Why there isn't more capeshit like this?

why there isn't more capeshit like this?

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people who make movies want to stay in business so they avoid making unsucessful films.

Just learn the fucking interrogative form for FUCK's sake.
English is NOT hard, you have no excuse.

Not everyone can be as talented as Zack Snyder. Mediocre directors are a diamond dozen.

130+ iq films are too niche to spend the money on CG

that's why marvel movies are 90 iq

Not fun and colorful enough for modern capshitters.

Doesn't lend itself to selling toys.

MoS and BvS are exactly the same movie but with different superheroes. Hack Snyder is a one trick pony.

Snyder movies are way to smart for audiences

If I'm honest, I liked it.

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Because people hate what they don't understand.

>English is NOT hard
Of course it is you retard. What the fuck do you need 12 tenses for? Why do you need this rigid sentence structure? What's the point of having 4 different conditional cases? Why would you ever want to revert tenses in reported speech? None of these make any fucking sense and they turn learning a popular language into a nightmare. Fuck English.

What was Rorschach's problem?


Brainley detec

If you cut every scene with rorschach the movie has a normal runtime and is slightly less painful to sit through.

less fun though

It will never cease to amaze me that Yea Forums still hasn't actually read Watchmen yet continues to praise this pile of garbage as some great masterpiece

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What is Alan Moore's problem?

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people who watch capeshit movies don't want to think

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Psycho gunwank conservative who couldn't swallow his own redpills about nukes and the greater good

It really baffles me how Snyder decided to cut out all the good scenes from the theatrical release to put in an uncomfortably long sex scene. The cut scene of the original Nite Owl getting beaten to death was absolutely phenomenal.

>Psycho gunwank conservative who couldn't swallow his own redpills about nukes and the greater good
Poster very likely homosexual. Must investigate further.

His character isn't funny, its a dry narrative in the form of a tertiary character that is basically some homeless guy that thinks hes dick tracy and batman.


>dude nuking japan was great because it ended the war, those civilians died for the greater good

>NOOOOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T NUKE WHITE PEOPLE FOR THE GREATER GOOD THAT'S NOT ALLOWED! THIS IS AGAINST MY ETHICS! *brutally murders anyone who even vaguely gets in his way so long as he's deemed them "degenerate" enough*

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>peacetime attack is the same as an attack on important city in times of war
This poster is afraid of me. I have seen his true faggotry.

Because most capeshit source material is already horrible and difficult to ruin further.

>trying to defend war crimes to own the libs
you're the one moore was mocking in the first place

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>English is NOT hard
Yes it is. It’s probably the most difficult language there is aside from mandarin imo.

Out of curiosity, how many languages are you fluent in, user?

Because studios want to MAKE money, desu.

The villain's goal is pointless without the giant octopus invasion tbqh.

>redefining war crimes to suit your narrative
Because there is good and there is evil and evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armageddon I shall not compromise in this.


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Is it, dare I saw, Lovecraftian?

>moral absolutism
Watchmen was literally, LITERALLY about how there is no moral absolute and that everyone in the story was wrong

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>tfw no giant octopus thing gf

Only if you're a brainlet and don't accept that Rohrschach was always right.

>people who pronouce Rorschach’s name as RAWSHARK

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a bloo bloo

>Why would you ever want to revert tenses in reported speech?
What? give an example


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Present simple reverts to past simple, past simple reverts to past perfect.

I like apples -> He told me he liked apples.

I jerked off. -> He told me he had jerked off.

I speak English and Italian perfectly, I have diplomas in basic French and German, yet I know Latin and ancient Greek very well.

How would the OP look like in the interrogative form?

this tbqh

>the guy who espouses the greater good and the utilitarian approach to human suffering was right
>except when he decided the entire world ending would be better than nuking new york, then he was right

he wasn't right about anything because he had no real beliefs to be right or wrong about

Well la de da.

Being a native English speaker I wish I knew Italian properly.

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Why can't you say "he likes apples"?

That's not reported speech, just a perlocutory statement.

Because stick to the source material doesn't appeal to your average movie goer, even if they love capeshit, they just want bright colours flashy fight and simple quips. The MCU has dumbed down movies so much you couldn't attempt anything like watchmen ever again.

As for why Watchmen did as poorly as it did? Most normies had never heard of it.

The world goes to shit anyway, Doc Manhattan hints at it during his last conversation with Veidt. The peace is built on shaky foundation and will collapse once the truth is revealed.

>he had no real beliefs to be right or wrong about
Yeah, fuck right off.

>once the truth is revealed
which is only revealed because rorschach sent his journal to that shitty newspaper

rorschach destroys the world because he's a moron who acts solely on gut instinct without ever actually considering why he believes what he believes or if he's doing the right thing
he just spouts righteous-sounding bullshit all day with nothing to back it up

>which is only revealed because rorschach sent his journal to that shitty newspaper
The truth would have come out eventually. Don't shoot the messenger.

>he just spouts righteous-sounding bullshit all day with nothing to back it up
Again, fuck right off.

>The truth would have come out eventually
Wow yeah literally just make up new plot points lol
And continue defending a character who actively and definitively contradicts himself on a regular basis because you, just like him, enjoy jerking off to how above-it-all you can make yourself feel without any real effort

>actively and definitively contradicts himself on a regular basis
Yeah, fuck right off. He was the most consistent character in the whole series.

If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth - Neil Breen

a bad adaptation? the are a lot

i have a strong suspicion he fucked at least one of his daughters

>mfw latincucks STILL use mandatory modal verbs

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You speak all these languages, yet you were never taught correct punctuation. Sad.