Don Cheadle tells Brie Larson not to touch him

Visibly pissed

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Other urls found in this thread:

don cheadle should have sex.


could Don look any more African?

Haha, that's just friendly banter between good friends! Everybody loves Brie and you should accept it, incel.

Have sex.

Thinking of stan

>Notre dame burned down on the hunchback's birthday

Time code? I'm not watching 8 minutes of this drivel.

31 seconds in, adhd user.


first 30 seconds

33 secs

is Arya one of us?


He's clearly just joking

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brie is based, incel.
also have sex.

That don't look like bantz to me. And it's completely understandable. They're getting sidelined by an upstart who rode in on their coattails.

im still baffled by don cheesles english accent in oceans 11 and why they thought it would be a good idea

Interrupting my birthday to express how much I hate Jews and niggers.

He looked kinda annoyed and told her he said to stop touching him

>It's me, Brie Larson!
>You're white savior/ally!

"told you not to touch it" Yikies. no one likes this bitch

Based birthday doubles racist user

Man imagine beeing Don Cheadle. You've been in 6 marvel movies, best friends with Iron Man and still have to take a step back for this broad that only got a movie due to politics and social justice

visibly s e e t h i n g

Do you think Don Cheadle hates Brie Larson because she reminds him that he is someone else's replacement?

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That was kind of a bitch move on Don


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Bruh, she made my boy Don cheadle lose his cool? Wow.

I guess it's so terrible and over the top that it's sort of funny.

>awri chaps, ang on to ya nickas

Donny only wants trans kids to touch him

Protect trans kids.

Briel Arson is so selfless

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damn he looks pissed as FUCK

how magnanimous of her!


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she is even displaying a bag with her own name on it

This vid makes him look extremely antisocial.

>Ethiopian rat trapper BTFOs greasy turkey necked McCheese Feet

I bet someone in the cast showed everyone this. I bet they all hated her from the get-go. She deserves it, the hate. She deserves to be drowned in the real feelings of her co-stars in the public light.

So tacky. It's what happens when white trash gets money.

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: Avengers - Endgame - Chris Hemsworth, Brie Larson and Don Cheadle (FULL INTERVIEW)81WIkfUAc_o.webm (1920x1080, 1.54M)

Even fuckin YouTube normies hate her now. It's so apparent in every interview she's a cunt.


God that coat is so disgusting that shes wearing.

Brie is cute, I love her!

Even when a building with centuries of history and meaning is burning down, a woman still has to insert something to bring herself attention.

I really can't tell, it could be a weird hollywood actor thing

I can imagine the conversations.
"Dude did you see Brie Larson's post about Stan?"
"No, why?"
"lmao dude you're gonna love this. She's such a massive bitch."


>when your pet nigger doesn't like you and you get lip from a freaking white male

imagine you've been in like 20 films and this bitch shows up and wins the day out of nowhere

fuck you op

>i told you about the touching

>named after stinkiest most plebeian French cheese
>visible liver spots
>crows feet
>turkey neck
>laugh lines
>nasolabial folds
>toe fungus
>not even thirty years old
>the fucking AIDS raisin himself

Absolute kek, Cheadle isn't even trying to pass it off as a joke, fucking ballistic.
Seems to me like a lot of the cast really hates Larson.

he hates women and majorities

Probably burned down when this fucker was lighting her birthday cake

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>don't touch me woman!
Why is this campy nigger famous?

Wow, you really need to have sex.

>tries to be lighthearted
>Don is annoyed by her and tells her to stop
>Chris looks annoyed and ignores her

People can say they love her all they want. but the crew really does hate her.

Hes obviously joking. Good lord you people are clueless.

incredibly weird.

How much do you have to hate someone to not be able to hide contempt during a press tour?

Why is his coat torn on the shoulder and pocket?

Can't wait until this meme blows over honestly. It was funny in the first Jazz thread when there were like 30 comments, but now it's worse than Sneedposting.

He like that when he jokes I think, like how he reacted to Mark Ruffalo saying everyone dies. He might be slightly autistic and forgets to give any signs he’s joking. But what do I know I’m retarded.

What do you mean by "you people"?

