>Wanna know how I got these oscars?
Wanna know how I got these oscars?
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I ran away with the trophies!
Imagine being oscar nominee for three great performances but you only get an Oscar for doing capeshit. That would be one hell of a joke.
I used to think the Oscars were a tragedy. Now I realize they're a comedy.
He actually has a good shot this time provided he doesn't fuck up his campaigning. The new voter base is much younger and hold no grudges against Phoenix. Not to mention that the Best Actor category looks dreadful for 2019.
>Leo won't win
>Driver's performance is praised but is nowhere near to Affleck's (both Sundance movies)
>Damon and Bale won't win, I can't imagine a Ferrari movie to contain Oscar worthy perofrmances
>Hanks may be supporting
>I doubt De Niro is a contender considering the CGI on his face
>Egerton is too young
>Norton is self-directed which is usually not rewarded
>Viggo's movie probably won't come out by then
Also, it seems like he realized that by showing up to these events he is helping his movie and the people who were working on it. He showed up at the Globes and Cannes after his famous remarks.
what grudges?
>I'm just saying that I think it's bullshit. I think it's total, utter bullshit, and I don't want to be a part of it. I don't believe in it. It's a carrot, but it's the worst-tasting carrot I've ever tasted in my whole life. I don't want this carrot. It's totally subjective. Pitting people against each other . . . It's the stupidest thing in the whole world. It was one of the most uncomfortable periods of my life when Walk the Line was going through all the awards stuff and all that. I never want to have that experience again. I don't know how to explain it—and it's not like I'm in this place where I think I'm just above it—but I just don't ever want to get comfortable with that part of things.
It's too soon to know about anything. What makes you think that Joker will get to the Oscars? I'm a fan of Joaquin and I think he definitely deserves an Oscar but I don't really think he'll get a nomination for this movie.
1. Well, it is bound to make a lot of money. If Venom can get to 800 million, the Joker will be able to as well.
2. Joaquin doesn't waste his time on shitty projects.
3. Taxi Driver and King of Comedy vibes, which capitalize on the 80s nostalgia that is rampant.
4. Audiences will like the movie no matter what, even if it gets bad reviews.
5. The Oscars love to nominate previous nominees. Once Phoenix is in the big 5, he has a good shot at getting the most number 1 votes.
6. Superhero movies get recognized more now. Logan for writing, Black Panther for production, not to mention that a Joker portrayal has been awarded an Oscar before. This is the only downside about it. Many people will compare it to Ledger's performance and this time it is not critique-proof, since phoenix would be alive.
based and redpilled, I hope he's just pretending to have changed his mind and then when he gets the award he rips them a new one and REALLY shits on awards.
beaten up for going out in public with your clown fetish
yes. yes. or would he be?
This is what I hope as well, I want someone to call them on their bullshit practices with an Oscar in their hand.
>Wh*Toid winning an Oscar
>a Joker portrayal has been awarded an Oscar before
This is what brothers me too and tbqh, Heath was amazing in that role but if he was alive, they wouldn't give him an Oscar for that role. That's why I doubt Joaquin will get it as well.
check yourself before you wreck yourself
I'm not sure I understand.
Also, it is not too soon to see the field. The front runners are usually known at this point. Unfortunately, Studio size tells a lot about it.
Well, Heath has won every available award but three for his role. Granted it was a weak year for supporting actors. Contrary to popular belief, dying usually only gets you to a nomination, never really a win. See the Postman and James Dean.
An argument can also be made that similar roles get Oscars all the time. Mentally ill middle-aged woman, politician, the villain who steals every scene, a British monarch, etc.
This Joker will also tell jokes, something that Ledger's Joker didn't do or at least isn't remembered for and once again, new voter base, they have never voted for a Joker before.
What about last year? Was it obvious from the start that Rami Malek will get it?
His oscar nomination(and possible win) will be in jeopardy if some lunatic decides to shoot up a theater when the movie comes out.
Joaquin is never getting an Oscar because of politics.
What if someone shoots up the premiere and he dies there?
He wins.
No, it wasn't. Although it was obvious that Regina King and Mahershala would win (as soon as Green Book premiered). The previous years Oldman and Affleck were the frontrunners for an entire year. There are usually 1 or 2 acting categories that are obvious from the start.
Bale was the frontrunner but initially got forgotten as Vice was finished too late and missed festivals. Ethan Hawke won almost everything but didn't campaign so he ended up not getting nominated. Then Bale was again considered to be the frontrunner but people didn't want politician roles back to back. Then Cooper was thought of as the Hollywood frontrunner, but people didn't care for the third remake for a classic.
The biggest thing against Rami was the lip-syncing, after the movie premiered it was obvious he was a serious contender, but experts never had him in front before the Golden Globes.
