Anyone else have a hard time understanding romantic relationships in films and televisions? haha
Anyone else have a hard time understanding romantic relationships in films and televisions? haha
Other urls found in this thread:
What is it like to touch girl hand?
like touch man hand but small and soft
>he's never held a girl's hand
>he's never kissed a girl
>he's never had a girl play with his hair
>he's never sequenced his breath with hers while cuddling
>he's never had a girl genuinely care for him
Haha can you guys imagine a life like this? Haha
if you're young and anticipating intimacy? electric.
when you're old and jaded? boring. after a while all you care about is ejaculating. and even that gets old.
Is the incel banter on this site real or roleplay? I honestly can’t tell, and literally everyone I know has at least kissed a girl
I feel bad for you guys if it’s real
who knows! haha
That's a female hand she is holding
haha that would be pretty funny
Ever held heavy bags of sand?
>hey user do you want to give me a back massage?
No bitch i dont want to put my hands on you
I have literally not spoken to a woman that was not my mother or a medical professional in 9 years.
no lol sounds terrible rofl, definitely not me haha, nope i know how those things feel first hand lmao!
>had sex this morning
>already depressed about being alone
get me off this ride
>have sex
I'm turning 30 in a month and have. ever been in a real relationship. Now that I'm a boomer where in the fuck am I supposed to meet women now?
I don't drink anymore and dating sites have been shitty. Approaching women is harassment these days outside of approved venues.
Maybe at a bookstore? I don't get it.
You Incels realize that she touches the hand of another Girl ?
have sex
THis HAS to be bait.
refer to
and have fun dilating
who cares about being alone, 99.999% of people are disinteresting shitters, get a cat for company and life is literally sorted
rent them.
or go to a strip club and buy a dance from the least attractive dancer and tell your story, those girls would pop your cherry for free.
and if you give some excuse as to why you can't do this then fuck you.
>romantic relationships
you do realize society believes this is just a relationship where sex and pseudo conversation is involved, yes? it's rarely more and oftentimes less.
I mean not experiencing a basic stepping stone in life hinders you in a lot of ways.
In the realm of Kinos, you have less of an idea about the motivations of the characters if you've never experienced a real relationship.
Reminder that you can report 'have sex' replies for low quality and they'll get banned
autism is fucking real buddy
think about dyslexia: some people never really learn to read properly. it's like that.
I don't need to pop my cherry I've had sex I just want a gf.
>bitch I already came inside you 500 times get away from me
romance haha
>noticing the posts at all
there's your problem, normie.
>dating scene
>kissing scene
>sex scene
>cuddling scene
WHAT DO THEY FEEL LIKE IRL BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its like touching a hot stove or loud fingernails on board scratching.
the volcel life is bearable with enough imagination to realize that this would happen.
What does it feel like to have this much skin pressed against you?
I'm not sure I could ever do this. I find my own body way too disgusting to feel comfortable asking someone else to touch it for that long.
I honestly cannot watch a movie with romance in it. I want to die every fucking time.
This. Also any movies involving young people having fun or partying. Reminds me too much of my wasted youth.
Post age
I stopped caring at around 27 or 28
No? Why wouldn't you? Incels are a meme.
imagine not being able to partake in a basic ritual of life haha
Yes. It's extremely complicated and hard to figure out. People that think they do are often the most naive, especially women.
I turned 25 a couple weeks ago. I feel like it's already too late for me. I have not even a single friend. I haven't been to a non-work, non-family related social event for over 7 years.
Sex isn't worth losing your head over. It's enjoyable, yes, but it's not going to change your life. Personally what I've learned from sex moreso than anything else is that I don't respect it at all, and I don't like the person I have to be to engage in it.
>cute awkward teen love on screen
>press pause
>walk around room
>also self insert imagining my own dialogue
a-anyone else?
But autism doesn't have anything to do with girlfriends.
Plus most "autism" is just self diagnosed losers who play too many video games.
>watching coming of age movie
>loser protagonist finally gets his life in order and ends up with a qt gf
>feel this weird mix of amusement, sadness, smugness and jealousy
i dont know what to call it
Remember, NO SPOILERS!
>Sex isn't worth losing your head over. It's enjoyable, yes, but it's not going to change your life
This. Having a loving relationship is overrated, most people are better off living solitary lives and dying without any family.
Go on meetup and attend something you like
>I haven't been to a non-work, non-family related social event
Nothing wrong with that but you need at least a friend to talk to every now and then, even if just online or in a video game or whatever.
I only have two friends but if I didn't talk to them every week I would have gone insane from the loneliness.
Based sarcasm poster
I feel empty
>watch coming of age
>half my mind is depressed because I never experienced any of this
>the other half of my mind is living a deluded fantasy of placing myself into the events of the film and pretending these people are my friends
I think it's too late for me. I think I'm too broken.
haha that's crazy who would ever do that haha
no, it's all simple enough
but I think I'm schizo so i don't care too much about sex or relationships.
HAHA, can you imagine??
im on the bed next to my wife right now and i can tell you it didnt cure my depression to have someone in my life
its a good thing to have for sure but it's not the magical solution to all our common childhood trauma of being the weird kid
I truly feel sorry for you that you believe this. Having sex and being with someone you actually love and respect is the best feeling there is
>its a good thing to have for sure
It's literally the most important and central biological imperative in our minds. The only thing we desire more is breathing.
