ITT: Scenes that always leave you emotional

ITT: Scenes that always leave you emotional

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Other urls found in this thread:

>disney jewing free shekels for easy commercials
im sad too, desu

>getting emotional over capeshit
lay off the estrogen

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I was immediately asking "why did they have a secret shield fake 40's doctor's office right off times square?"

They should make a Captain america where the focus is him adapting
to the insanity that is 2019 America. Could you imagine someone from the 1940's seeing kids dressed up like trannys? Could you imagine how angry they'd be? How confused they'd be?

yeah why couldn't it be like a fucking farmhouse

>moviemaking is a D&D game to min/max

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>non moving .gif

>He NEVER got to suck on Agent Carter's giant mammaries

fucking tragic

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She could be called NAZI or worse...Pro Trump!!!
>Orange man bad

so what happens here a guy from the 40s appears now and is all shocked to see slightly different shaped cars? you think they didn't have loud-ass colored ads in times square in the 40s? you think because you saw a black and white picture the world was actually greyscale then?

he could suck on nearly any woman's giant mammaries in the present, if he wanted to

God fucking dammit, this woman makes my b-hole pucker.

What would your reaction be if you are thrown 100 years into the future?

It's time to fuck

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> you can’t just die

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where's all the white people

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probably instant execution for being a non-branded, non-lobotomized, non-neutered white male without a slave collar.

he should have asked if he has aids

Trannies might be cringy but in all honestly there's very few trannies

You only think it's a serious issue right now because you spend all day on the computer

There's as many trannies as there were crossdressers in the 1940s

I'm sure you live such an oppressed life

Lots of people cried when they saw this appear on television

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>he doesn't see the writing on the wall

dang, you're right, user
I wonder where they've been hiding all this time?

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How can you be so oblivious? Cross dressers in the 40s didnt have an entire educational machine teaching kids and young adults why being a cross dresser was great for everyone. Cross Dressers didnt have a suicide rate of ~40%. Look at universities, the push back is no where near strong enough right now.

its (being a young white non-rich american male) a lot worse than you realize, but there's no point in arguing about it

Did any of those also state that many of the kids who say they are trans grow out of it? Those who are bullied or marginalized do it to gain a shield, as they see trannies are protected, especially in a school setting. Fuck, the 'fuck cis white males' girl with the shaved head and fat lips grew out of it too, and she was deep in the rabbit hole.

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Who's your brother Brian?

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Yeah, but how many of them fuck their shit up with HRT in the years it takes them to grow out of it?
Most trannies don't rush into genital mutilation, but most of them want on that magic sex reversal juice as soon as possible. It gets harder the older you get, after all.
Transtrenders alarm me more than the usual fads and phases because the retards will permanently damage and potentially sterilize themselves.

>There's as many trannies as there were crossdressers in the 1940s

One, bullshit. Two, trannys didn't have political power in the 40s.

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Also how many of the new trannies would identify as trans in the past.

>I don't like you so I think you look like this

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"I don't know where the fuck all these yellow people came from, but at least there's no more niggers."

wtf im literally crying


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If they had decent parents? None. If you can't buy alcohol, voet and marry, then you can't decide you want to switch genders.

None, because society wouldn't tolerate it. They identify as trans now because it has a protected status they can use as a weapon against people that used to bully them.

Shes so fuckin hot bros ;_;
>tfw you'll never creampie that puffy vagina

Haven't watched this, does he make any comment on the social "changes"? Or did Marvel pussy out?

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he will post-Endgame! Cap is going to fuck the timeline.

her poor husband!

for some reason pixar movies trigger my feels more than people movies.