He is super left wing my dude.
Bruce Banner & the Hulk finally combine into one personality and 'Professor Hulk' debuts.
New Pym red and white 'advanced tech' suits are made and the Avengers use them to travel back in time using the Quantum Realm.
They go back in time to places like the Battle of NY from Avengers 1 and attempt to collect at least 3 of the stones from the past to undo the snap.
The stones are harnessed into The Stark Gauntlet which hurts Hulk when he attempts to wear it.
Captain Marvel meets Peter Parker who has the Stark Gauntlet and she is able to wield it.
In the past we get fat Thor hanging out with Miek and Korg, Cap fighting Cap, and Stark rocking a SHIELD uniform.
Watch out for those Time Vortexes though when playing in the past!
Thanks to the beauty of time travel we'll also see that Mjolnir is back and Cap is now worthy enough to wield it alongside his shield.
Yes, Captain Marvel also finally gets her sash and trademark shorter hairdo around the time she destroys Thanos' ship.
After collecting stones from the past, a sling ring portal opens up and the snapped Avengers make their way back just in time for Cap to assemble them and fight Thanos and the Black Order.
Nebula steals the gauntlet and Thanos sees the error of his ways eventually becoming a member of the Infinity Watch and guardian of the Reality Stone.
While we have your attention:
Hawkeye goes dark after witnessing his family get dusted.
Thanos reunites with Lady Death (Katherine Langford's Mystery role.)
Tony and Bruce work on the Quantum Tunnel for time travel.
Time travel is used to help locate and/or recharge the stones so the snap can be undone.
Past Avenger selves think Present Avenger selves are imposters, they fight.
Doctor Strange’s best outcome vision was their time traveling.
Doctor Strange alerted past Nick Fury as to who needed recruiting in order to fix the future.
Nebula witnesses Gamora’s death during time travel.
>The biggest thing against Rami was the lip-syncing
It's fucked up to think he got it but Joaquin, who actually used his own voice for walk the line, didn't.
he's not obsessed with identity politics or political correctness, hes just a classic hippie
And I'm not hating on Malek, I liked his performance, I'm just saying that you never know what is the exact reason an actor gets an Oscar, there are probably other things, aside from talent that count.
Joaquin was up against Philip Seymour Hoffman, though. What is infuriating that in the same year (2018) Bradley Cooper sang on his own voice, wrote songs, written and directed a hugely successful film debut and got completely shat on by Queen nostalgia.
Rami was a huge campaigner. Same thing happened with Eddie Redmayne. Redmayne was third in line after Keaton and Gyllenhaal, but Nightcrawler didn't have enough money and Eddie Redmayne was out meeting voters every day for more than a month. Rami charmed voters the same way. Didn't fucking hurt that Queen campaigned for him, a band beloved by the a huge portion of Oscar voters.
Another contributor were the Golden Globes that take place days before the Oscar nomination voting and are proven to be hugely influential on Oscar voters. So much so that next year voting will start before the Golden Globes to avoid what has been happening for years now.
Will this be his reaction if he'll ever win?
Probably this.
So basically you have to be a huge campaigner in order to gain more voters. Doesn't sound like something that Joaquin would do.
Not at all. As with all things, not doing what everyone else does can be cool and mysterious. Frances McDormand and Mark Rylance didn't campaign at all. They are both beloved in the acting world to pull it off. Phoenix can pull it off as well if the competition is as weak as it looks.
What about Leo though? Maybe he'll be the one who'll get it once again.
He is a strong contender. But he won for his last acting role, so people may say not yet.t for his second Oscar.
The Best Picture will be a movie that wins a screenplay or director. Tarantino is the frontrunner for two. Margot Robbie is also a frontrunner, so that may hinder Leo, especially if one of the supporting actors come from OUATIH as well. Bruce Dern, Al Pacino, Brad Pitt and the guy playing Bruce Lee are all described to have juicy roles. I believe that at least one of them will get nominated. So either he could ride the wave or people could say let's draw the line here.
Okay that makes sense. Nevertheless, it seems that OUATIH will be a favourite for the Oscars and it will get the most nominations.
Very likely, though it might not win Best Picture as being the frontrunner is not that good for the preferential ballot. Roma, Three Billboards and La La Land were all frontrunners and went home without Best Picture.
>That would be one hell of a joke
Happens all the time. Not with capeshit per se, but underwhelming movies earn overdue actors Oscars all the time. Denzel for Traning Day, Pacino for Scent of a Woman, Alan Arkin, Morgan Freeman, and even Julianne Moore.
Hmmm, I just realized he already has a fucking quote. That helps a lot. The momentum is with him.