Everybody daydreams, fool. Even normalfags
spectrum disorders can affect both social ability and interest in multiple ways, which yes, can affect relationships. it's not rocket science.
Yet incels would rather spend their life whining about games online.
Haha loser, I spoke the cashier the other day, she asked if I wanted a receipt.
Beat that.
>with someone you actually love and respect
It's hard for me to enjoy sex with someone I "love and respect" when how we both get off is me calling them a disgusting dirty whore who only thinks about getting fucked, unless I've completely given up on sex as a genuine act and not a bunch of theatrics.
and eating and drinking and shelter.
Nope, because I've actually had romantic relationships, incel. I started dating in the 9th grade.
I feel bad for this generation coming up your women seem like cunts 24/7 and all the men seem depressed.
I'm kissless virgin, but that's too extreme m man
haha how can someone reach 37 years old whitout living all that haha ,no wonder your suicidal haha
It's baffling to me that for most people sex and romance are just regular parts of daily life. Jamming your dick inside of someone is as normal as eating food or taking a shit.
To me it's just something that only happens in fiction, like magic or giant monsters.
Therapy can help. It's not rocket science
tfw you've experienced all but the last
>It's literally the most important and central biological imperative in our minds
The very thing which separates us from animals is that our central imperative has evolved. Passing on our knowledge and ideas is a far more important desire. This can be through children, yes, but it doesn't have to be.
i went to get a drink in the gas station and the cashier girl let me have it for free. is this what sex is like?
And? Are lesbians an incel invention or something?
I'm 27 and i'm starting to not care too.
then find a different girl jesus. My girlfriend isn't into that shit
lol, definitely not me!
This gets me too. The world of sex and love are like alien landscapes to me. It's like other people live in a different timeline for which I have absolutely no reference point.
How the fuck can sex being routine? How does that even work? How do you initiate it? Surely both people aren't always in sync with when they want to fuck.
>has evolved
not in just a few thousand years. you're still an animal, pal
definitely not me, haha
listening to my friends talk about their girlfriends is literally like listening to someone tell me how they met bigfoot
Sex isn't just about the orgasm. It is one of the most basic signs of a well-adjusted individual. Everybody has sex. That guy running the gas station has sex. The pizza delivery driver has sex. At the very least, everyone has relationships. For someone to not experience such a fundamental part of society (nay, humanity) is usually a sign that something is seriously wrong.
It's like everyone around you is going to restaurants, and you have to explain that you can't don't food. It's abnormal, and frankly, dehumanizing. I don't blame anyone in this position because it's fucking miserable.
>haha, girls are overrated, bro!
It's always normalfags who have had multiple partners that say this useless shit.
>what separates humans from animals is that humans can cause their own extinction on purpose
Yeah, that's a good idea, let's all STOP fucking.
It's what we're both into. Because sexual desire is bizarre and fucked up and often has little to do with love at all. Do you realize how many people are into that type of dom/sub dynamic? Because you'd be hard pressed to meet more than a handful of girls who don't want to either get choked or choke someone else.
no: therapy is not a treatment for autism (it's actually only about 5% better as a treatment for depression than nothing).
don't sarcastically quote me BTW i was flatly informing you of the facts not going "poor me".
>Everybody has sex. That guy running the gas station has sex. The pizza delivery driver has sex
I know this is true, but my mind wants me to believe it's false. I just can't imagine that everyone on the street has had sex but I haven't.
turn me insane and suicidal at that age ,stopped caring at around 33
but im starting to care again the more i approach 40
I miss young love.
I miss the electricity. I miss the warmth. I miss how inconsequential everything was. Her breath on my face. Her smell. Her smile. God I want to go back so bad. I miss it so much, to feel truely in love with another human being.
It's unexplainable. The feeling of making eye contact with someone and you both burst into laughter because you truely feel such joy simply from being in their presence, only to immediately become intimate with no words needing to be said. It's so soft and so genuine and not like what porn makes it seem. It's on another level. It makes being human not only seem worth it, but make complete sense.
I dont say it to flex on you guys. The only thing worse than never being able to experience these things, is to have experienced it and know you will never experience it again. It's too late. Even if you fall in love again, hiding behind the lockers between classes just to hold and kiss each other is unmatched. To be young again with no worries in the world, together.
>le strawman faec
Nobody said sex is some evil thing. I said the desire to create doesn't just mean procreation when it comes to humans.
I just want to know how it feels. Just one time so I can decide for myself and stop feeling excluded from this experience called life.
>I said the desire to create doesn't just mean procreation when it comes to humans.
No, but the desire of our DNA to reproduce is unavoidable and essential.
at least life isn't forever right guys
i literally dont understand how people meet and end up in a relationship somehow
So I'm a 28 khv turboneet, the question is why so many guys are like you and me? is it modern civilization or what this always the case? Historians say that for every male than reproduce in history five women did
So they were always males left behind, but if we exist that means that all our ancestors were the ones that got laid and yet we do not
Let's really turn up the heat.
>Never meet a girl's parents/coworkers, and hear "So you're the one we've heard so much about."
