What went wrong Yea Forums?

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deltaco tainted it


Didn't need to be three movies long, and didn't need to foreshadow LotR.

adapting a 300 pages book into 3 long ass movies
changing directors
wanting to make it 100% kid friendly
only caring about how much it would bring in regardless of anything else

The actual battle was a fucking mess, holy shit it's so bad.
Bilbo saying goodbye to the Dwarves tho? Legit gets me teared up


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jackson being a lazy fuck and doing everything in cgi also too much fran walsh this time around

The greedy jewish studio.
They threw out Del Taco out of the blue, then dragged Hackson back and forced him to sign. Then the studio disagreed with all of his decisions and forced him to add an extra film.
It was originally just supposed to be two films (there and back again) with NO tauriel.
Execs wanted him to repeat the LOTR films with less than half the time and a much smaller team and budget.
Hackson barely slept and had to make things up ON SET while they were filming, with only half the script finalized.
Execs scrapped all his plans for the dwarfs and we got Tauriel Romance and Legolas Hijinks, instead. Because the jews fear the SJW.
You can see how well this master plan turned out.

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It's more difficult to find anything they did right so you might wanna start there.


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Good summary of events. Fuckin kikes will never learn.
Hellboy remake went through its own production garbage thanks to the same kikery. Same story with Fantastic 4's reboot. I don't know why these kinds of producers even bother paying directors in the first place.

Why did she make that decision?

"We got too many of them anyway."

this fucking piece of shit, this classless moron poisoned the whole production by flipping off everything in sight the whole time. he's a fucking idiot, worse than even ricky gervais. there was no excuse for this no matter how many mistakes jackson or whoever made versus lord of the rings, this mother fucker is such a piece of fucking shit.

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Good cast, but atrocious overuse of CGI. Splitting 1 (one) book into 3 movies didn't help either.

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No way Martin Freeman is okay you can't blame the clusterfuck on him.

They need somebody to throw the blame on.

He was the lead actor on a fucking AAA funded film based on the beloved works of JRR Tolkien and if the whole situation wasn't to his liking then it was for him to INJECT legitimacy by carrying himself with dignity. this was absolutely not the place for this sort of behavior and i hope to god he gets called out at some point publicly for being such a reprehensible piece of shit.

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Shouldn't have made a trilogy out of one film

These films fuck with Jackson so much he needed to lock himself away and make WWI documentary kino.

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Also talking about battle of the five armies - aren't there only four?
Men / Elves / Dwarves / Orcs?
They cut out the Eagles which if I remember were the fifth army? How did Jackson explain this away?

It was just a bit of banter.

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Not sure what the purpose of this bait is.

Thats how I fell about the blacks desu.

based jackson dabbing on tolkincels

Del Taco pulled out and forced Jackson to step in when he didn't want to so blame him for it all just look at what each has brought us

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1.Alfred with his ugly head popping up in every damn scene. He doesn't even get a satisfying death scene (I have watched the EE, i know he dies)
2.Gigantic battle that's just all over the place.
3.The company Dwarves do even less than in the previous 2
4.That forced and shitty love triangle between Tauriel, Legolas and Killi.

There are more things wrong, but i am really tired right now. Goodnight bros

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Threadly reminder Freeman and his 'non'-wife cheated her debtors out oif money while he kept his millions.

Turning a comfy adventure book into a bigass war trilogy, bigger than ROTK.

All we have now is precious memories. Good memories of better times.

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It was perfect

>too many B-stories constantly overshadowing the real story
>none of the characters were interesting
>really stupid decisions like using the wring wraith theme in a dramatic scene with zero wring wraiths
>really ugly CGI

They could’ve told this story in a 2 parter that was 2 hours per film. Instead they bloated it with bullshit. Even if it was still soulless, at least it would’ve been shorter and therefore looked upon more fondly. I pity anyone who marathons these.

Too heavy use of CGI, destroyed the beauty and magic of the costumes and makeup from TLotR.
Making it 3D, removing the possibility of the incredible forced-perspective camerawork from TLotR.

Basically, they thought "it's Tolkien on the big screen" was what got everyone to fall in love with TLotR, and not the movie-making that actually made that trilogy great.

Would have loved to have seen a proper Del Taco film of the Hobbit, just one maybe 3 hour epic and leave it at that.

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Fucking this. The Hobbit is a fantasy road trip through comfy vistas and spooky dungeons, there's lots of singing, and it's essentially a tale for kids, I have no fucking clue what those jews were thinking when they asked Jackson to make it a fucking Fantasy Epic.


Because they thought because it took place before LOTR and had a battle at the end, it should share LOTRs tone and scale.
Big fucking mistake.

No explanation of the social and tax policies of the world, how can I immerse myself in laketown when I don't know the full details of their governing situation?

They were making shit up as they went along. They were seriously fucked when it came to the amount of preproduction that was allowed.
Jewy studio didn't want it to go over budget

They didn't have any meat on the menu

Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise

CGI, CGI everywhere