Wow, The Skin I Live In sequel looks great!
Wow, The Skin I Live In sequel looks great!
Alternate headline: "Wealthy white woman kidnaps black toddler and forces him to crossdress while inviting everyone to take pictures"
I wanted to be Rahan when I was a kid, why didn't my parents let me transition ?
>3 years old
>4 year old says "look mom I'm a dog"
>well I guess you should start living outside in the dog house.
reason will prevail
*joker quote*
was she not acting as Rita?
I used to love her, and remembering that shames me now. She is disgusting.
>3yo knows any fucking thing
why have people completely lost their minds?
>taking some silly shit a literal toddler says as 100% true and justification to put them on hormone blockers/permanentally alter their genitals and body later down the line
I don't want to sound like a WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY edgelord but this shit is bonkers to me, it's almost kind of scary
Surprised the producers of I am Jazz were able to afford Theron for season 2
>why have white people completely lost their minds?
>Faux News
Sorry user, the sane old world is gone.
>Charlize Theron reveals she's a bad mother
are we supposed to act surprised now?
what do you mean by that? are you saying she didn't say this?
>leftist swine castrates its bay area offspring
The world can only become better thanks to it.
saying you're apathetic doesn't make you interesting
This isn't her kid, he was some African orphan that she adopted
And when that kid grows up, she's going to get culturally enriched and diversified by him.
One day he’ll get revenge for his dick
He is going to be a weird weak person like will smiths son
She proof that a poor mother and father is better than one rich mother.
lol yeah right she'll send him to some boarding school and go adopt another one and start the process again
How? She's probably going to put him on female hormones if she hasn't already.
I'm not apathetic. I just already knew Hollywood actors are majority mentally ill and there really is nothing I can do to change it.
Motherfucker, got me.
>"I thought she was a girl too, until it barked at me" Theron shared
>add white
>answers the question with "yep"
13% spotted
Halls of power hear AOC's heels click
Smashing the patriarchy brick by brick
Slender strides lure pages' eyes luridly
She dangles Loubs by deft dexterity
Dipping her toes in slippers velveteen
AOCs feet unites all the Levantine
Laying to rest centuries of squabble
Her anklets adorned in gilded baubles
Greed and pride departed from in haste
"To AOC's Feet, I pledge myself chaste"
And so eclipse Zarathustra and Yaweh
Alexandria triumphant, hurray!
Chinamen, Rus and Turks fell prey too
Her feet on the bow melts resolve to goo
Soles likened to lattes, a smidge much milk
Earning pledges to never again bilk
That melody sung by her toes wiggles
Now haunts through Eurasian-wide epistles
Pashtun warlords and Chinese oligarchs
Fall abject to AOC, her youth stark
Supine surrender, betraying intent
To creep on AOC's feet sans consent
Memes then banners to nations, then churches
AOC's fans buy counterfeit Converses
Who discern by the absent scents piquant
Her fumes peppery, said more than frequent
Too floral or fruity, an acid musk
"Ain't AOC's shoes, sorry to be brusque!"
Jovian moons pay quite the premium
Imaging her feet on screens of helium
This old disgusting cunt wouldn't even be worth raping, just stabbed to death by a nigger would be enough. She should be sent back to South Africa.
>see how the Bantu is ruining her country of birth
>adopt a Bantu child
>destroy his mind with brainwashing and emotional abuse
>will soon destroy his body with hormones and mutilation
Top tier revenge kino.
>4yo: "mom, I want to have sex with old men"
>mom: "ok, it's your body, your rules. Let me buy the condoms"
>4yo: "no mom, I want it RAW"
this is the world we chose.
who else thinks these kids will flip the fuck out and murder someone when they grow up?
And she whines that no men likes her lmao.
What is she yelling?
Why didn't she reproduce bros? She has top tier genetics
appease her jewish masters
It is odd she is from south africa and has done this to her adopted african child.
If he asked about driving a car or owning a gun, would she let him?
god i wish that were me
makes sense
>why won't a man take me
Did she have her daughter ciricumsized?