>Never know what it's like to be waiting for your date, and she appears, and she's the prettiest girl on the street, and everyone is checking her out.
>Never know what it's like to have a girl so excited to see you, she forgets how to talk, or hold onto things.
>Never know what it's like to have a girl take two hours getting ready, for you.
>Never know what it's like to get a girl undressed, and find she bought underwear at Victoria's Secret just for you, and couldn't wait for you to see it.
>Never know what it's like to see her friends jealous of you on social media.
>Never know what it's like to have a woman sit in the car with you, grab your hand from the stick shift, and just hold it.
>Never know what it's like a woman look you in the eye, say "I love you", and mean it.
>Never know what it's like to be so jaded and sick of women, that all of the above doesn't matter anymore.
Whenever I think about being hugged bare-fleshed I always imagine that it hurts, for some reason.
Like, my body is so ravage by my lifestyle, and so overly sensitive from never being touched, that it would just sting to actually be touched on my bare skin.
Why do I think this?
>How does that even work?
it only works like that because of reliable contraception.
before then really regular sex inside marriage pretty much REQUIRED that women be second-class citizens because they'd spend years of their healthiest time of life pregnant.
>Surely both people aren't always in sync with when they want to fuck.
they're not, and it drives everyone absolutely crazy. the really fun part is when people lie that they are into it and take the resentment out in indirect ways later while telling themselves they're doing the other person a favour. good times.
bags of coins and salty milk
>The only thing worse than never being able to experience these things, is to have experienced it and know you will never experience it again.
Stop spouting this meme you fucking normalfags
at this level of overpopulation, there's nothing "pro" about new human births, nothing useful or necessary. we could sterilize ourselves for decades and not be concerned with extinction.
Incels used to just fuck prostitutes and be miserable anyway, so nothing has really changed.
don't you fucking normalfags ever get tired of talking about women? You can do this literally anywhere else, even real life. I don't give a fuck. Take this to /soc/
Just fuck an old jaded fat lady god dammit. That's what I do. I don't even need to approach them, I just try to look "rapeable". These ladies are animals.
That cashier was my ex wife.
I tried having a massage once and it immediately hurt. I think I'd prefer to be violently struck.
but im not into old fat ladies
>he believes in overpopulation
it's a meme made by jews to make whites stop having children, you dumbass
>tfw getting into my mid-20's
>tfw realizing that if I finally fix my shit and start meeting people, I am well past the age of getting that young love I've always wanted
>tfw still daydreaming about my first kiss
fuck this gay earth. It's over for me.
when I went to uni I got lots of girls numbers and they laugh at my jokes and touched me but I never experience that before and I didn't know how to act, I couldn't decide for one and end up ghosting them all
I DIDN'T even had the will to ask them out to a movie or to drink, I was afraid they wouldnt say no
I've never had a fucking date, jesus, how do people do it, I literally never asked a girl out, not even for a dance
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
How I make Lili mine?
they don't understand either. people learn most of their social skills without realizing that they're learning anything, then when they meet someone they come up with a narrative to explain what happened. human beings have the same social instincts chimps have.
>at this level of overpopulation, t
Where do you think the overpopulation is?
You could fuck like a catholic and you wouldn't make even a dent in the grand scheme.
That's all you got left, just take it. She'll cook you food and shit.
After they touched you, ask for number. Text and set a date. Go on date. Repeat
Hey I experience the last one
Just touch your other hand. You’ve got city hands, Mr. user…been countin’ money all your life.
its not, thats just a happy coincidence for them. there are expected to be 2.5 billion africans by 2050. that is not good
>I was afraid they wouldnt say no
God I know this feeling.
i'm about to put my fucking head through a table
Technology is a blessing and a curse it makes it extremely easy to mate, slap on some media/society brainwashing women a bit to only chase after the top percent of men and it all equals up to (you).Back then even if you were that weird quiet guy women still gave you a chance and due to religion,less media meddling and no way to quickly put yourself out there women focused on picking a decent guy and sticking it out with him.
Because it's true, my friend's girlfriend touched my forearm once and it felt like hot iron.
>every single one of your ancestors managed to get laid at least once
>if you go back far enough, even your earliest mammal ancestor who was just some dumb rat thing had sex
>go back even more and your ancestor who was literally just a fish managed to do it too
>you can't even accomplish what a jawless fish did
>tfw evolutionary failure
How can anyone know that though?
I mean you would have actually had to experience both in order to compare.
fuck you :(
You have to pay an online subscription
if life was forever maybe there would be hope we could change thing ,about ourself. but we all gonna be old sitting in a room than regret we didnt do that "thing" we didnt do at "that" time that could have changed our life but we didnt because we feared rejection or something. so to all the zoomers in this thread , if there a girl that is giving you sign she is interested , go talk to her before its too late
Go outside, jackass. There's tons of assholes everygoddamnwhere you look. That place that used to be abandoned? that empty lot? Swarming with assholes. Those shitty jobs no one ever wanted? We fight over them.
Fuck kikes and our species' failure to eradicate them.
>when you're old and jaded? boring. after a while all you care about is ejaculating. and even that gets old.
Ain't that the truth.
I think it's a learning disability like dyslexia that applies to social communication.
previously the taboos against extramarital sex and monogamy meant that more people ended up in shitty marriages, which had disadvantages, but limited the amount of the population that would "fall off the map" according to basic metrics.
