Literally better than any movies from this year

literally better than any movies from this year

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Other urls found in this thread:

lil dicky appeals exclusively to whigger frat bros

is this a parody?

This fucking sucks and if you like it you don't belong here.

>we forgive you germany

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This is legitimately the worst thing I've ever watched

Is there any form of entertainment worse than comedy music?

(((lil dicky)))

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Snoop Dog is literally weed
That is hilarious

Educational rap

I hate that type of animation so goddamn much, looks like Sausage Party and Back at the Barnyard, it's so fucking horrendous.

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Country rap/"hick hop".

its so bad, animation is good though

Hello NWO propaganda, good to see you're doing well. I'm looking forward to paying the new carbon tax. Don't worry, I'll continue ignoring the source of the bulk of emissions, I'll see to it that they never get the blame.

Think about how much went into animating this and bringing all these artists together. What do these artists have in common? Who (((nose)))?

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Jew pretending to love all nations and the planet as a whole. 10/10 comedy.

Gradually I started to hate them.

Fuck no, Bubba Sparxx and Yelawolf are great.

Check out Timbaland just chilling the the yokels

God, do normies actually like this crap?

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>like the human race
>like the the natural world
you can't do both

honestly, literally, no joke at all, one of the worst songs I've ever heard

>we forgive you Germany

Attached: ra2-ussr.jpg (364x382, 25K)

>Fellas, don't you love to cum when you have sex? (Ayy)
>And I heard women orgasms are better than a dick's (Uh)

Some Shakespeare level lyrics right there

(((lil dicky)))
hard pass on any garbage this yid has to spew

Is there anything more disgusting than saying zebra like this?

The lyrics took literally zero effort.

Celebs boosting their brand off of environmentalism is obnoxious.

Holy shit this is cringe.


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lmao xD

christ, the ''most ambitious crossover, hold my beer'' bit got old quick.

lmao dude

>yo scientists say we got like 12 years to turn this shit around or we're fucked

didn't they say this 10 years ago

and like 15 years before that

>we forgive you Germany

Attached: [gold value drops].png (1280x760, 839K)

"scientists say" is something only propagandists say

Why does music always have to add those, “ayy” “uhh” or “yeah” to the end of a sentence. It’s as obnoxious as pop country adding that echo effect to the last three words the singer warbled out.

50 years ago it was 10.
40 years ago it was 10.
30 years ago it was 10.
20 years ago it was 10.
10 years ago it was 20.
Last year it was 50.

I hate this fucking kike.

50 years ago we only had 50 years until the world was burning.

why this bullshit propaganda never acknowledges that the meat industry is the biggest cause of contamination by far?

>We love you india
>Country that pollutes the most

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holy shit hahahaha man this is fucking awful

that would be america, retard

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>implying first world companies aren't causing 99.99% the polution in the third world
my city has been in yellow alert for air pollution all this year. the cause is grass burning for cattle to be exported to america. america literally hasn't got enough area to graze all the cattle they consume

>country is proven to be heavily polluted
>"b-bu muh capitalism!!!"
Get fucked, commie.

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just stating america CAUSES most pollution, which is true
climate change is all propaganda bullshit anyway

I took some courses in environmental economics as well as international economics. The vast majority of all pollution in every country comes from domestic energy production and transportation. Offshoring has a small marginal impact on CO2 emissions. Most of China's pollution are their cars, tractors, planes and electric plants.

We need Elisabet Sobeck

china ain't 3rd world, retard
no idea what they teach you in your homosexual courses, but cattle raising is by far the main cause of pollution

Thanks for the cancer, you little faggot.

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why someone would burn the grass, before sending it to the yanks?

+1 upvote

anual controlled burn for renewing pastures. what we export is meat, of course
it fills the air with poisonous micro particles that normal air filters won't stop

>Is there any form of entertainment worse than comedy music?
capeshit movies

There was an actual "study" done by the UN in 2003 in which their (((expert scientists))) made preposterous predictions like California would be flooded with inland lakes by 2007 and Norway would be unlivable due to being underwater by 2010.

