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/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
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This general has been cancelled on orders of Griffithfag. Did you not get the memo?
who is griffithfag? i have never heard of her
Follow me I follow u :^}
I thought I would enjoy Small Soldiers more. That movie was dope when I was a kid.
Take a year long break to focus on
black beast
I should have known that when Letterboxd generals became a thing years back that the inevitable tranny flood would happen, and look where we are now.
*burps* Hewwo... lbg.
what should i watch next
some fard and shid cinema
Where did you get this list of films? I remember user making a thread about that one above Suspiria last year and observing that it had like 2 votes on IMDB.
fuck coop
it's just my watchlist, just anything that catches my attention
idk where i got mashiro no koi from, probably just looking for jap stuff. i dont actually have the movie tho, i searched for it a bit some time ago and nothing, so itll probably just sit there until i come upon it in some years or something idk
i hate that fucking nigger OriginalName3
fuck coop [2]
pfpfbbbbrrpp BRAAAPPPp
Rate my profile boys
posting my profile I am new
Just add everything you've ever watched and then log the right way only if it's since you made the profile
Watched the Music Room last night and I'm trying to figure out why I like Ray's films so much. He has such an appreciation of beauty while also fixating on death/tragedy. I sense a sensitivity in his movies that I can't really express in words. Any other anons have more coherent thoughts?
I'm just gonna start fresh, I only just got back into movies and some of the ones I've ever watched were from decades ago and I barely remember them
None of those movies deserve to be higher than Small Soldiers.
hi folks
over 2000 movies and welcome to the dollhouse is top 4? dude..
I think Todd Solondz is funny
im here guys you can stop worrying
might drop a smoothcord invite later
keep your eyes open
why didnt u like the mule i thought it was pretty good
you mean tumblrboxd
wow ur taste is shit bro!
I did like it. 6 stars is a positive rating. It's a solid film, doesn't do much wrong, but it wasn't particularly hard hitting emotionally either.
My favourite thing about was the comedy of Eastwood desu. His character was pretty funny.
why do you rate out of 10 instead of 5?
It's the same thing except 10 doesn't require half marks so looks cleaner.
ITT: plebs + babbies
would anyone be interested in a /lbg/ discord server?