Everyone riffs on Brie without so much as an attempt to pass it off as playful banter. I almost feel bad for her but she's so rude to everyone all the time.

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I've met a lot of people in my job who get really into the touching thing. Most of them are women, I reckon they picked up from some seminar or workshop that physical contact is supposed to be reassuring and create a bond between people, making whatever you're saying more personable and likable. Unfortunately this is Cheesebrain Lardson we're talking about here, a woman who has not achieved an orgasm in the last twenty years of her life. That's completely unrelated, but yeah.

Gee I wonder why shes rude to people.

Be in a franchise for years






You can tell she doesn't play well with others. They really screwed up casting her.

stop touching women you incel freak

I don't like brie larson
but I also can't stand public confrontations and sperg out from it, even second hand or third hand recounts

No sound though

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Wow, I didn't know black men could be incels.

please stop this hatred

>Notre dame burned down on the hunchback's birthday

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>I've met a lot of people in my job who get really into the touching thing. Most of them are women
I work in HR with all women. I'm the only dude in the department. All of them do this shit. When they talk to me they always rub my back or my arms with their hands. Its weird as fuck but I don't want to be rude by pulling away. One of them also always does this shit where she leans on me when looking at stuff on my screen and she has her boobs pushed right up against me.

Bruh she was yelling Google searches and asking if they were personal attacks against her. Literally talking to no one.

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>the fucking AIDS raisin himself

he's almost 60. Let the crypt keeper rest

How insufferable could she be off-camera? Hopefully the stories will come out.

Impossible. He's straight-up Obama levels of African.

Sounds like hell


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They should have got someone fun and energetic for the new phase, not some stoic sliced bread. Black widow fulfills that role same with Gamorah to some extent but they’re all well rounded. Brie is not

Stinky fucking whores, I hate em, don't ever touch my sides without permission

Brie's expression says "I dominate you"

Thor's expression says "shit, bro! She dominated you! You gonna take that?

Its actually ok. They are very nice to me. I'm assuming its because I'm the only man they see at work. They all buy me sweets and chocolate on a regular basis and yesterday they got me Easter eggs.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. They think they're being clever, but to a fallen wizard's apprentice like me (lost virginity in my 20's, now a married man) this is just so transparent. I cannot respect anybody who falls for it.

watch all of it, guys
the entire interview is like this lmao

>the face you make you think about someone

>open Jazz thread
>blocks your path
what does one do in this scenario

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Are you autistic? Look at their body language. He moves away from her, aims his limbs in the opposite direction, and she locks her hands in a self protective manner and acts very stiff after he tells her to fuck off. They cant stand each other for whatever reason and its awkward as fuck to watch.

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Just like chinese cartoons. A woman does that and you stiffen up like a fucking board and freak out inside

>muttering under his breath
>moving away

I-it's a j-joke!

He was pissed

seems laike banter. Im not sure why people are pretending its more.



he hates white women (understandbly) and doesn't want aids from Brie.


Jesus Christ they both fucking hate her. What the fuck?

Don Cheadle has had a great career and is surely doing these marvel movies for an easy paycheck, he is a great actor and I am sure he is more than fed up with fungus girl acting like some huge hollywood star that deserves special treatment.

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i know a guy in the industry who worked on the film, he says they hate each others guts

Fuck yeah are any of them hot?

Being in HR, they are hyperaware of this stuff so they are definitely doing it on purpose. I wouldn't be able to conceal my boner if I were you tbqh bro.

Don confirmed for incel

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>stiffen up like a fucking board and freak out inside
Nope. I just think its weird. I actually get along fine with all of them. They are all married though.

She's not a nice person. It's very difficult to get in with people that are angry all the time for no reason.

>act like a cunt
>get treated like a cunt
>omg why are they treating me like a cunt?1?1?1??11

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I agree. I kind of hope War Machine dies in Endgame so Don can focus on other films again.

I should mention they are all married and older than me. They range from 35 to 45 and I'm in my 20s so I think they see me as a kid or something.

>Notre Dame burning down on your birthday

Quasimodo just can’t catch a break

fuck off roasties

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He's still pissed they canned the War Machine movie.