Yes, and that's literally the opposite of what user said
sounds like the autistic symptom, where your skin is easily irritated.
>want a gf, but enjoy my spare time and just want to be left alone
How do you people manage, I just want to be left alone after I finish work
I’ve listened to girls complain how they’re afraid of ending alone even after they’ve gone through a string of bfs. Meanwhile the only intimacy I’ve had with a girl is through VR 360 ASMR videos.
Fuck women.
Will things ever get better for us haha
You find a quiet introvert GF who just enjoys being near you while you both do your own quiet activities.
You don't have to be constantly talking and fucking when you're with someone. You can just be in the same room doing different things.
women have high paying jobs and the state suport so they don't need to date the average male anymore, and even if they can't find that blue prince they can always go to a fertility clinic and get alpha seed
males on the other hand, we can't do that
are tatoos required now to get laid?
Crito, we won't owe a rooster to Asclepius. Please, don't pay, there's no debt.
Just ask a girl out :^)
How does female attraction work? I can understand why straight men like women, they want something to hold and protect etc.
But what about women? They want someone to protect them? But then how come they so often like to be the big spoon when cuddling? That's the opposite of what they should be doing.
I'm gay, so for people like me it kind of goes both ways so it works no matter what's going on. But I don't understand how the dynamics of female attraction work like this.
what would your ancestors think if someone told them that in 500 years their last living descendant will end their blood lineage because he got addicted to an online imageboard and videogames
>How the fuck can sex being routine?
Have sex with the same person for, oh, 5 years. Then you'll understand.
Routine sex isn't bad, either. It's like a quick jerk in the shower to relieve stress, or get to sleep. Quick fuck, you're both snoring.
>How does that even work?
See above.
>How do you initiate it?
Most people in a long term relationship that's past the "new and uncertain" stage are comfortable and have their own ways of signalling or offering sex, or it just happens.
>Surely both people aren't always in sync with when they want to fuck.
Of course not. And it's not expected. But since you've obviously never been in a relationship, or had sex, why not just focus on tackling the whole "losing your virginity" thing, first? Or, just go on a date. Worrying how relationships work long term is the least of your problems.
Most people just work this shit out, they don't sit in a basement and work themselves up to an autistic frenzy over it.
I honestly don't know why I open these threads, always end up feeling like shit
If it's with someone you're interested in then it's electrifying and exciting. Confidence boost.
Pure incel dribble, dude. You've fapped yourself retarded.
Get some therapy. Your head is fucked up.
>find a quiet introvert
just how do you figure one goes about that exactly?
>women have high paying jobs
In what fucking universe?
The worker class is currently equally fucked regardless of gender, go out a little.
And also there are tons of female incels.
Girls usually prefer the little spoon, but both genders like the alternative every once and a while
You ever get to thinking that we made our situation worse by interacting with other losers on this site all throughout our "youth"? We should have never been exposed to each other, we normalized being pathetic.
same way you'd find anyone, you go out on the prowl at night
>tfw kissless touchless 29yo virgin neet hikki
>tfw can‘t even hold eye contact with a webm of a qt girl
it really is a bit weird realizing that im always gonna be alone
ever since i was 14-15 i figured it'd be this way but now that im 24 and its really setting it, it really does feel strange
>And also there are tons of female incels.
I find this pic hilarious, some females can into humor after all
nah this website at this point has prob stopped a lot of shootings/suicides
actual quiet introvert girls don't hang out in shitty bars at night user
>women have high paying jobs
>The worker class is currently equally fucked regardless of gender
I think he's talking about camwhores and instagram models.
>And also there are tons of female incels
Who are incels by choice, since they don't want to date down and their careers/pumped by a constant stream of Chads have made them believe they're more valuable than they're worth
be pretty funny if he was 33 too ha ha
How would you know
women our age have bigger salaries, less unemployment and more careers
also bullshit on the existence of female incels
>just because most people are into weird submission shit doesn't mean there's anything strange about sex, it's about pure love and devotion just like the bible told me
Just go on Twitter and find a girl with "introvert" in her profile description.
I used to hang out in shitty bars at night
haha I was just kidding ha ha what a loser someone like that would be he he
I remember at 17 I'd be lying awake all night frozen with anxiety about being alone in the future. I would spend hours painstakingly fretting over how I would ever find a sequence of actions that would lead me to a long term relationship.
But now I'm in my mid 20s and alone it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I think I was more anxious about the process of finding someone than being alone. Which is probably a major part of why I'm alone, I'm too anxious too try.
Women aren't attracted to men in the way men are attracted to women. It's a weird fucking formula that nobody understands, not even themselves.
couldnt imagine something so ridiculous ha ha
>tfw everyone in this thread is actually LARPing and will crawl into bed with their gf tonight
>except for you
no, I think a lot of this stuff is autism-related and cognitive. the ones who absorb jew/pol conspiracies perhaps. but there have been people all through history who have had trouble with basic social skills and written about it in shockingly familiar terms.
yeah, nope
I’m only 23 -- I’ve still got time right guys? right??
Who cares about the stupid girl? Look at that guys fucking badass cowboy jacket
No, I think you look for excuses or outside influences to blame your shortcomings on so you don't have to face the fact that you were always going to be a loser.
