

arnold in his prime was shy of Benching 500lbs

50kgs is literally nothing

Of course he can, that user who said 50 was heavy was being silly

Aren't the strongest men white?


Attached: 1411429772386.webm (1329x720, 2.89M)

Lol no

Yes yes it was you Yea Forums autist

Have you look to who is carrying it? It's fucking arnold on top notch

If you get the sweet spot right in the middle it shouldn't be too hard to balance it on your shoulder, especially given Arnie's size.

Attached: 1410744305607.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

This, black people are also smarter and commit less crime, as well.

its really not as hard as it looks

Lower STD rates too.

Lifting 50kg over one shoulder is hard for an untrained man, but doable. For a world-champion bodybuilder it'd be mildly taxing.

Attached: arnie conan.webm (1280x544, 2.39M)

i recently read they eat the healthiest too, way higher than the japs

Based and Bizzaro pilled

Attached: 1528325796179s.jpg (125x122, 3K)

Given what we know now, would Alyssa Milano really be worth saving?

Attached: commando-schwarzenegger-arnie.jpg (1634x2430, 293K)

Is this the new matt le blanc bought a hot meal?

nigga i was 17 and 5'7 at 165lbs back in high school when i did carpentry and carried 5x45lbs planks on one shoulder

as long as you center the gravity right you don't really need to do shit except keep steady

those tits are saved forever in 1080p. its worth a bit of twitter rambling

Blacks make terrible powerlifters and strongmen, they don't have the muscle composition for it.


Attached: Different Arnie.png (1238x1238, 2.13M)

Despite being 50% of the population, they only commit about 13% of the crime as well.

ok cool guy

Not very. As long as it's balanced, even women can carry a huge load on their shoulder. Tree trunks are pretty easy to balance too.

is this the first movie to do this type of cocking/loading/zipping up quick cut montage?

I'm a professional logger. It is physically impossible to carry a log that big with one arm.

I'm unironically 54kg (~165 cm) since I was 15 (now I'm 26). Also want to suck cock. not memeing

nigga, Dick Proenneke carried trees around by himself at like 50 years old with no weight training or steroids, wtf you talking about you weak ass bitch

ok but what does that have to do with this thread

Top kek
Ok somebody please tell me why i keep getting
>your ip range has been banned due to abuse?
I've never even posted pictures here before.
>yes im /pol/fag and have no problem over there

Idk, I just want to get dick in my mouth. I have a Chad friend whom I was literally begging to suck his cock when I got drunk one time. He didn't let me sadly.

What the hell, is that 60 frames?

Larry wheels is the strongest man and is about to btfo of every strongman record in. Few years he’s going to be the strongest man in history

Commando > Predator > Total Recall > True Lies > All others
Prove me wrong pro tip you cant

Attached: ahnuld.jpg (1920x1262, 1.21M)

t. femmeboy

Attached: woman-carry-log_130435259242[1].jpg (500x746, 89K)

Kindergarten cop>All

>prepping for the mosque

>110lbs is heavy for a professional body builder

You're an idiot

Terminator 2 >> Total Recall >> Predator >> Commando >> True Lies

Attached: arnie-true lies-3.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)


how much does an average tree weigh?

You have to be 12 years or older to post on this site

Came into this thread specifically to look for this picture.

I've carried 90-100 kg men up 10 flights of stairs in the army and I was a 6 foot, 78 kg gym class skipper + smoker. I've have never been a athlete and never really trained hard in my life before that.

I was fucking amazed that I even managed that.

Dont underestimate human strength, 50 kg for Arnold in his mid 30's was fucking nothing.

Ask ur mum, she hefts my dick every night lmao

Prep-up was popular back in action movie days. A-Team basically had prepping montage every episode.

One of the most kino scene types in any genre tbqh

Absolute unit

He's very openly on steroids and is abusing them in really unhealthy ways. He's going way beyond what someone his age and size should be doing.