Well, it's a good thing the average boomer-raised millennial is so well-adjusted and fit to raise a child.
It's not like we have a thread in the catalog right now of yet another case of a toddler being indoctrinated into transgenderism.

lol at the absolute kinolets in this thread

>Shawshank Redemption
So long fellas...
>Les Miserables (2012)
Take me to your glory...
End scene with his father looking at him through the gap in the door
>Lord of the Rings
I can't carry the ring, but I can carry you! C'mon!
>The Matrix
>Hunchback of Notre Dame
Dum Dum Daa! Dum Dum Da! Daaaaaaaaa!
>Harry Potter
I'm not going home...not really.

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>slightly different
He's confused, probably paranoid due to just having been lied to, and then he gets told he's been asleep for almost 70 years.

Pure kino.

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Right here. There are many, but this one was bad.

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is it good or are y'all memeing? cause if you say it's good and i watch it and it's not good, i may get fussy.

Cool scene, but so fucking stupid.
It's just a bunch of light, retard, you think the human eye can tell the difference, at that level of intensity? It's probably just bright white and a second later your cornea is burnt to blindness anyway.

yeah i looked at the sun once and there's a tiny spot in my vision sometimes.
i am not a smart man.

The ending to True Grit gets me every time. Also, the scene where Rooster is taking Mattie back to Bagby's Place and the horse starts to give out from under him.

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>walk out of hospital
>surprise, you're in time square
I'd be in shock, too.

Nigga, we memeing, and being truthful. A pic like that from the movie does not do it justice. The implied threat, and rage of Alita cannot be translated from a simple picture.

Every time

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We just reached 400 consecutive threads in 2 months, user. It's a genuinely good movie.

harry potter is gay

Literally best character in the series. Whoever made this decision to kill her off needs to shot by a Mexican firing squad.

it's actually trash but ok.

I enjoy a few things in life. Hooking people on GOT and RWBY and feeding on their anguish is one of them. When they watch RWBY, they are so happy, and having fun, and halfway through season 3, I start gleefully rubbing my hands together in anticipation of the pain and tears to come.

What didn't you like about it, user?

You can chug a gallon of bleach on livestream for our entertainment. It will be far better than your opinion of film.

>during a period in which she banned men from speaking
da fuck? someone kill that bitch

fuck off, monkey

He chooses to stay in the 1940s

Sorry user the future is black.


Step aside plebs

>The world becomes one race
>World is 3rd world mutt-slaves in a Neo-feudilist techno society
>White/Tan (((people))) rule everything

The future would literally be Alita: Battle Angel without white people

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post endgame white people will be killed on site in the marvel diversity universe

>The future would literally be Alita: Battle Angel without white people
Cause everyone would be the "52% face". No race but the human race

>coming home to that

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Make way negroes...

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With Brie "I Fuck Niggers Nonstop And Show Up Onset With A Half Gallon Of Nigger Jizz In My Cunt" Larson leading the charge to kill all white people.

found the butthurt jew

d-delete this bro...

dumb horse gave up what does he have to be sad about hes just a horse not like a horse can even conceptualize the imminent white genocide in anothe reality or the collapse of its own fantasy world

>I don't like you so I think you're a jew

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It is a scene about seeing divinity, seeing the power and awe that is Godly. Are you not capable of abstract thinking retard?

That is the whole fucking movie.

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>They should make a Captain america where the focus is him adapting

Why would they do that and lose money when they can just have a bunch of splosions and make money?

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The transit of Mercury scene was fucking fantastic


steve was her husband the entire time. She lied to "present" steve about it to maintain the time line

The real question is how many new trannies would have just been emo kids a decade ago? It's literally a fad.


I tear up every time

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uh huh
you dont think anybody else would notice?

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Well shit.

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The beginning is good, although you're thrown very much into it all, lots of characters getting a quick introduction and then hidden away to be brought out later which in some instances cheapens the emotions you're supposed to feel (or not feel) in the scene.
It also gets a little rushed in the end where it's clear that the director was in a hurry to get everything set up.
Overall a 6/10 (non-meme scale, above average movie) I liked it, but Yea Forums blows it up a tad too much.

this desu

it was better than I thought it'd be, but its really nothing special; not bad, not great

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Ah that kid was always such a cutie.
>mfw thinkgen about him hurting

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>Bury me in the ocean with the rest of my brothers. For death is better than bondage.