Vengeance for what those black savages have done to the boers
I hate niglets
gender identity is formed at 3 years old you dumbasses. That's when most symptoms start, deadbead christian parents just call them fags and force them to cope in the closet.
>grow some balls and be a step dad to my trans niglets
What are the chances that this adopted kid from africa turned out to be a girl in a boy's body?
I met her once. Massive coke whore who saw her mother shoot her father to death.
shes hot as fuck
why do you give a shit about someone's child
I said I was a T-rex when I was 3. Why the fuck haven't my parents supported me?
>Why do you have empathy?
Is this seriously the level you've sunk to?
With proper support transgender people do fairly well
imagine if that crazy old witch hadn't picked that kid, he would have grown up normal, had a family probably would have been happy, now he'll live and unhappy fruitless life as a eunuch
you know better than the parent than what to do with their child?
why is raising a transgender child with support an inherently bad thing?
i wanna see what a transgender person turns out with no support now.
Charlize Theron (crazy) reveals her daughter (male), 7 (seven), is transgender (tranny)
How did this guy's operation go?
Did the membrane transplant take, or is he just left with a wound?
And she wonders why no man wants to date her
As it turns out, most don't receive support.
dilate you mentally ill freak.
>you know better than the parent than what to do with their child?
>why is raising a transgender child with support an inherently bad thing?
Because you're a fucking pedophile and you're not giving them the same choice your parents gave you. You're sexualizing them. And yes, there are laws to protect children from fucking castration by coke whore cult freak adopted mothers --- or at least there use to be.
Trans rights are human rights. Each shit, incels. You’re losing.
>be niglet
>adopted by crazy white lady
>decides you are female
>all while u havent even hit puberty yet and not even mentally mature to decide such things when really, you just wanna play vidya and go home
Funny how being transgender has become trendy and suddenly many of the Hollywood elite have trans kids all of a sudden isn't it? I don't understand how this isn't considered child abuse
There's a long process they go through to make sure it's serious later.
Thread reminder.
It inspired an amazing general that created tons of top notch OC.
dialate pls
You know what they say...
Transgender kids are like vegan cats, you know whose idea it really is.
>68% of trannies abuse drugs and alcohol
>25% of trannies have HIV
>41% attempt suicide
Yeah, totally normal and healthy
As it turns out, the "receives supports" surveys were self-reported, ie no actual standards established. A tranny could say they didn't receive any support, when they did. Or they can flat out ignore any support and focus on the bad shit.
>taking self-reported surveys as fact
It's not trendy, unless you mean it's a reason they get killed by homicide more often, which is true.
>long process
how long? about 3 inches?
You should watch the last season, it's unironically kino.
>Trans rights
No rights for children to choose
not according to my tax dollars u fucking freak
why are you so reactionary, you realize all transgender kids see therapists and are monitored constantly for their mental health
what makes you more qualified than them to say otherwise
God what the fuck
% of trannies abuse drugs and alcohol
% of trannies have HIV
% attempt suicide
It's most likely a fake image
Do you even watch films or shows nowadays? Trannies are portrayed in a positive light 9 out of 10 times and many high profile actors often speak out in support of them. They ARE trendy, which is fucked because people are literally glorifying a mental illness that causes people to seek out self-mutilating surgery.
maybe thats due to how society treats them, that might be an influence?
people denying them basic human rights and calling them freaks 24/7 might do that to anyone's psyche, not just trans.
>As it turns out, the "receives supports" surveys were self-reported, ie no actual standards established. A tranny could say they didn't receive any support, when they did. Or they can flat out ignore any support and focus on the bad shit.
And apparently to some people you can't trust people if they say they're not receiving support.
Look at jazz who has a similar situation
>decides to be a girl at 4
>parents go along with it
>goes to therapy on a regular basis
>Jazz has no idea how to actually act like a girl, and prances around like a faggot
>STILL suffers from depression despite being in a wealthy household, surrounded by a family that accepts her, with a supportive social circle of normal people and trannies
>given a boyfriend
>has a nationally broadcasted TV show
>STILL loves to lay around all day on bed and gets accepted to a top college because tranny, jewish and on tv
>literally given whatever he wants
>he's still a complete mental wreck
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it swim.