Always felt in my heart that was a real tree. Thank you for confirming.

On the commentary they go into how they wanted him to carry a real log but Arnold was like "nigga that shit is impossible, I ain't even gunna try."

Commando is the worst, basically the equivalent of a marvel movie complete with crappy action and quips. All it's missing is shitty cgi

>but Arnold was like "nigga that shit is impossible, I ain't even gunna try."

That doesn't sound like Arnold. Are you imagining things?

Attached: arnold-encyclopedia-of-modern-bodybuilding.jpg (629x807, 50K)

nohomo but carl weathers was such a good looking dude it's unreal. he could even sport a fucking mustache

Paraphrased, but I recall that from the DVD commentary for Commando. He may have just been concerned by the terrain they wanted him to walk over, that was the reason he gave for not doing it. Or am I remembering him holding Sully. I will have to review.

nice dubs. I bought the hardback version of this in a British charity job for 3 of the Queen's pounds. Money well spent.

Attached: arnie true lies-2.gif (353x209, 2.62M)

Your a funny guy, I like you.

At that age, of course!

>charity job


Attached: arnie guns.webm (1382x576, 2.99M)

i torrented it and put it on my amazon fire and it's still unread because fuck arnold and fuck jamie lee curtis

All of the strongest men in the world are on roids and other pdes he’s still genetically gifted unbelievable even while on roids in 10 years he I’ll have all the records

Aren't the strongest man competitors natty?

based Alaskan wilderness poster

that doesn't count

I read that as fuck jannies. I thinks its time for a break from here

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7/10 bait

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Literally me

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I take it pic related owns all

How the fuck does he look that good at 70 after taking roids? Does he pump baby blood into his ass or something?


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>tfw no alex jones gf

Imagine the taste.

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Dude if you can't hold up 110 lbs on your shoulder you might as well chop off your dick and start showing your ass every where you go you. Why are European men so fucking weak?

I shudder at the mere thought of ever being as weak as you user.

Best Arnold haircut coming through. Dolph pulled it off a bit better though.

Attached: 45c40cbfe32a9e2267b84bfff857e6e57db05e255d6af5449fd566d19755faf7.jpg (361x500, 36K)

There is literally nothing wrong with kissing your daughter on the lips.

Attached: steven gerrard.jpg (605x603, 95K)

>literally half the weight

You sure proved him wrong.

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>Why are European men so fucking weak?

Arnold is European you stupid fucking idiot.

YOUR daughter
where is she

no it wasnt fag. its on the commentary track that its fake.
don't tell the reddit turboautists that. they know all.

>half the weight
>he's handling it like it's nothing with a cheeky expression on his face

Just imagine what he would be with a 50kg weight.

Attached: jason statham cunt.webm (1920x1080, 803K)


Attached: martyn ford.jpg (1280x960, 124K)

25kg is nothing. 50kg is a hump. You have to train to be able to move around with 50kg on you for long periods without it fucking you up.

Even by bodybuilding status, Arnold had freakish strength. His strength was in the power lifting levels, he could easily carry a tree on his shoulder.

>50kg is a hump

For you.

Attached: jason_statham.jpg (640x360, 37K)


They also don't stink

Honestly thats literally nothing for your shoulder unless you're one of those basedboys.

For anyone who isn't a retard.

based scott adkins

Attached: Scott Adkins-5633.jpg (1109x614, 93K)

True Lies is shit tier, real Arnolsd kino rankings go

T2 > Predator > Totall Recall > Terminator > Commando > End of Days

It depends. Any man should be able to throw 110 pounds on their shoulder, that's the easiest place for it.

It's good to see End of Days start getting some recognition. I've been beating that drum for a while.

That'd actually be more difficult to carry the way Arnie does it.

There is a huge difference between lifting a weight, and keeping it lifted while you move around for long periods. No one in this thread could keep a 110lb tree trunk on their shoulder for more than 20mins.