This movie was made specifically with everything I love in mind, and I felt absolutely nothing after seeing it.

>that last name
>that age
Holy kek imagine if the instructor tried to have a kid now

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>That is the whole fucking movie.

Yeah, except that part at the end where it randomly turns into a fucking slasher movie for no reason.

What a piece of shit

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I thought this was a legit figure for over a week. I searched long and hard. I was disappointed.

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Throughout the movies he is constantly making jokes and refrences that hes learning the new world
>this flying ship seems to run on electricity
Him and thor also bant about who understand refrences. They need a cap and thor movie. Except they just chill out and be bros and maybe stop a few street gangs while trash talking the other avengers

gets me every time. they probably could have been great friends.

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What's with the Acura vehicles?

Nice product placement

This had peak Chris Evans in it.

get fussy

im literally in tears, hulking and convulsing on the floor just seeing this screen cap

I don't know if I've ever gotten emotional from a movie. I feel like they're not long enough for me to get attached to the characters.
Anime on the other hand knows how to tug on my heartstrings.

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>Sunshine is 2deep4u
Jesus Christ user


imagine this being your first post on Yea Forums

>it's a long way... to Tipperary

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I always get mindfucked by the fact that it looks like he’s holding onto pants that are cropped in from a different picture, they look like they’re not on him, and they look a few sizes too wide

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Essential man cry kino, never seen so many grown chads cry in a movie theater before. Got on the phone and told my brother i love him right after the movie finished..

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FUCK. Why did you have to remind me?

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The ending to this Nuclear leak kino made me tear up

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Space Dementia is an actual and legitimate concern of NASA, to the point that they have established standard operating procedures to deal with such if such occurs.

Testimony from several astronauts has said that you can really lose it in space, both perspective and potentially your sanity.

If you can't be bothered to do a simple literature review, you deserve your own retardation while ironically callings other retards. Simply pathetic excuse for a human being supposedly with a working mind.

Read a book, or a dozen you fucking idiot. Even picture books would improve on your current and present knowledge of space travel and the psychological factors considered by actual fucking astronauts, a subject you obviously know fuck-all about.

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Audi! Audi! Aaaaaaudiiiiiiiiiii

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pleb filtered

is the implication here that the son can't be forrest's?

The National did such a great job with the soundtrack too. Fucking love this movie.

Imagine being dumber than Forest.

A lot of people don't know this, but the horse died for real in that scene, his hooves were secured to a platform and the platform lowered below the water but after he was fully submerged the hydraulic pumps that moved the platform up and down failed and the horse was trapped fully submerged, cast and crew both tried to save him but it was impossible.

Not even memeing or trolling, 100% true. Shook up the whole cast, everyone liked that horse.

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>Say your prayers, Father
>I already have

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its not implied, but it's possible
they did fuck though, so it could be either way

nobody needed to know that

He was an insufferable cunt but... he didn't deserve this

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Not true, stop spreading rumors dickhead

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i remember seeing this at the cinema... tried to hold in the tears... damn it

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I wanna go home

>On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say? That it was my job? My job?
>You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?

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I don't have any clue whose ass McGregor pulled this performance out of, but damn if this scene doesn't get me too.
It's so strange. the feeling isn't there at all before, during the fight, or after, but right here it hits hard, regardless of context or the laughable characters and their nonexistent relationship. It's just such a solid flicker of a great performance.


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Unimpressed most like

I know it isn't a movie but plays out like one. This scene, from Mass Effect 3, especially if you romanced Liara. The whole game is a feel fest.

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>romancing a squid

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Mass Effect 3 has exactly two good scenes: the renegade and paragon conclusions to Tuchanka. Everything else is trash.