One of them is hot yes but shes 37 and I'm 27. Shes divorced but very nice to me. Shes the manager and sometimes she tells me to go home early on fridays as a reward for working so hard. she doesnt do that for anyone else lol

I was being ironic

They wanted a MCU version of Rey, and that's what they got to the nth degree.

>I was only pretending to be a roastie

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Ain't no reward for half measures, Satan.

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Jesus christ she is insufferable, you would react the same way if you hated someone too.

I think ya'll read too much into things. They are just acting silly for the interview

Kek they see you as a little bitch boy and not a man. Can’t blame them only little faggots work in HR.

So you're the special needs hire and considered utterly inoffensive.

He doesn't want to catch the fungus.

Don is a freak though

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>Kek they see you as a little bitch boy and not a man.
How can you tell?

I wantto cum inside her but she's annoying as hell

thats not how women work
if they thought he was a bitch boy they would manipulate him into doing shit for them, not reward him. although he is the only male so he probably does all the work anyway

I have a Masters in HR though lol

knock 5 years and a couple of pounds and it'd be perfect

Whatever, just give me source

how the fuck can you watch this interview and say it's banter? they fucking hate her

>the sarcastic laugh by Chris at 5:00 after Cheadle says Brie just has to not screw it up

go to 5:10, look at Chris's face and how he says
>oh I think you've quite successfully stolen the torch and taken over
not a single smile and mumbles it under his breath

literally 10seconds later pic related after she says she's the strongest

too lazy to post more but the entire interview is full of these pissed off exchanges, their body language says it all

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one of mans greatest dilemmas

you guys surely are autistic, they are having fun and bantering

Don and Chris are pretending to give a hard time to the newcomer, and Brie is pretending to be the arrogant novice, every person with a minimum of empathy understands this right away

protip: the whole Brie controversies were engineered from day 01, all kinds of publicity are good publicity. She is an actress, a professional pretender, do you really think she gives a fuck to what she spouts? You fucks are really easy to manipulate, God damn, what a bunch of retards

>he is the only male so he probably does all the work anyway
Its funny when people come to the department they always talk to me instead of the actual manager just because I'm the only man. They assume I'm the one in charge.

HR is a female dominated profession. Being the only man in the HR department is the equivalent of being the only female in the IT department only you dont have the laws, regulations, and cultural clout to back you up when they start sexually harassing you. Some naive anons might think it sounds like heaven but I've never met an attractive woman working in HR - they're all harpies and hambeasts

They didn't show the back of the shirt, the full thing says "PROTECT TRANS KIDS FROM ME".


Racist piece of shit. Keep your bigotry on pol sweetie

At least they are nice to me I suppose.

It actually reads: "from crazy parents and greedy doctors".

I'll allow it

This reddit cope, your waifu is an insufferable cunt and everyone who works with her knows it

wow she banters just like the boys!

she looks like she's advocating for equality while behaving like she's above everyone else and using others for her own gain. I could see why people would have a hard time befriending her. To be fair though I've only ever heard of her through the few Yea Forums threads I clicked

There's zero joy in him, holy shit

I thought it could be a jokey thing but nope

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Chris is not that good of an actor and you can easily tell when they're trying to make a joke and when they are uncomfortable with her, they keep trying to cover it up.

You mean doesn't want any *more* AIDS than he already has

What is a waifu?

> Man asks woman not to touch him.

That's something men only do with fatties and absolute bitches.

Is it just me or does everyone hate Brie. So far I've seen that Hemsworth, Jeremey Renner, and Don hate her.

You have never seen a bant before in your entire life.

Honestly their body language around her is pretty telling. The rumors were true.


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Rememer when there was cast chemistry? She single-handedly destroyed it. Notice how none of the rest of the cast wants to do interviews with her.

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She shit talked the entire avengers cast on television, so I don't see why anyone would like her. Maybe jackson likes her since he was in her unicorn store netflix trash.

what are you trying to say? These super chads are mostly swimming in pussy.