>True Lies is shit tier

I think it'll be for the best if you leave. Though yes End of Days is underrated Arnie kino so you can stay.

I'm 6'1 165 and i can put a 50lb bag of cement on each shoulder.

Come on, man! No Running Man or T2?

No they couldn't but it can be done. I've walked a hundred yards with 100lbs on my back before multiple times a day. Wouldn't recommend it but it can be done.

Attached: Scott Adkins - Ninja II.jpg (1116x1316, 624K)

Statham is a Manlet playing pretend tough guy

Height is irrelevant as long as you know how to fight,

I'm not saying it couldn't be done. I'm saying it's not as easy as the worms in this thread are pretending it to be.

nobody around here is going to fault a man admiring carl weathers

Both yes and no if you’re a man let fighting a tall guy and you both don’t know how to fight even than a big guy that takes a small guy that knows fighting might have a chance but still nobody respects short guys

Reminder that Andre the giant weighed 235KG

Attached: FlusteredUnfortunateBuckeyebutterfly-size_restricted.gif (427x327, 3.94M)

Thank fuck we have a worthy actor who can take over the mantel of JCVD.

yes. jcvd was his idol

I didn't ask about European men who were born 6 decades ago. I asked about the men now. You people are fucking pathetic.. Surprised you haven't been stoned to death for talking to infidels already you conquered tribe of fucking pussies.

>that little push off the ground by andre

Carl Weathers on arrested development is one of the greatest bit parts ever.

>baby you got a stew goin

Depending on the tree species a trunk that diameter and length is like 200kg, Arnold is a strong motherfucker but there's no way he did it without looking heavily stressed and teetering.

Considering America is 40% white and Europe is like 6% Muslim with Bosnians and some Bulgarians it’s funny not to mention all the so called anti masculinity stuff comes from America as well as worshipping celebs

fuck u cuck strongest men records have always been a white guy

Sad to know that must have fucked his back even more and he just went along with it

> America is 40% white
There's a huge slice of america that's 100% white, multiculturalism is a lie, races don't mix and co-mingle. And they certainly don't assimilate

He and Arnie used to compete with who could get the biggest.

Attached: predator.webm (1280x720, 847K)

Moving the goalposts those areas still love American culture and the music and tv America is the source of the contemporary struggle although out the world

Considering the UK is one hundred percent Muslim fuck toy at this point it doesn't matter what you say or think about demographics elsewhere. These people are raping, murdering, butchering, and even eating your women and your government is using your tax dollars to bring them to Europe and put them on welfare. You are literally the biggest cucks in the history of conquered countries and you didn't even fight a war to get this way. Pathetic.

I’m American you goof England had it’s problems but listing to the dailymail blows it out of proportion

for me, it was ninja I and based kane kosugi

White people listening to nigger music will turn heads where I'm from and many predominantly white areas are cancelling their cable subscriptions.

Attached: Cord-cutting-statistics-2019-image-1-1080x3643.jpg (1080x3643, 275K)

Attached: Pred.jpg (510x561, 98K)

All of that is on social media and internet not cable you dumb boomer besides “nigger music” is American music

>nigger music is american music
No this is american music

>And they certainly don't assimilate
only the food, and pretty crap too


Attached: Susannah Fielding this time with alan partridge.jpg (606x788, 112K)

that's not a drum circle with feather wearing homos in loincloths hopping around a fire

Yes and so is hip hop I like both

You cant pick and choose we have a lot of genres here

no, his was european music, yours is african music

Oh you mean those people that were dead and gone by the time we arrived here thanks to the spanish giving them smallpox?

Both groups came to America and those style originated from

You need to cut down on your pork rinds mate, get some exercise.

ITT: Weak as fuck millenials who have never had a real job where you've had to carry 140kg gas cylinders over your shoulder.

This is some of the most white trash shit I've ever heard.

For me, this is white American music.

A poor man's British rock and roll, and that's a good thing.

