Let me tell you how Marvel bought one billion dollars worth of Captain Marvel tickets to inflate sales numbers

>let me tell you how Marvel bought one billion dollars worth of Captain Marvel tickets to inflate sales numbers
>trust me I heard this from an inside source
>no way business analysts and investors won't hear about this at all

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Other urls found in this thread:


>same faggot makes the same uninspired threads about this guy.

Good job, OP. I just subscribed to this guy just to spite you and your faggy opinion.

Kys my phamalam

>that facial hair
how am i supposed to take anything he says seriously?

didn't he say it wasn't corroborated but he brought it up because news sites were reporting on it


please god stop posting this face see this is the problem with youtube, there used to be such a thing as having a "face for radio" and those ugly fucks stayed off the screen.

lmao you watch this guy's videos? Even ironically? Jesus get some hobbies

>tfw "inside source" is the zoomer equivalent of "my friends dad works at nintendo"
Anyone that mentions an "inside source" but they themselves are not in a real journalist position that has a shred of integrity deserves their tongue cut off

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i'd rather see his face than this

They shouldn't show their faces at all. What happened to good old radio talk? Why do we even need video?

he doesn't like to bring up anonymous information without vetting, OP is fake news

Him and Ethan Van Cuckold do it all the time

some of his videos are pretty good like when he puts brie larson and other SJWs in their place. don't kid yourself that other youtube channels are any better like the young turks which used to just play viral news videos and react to them.

>live-action WALL-E

>when he puts brie larson and other SJWs in their place

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are you being serious?

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sure is resetera in here

4 more years

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>that video where he defends Eric Butts and "nerddoms"
kek this guy is a little bitch


>let me tell you how showering is a meme

no man he's just not funny and his schtick is played out.

Don't insult this guy, YouTube is his livelihood.


How do I avoid looking like this guy

so that's why he's got 10 million monthly views
don't get me wrong i don't like all of his videos but if it's the right topic i'd rather hear it from him than from someone like yongyea or jim sterling

lay off the zoy

It's almost like people have differing opinions and you don't have to agree with everything someone says. Grow up, man child.

Absolutely yikes

I don't get why you guys even watch enough of his videos to hate him.

Remember to report and sage these threads.

Rent Free

imagine religiously watching some fat dude give his opinions on video games and in the same breath telling others to grow up

Liberals troll themselves.

he shows up on people's youtube recommendations

I can guarantee you his inside source is just some guy who is memeing on him.

>JIDF phoning it in
Come on Schlomo, put some effort in it.

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>be me
>watching angry complainer youtubers

>watch 1 video
interesting perspective, he seems alright, thumbs up
>3 videos in
man he's really sticking it to the fucking SJWs, subbed
>10 videos in
seems like he really suffered at the hands of those cunts
>35 videos in
I'm happy I have something to listen to while I'm working.
>50+ videos in
ah... he really pretty much just says the same shit huh?
>70+ videos in
jesus christ man, talk about something else

I just want to go back to 2004

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So? You don't have to watch them.

I said to grow up regarding confronting differing opinions of others. You tell me to grow up on an television anime image board because I watch video game opinion pieces Youtube...where the fuck do you think we are?

4 more years of israeli gibs

Why do the trannies and soi boys who raid Yea Forums hate him so much?

Good Israel is a country we should support at all costs. I love Israel, I'm actually going to go on vacation there in June for 10 days.

Some guy just sends him something with a bit of truth in it just to make him take the bait.
There were tickets sold with no one showing up. Just not one billion

Any epic gamers ITT? I only have 50 bucks, which epic gamer shirt should I buy? I'm looking to "level up" my wardrobe haha

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why do you spend your time watching e-celebs on youtube instead of having sex?

How about an anti-SJW who runs for MP in Bongistan only to have everyone else in his own party hate him.

Where's that nazi landwhale Hambly? I'm gonna antifa punch him sooooo hard!

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we get it stormfag, you hate jews, so how do you get rid of them, you're not getting another shoah, encourage them to move to israel instead

>Grow up, man child.

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>he really suffered
Did they refuse to sell him snack food

This was me back in 2012-2014 except with Yea Forums posts. As far as I'm concerned, the SJWs won when they turned us all into faggots of their caliber.

why are trannies so obsessed with this guy? what did he do exactly?

Imagine rocking that Get Woke Go Broke Shirt + Poster Combo





You know he's an independent thinker because he has gauges large enough to measure two servings of spaghetti

it took you 70 videos to realize these people are obsessed and think about nothing else all day?

if you insist on watching an e-celeb to get your news, watch someone like Geeks + Gamers who is still anti-SJW but not a complete numale

Sauce she has some juicy tits

He's a boring onions filled mancunt who puts minimal effort in his content.
Which makes him an extremely easy target.

>tfw you save up enough neetcoins to buy yourself a rocking anti-sjw shirt to support the rise up

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I saw this exact post on the hate thread on Yea Forums.
I don't like this guy but I'm starting to think all these hate threads are started by the same autist.