Imagine a group whose been working on the same projects for over a decade and suddenly a spoiled princess comes in, and starts acting like she's part of the crew while at the same time keeping a smug superior aura about her.

you're projecting dude, he is annoyed that he is losing time with PR shit instead of fucking the brains out of some hot woman in a 4some

Brie is totally into him, and he knows but doesn't give a fuck

Don is a little clumsy in the bantz, maybe he is tired and needs a nap

Even the lighting, Jesus christ


Disney is playing 4d chess

He acts like she literally reeks of shit and he is trying to hold his breath.

h-h-have s-sex...

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They're setting the somber tone of being in the room with her. Fitting.

You should check your sex privilege.


>Impossible. He's straight-up Obama levels of African.
but he's half white whiter that half of Yea Forums too

They all got along with the Guardians of the Galaxy cast when they came out of nowhere and took half of Infinity War for themselves. I think they would just hate her even if she had been there from the beginning. Because she's a cunt.

>Visibly pissed
he talks about hazing right after I hate all of you autists

I love how everyone visibly hates her, but can't say it. There's all these little off handed things and body language ticks. It's so fucking funny.

the worst part is that the directors and writers make her a stronk womyn by making her destroy Thanos' entire army.

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Imagine getting touched by brie larson

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I'm thinking it's all a ruse, they set her up to seem like the 'most powerful' so she can job to Thanos and hype up the final fight with the OG team

This is the only way to do it and have it work, she can learn to be humble from losing and that's character development


Jeremy Renner should have sex.

Chris Pratt probably fucking hates her. He's a Christian, the mortal enemy of Brie.


nah she's gotta beat his ass with both arms tied behind her back

Maybe less if she managed to stand of her own firsst. GotG had standalone film before joining Avengers and it was hit. Her movie was groomed as End Game prequel and her being big part of the final part of the story.

the amount she fell down and lost already before getting the powers supposedly should have taught her that lesson, but her character is shit and makes no sense

just smugx1000 and fuck all else

You're walking on the wire my man. Women tend to be jealous and insecure when it comes to male attention so if one HR crow feels like you respond negatively to her grinding against you or if she feels like you respond more positively to another HR crow grinding against you then she will feel slighted and will try to ruin you. So the best you can do is always smile like 50s sitcom milkman, and always make an excuse that you cant make it to corporate parties or outings

this he fucking mentions a "hazing period" right after AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

A bunch of contracts are up after this. So, I bet Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans will go all out and describe the horrors of working with Brie Larson.

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>4 whole seconds of that pushing

She has to be socially autistic. I'm serious.

you are such a racist bigot. go vote trump u drupfer!

it would be really bad story telling to do it like that, if should be a high for the team that's leaving and a low for her so she has somewhere to go in future movies

if she one hits Thanos himself, what will she do next but be a smug cunt for three movies

I would be surprised if they care about that. They just don't like her because she's being a cunt. If she didn't take herself so seriously and was more generous they would be fine with her. She can't even handle basic banter.

She seems to have fantastic chemistry with Sam Jackson.

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they want to fuck you user, not even joking.

Renner's face cannot get any more leathery, he cannot stand her at all.

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he's basically jon snow turning up with kelly C and everyone telling him she's a cunt and him being like yea but look at her dragons

She probably made him and the rest of the cast do some sexual harassment course about how non-consensual touching is literally rape, but thinks she can do it because she's a girl.

stop touching women you incel freak
i bet you voted for trump

>she will feel slighted
It already happened to me actually kind of. I went to a different department to visit a girl I like in Finance (shes 23 and athletic build) and I brought her some chocolate. One of her female co-workers (fat woman in her late 40s) sent an angry email to my manager telling her to stop people from HR distracting people in Finance unless its with work related matters.

The cheese is delicious, you disgusting faggot.

One of them has an Academy Award, the other one doesn't. The small time actor shouldn't act like that in front of a real superstar.

I don’t get it are the people defending her this autistically orbiters, shills, tumblr refugees or a mix of all three?


Nonsense. They are all married and aged between 35 to 45 with kids except the manager who is 37 and divorced with no kids. I'm 27.
>4:25 Brie giving RDJ the stare-down
>RDJ: Hi, Brie! Bless you! What a fun spring time we're having!

Damn they HATE her! I can't stop laughing.