Yeah, my nieces say dumb shit like that, too, but their parents say "That's nice" and play along, until it's time not to. One went around for a week saying she was an owl, and tried to live like one, but got bored and stopped on her own.
A 3 year old is barely able to use logic, and believes there are real monsters in the closet, and the tooth fairy and santa exist. But silly twats like Charlize coddle their kids with this bullshit, because they think it makes them look better. This is not something she should be discussing in public, period - but that she is says all you need to know.
Narcissists are common in Hollywood, it's pretty much a job requirement - and I mean the real diagnosed-from-the-DMS-5 narcs, and Charlize is probably one of them.
I used to like Charlize, thought she was beautiful, great actress, but it's hard to like her knowing she's this fucking evil, shallow, and fucked up. Adopting black babies was bad enough, but now she's gonna fuck them up worse.
No wonder nobody wants to be with her.
Have you dealt with them IRL? They're constantly lying, since most of them have some sort of cluster-b personality to go along with it. You can't trust people that burst into histronics at any given moment and will constantly emotionally manipulate people
Cram your passive aggressive bullshit up your festering teratoma factory and kill yourself, tranny.
this is hardcore forced feminization shit
Charlize probably gets off on it
Some aspects of transgender identity have been commodified. That's true. That doesn't mean that gender identity issues and the people who live with them are portrayed realistically or with nuance. By and large people are quite uninformed.
>I don't want to sound like a WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY
Celebrity can be a curse, not a blessing.
Going by the actual data, it's better odds he'll neck himself before he's 18.
you know that housewives are the highest percentage of any social group that take anti depressants?
being a housewife is an easy life, essentially, not that much stress. But there is a lot of stagnation and little fulfillment, so why is there such a high rate of depression?
the same applies to Jazz, she was given little goals and was handed everything she wanted. That's not how someone becomes fulfilled with instant gratification, it breeds apathy, this is a well known phenomenon.
I think it's called affluenza, there's different severity to it, but it exists.
I've known multiple.
What other race does this?
No, shes proof that even succesful people can be bad parents
so this is what women do when they're bored kek
dude just play sims and have your kid be a girl
so retarded
Brainwashes? More like threatens.
>wear the dress or you're going back
Where do you think MacFarlane's Orville Bortus episode ideas have been coming from?
Who is 5?
I agree that Hollywood does not properly portray what dealing with gender dysphoria is really like, I've personally seen what it does to somebody who truly suffers from it. That's why it burns my ass when people like Charlize make it a big spectacle that their child is suddenly trans when it's clear that she is just forcing the child to go along with her insane whims, just to make herself look woke and progressive. She's literally destroying her adopted child's life and he has no say in the matter
Dude, 3 year olds can think they're a horse, a rocketship, and a dragon. In an hour.
>Be 3 years old
>"Mom, I'm Superman"
>Get thrown off of a building
>Jazz Jennings' family
"When I was a kid, when I was a little boy, I always wanted to be a dinosaur. I wanted to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex more than anything in the world. I made my arms short and I roamed the backyard, I chased the neighborhood cats, I growled and I roared. Everybody knew me and was afraid of me. And one day my dad said, "Bobby, you are 17. It's time to throw childish things aside," and I said, "Okay, Pop." But he didn't really say that, he said, "Stop being a fucking dinosaur and get a job.""
A good old satanism when you adopt a niglet so you can give its soul to Satan.Guaranteed it will kill here wen it reaches puberty
trans kids are like vegan cats, you know they didn't make that decision themselves
>cutting a child's genitals based on Muslim tradition
>cutting a child's genitals because it's now cool in Hollywood to have a "trans kid"
inb4 blacks blame her for fomenting the behaviour
>bongo bongo bongo
Hmm a 7 yearold "transgender" is the same as a "vegan dog". We all know whos making the decisions.
female sufrage, no one that supported it at the time would do it now if they knew what would happen
Gee if women have it so bad why does everyone want to be one?