I often wonder how nice it would be to kown that someone with a life and emotions of their own choose to hold hands with you.
I got laid at 22. It was a bit of an explanation but you can do it. Just don't bang some random stacy as if she's not gonna notice. Date someone who'll actually understand, AKA date a decent person.
>Never know what it's like to be so jaded and sick of women, that all of the above doesn't matter anymore.
this i know!
You're right, I was even a loser when I was 10. It's insane - once a loser, always a loser.
>who was also a 7/10 or higher, please no fatties
Nowadays a woman is probably worth it if she does not have any social media accounts at all
shit, when I was 10 I was already fearing that my classmates would found I never had a kindergarden girlfriend, and I remember thinking my situation wouldnt improve in twenty years, I was fucking right
been with a girl for five years and no longer love her ama
I gave up completely many years ago
Thank god for porn and onaholes
I'm afraid that when/if I actually find someone I will never be able to really connect my thoughts with them. Other people's minds are so hard for me to comprehend, and I think I'd spend every second of the relationship afraid that they don't actually like me at all, and unable to penetrate their feelings and understand anything about them.
Before humans adopted farming, there was as much sexual freedom and competition as today, or even more, this is where "five women reproduced for every man" statistics come from. Once people settled into farming communities, monogamy became the norm since it creates a stable basic unit that works better for farm households. Too much sexual competition would make things unsustainable so it was restrained. Now the modern economy just reverted us back to the anarchic hyper-competitiveness of pre-agriculture humans. The only difference is force/violence isn't acceptable for competition. So an autist that might've been able to use retard strength to secure women in ancient times doesn't have that option today.
based retard
You seen the new Zahler film maybe? Should I go pay to see it in cinema?
Yep definitely dude. I fucking wish I was your age right now. Just don't throw away your 20s like I did. Go do something and become good at it
do you still love her?
yeah that's autism. normies all believe they know more about what other people are thinking than they actually do: projection is an aspect of social skill.
Why didn't you propose sooner?
Atheist, sorry incel.
But you keep meming to keep the voices in your head damped down.
Therapy. Need. Go.
I am actually autistic. How do mitigate this in real life? Who could possibly want to be with someone who will never understand them?
more than two years and no baby, that's a terrible sign, leave her for a better dude
most of the time i dont feel like a real person, just something that exists in the world and observes whats going on
I don't have a gf. I just know a girl who would be very upset if she heard me say that
>tfw flying international for a date with an e-girl
I will die for love, bros.
You're trying to have sex not connect minds wtf are you talking about
your mom?
dont get your organs harvested buddy
>it's another dull self pity thread
One time in high school the girl sitting behind me just suddenly put her hand on the back of my head and asked if she could feel my hair, so I had that at least.
Nah she's dead bro
say goodbye to your liver and kidneys
>it's another user complains about losers on a site filled with losers post
I've been making progress watching list-based social skills videos like that Charisma on Command youtube channel and developing my own versions. normies give shitty advice like "just be more confident" when the problem is not understand WTF is even happening that people interpret as confidence. just having some kind of system is makes it less likely for me to freeze up.
if you think of it as a learning disability it removes the feeling of it being your fault and it's possible to accept that you have to learn the same skills in a different way.
How does one free oneself from the need of companionship?
you ok pal?
Kill all women. Without want, without worry.
You don't. Humans are basically social monkeys and our need for companionship runs as deep as our DNA. You can try to be an edgy nihilist as long as you want, and then one day you're gonna wake up as a graying 40 year old drunkard and realize how devastatingly lonely you are.
In the old days, that was called "being a hermit".
there have always been "incels", the thing is that they never had any children, so they are forgotten
>It was a bit of an explanation
Jesus, how do you even explain it reasonably?
If you live in the first world, and I mean anywhere in the first world, there is no issue with overpopulation. Economics and norms of post industrial societies lowers birth rates to a point where it is no longer an issue. And in the United States, a place where this argument is parroted a fuckton, there is almost no way we could overburden ourselves with people. There is that much room and that many resources. Unless you’re talking about a world war or global environmental catastrophe, there is no reason to be concerned with there being billions of Africans or Chinese running around. Not minimizing those possibilities, but I’m saying that everyone in the United States could have families of 10 for multiple generations and we’d be perfectly fine.
Good on you man, I like that you're being proactive about the whole thing.
Your experiences don't match up with my own. Try staring into their eyes while you fuck them. It's a whole nother level
I mean, can you stop feeling that sadness in your chest when seeing other couples or a cute girl?
>he's never held a girl's hand
>he's never kissed a girl
>he's never had a girl play with his hair
>he's never sequenced his breath with hers while cuddling
>he's never had a girl genuinely care for him
I only did those things with my sister do I still count as touchless virgin? or just normal regular virgin?
I don't understand anything but, most of all, I don't understand why people cheat on others. If you have someone, isn't that enough? I guess is because I really don't understand love or lust, to me, a relationship should be built on loyalty. Why bothering an affair, the risk of losing the person that is with you and the life you've built, the chance of getting a disease is also a consideration. People love to say that sex is overrated, not a big deal after you done it, yet they still risk ruining their family over a thrill.