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That guy from Shazam and GotG looks african, Cheadle does not.

>it's such a pleasure to be in the same room as you
Fucking celebrity worship.

I don't touch them at all. They are the ones touching me. And I'm not american.

>character development
No such thing in progressive world. Development would suggest that characters had flaw and isn't just hampered in perfection by external factors. It is the very core of intersectionality.

>I've met a lot of people in my job who get really into the touching thing
Dear Lord, I wish I could work at your place.

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>so you want to be like tom cruise ?
>no, I want to be like me, thank you very much

thats called white feminism


Thanks, dude

They were both disgusted to be in the same room as that rapey Indian.

>really bad storytelling
So you have seen neither the Black Panther not the Captain Marvel, haven't you?

RDJ should have sex

Where's your birth certificate, Don?

Don has a thicc waifu

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Interrupting my comfy shitting session to express how much I hated this thread

case in point lmao

Notice how much more upbeat and happy they are in this interview without Brie around.

WTF its so obvious

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i fucking love this meme

Jesus, ALL OF THEM, all of them hate her.
20 bucks Disney is going to tell them to say something nice about her and that everything is fine once these clips start picking up steam, like the Ryan johnson/mark hamill stuff during TLJ

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What do you work as?

Oh yeah, Chris, the married man with two kids is totally just frustrated because he's not cheating on his wife at that very moment, classic Chris Hemsworth, well know for being openly disloyal to his wife. Oh and of course Don Cheadel is some autist who doesn't get banter, because Brie can do no wrong. Kill yourself orbiter.

Maybe not, I don't know them so I have nothing else to go on. Still, be careful with women like that, although I'm sure I don't have to tell you that, seeing how you work in HR.

I imagine being part of the MCU is like being in a giant college film or acting club or something. You work on projects together, get drinks afterwards. Buddies, maybe one or two close friends. Then there's that one fucking kid who just ruins everyone. No one wants to be the person stuck chatting with them. Everyone is always trying to throw them onto someone else.

dude i mean c'mon she totally interrupted her birthday for like a few seconds to post that tweet
she's a national hero man

I don't get it, she's only watching him talking, not staring him down. Maybe she's got a little of the 'tism? I don't think it was meant to be a powerplay.

Maybe I'm autistic, I don't see how this one was supposed to be representative of RDJ disliking her.

Tbf, I've always gotten the vibe that Jackson is chill af in person. The kind of dude everyone gets along with.

more projection... have a sex, my dude

So did they make them do another interview together where they pretend they are all buddies and that Brie isn't an unlikable cunt?
Because they was scripted as fuck

Also notice how the Jewsney media always makes her the focus of every interview

Is this a reboot of blade trinity?

I don't know how anyone could possibly claim this shit is banter. It's so uncomfortable to sit through.

Notice how comfortable Jeremy is next to the chick in the banana suit, how jumpy and smiley he is with scarlet.

Now look at how uncomfortable Jeremy was with brie on that Indian interview, it's so awkward

Have sex incel. Everyone loves captain marvel

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she must have been molested by one of the executives while she was a child actor

>both of then visibly can't stand Brie Larson, Don can't even get touched by the bitch without getting angry
Chris Hemsworth and now Don Cheedle are both /ourguys/

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Its fun to rip on brie but don has been acting weird for a bit now.

>muh building

More like all of them.

>click on thread thinking it was the cute and funny masie
>apparently it's some ugly hag actress
Thanks tv.

brie is on the spectrum. she can't read human responses

can confirm, am guy in the industry

They have the same political alignment. He likes her.

>everyone in super casual clothing
>brie dressed up to the T as if it were the oscars

>look at recent comments
>Don have sex you incel
>have sex Don

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>I'm not gonna be the next Tom Cruise
>I'm going to be the first ME


>he hasn't seen the leaks

she destroys Thanos' ship

I would to if I had Brie on the set and on the tour

That is the dumbest thing anyone has said in this thread.

When even the CEO of your company hates you and your involvement in the series, wow incredibly telling.

yeah I kind of like her tbqhwyf

she seems like she hates people, and is really unlikable and has no charisma. its refreshing and i can relate

they work for George Soros

don cheadle is a literal who side character. how dare he

Review footage of them together, brainlet.