The white man is the hero the Earth needs, but not the one it deserves.

If you lost your virginity, you wouldn't be so angsty about them

Imagine thinking global warming is a conspiracy. Outside of the US NOBODY disputes it.

Is this why everybody mocks Americans/Incels/whatever?

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He doesn't think about you I'm sure


what's the color of every other nation?

> tfw you had to pull night shift with some cheery-ass motherfucker who would not stop singing "Old Town Road"
I wanted to wring his neck desu

Why do you think that matters? No one is thinking about that user but he also isn't releasing cancer comedy rap shit, so he's by far the better person here.

>we forgive you Germany

The fuck are they supposed to be sorry for?

>Destroy Roman Empire after subverting it from within
>Europe enters dark ages of misery and woe
>Fall under control of Charlesmagne which allows for Europe to prosper again
>Be controlled by Holy Roman Empire and Hapsburgs, things are pretty good for Germans
>Be series of divided weak city-states, things pretty good for Germans
>Still chimp out and lead the burning of Constantinople, which cripples the Byzantine Empire and allows for the spread of Islam
>Introduce Protestantism which divides the Christian world and ferments civil war, allowing for the spread of Islam and the undermining of the original Church of Christ
>Germans chimp out in Thirty Years War, burn down the continent and cripple Christendom forever
>Post-Westphalia become even more independent and divided up states. Things pretty good again
>Germany unifies, burns down the continent and themselves few decades later in WW1
>Conspires with Lenin to give birth to the USSR, which spreads communism (itself invented by Germans) all over the globe
>Become dominated by Britain & France, Germany grows during the roaring twenties (don't believe the Nazi propaganda)
>Elect Hitler, a little over a decade later they've burned down the entire continent and themselves again
>Be dominated by the US/USSR, the US side prospers and is pretty good
>Germany reunifies but remains neutered under US hegemony, things stay good
>US power wanes, Germany reasserts itself in foreign policy
>European continent is again being burnt down

a lot

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my gf says the song sucks buy she likes disney style animation so she showed me it lol

That was fucking stupid.

this bothered me cause they say we love you to all the non white countries then just we forgive you to one white country lol

>blaming jewish deeds on germans

The Empire was a decaying piece of shit when it fell. Germanics hastened its demise but kept the institutions, language and religion intact. Look at every successful European country and it will have been founded by Germanics. Even the shitty Latin ones can thank Germanics for their existence.

While germany clearly does have a history of fucking things up, its not germans who fucked shit up and started ww1 or 2, and it's not germans who control germany and the world now. You know who it is.

Well the Anglos and French started the world wars with a little help from the Russians.

i made it 30 seconds before turning it off

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>Potato Coalburner profile pic

to be absolutely fair it was all because of the jews. the whole thing. they were taking down russia then germany from within. They had also asserted themselves in britain etc so every time germany tried to kick off its parasites the others would be goaded into attacking it. It's the same shit we see today.

Can i just add to this post that i am jewish myself so this isn't meant as an attack sorry guys if its offensive at all i'm not like that.

Is that Screech from Saved by the Bell?

The war actually started because Germany was trying to conquer its neighbours and violating treaties.

do you mean ww2 specifically? sure that is one way of looking at it. I think you can look at it as simple events of you can look at it like "why was hitler in power in the first place?" in which you find the reasons things happened.

I wish germany hadnt invaded poland. or that they'd stopped before that war really broke out. the world would be very different place today.

guys the north pole will be COMPLETELY melted by 2013 if we dont stop this global warming

i deleted the post you replied to cause it seemed too anti jewish. yes imo they are the cause of those events but no i didnt need to put it in such words.

Hey I'm no fan of the jews either and Hitler was a good guy but they brought it on themselves by their actions towards other countries. If they remained at peace and annexed only Austria and the Sudetenland they'd be better off.