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popular doesn't equal good. he's a stereotypical basedboy complete with funko pop figures and an obsession with pop culture shit. why do you need to hear the shit these people are talking about?

apparently he got banned from MTG events, and get got suckerpunched at some other convention. and nobody did anything to help him out. kinda fucked up.

Yeah I believe we lost around 2015 so pretty close. I think it was when CIS-gender and pronouns were being taken seriously.

>Not spreading the word of The Quartering, the humongous faggot for more mockery
I'd add some images about OAG to this beautiful thread but this ain't Yea Forums

Based fat conspiracy faggot

The Che shirt is actually spot on.

let's be honest, anybody who posts in e-celeb threads on Yea Forums are always the same people. everybody else is too busy posting sneed to care about this guy

Yeah, but you don't have to copy the post word for word retard.

Who is this faggot and why does everybody know who he is?

It's the usual tannys from resetera and /int/ basement bolsheviks who think about this guy all the time.

correct but you'd have to be a massive faggot to wear that.

Were they able to extract their fist from his fat or did he just absorb them

well I like to listen to talk radio or podcasts while i'm workin or driving.

lately i don't listen to anything, nobody has fulfilled the void that was the Opie and Anthony show.

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>the length of those articles
I'm so glad I'm not one of these people

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look at the unique IP count

Isnt' that everyone?

I don’t get the hate, he is just some dude. He doesn’t even act outrageous. Stop being a faggot OP.

I actually honestly wrote all of that up myself. It's probably just similar to something else I posted.

so it's ok for you to defend the fat guy in every thread but it's not ok for that guy to post that pic?

remember when youtube kept recommending the young turks, yongyea etc etc. thequartering is the hot new thing

>where muh friend simulators at

the SJWs won back in 2014.
Its just time to move on with life. The think about these shallow people is that they'll tireout and like the lefties in the 1960s they grow up and join the rest of us.

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no friend can ever match Bill Burr or Patrice going off, user.

It's almost like not everyone thinks the same as the basement Bolsheviks spamming these threads all the time.

last I checked dem politicians are over 40 years old.

This stuff is here to stay.

>he's just like US
I have an actual job and don't depend on social media or play children's card games

I hate a lot of people too but I don't think about them and I certainly don't post about them offtopic on Yea Forums.

I'm still waiting for the Chuck-E-Cheese recycled pizza conspiracy to be resolved.

Last I heard they tried to claim dude that discovered it jus rearranged the pieces but that doesn't explain the multiple toppings and it sure as shit isn't because some employee cut the pizza wrong.

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I'm not defending him, and I've got no problems with anyone posting the pic but the post itself is almost the exact same as one in an identical thread that was on Yea Forums not long ago.

Sorry I'm not going to those kinds of websites.
I don't trust them and don't want a virus or something installed on my rig.

quick rundown on this?

You are now aware that both Jeremy and RLM live in Milwaukee, and have likely seen each other at some point.

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This had all the credibility of the other pizza related conspiracy. What is it about pizza and fucking brainless?

>some of his videos are pretty good like when he puts brie larson and other SJWs in their place. don't kid yourself that other youtube channels are any better like the young turks which used to just play viral news videos and react to them.

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Reminder that an user was data mining and can prove Captain Marvel's box office was inflated because it's an extreme outlier

There is no hate. He's astroturfing on Yea Forums and getting people to talk about him negatively or positively. By participating we are extending this man's adolescence by some percentage points.

shane dawson has lost any credibility he might have had, dunno why people thought he should be in youtube rewind


I love mocking him. He's the average /pol/tard personified.
How can you not laugh at pic related, for example?

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well not Mike at least since he doesn't hang out at gay bars

>but they themselves are not in a real journalist position that has a shred of integrity

>move that came out 2 weeks ago dropped 72%

These same guys are saying that Star Wars is a failure because the numbers have dropped..from almost 2 years ago

There's nothing anyone can do to end his adolescence, user.

He's nowhere near a /pol/ack. He's like the guy from r/TheDonald who apes shit from /pol/ in an unfunny way. If he was a /pol/tard he'd be way more edgy and not so basedsanitized.

>unironically making these shit shows every day

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>Actually thinking this

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Light /pol/tards are even more obnoxious than actual full crazed /pol/tards. He only deserves more mockery.

>implying there's any difference between /pol/ and reddit at this point

When is this guy meeting Dr. Now?

seethe more boogie

remember when he debated destiny yesterday and then backpedaled on all of his positions?

agreed, those "logical skeptic" people like milo and lauren southern are fags. nazis are actually fine, alt-lite is annoying.

his thumbnails and titles are complete clickbait but he's tolerable (and doesn't have a onions face) to listen to, unlike Jeremy here

i have no idea who can stomach the likes of owan benjamin or that timcast nigger who just rambles on hour after hour and day after day over the same shit
i feel like everyones turning into a concerned housewife
none of this shit actually matters, whats there to be constantly upset about
nigga go outside, get some sunshine, talk to real people and realize that somebody getting upset halfway across the globe doesn't fucking matter

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autism is a cruel mistress

It's not even his conspiracy though.