>that vulva mouth on the right
legit horrifying

review the idiocy of your original statement and retract it if you have some dignity.

He was being weird even before this, i think don and mark ruffalo are cokeheads.

daily reminder that this is the kind of person who calls people incels online:

Wouldnt be surprised if its cuz of the cancelled war machine movie and/or because brie got him in trouble at work for ""inappropriate"" touching or something

Have sex

>married women with kids never cheat

Those are the biggest cheaters of them all. Women are vain and vapid, especially in the age of social media where they rely on the desperation of betas and “likes” to give them self esteem and worth. They’re trying to see if they can put you under their spell so they know they’ve “still got it”.

What do you call a female incel? A larson.

So you have no context of their interactions other than this clip? As expected. Get off your high horse.

It was ironic!
You gotta believe me

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Begging you to have sex.

Says the guy claiming that having similar political leaning automatically makes you besties.

Go seek context, I'll wait. It's on Youtube.

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You faggots are STILL obsessing over her. STILL!!!
Fucking imagine this for a second, really imagine it. It's fantastical. It's stupendous. It has been three (3) whole astronomical years and you won't let go.

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>implying I'll do your work for you
How about you suck my dick? If you've got something, you'll post it. Unless you're scared to do so, of course.

trying to bait a lawsuit most likely. keep your guard up

WTF? I want to protect trans kids, now!

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he literally says "i told you about the touching"

This is a television board. We're discussing actors. It is only expected you know what the fuck you're talking about if you happened upon this thread about this specific set of people. Don't reply to me again unless you decide to humble yourself.

don't do it to em' like that

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Severely underrated

You don't think he got the job due to social justice and politics?


its because shes out of place. no one else is looking at RDJ while hes answering the question. even after he directs his attention to her shes none the wiser

They should put Paul and Brie in the same interview to see if she really can suck the fun out of everyone.

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he got the job because terence howard was causing problems. he was great in iron man 1

>next time baby

What a faggot, brie is still worse though.

Is Brie autistic?, she has almost no social cues which is quite strange for a woman.

The 37 year old manager doesnt use social media at all and has never even used facebook lol. She told me she hates all that sort of thing

> Whole cast gets along. RDJ, Hemsworth, Evans, Renner, Scarjo, Ruffalo, Mackie, Stan, Olsen, Rudd, Saldana, Bettany, Holland, Cumberbatch, even Chris Pratt is able to get along fine.

> In comes Brie and ends the era of harmonious banter and hugs.

You think he's kicking himself over that bigger cut?

>I'm not going to provide proof for my claim! You should be aware of every single interaction every actor has had in the past five year
Is this the biggest cop out on Yea Forums right now? I knew you were full of shit but damn, son, I didnt expect you to be this much of an insufferable faggot. Common courtesy is to provide backing to your claims whenever you make one. Clearly you lack the most basic if educations in interacting with people.

I don't live in America

These threads are so bizzare. What is it with them? What's the endgame, dare I say it?

just ask your manager out you schmuck

Don trying his best to control his inner nigger.

its lychian

attractive women can't be autistic

that label only gets used when men exhibit those traits

>hates Brie Larson
>likes Mel Gibson

I don't know user, RDJ seems pretty...problematic

Attached: thighs.jpg (1365x2048, 404K)

But shes 10 years older than me

>just date your boss bro
>in HR of all fields
Are you retarded?

Its a revealing contrast because he loves Scarjo and Lizzie.

He's kidding. He's doing a very bad job at showing that he's kidding but he's clearly doing a deadpan sort of humor here. They're all doing a shtick together. Watch the rest of the video and you'll realize this is just friendly banter

I'm from Britain and know the archbishop of Banterberry personally, this isn't banter.

>the level of delusion and lack of touch with reality ITT

Attached: Zrgz3Cv.jpg (798x770, 178K)

Shouldnt that be a team effort? You could have Strange, Wanda, Falcon, War Machine, and even Hawkeye all teaming up to take it down through teamwork.