Funny because it’s one of the most popular songs out from people ages 12-30 of all class

It was before her corruption, so yes. But she needed to be saved a second time, from the faggotry.

Jesus christ, user. Go to the gym. 50kg shouldn't be heavy to anyone between the ages of 16 and 50.

why is it a real job if you have to be a cotton picking slave instead of use your thinker?

>memes are popular because of their artistic value

If I'm totally honest with you both American and British rock music can't be touched in their superiority.

UK -

Was getting caught part of your plan?

It’s actually a fire song none of these other boomer pop songs are that good either

>Hating Europe this much
kill yourself kike

>not childpredator.webm

You fucking fail it

fucking love those dancing girls

Attached: 1386081539383.png (900x900, 77K)

If you’re going to post music from the dadrock era at least post good dad rock

The Beatles?

>Blue oyster cult
lets see your links

Christ no. When I was a weak fatass I could only ever carry shit on my shoulders.
It looks cool, but shoulders are easy mode for carrying shit.

Attached: 69DEC4C8-B568-4FE6-8CE6-D3C113EFCCF5.png (645x773, 11K)

>blue oyster cult
based experimental band that could still crank out hits
Shitty commercial radio rock with no redeeming qualities whatosever.

that female drummer tho

They’re both one of the most influential and important music groups of all time but still overrated

Here’s the greatest pop song ever written

I miss Dillion and Dutch.
Such an underrated show.

Never cared for Love. They always struck me as a budget, west coast psychedelic Yes.

But here you go.

Are you reading your post?

You're saying the fact he's carrying LESS weight means that if he carries MORE weight it would be...easier?

I bought a fierro because of Action Jackson.

I remember listening to this in fucking daycare and jamming out

Fleetwood Mac is the ultimate British-American rock love in.

Shitty dadrock it’s the same as top40 today except top 40 today is alright

>kansas is bad

Not bad but bland and boring

No one else apart from us and uk is really trying.

Attached: List of best selling music artists.jpg (1378x391, 166K)

What kind of knife Arnie used in this scene?

Attached: tumblr_ma2786PCnh1qdezf9o1_500.gif (500x263, 766K)
How about this?


Attached: george harrison.jpg (980x653, 63K)

Poor mans cromagnon

It "looks" like ash, which isn't a particularly dense tree. A log that size isn't going to weigh 200 in fag units. The only trees that are dense enough to weigh in at ~450 pounds aren't the types of trees they're gonna chop up for a prop.

Attached: ash-ash-tree-bark-PHMKBK.jpg (1300x1059, 399K)

>top 40 today is alright
I didn't want to insert myself into your pleb conversation but your ears are trash and you know nothing about music.
>overproduced, tinny sound
>cheesy digital effects on vocals
>the same kick drum into a snap beat that is in literally everything today from pop country to 'hip hop'
>middling singer
>creative songwriting but rendered into shit by production value
>literally takes a corporate TEAM of people to write and compose the song, pic related
There is literally nothing of value here. It's a cute chick that is a below average singer having her flaws lifted in protools. There is no merit to this. Please, don't pretend to even have an interest in music.

Attached: a66a53823918e1afa98301e4a86e8166.png (263x96, 4K)

>literally called noise rock
I don't know what I expected

>most influential and important music groups of all time
>but still overrated
It's got to be hard being a self conflicting zoomer retard

It's fucking pine you artists, one of the lighter types of wood.

Rodina stronk

Please stop talking about trees

This is my trump card, if you don't like it, I don't know

This. And the Carl Weathers/Kony memes were amazing too. He can do no wrong

They’re only great at running

whats bottom left cute arnie?

Last Action Hero and Terminator are better than True Lies and Total Recall. Terminator 2 is better than Commando. Conan probably should be above True Lies as well.

Jingle All the Way is unironically fantastic.

I believe that's Hercules in New York.