Honestly, since I'm a wizard I don't care anymore. Why risk my well being on someone that may cheat on me, make me a fool, bring diseases to my bed, then leave me heartbroken? Knowing myself, if I ever get involved with someone, they may break my heart everyday and I shall not leave him. Best to be alone, best to be depressed and lonely by myself.
You guys need a gf.
I recommend going to a gym, learning how to talk to women via youtube videos, and asmr videos for the time it takes for you to improve yourself.
I thought this was closeup of a prolapsed anus because of thumbnail
do any of the "incels" posting here have a job and female coworkers? i seriously wanna know what percentage is people who just dont interact with women
too much work and pointless when you are an old 25+ yo virgin
>i'm worried about you little bro, you're smart, kind, and not that bad looking, why don't you have a girlfriend yet?
w-what SaaaAY?
I dont have a job and thus no female coworkers. but when I had a job and female coworkers it wasn't any different.
none of them wanted anything from me
Women's standards are based on percentages. It doesn't matter how attractive all the men in the world are, women are always only attracted to the top 20%.
Yeah, we are all the decendants of the top 20% back in the day, but now those decendants are also being sorted by 20/80. Future generations of men will all be even more Chad-like, but STILL women will only want the top 20%. 7 feet tall will be considered short for a man in 100 years.
Cheer up, user, I think you're cute
Hire a prostitute if you're scared of opening up to women that you're a virgin.
what a beauty
28 khv neet living with my parents, never worked a day in my life
>The Chad Sister
Why didn’t you ever try to hook me up with one of your friends, cunt?
>via youtube videos, and asmr videos
What has kept you from getting a job?
shut the fuck up jordan no one cares what you think
You do realize we don't have cushy office jobs or anything art related?
i hate the incel mindset of "i'm a loser so i'm going to be as sad and negative about it as possible". why not at least be funny about your misery? laugh at your pain or push it down, this is what men do. not sit online crying to other faggots about how lonely you are and how seeing teenage couples in movies makes you sad. shit like this is why you deserve to be lonely, other people can at least laugh at their problems to dull the pain, you just sit here in a constant feedback loop of:
>isn't life horrible
>yes it is user being a man is horrible
being a man is great, you just don't take advantage of any of the benefits
Females are real big into the social aspects of a partner, so you can see how being a social retard could possibly be a major hindrance finding a partner as a male who is socially retarded. And not social retard as in shit personality, social retard as you don't understand stuff like social norms and non verbals very well.
I always try to avoid that topic and so far we never talked about it.
but she 100% knows that I am an adult virgin.
You may be right sometimes I see a cute girl and I'm invisible but then I see her passing by a chad and not looking at him either
if he doesn't appear on LinkedIn/Instagram and have a hundred thousand followers he doesn't exist
Life is suffering and love lets you escape that suffering.
Also nice webm, mouth breathing vs nose breathing.
the great and powerful joe rogan everyone
>why not at least be funny about your misery?
What makes you think I don't do that in public? With my friends I laugh, in private I cry about it.
so? you still have female coworkers at fast food, supermarkets and jobs like that
I'm invisible to my female coworkers bruh
And yet women still hate paying for a date or being with a man who makes less than them
Yeah, I have obese 40yo accountants. Does that count?
Those are all jobs where you interact with the public.
Most guys don't like jobs like that, they're kinda onions jobs.
mostly soft, also is weird to feel how feeble they are.
Who is this spunk munk? Also hire a hooker.
being afraid of having to tell why I didn't work before
same, I spend most of the winter thinking I'm dead
how is that related to what im talking about?
My daydreams achieve the same. That's a lie, actually.
Does anyone's maladaptive daydreaming just tend to turn negative and full of heartbreak? I can even make fictional lovers love me.
How long have you been with her?
wow, rude. I still like you though
Just say you were caring for someone (an old person, or a disabled person, and they either passed away, or someone else looks after them.)
It's a lie, but better than not having a job.
nobody cares if youre applying for a low job
Sounds like you're stuck in a feedback loop of negative thoughts then affecting your hopes, dreams, and ultimately your reality.
Happened to me when I was depressed about 5 years back.
Just lie dude. Entry level jobs don't do deep dives on their hires.
>female co-workers
I spent two years pretending to go to Uni but instead hiding in gym toilet, I daydreamer a lot back then, I build entire cities, I also smelled a lot of shit from the other cubicles, shit with feet and armpit sweat, would not recomend
That shit only works if your interviewer is a girl cause it plays to their protective nature, if it's a guy just tell the truth.
they ask for experience even for waitress jobs here in spain
>Doing all the things I wanted to do but with a fat chick
Does this count as cheating? I've done all the things you guys haha about but I don't feel the warm fuzzy feeling you would think those experiences would feel.
I think I'm afraid of being happy because I'm too much of a pussy to just message a girl who's probably into me anyway.
a lot of my co-workers are actual retards that cant function in society so dont worry about it so much. its kind of like with girls you just have to do it and see what happens.
The guy obviously is afraid of telling a truth, a lie to get you through the door and actually bettering yourself is allowed. (at least in my eyes)
there has to be some job without experience, or else nobody would ever have a job. something like janitor
>look kid, if you want a gf so bad, go out and get one. Don't sulk on an online image board like the incel you are.
w-whAT SAY!!