There's literally nothing you can say that will change these incels' minds.
They are a hundred and ten percent committed to this notion and are ready to literally die in order to push forward their agenda.
What you do at this point is to let go and enjoy the chaos.

He also needs to stop dressing like a lesbian. Nigga's ain't shit, Don. Stop letting them bully you about your hairline.

it's fool proof. what are they gonna do fire him? job security secured

But Brie isn't attractive...
Oh I see what you're saying, she's autistic?
Damn it's good to see support for an autistic actress, very rare.

You can practically hear the inner REEEE'ing from here

Can we please ban anyone who says have sex or uses the term incel?

>Don't touch m--it.
Based Rhodehead.

Yeah man, you can definitely tell from the way they’re smiling and laughing. They’re like old friends who have known each other for years.

Fuck you incel

Honestly the incel term is very reddit, please call virgins, wizards.

Can we please ban all of you incels shitting up the board with autistic Brie Larson threads?

It's telling when a white woman can push a black man to not want to chimp out.

“Oh, how did my expensive shoes and bag get into frame, lol? This is about Stan!”

She insulted him a lil bit.

>those comments

Jesus, even the normies hate her

I haven’t made a single one, faggot. Has it occurred to you that not everyone here is a virgin? You don’t have to a virgin to criticize women,

Probably from the last time she touched him.

She was a little out of order herself

>normies are a naive hive mind
In other news, water is reportedly at risk of being wet.

If it weren’t for the hunchback, nobody outside France would give a shit.

But wizard doesn’t vary the supposed negative connotation. Joke’s on them though.Any normalfag who actually thinks their insults or words carry with or merit is a fool who doesn’t belong here.

>Has it occurred to you that not everyone here is a virgin?
Nope. Have sex.

Attached: 3jc0gAffa1qb88lqo6_250.gif (160x160, 528K)

Chris seems like a chill dude to hang with desu

>these are the kind of astute individuals you share a board with
Really makes you think, innit?

I'm still surprised he corpsed this hard. Brie must really bring it out of people. He actually sat there and sulked for a few seconds too. Took him a while to come down.

Honestly, the dude is vanilla as fuck. About as normie as you can get and still get work in this business.
He's a good sport though.

he didn't start laughing wtf are you talking about retard

You know psychological projection is a terrible trait, I know you've never had sex but you don't need to assume everyone on Yea Forums is like you man.

Holy shit I forgot about that. She literally gets offended at everything.

Women always want to look at someone's eyes when they're talking, not sure why but that's uncommon with men.

It's seen as a threat by men, too much eye contact means you have violent thoughts.
Have you ever seen someone get angry and then just stare at you? They're contemplating murder.

Now that you put it that way, I have no other option but to agree and apologize. By the looks of it, I seem to be dealing with a registered psychiatrist.
Y'know, I take everything back. Don't have sex.

Jeremy Renner doesn’t seem to be a fan either, or Elizabeth Olsen for getting sidelined to the streaming ghetto in favor of Captain Poochie.

Deflection with humor, now tell me about your mother user.

based Mel

Jesus fuck.

Oh, so we're actually running with it? Should I lay on the virtual couch and tell you my life's story?
Pretty sure the thread is going to die in a couple of replies too, but whatever. What do you want to know about my mother?

Lol everytime one of her co-stars does or says something that implies they might not like her, your response:


At some point you are just gonna have to accept the obvious.

She didn't shit talk them. She just tactlessly admitted that she doesn't get along with any of them and that she's really close with Sam Jackson and that she shit talks behind their backs with him ooooohhhh.

Did she genuinely love you and show that when you were a child?

Nah man crackers like cheese.

>that tutting

Yes, although I think she kind of overdid it in some ways. You don't want to grow up too sheltered and protected, y'know what I mean?
It can dampen your natural instincts to thrive in an otherwise dangerous world.

At 0:36 he calls Trump supporter a nigger then quickly calls him a racist after realizing what he just did and shitting his pants that the black guy watching the whole thing might murder him. Oh the ironing

brieposting threads are so comfy

>He might be slightly autistic and forgets to give any signs he’s joking.
I've always thought it's funnier if it's not obvious.
I should have known.