Thanks for your "opinion"

This is some delicious plebbit spaced bait

this is a bait thread but I have to say:
see this picture? it's from the beginning of Vanilla Sky. Tom Cruise's character runs down an empty Times Square. it is single-handedly one of the most ambitious shots of the 21st century because of how important an outlet Times Square is to midtown Manhattan.

Your little basic bitch capeshit movie probably just shut down the "city walk" amusement park part of Times Square and filmed Chris "Homo" Evans for two hours before calling it a day. No verve, no adventure, no ambition. The true essence of capeshit.

Kill yourself if you like this trash. Kill yourself if you are excited for Endgame. Kill yourself if you love comic books. Kill yourself, cancer.

forgot the picture.

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>Kill yourself if you like this trash. Kill yourself if you are excited for Endgame. Kill yourself if you love comic books. Kill yourself, cancer.
retarded lazy-ass commie zoomers expecting everybody to do everything for them
kill me yourself, you lazy faggot

He'll do just that in the new movie.

It is not bait, it is a valid argument. You should try it, outside of depending on name-calling and inference to be your entire counter-argument.

Based sheltered retard

did this kickstart the abysmal forced "sacrifice" in tons of modern cinema?

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Cringe, but redpilled

No I think that was Jesus Christ.

There's a difference between having a breakdown because you're cooped up in a tin can in space and going nuts and killing everyone.
That's why they have astronauts go through isolation training.

where she was a prototype, there are TONS of modern women that would put his dick in a wheelchair

How is space dementia even close to what happens in that movie? it's science fiction until it turns into a weird horror movie because a mutated astronaut is hunting them down.

I doubt either of those movies actually filmed in times square.
They all just fake it with greenscreen or whatever.

This one always gets the waterworks to happen

Vanilla Sky certainly was.

"I swear guys, God told me this would happen. It was all part of my plan. I totally didn't just get nailed to this cross for being a blasphemous cult leader." -King of the Jews

Estrogen is part of every american’s meal though. How do you think Monsanto gets the livestock so plump and juicy in just a week?

>one nuke is supposed to restart the sun

ayyyyyy lmao

Literally with testosterone.
They get the animals jacked on steroids so they grow big muscles (aka: more meat)

also that

He wasnt even that bad. Fuck me if the drawing of him with his parents didnt get me.

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Wheres my fuck robot?


>when Fuhrer King Bradley says the little brat pissed him of by making a scene at the funeral

Pure animekino

this and the hotel scene in warrior with nick nolte and tom hardy make me crie evvery time

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>implying only bad people get killed

>implying non-implied implications

No it isn't

And that training prepares them fully for an experience they have never really known? I can promise you that from my own experience, training never equates to the real thing. Imagine having psychosis in a reality that you can't immediately escape from? Do you think you would just snap out of it (cuz of training) or further devolve?

Read up on it beyond a simple google-search. There was no horror movie relation, what Pinbacker experienced has been going on for the entirety of human existence. People believing they spoke to God, and acting completely to fulfill what they believe was their given mission.

You can call it science-fiction, but it is science fact. In fact, it is one of the most established behaviors of humanity. Training or not, education or not, it is not without precedent.

>Jesus got killed because he was a cult leader
That implies people back then only killed people for righteous reasons, faggot. Jesus was killed because he called out the greed.

It's brainlet movie garbage masquerading as something more. Just like the entirety of Danny Boyle's career

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NASA has a protocol for everything.
Because it costs nothing to create a protocol and millions of dollars to put something in space.

And how do you rationalize away testimony from astronauts that it is certainly in the realm of possibility?

>tfw alcoholic dad
i love him with all my heart. That scene hit me hard

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Even if true. Don’t worry about it since I’ve taken the tobacco pill

Of course Jesus was a cult leader. He was a charismatic leader of a small group of dedicated disciples that worshiped him as a god and claimed to have divine powers. If that's not a cult I don't know what is. If something like that was walking around today you'd call it a cult in a heartbeat.
But eventually the cult of Jesus got big enough that it was recognized as a full fledged religion.