>Gurls are so powerful and strong!
>Gurls are awesome!
>Boys are stinky and ugly, don't you wish you weren't one?
>Gurls are the smartest and the best!
Impressionable 4 year old raised on a steady diet of this: Mom I want to be a girl!
Still, it's a nigger so who even gives a shit.
>advancement in AI
>advancement in artificial wombs
>advancement in gene editing
The strife of women is coming to and end boyos.
They should receive mental support so they don't "transition"
the most powerful women of that time even opposed it, it was ALWAYS unmarried roasties bitching about equality.
100% trend, and not just "It's fun to be a tranny!", either.
We live in a society where there is an outright assault on men. Men, especially white men, are being demonized, attacked, blamed, and called every bad thing in the book. So what do needy, mentally ill, weak men see as they're great shining bug light to make their lives instantly better, and get attention and love and "support" and the ability to boss people around?
Cross dressing has always existed. Body dismorphia? Credible, but rare as fuck.
And most of them will swish around in makeup and bad wigs, and get over it eventually - and continue to fuck women, or just accept that they're gay, and go take a dick.
The ones that cut their dicks off...they were fucked up to begin with, and when they discover that cutting their junk off didn't clean up the toxic swimming pool in their heads, will kill themselves or get on smack or find something else to self-destruct with.
This too, shall pass. But it's fucking enraging to watch it play out, and watching shit parents enable it, for attention for themselves.
Because transgender is a mental illness and in most cases just a "fad". It's literally abuse to let your child "transition".
I don't blame her agent for trying to keep her relevant.
it's not, google it
Gotta love these mentally ill trannies trying make their dillusion legitimate.
They need to pass laws making it illegal for doctors to do these things. It's all based on pseudoscience and nonsense.
The changing. Welcome to the clown reality.
It's always been that way, it's based on pseudoscience.
That's because they are freaks and they have human rights just like everyone else. They want special rights to make everyone accept their delusion. They force their way into bathrooms they don't belong in.
You can't change your gender and there are only 2.
People with real dysmorphia are so rare, the general public doesn't need to be informed.
Your fetish (in your case) isn't the most important issue the general public needs to deal with. Most people will never deal with a real one, at worst they'll have some dude swishing around the office in a dress and 5 o'clock shadow, erupting in hystronics whenever the get bored or needy.
You are here:
It should be presented for what it is. A mental illness.
>people denying them basic human rights
basic human rights are as follows
>not being a literal slave
>having clean water to drink
>not starving to death
thats literally it, fuck off with the rest of your bullshit.
Did she have a dick? Because that is a pretty solid way to tell if it's a boy
>there are only 2
As spoken by Allah, through his one true prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him): there is only one gender; women are property
Bingle, bangle, bungle I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go!!!
>How to spot a pedophile
holy fuck that's so creepy
very lynchian too
none. /pol/ fags are just upset that the white race tends to be sick.
isn't Brazil and Thailand the tranny capitals of the world? liberalism is a disease that affects all people.
who's more crazy, her or jolie?
Don’t want no estrogen, dresses, dick chopping surgery I make it clear
Fuck you liberal.
Not starving to death and clean water aren't human rights. You want food and water, go get them yourself or you can fucking die for all I care.
>why are you so reactionary
Reactions are human. Putting your kids into psych evals after you told them they have to switch biology is inhuman.
You're a pedophile and everything LGBT once stood for (freedom of choice) has now been inverted.
we don't have any toddler trannies around here, it's more of a american thing
what's dilation?
I'm actually angry this is allowed.
"Gender Identity" Is bullshit. This kid is a boy, he was born a boy he will die a boy. Doesn't matter how much he mutiliates his body.
Trannies are sick people who use junk science to enable people to accept their delusion.
I don't ever want to hear that the "discord tranny" thing is just a meme anymore when we have idiots unironically defending this tranny lunacy.
Honestly any parent who enabled their kid to do this should have their children taken away from them and jailed for abuse.
Trans enablers are worse than pedophiles.