I like aic but I’ve moved past 17 year old me music

AIC is "I'm a twinkle in my dad's eye" music. Hmm, post something made in the last 30 years you still listen to.

this looks absolutely fucking terrible

I loved Bill and the funniest shit to me is that my dad hated him specifically because of his role in True Lies. It's like he couldn't separate the man from the character. I mentioned in front of him that I loved Paxton and he immediately had this disgusted look on his face.

Banger imo

All the replies to this post are so autistic

>being this much a dyel

Interesting. I was wondering if this would get to electronic

Pork rinds are fucking gross, how do people eat that shit?

Ahh low test

god I wish that log was me

Attached: 1527211452021.jpg (10000x10000, 1.61M)

I unironically picked up some great music from the NZ shooter

and of course

Don't forget

steroids are the fountain of youth

(X) Doubt

Attached: iEZWyt0.png (967x978, 825K)

Big Len t does every substance known to man but if you dood properly in your late 30s early 40s it will help greatly

>A-Team basically had prepping montage every episode.

That show has to have the lowest body count to amount of bullets fired.

Can someone explain to me how Arnie is legit terrifying in T1, yet in other films like he looks like an affable goofball?


>How the fuck does he look that good at 70 after taking roids?

You get guys like Rich Pianna dropping dead at 46 because they were taking orders of magnitude more steroids than Arnold was. Arnie became famous but he also became the "baseline" that everyone compared themselves to. So everyone wanted to be bigger than him. But that kind of size is unsustainable.

Arnie is smart and isn't trying to be some superman shredded dude at 70. Guarantee you he will live to at least 80. If he's on something he'll be on something small, likely just TRT.

That's literally what they did. They assumed naively that Arnold could carry a real tree, but when it proved too heavy they drilled it out. It's on the commentary track.

Top lel

>no conan
you've got some shitty taste senpai

>t. Never been to the UK

What you've said is true of places like Birmingham or Bradford. The rest of the UK remains unsullied.

Attached: Annotation 2019-04-21 022553.png (262x126, 59K)

Doesn't get manlier than Running Man bearded Arnie. It was a real shame they shaved him for the show, could have had bearded stogie arnie with a M2 in the end fight and reach new heights of kino.

It's called acting.

Im pretty scrawny and ive moved logs that are fucking massive.

>wearing a Hublot

God damn fuck those ugly fag watches.



the absolute state of zoomers

Zoomers are very physically fit and into working out due to the pressure of good body attract a mate it’s boomers and gen x that are flabby and out of shape

I carried around a 4 foot section of a tree that was freshly cut down maybe 1/6 of a mile.
The section was larger in diameter than this, by maybe two or three inches.
It might be possible, but I doubt it could be done for a long time, and tripping injuries, or some ground would be a major issue, because the extra weight will just cause your feet to sink into the ground.
Hollowing a log out from the end, or on one side, would still make a heavy log, but one that could be carried, and it would be possible to film the shots.

such a stubby sword looks ridiculous, especially when he holds it with two hands


Based. American soiboi SEETHING.

>not being able to even lift 2/3 of your body weight
What the fuck?

>most of the World's Strongest Man winners are European
>Why are European men so fucking weak?

What did the Amerimutt mean by this?

>50kg is 2/3 of your bw


All the people
So many people
They all go hand in hand
Hand in hand through their parklife
Know what I mean?

Attached: albie-580.jpg (580x429, 31K)

Its easy for a man, hollowed or not. As long as you keep a good posture and you balance.

Leshanwde seething.

I don't know if it's hollowed or not but in his prime Arnold has deadlifted 735lbs. A small tree wouldn't be a big deal for him.

IT’s not how much a tree weighs, it’s the difference between how much a tree weighs when freshly cut, and how much it weighs once the wood has fully dried out, and also the weight and density differences between different types of lumber.
A tree from a South American rain forest might be dense and heavy as hell.
Some Rain Forest lumber is dense enough, that even once fully dried, it will sink in water.
Basswood and Balsa wood though are fairly light in weight, especially once dried out.