Jesus was executed because he was blaspheming against the church and claiming to be a god. The Romans carried it out because they were afraid he was organizing a movement to fight back against the Roman occupation.

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That’s why his hands were shaking right?

If I was cooped up in the ISS for a month I'd go stir crazy and call it a possibility as well.

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>Little Orphan Annie. HA. HA. HA.

Different user, did you actually read the definition you provided?

>blaspheming against the church
Nigger the Jews under the Roman occupation had multiple religious sects politicking against each other. The biggest ones were the Sadducees, the Essenes, and the Pharisees and they all had some very huge belief differences between them all.

Yes, and it's a perfect description of what Jesus' little band of followers from the bible is. A small religious group following a single person.

My bad user, mistakenly thought you were one of the other two. Agree with you 100%

And I'm sure they would all love a cult trying to usurp power from all of them.

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The true power (the actual power) were the Romans, history is very clear about that.

Do you know the only Jewish execution method during the time of Christ was death by stoning? Do you know the only crime considered worthy of execution was a non-Jew entering a Jewish Temple.

Crucifixion has long been a method of punishment/execution of the Romans. Not Jews.

You can insinuate all you want about ((())), it doesn't automatically make you right. Catch up on your Roman History.

This scene is over acted and hamfisted.

> he was organizing a movement to fight back against the Roman occupation.

uhum that's why pontius allowed him to go free right? the roman chads just thought of it as silly jewish bickering, not knowing that he really was the son of the all mighty

>Dylan Moran's character drinking alone waiting for Father James to turn up

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>and then you see it

is unironically one of the few times I had to hold back something in my eyes

my nigger

lmao, they might as well have shown him fully submerged then dipshit

The end of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

Whedon cut Caps best scene that follows up on this

just rewatched this scene on youtube, evans and jackson are in front of a greenscreen
for some reason they didnt actually film it there, despite all the cars and agents actually being there

Go and honor my parents graves, then end my life over their graves.

So was Stan Lee going to have two cameos in the film? Or did they add the other one in after this scene was cut?

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Where’s my fuck robot?

WTF is with Whedon and following around random people during battle scenes?

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I like it, this scene would have made her showing up in the movie more significant for Cap

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Find out if my mother could continue with her life.

I wish decay for everyone on that set

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I cry every time.

... he changed his stars after all...

Fucking hell, not gonna enjoy a perfect robot sex slave for a bit first?

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my fav is the big titty girl in AoU

i sincerely don't understand this meme. it's funny and makes me laugh. it's an iconic scene, but i just don't get the meme.

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Habe sex

I've taken the tomacco pill.

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I see them at least once-twice a week at my work. Always MtF. Always disgusting with stubble, manly voices and hairy legs. They just dress as if they were women and maybe had their cocks turned inside out. They always will state many times they had a gender transition as well.

>Is Berserk finished?
>Business as usual then.


To play double's advocate: A 4000% increase of a tiny number, is nothing. It's the same reason a "massive" increase in cancer risk can still end up being negligible.
"Oh no, I'm 0.4% more likely to develop X cancer over a 40 year period."
Trannies and people with other mental disorders are more common today because diagnosing people is more common and we stopped beating people that were different.

>crying to movies
have sex.

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They did something like that in the comics.

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Yup. Evans’s glorious tits make me emotional too

What movie

>Ywn have a love that pure

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>lol dude steroids xd

>she died for nothing

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I fucking love this movie. My only gripe is the Syfy channel tier CG at the very end. I don't understand why they wouldn't just spring for a few squibs.

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These two are the absolute heart and soul of this show. There's a lot of great stuff and scenes with other characters, but whenever these two have a scene, it's some levels above the rest. What a fucking criminally underrated show. I wish this was as popular if not more than all the Treks.