Never seen someone get so butthurt over a woman he doesn't know

Ethan has never been wrong about anything, though.

>He's a boring onions filled mancunt who puts minimal effort in his content.
> Which makes him an extremely easy target.
there are thousands of people like that on the internet yet he's singled out

>i feel like everyones turning into a concerned housewife
This is what the SJWs wanted. We stared at the abyss and it stared back. We're all SJWs now.
>Try enjoying the internet now, cocksucker.

He's the absolute most pathetic one of them. So he's the funnest one to mock. He's the perfect /pol/-lite representative.
Of course he's the one that made a website specifically dedicated to "no politics", by the way.

Imagine being this much of a clueless redditcuck

his youtube channel is massively successful and he delivers anti-SJW rhetoric like a chad. this makes SJWs assmad and he's been called a gamergater and alt-right even though he's not those things.

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Hes not right wing in any way. Anyone calling him alt right is a buzzfeed NPC who slurps soyy and they should be humiliated for their ignorance

Imagine getting beat up by a tranny and then run away screaming like a little girl. Jeremy only exists as a thing because trannies and mentally ill Magic the gathering players are even more pathetic than he is somehow.

>waaaahhhh please read my shitty buzzfeed articles


Didn't the US government subsidize Black Panther ticket sales under the guise of "Black History"?

This is your brain on /pol/

>Ron Clark Academy, a middle school located in southeast Atlanta, recently posted a video of its students dancing and chanting after learning they were headed to the theaters to see the action flick, out Feb. 16.
>Not only will the kids gather to watch the motion picture, they will also have a day of cultural classes, featuring lessons on African art, dance, music, math, science, history and spirituality.
>“The beauty of African traditions are woven into a sci-fi film with tremendous opportunities to have discussions about cultural and identity,” Susan Barnes, the art teacher at the school, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Furthermore, to see a black male lead as a superhero is very powerful for our students because traditionally superheroes have been white.”

Imagine unironically thinking this

>How to get free 'Black Panther' tickets in theaters for Black History Month
>‘Black Panther’ is returning to N.J. movie theaters for free. Here’s how to get tickets
>Marvel’s Oscar-nominated “Black Panther,” which took the box office by storm to the tune of more than $1.3 billion when it was released last February, will be back in theaters for a week in honor of Black History Month — and screenings are free.

I live in milwaukee and I see jeremy and aidsmoby taking romantic walks through grand avenue mall all the time

Wow a private school bought tickets for their students
Someone call Glumphfgh

>It turns out that the movie’s pre-release success is in large part due to celebrities, churches, schools and civic organizations buying tickets in bulk.
>Hill, a Detroit native and Mumford High School alumna who previously spent six years covering sports for the Detroit Free Press, is partnering with her former employer and the Detroit Lions, who also helped sponsor tickets for local kids.
>“We’re all collaborating to send high school students in Detroit who at this point in the year have had perfect attendance to see the movie,” Hill said. “It’s a little over 200 students who fit that requirement.”
>Kimbrough only intended to buy tickets for the 32 members of his school’s freshman leadership team after one of them proposed seeing Black Panther as a bond-building activity back in November.

>everyone who hates Israel is a stormfag

>Hampton University students line up for 'Black Panther' tickets
>For awhile, the 19-year-old computer science major stood in front of a large promotional poster for the film “Black Panther,” which included directions on how HU students could score tickets to an early screening of the film.
>In total, Andre and 227 other HU students signed up for the screening of the highly anticipated Marvel film
>Students waited their turn for tickets while listening to the movie’s Kendrick Lamar-directed soundtrack, with the university’s African Students Association’s Jolie Afrique dance group performing to the track “Redemption.”
>“You never see more positive roles, you see slavery, you see people making fun of, but you never see people in a positive light that are doing good. It’s going to bring a different feel to the movie theater and it’s going to be really uplifting and empowering.”

>watch 70 videos of a fat neckbeard crying about the leftist SJW agenda ruining videogames and superhero movies

Jesus Christ, man. Rethink your life.

>DC Students surprised with free tickets to see 'Black Panther'
>11 Celebrities Who Treated Kids to Free Screenings of 'Black Panther'
>Grizzley showered his Detroit community with an abundance of love when he took 300 students from several public

>How to get free 'Black Panther' tickets in theaters for Black History Month
>In honor of Black History Month, Disney is bringing fans back to Wakanda.
>The free screenings, which will last from Feb. 1 through Feb. 7, will be available at 250 participating AMC theaters nationwide.
>In addition, Walt Disney Studios is giving a $1.5 million grant to the United Negro College Fund to help further "its mission to help minority students access and move to and through college."


>3 threads about this guy on Yea Forums
Are the trannies mad that he's gonna hit 500k subs?

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