I have a shitty knock-off Atlantean sword that I got for like $25 at a gas station when i was 12, low quality prop sword but fucker is like 5 feet long, I feel like something along those lines would have looked better in Arnie's hands

>Carrying it like that no its not.

The only challange is keeping balance

>new boots

That's gonna get him some blisters!

If the tree were freshly cut diwn, the lumber would still be heavy as hell, because of the water content.

Jesus Christ

Attached: HAES intensifies.webm (854x480, 2.63M)

This is only true for shitty boots
t. Danner boot dude

Well they don't like going around hurting people.

Cartman you fat bastard.

Literally the first thing that pops into my mind every time I see that picture

What is this bizarre meme.

The only Olympic weightlifting I ever bothered to watch was won by some African woman. The chunky Eastern euro whale looked like her neck was twice as thick but she didn't win or get the biggest lift.
Mark Henry is the only recognisable black world's strongest man contestant and he has the best grip ever in strongman.

*Mark felix

Mark Henry is another black guy, who had the world record power lift for a while.

Lol I wonder what he ate

You're gay and your shit is retarded.

The Big Kielbasa disagrees. Larry does some really impressive lifts but he's not going to btfo the top lifters and The Kielbasa is still growing up.

Attached: 074524.jpg (1200x2133, 361K)

What a waste of skin. Maybe you’ll be reincarnated as a worm or something.

Terry has talked about how difficult that was, I think he tore something, but I may be mistaken

That's bullshit but I believe it

look at it frame by frame and you'll see all the crazy shit interpolation does

I'm a skinny /fit/poster and I overhead press that for reps, I've seen fuckers do that one handed

Your dad can lift more than 50kgs nerd

thats a pine tree
any normal man can lift this

Are you an effeminate twinkboy and how do you feel about being dressed up in women's clothes

Fucking embarrassing post.

no one that replied to this post except for the guy that says he lifts could do 50kg OHP 3 x 5 while being untrained, 60kg is impressive for fucks sake

that said arnold was literally mr olympia, it'd have been a piece of piss for him

Jesus christ I'm a fucking lardass and even I can lift 50kg, I bet you are a fucking twig


ya and when the prop guy said he couldnt use a real tree arnold hit him with the tree and said "you're all bark, no bite"

Attached: whatever.jpg (261x294, 16K)

It's literally the best book on bodybuilding and the redpill to all those fags on youtube who name common lifts after themselves.

>that fucking video thumbnail

Underrated post

Top 3 series of the 90's.

Probably that anti fat pill, judging by the colour.
Fatties don't grasp that you can't just eat it without changing your diet,


Attached: infa_0%.gif (400x198, 2.12M)

He dyes his hair

if that show were made today they would kill hundreds indiscriminatlly every episode without any regard for my sense of continuity or lore. I hate millenial writers

that's baby sized compared to the movie, dear zoomer

Hamlet trailer in TLAH >>>> all of these
Greates movie never made



t. Coping zoomer

>not No.1 Conan
>correct No.2 Predator
>Almost called you a slackjaw faggot.

Watch Conan.

>This was a real tree apparently.
Nah, it wasn't.

Best powerlifters yes, fast twitch muscle fibers are why black people are generally better athletes but for raw power the best are usually white. That might be just a specific group of northern europeans though, not sure. Like the mountain from game of thrones.

literally the strongest man alive right now is european.

project less schlubbo

Attached: do all americans do this.jpg (720x588, 93K)


Predator > T2 > T1 > Last Action Hero > True Lies > Commando > anything Else

it was, they hollowed it out though

I'm a weak neet incel and even I can carry that much

more like MARY SUE: the movie

Holy fuck. I beg you, come to /fit/ and fix your life.

hello bump limit

Attached: 220px-Juniorposter.jpg (220x324, 28K)

I'm not but I've always admired the decisiveness of sportspeople. How can I start?
Is /fit/ a good way to do so? Most I've done is riding my bike to work and occasionally a few pull-ups.

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