Fuck, man.

Which one?

>what is aromatization
>where does estrogen store

i just wanted to see blood and tits, i didnt ask for these feels

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>trannys didn't have political power in the 40s

Why do you libtards insist on revised history so much? Delusional idiots

Pretty sure most trannies commit suicide only if they're not allowed to become trannies.

What movie is this from?

>Scenes you didn't expect to make you cry and they didn't

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based ewan is a treasure


you actually watch marvel movies more than once? the fuck is wrong with you, manchild?

>not when he sees his father for the last time in his office

fuck the egg faced jew, but that scene destroyed me

based reply.

this movie was beautifully sincere
one of the very small amount of kino 2018 left
based goose did it again

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always gets me
such an unique movie
it's so beautiful

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my kino sense is tingling
what is this?

I haven't cried over IRL shit since I was like 16, I don't even cry over normal emotional shit in movies and tv, only this flick and the Futurama seymour/nephew episodes ever get me. Something about heroic self-sacrifice for the group, no idea.

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wtf where did everyone go? are they throwing a surprise party?

Agreed. The role fit him perfectly and he the role.

the more I watch this movie the more I love the ending, it's so good, pardon me if I say it but I think its genius.

you know you have the explanation and interpretation of the dream and the relation with the whole events occurred in the movie, the symbolism, the structural commentary etc.
but the delivery it's so incredible, I fucking forget its tommy lee jones right there, the stare of his wife, the quiet and dry atmosphere, the light, the fact that the whole experience of dream is suddenly transposed from the character to the viewer through a mere relate it's beyond words. and then... it just ends, because there absolutely nothing you need to know about the story anymore


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Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who Tony Stark dies. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Hulk wields the Stark Gauntlet, and supermodels and later alleged Avengers from fifty Universes appear to fight Thanos, for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can Captain Marvel defeats Thanos' army, sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she Thor is a massive bum, it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "Hulk is Professor Hulk now. (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for Chuck sells his store to Sneed, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

wrong side won the war
>debate me

ill fucking destroy you

yeh fuhrer was not fucking around

is this in an extended cut or something? i've seen it at least twice and don't remember that at all

what a fucking shit movie

this was a good movie. duncan jones literally went from 100 to 0 in his later films

We all already know that user, real life since then is a facade where we see who can pretend that's not true as long as possible.

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>nazis getting buttfucked
Kino ending. Fuck them all.

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sally hunt more like salty cunt

What? You didn't like Source Code?

check and see that bannerlord still isint out yet.

No. The suicide rate changes only barely after transition.

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imagine the sex between these two
assuming cap can let himself go and be go absolutely feral, her pussy would actually be destroyed from his literal perfect physical prowess

hahaha yeah death and shit

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>that fucking cinema scene

The serum probably fucked up his dick because it's basically super steroids. The Cap is pretty much an eunuch.

Yeah that aspect of the movie is stupid but almost everything else is flawless


look up future porn

Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence.

Hello, Vatican. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Go on Yea Forums and sneedpost until I die

The scenes
The music
That look

Attached: The Last of the Mohicans [1080p] - (Final Scene) Sachem's Decision - Alice & Uncas - Magua& (1920x1080, 120K)

The segment directed by Raimi webt more in-depth about it. Maybe a little too much

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ok but why were they keeping him in a safehouse in fucking times square

>having such an uneducated nigger understanding of basic concepts
>trying to larp himself into being "white" by calling brown "tan."



Fuck no, what a horrible show

the scene is “iconic” because it is so fucking horrible, that’s what makes it hilarious and what has led to its popularity. literally the entire thing is an absolute mess that no sane person could ever possibly take seriously


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The Vanilla Sky scene really did shut down Times Square, it's probably more famous than the movie itself


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Most fat walmart people are racially pure white or black

fuck off /pol/

He would have no problem adapting. He was always a liberal idol of acceptance.

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