Odds are 90% of you aren't too ugly to get girlfriends, you just spent all your youth inside on loner hobbies instead of trying.
If you'd just asked some girls out your life would have been different.
yeah it only work with attractive people. i know some very ugly chicks at college that im sure would accept to sleep with me
Talk me through one of those average days.
i guess its kinda like beating a game on very easy
its not technically cheating but i understand the lack of satisfaction and fulfillment
I kissed a girl I really like this week. It was a moment like 4 months in the making. We'll see what happens. Wish me luck.
You're right, I freaked out and ran away from what would have been my first kiss a long time ago :l
When people say "get a girlfriend", they mean get a 5/10+, slim girl who is white, preferably. Anyone else isn't really considered a girlfriend and people will look down on you.
Every time I hear someone say they have a girlfriend, there's a very good reason for it. They wouldn't say they had a girlfriend if it was some fat uggo.
>If you'd just asked some girls out your life would have been different.
What makes you think we didn't?
lmao what a bunch of fucking losers posting in here. I'm not even some leftist gender identity politicking faggot but quite literally, have actual fucking sex.
also what's sex experience? isn't that just puting dick inside? you don't need a degree on that, why do people say I want a girl/boy that knows ehat he's doing, with experience, I have not time to teach
teach what exactly?
isn't mostly instincts?
have sex
Most people here don't really crave sex. Sex is easy to achieve. You can pay, go to a bar and get drunk or get someone drunk. There, done it.
good luck friend
Shut the fuck up. I will literally kill you weak-minded and weak-muscled little bitchboy.
Who is this?
Sex is like English, some are naturally good at it, some are naturally mediocre, and some are naturally terrible.
For some you need to practice and learn, others don't.
>go to bar with friends last night
>best friend's gf wants to smoke a cig
>go outside with her bc bored of sitting around
>she's drunk
>she leans on my shoulder and keeps feeling my chest/shoulder
>this is the first time a girl touched me like that in YEARS (at least 8 years)
>haven't had sex in 11 years
such a complicated feel bros
>a lie to get you through the door and actually bettering yourself is allowed. (at least in my eyes)
That's what I used to think but it's a waste of your time, whenever I got interviewed by guys they saw right through my bullshit.
I've only seen it work for twinks, they use the "had to take care of my mom" excuse a lot if it's a woman, even saw some old guy boss tell the lady recruiter to not hire the twink after she had already decided to hire him cause he saw through the bullshit.
You're better off trying to get some really shit job for references instead of trying to get one that requires an interview.
but don't you see guys, I actually have it worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
save that anger for the sex you should be having
>I'm not even some leftist gender identity politicking faggot
t. leftist gender identity politicking faggot
fuck off back to whatever social media shithole you crawled out of
i didnt. but i had cystic acne so my self-esteem was negative.
>spent my formative years convinced i was worthless entirely alone
ouch thats gotta hurt haha
lol, i dont know if youre trollin, or if you dont understand the fundamental problem at hand here
Why haven't you taken the whore* pill?
*pronounced "hoor"
Mate even fucking toilet cleaners need to be interviewed these days.
>mods ban me
>unintentionally avert myself from the Yea Forums path of hedonism and inner destruction
beam me up, asian moot
I dont know how bro and I will never find out
shitposting, memes, porn, vidya, movies, anime all the entertainment out there got me in their grip and I dont even want it any different its like with the prisoners who can't live without the prison after 20 years man same for me, I can't change anymore I'm too old to unplug from the matrix and go out there and get a girl I already missed so much its not even worth it anymore.
what am I gonna run around like some teeny bopper somewhere for some girl that doesnt exist anyway? its all over and I'm stuck here forever on this shitty board but I wouldnt want it any other way.
No I'm not ugly, at least according to two girls that were into me until I ran away. I'm just super fucking socially retarded to pick up on cues or even act on them.
Like I can't even maintain small talk at work. It's terrible.
i wanted to fap but after reading this thread i just wanna go to bed
thanks a lot guys
You're late but not too late, if you genuinely try you can still make it, the absolute worse thing you can do now is let another year pass by you and know that you didn't even try
I don't disagree. It's still fucking pathetic. These whiny, cockless, infantile, pitiful morons. Repulsive. Get a hold of yourselves you worthless sacks of shit.
I would get to the subway and then go out in the first station, get inside another subway and go back to my station, then walk to the gym instead of my home, enter the restroom pretending I was going to change my clothes to train and then enter the cubicle when there was no one around, spend four hours there on average each day, thinking about cities layouts and then go out from the cubicle as if I just had entered to take a piss
No one ever noticed, if they did they never told me
The worst thing about it was the smell and the fear of being found out, the best was that my intestines were never cleaner cause I shited a lot
fucking emcels
Yeah I for sure don't have sex. You're a literal fucking retard and you should stop posting because you're an embarrasment. You still will, but I wanted you to know that.
>And also there are tons of female incels.
Woah, your 1st two lines were right, but damn, this last one is just straight fantasy.
why are those men so evil?
>don't have any friends
>even if I did the statistical likelihood of one of them being interested in me is functionally zero
I wish I wasn't gay.
have sex
>start finally getting my shit together
>then break out in psoriasis all over my face and groin
It's over
It's not.
I thought it was way easier in gay world. Shit, -I've- been hit on by gay guys.
>tfw 5'9 with widows peak and introverted personality
Literally hopeless.
I would've done the same shit if I was interviewing myself, it's just the game. I would've rather not wasted all that time though and just gotten some shitty internship in the first place.
It is, they fuck anything with a pulse, my brother's gay so I know this, I've also been hit on.
Even when I was obese.
It's mindlessly easy if you want endless casual sex.
It's actually not physically possible to have a long term gay relationship, though.
I'd imagine my sister knows the same about me. But I've hard to endure that bitch's messy breakups enough times that I don't think she'd feel I've missed out on much.
h-haha yea imagine not experiencing any of that at 28 haha
Introverted just means too lazy to learn social skills.
Shut the fuck up you retard. You're wrong and you were born wrong and your head is shaped wrong and you're also a swamp monster larry david looking bitch. Never reply to me again.
You're not too old. Stop being a bitch. I will literally come beat you with a belt. Get off your fucking ass and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your entire mentality is a trap. We all suffer our own shit. That's no excuse.
It's the same with lesbians. No standards in their community.
I wouldn't, we deserve one oportunity, if we fail they can just fire us so what's their problem?
>guys on apps have no game
Based on that line, I'm guessing that means she barely tries at messaging/texting, just like a lot of womyn. Expect the guy to lead.
>cousins making fun out of the fact that you don't drink, don't go out, don't fuck
>hahah will join the church, user?
Isn't it sad that guy who is some "leftist gender identity politicking faggot" is objectively more of a man than you?
Technology and entertainment, coupled with some overprotective parenting and a fear of breaking the rules, allowed me to throw away most of my adolescent years, the times when I should have been learning skills, making friends, playing sports and polishing my social skills to a bright sheen, because I got a bigger dopamine rush from sitting in my room, playing video games and watching tv, and when you fail that early, your failures compound on each other until the gap between you and normies is obvious to everybody and insurmountable by you
The difference between us and historical incels is that they died without reproducing due to things like famine, war, and a lack social capital that let them get wives, whereas we're virgins because we weren't strong enough to grow out of habits we developed when we were 5 years old. The fact that there's no good reason for the current state of affairs makes it sting that much more
>if we fail they can just fire us so what's their problem?
Why waste the time training someone with no references when you can do the same with someone who's already been tested to be trustworthy.
Again. Therapy fixes this.
My sisters have never asked me about that sort of thing. I kind of wish they would, because I'm not the sort of person to just tell others their problems.
>tfw 5'2'' 30 years old KHHV incel
Stop fucking texting me. STOP FUCKING TEXTING ME.
>tfw 6'2 30year old KHHV incel
I was bullied a lot growing up and it made me unable to trust people as I always assumed everyone was out to hurt me. So now I'm a 40 year old permavirgin with a shitty career since I could never get along with my coworkers.
Don't be like me.
someone has to be the first
But you're an adult now. Put down the video games.
I've been going to a gym for about 7-8 years now and never had a gf.
>you will never find a visually average KHV just like yourself and live happily ever after as self destructive co-dependants
>It's actually not physically possible to have a long term gay relationship, though.
They all die from AIDS?
they should unsticky the endgame post and sticky this one so people can rattle off their problems and get advice.
the more partners you have the hardest to settle for one, you have to many others to compare
Monogamy just isn't a thing among gays. They're all too busy fucking strangers.
Which makes me feel even more alien because the idea of casual sex repels me.
Ok bu what about the 24 years after you were 16 and bullying didn't matter?
You ever thought how much bullies would enjoy the fact that they ruined our lives forever if they met us now?
It never ceases being high school.
There are tons of long term, stable relationship gays.
>he thinks bullying stops at 16.
>he also don't know what emotional scars are.
I know. Terrible, isn't it, knowing that they won? Even more insulting is the idea that wouldn't even remember or care what they did.
I think they'd be surprised you took something that happened to everyone, and self victimized yourself over it.
I don't think bullies ever give much thought to long term affects. They're not going after you because they want you to be a sad manlet when you're older, they do it at the time because they find it fun. I think if they met you know they'd pity you.
I don't know man... it's crazy... it's like women hold all the power now.
I'm going to sleep cause I have a family lunch tomorrow and I have to get ready for the normie questions about having jobs and girlfriends
I hope that when I wake up some son of a bitch mod has not deleted this thread cause I want to read other user stories
Good night everyone
>emotional scars
He doesn't know what therapy is for
They didn't actually do anything. You did it all to yourself.
They'd laugh.
There's this cute ginger I know and I'm about 90% sure she's single and she probably likes me but I'm way too much of a bitch boy to ever message her so I'm getting my autistic friend's autistic girlfriend to ask her if she's single then I'll probably just send her a simple "Hi :)"
My middle school bully apologized to me after getting bullied in high school. (we went to the same one)
Felt like I was in a movie.
At one point I just lost my temper and started punching him, so he might have had more respect for me than most bullies have for their victims though.
Wtf do you mean "message her" ? Talk in person.
>user, do you have a girlfriend?
>why not?
It's not that fucking hard.
high school should be extremely segregated, its too damaging