You don't even have netflix?

>you don't even have netflix?
>what do you do all day?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>you don't even have sex?
>what do you do all day?

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My workmates all know I watch Yesterday (UK history and engineering channel) all the time.

contemplate the ironies of my life, write down my thoughts on society's ebbing dignity and civilization

>You don't work, socialize, do sports, game or watch movies?
>What do you do all day?

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>you're now reminded "netflix and chill" was a common thing normies did as an excuse to have sex

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people used to say that when I didn't own a tv

or the classic

'then whats your furniture pointed at hurrdurr'

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eat tacos and masturbate like a sane person?

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Have sex

Yesterday some normie 'friends' were discussing if they should get HBO or Netflix. Their main points being some punctual series within a load of useless crap. I said why they just don't pirate those series. They looked at me like if I said they should fly on a spaceship instead of commuting to their wagejobs.
This is the market target for streaming services. People too fucking stupid to look for a Mega link.

>you're now reminded normies have sex

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>I hunt large game and read technophobic literature.

Where do you find mega links? I usually stream but the quality is shit and connection is bad through VPN.

Watch lectures on youtube. Write. You, thot? Taking pictures of yourself in the mirror again?

A girl once asked me that question, I replied: "I jerk off all day"

She smirked and twitched her hair.

What did she mean by this?

>that moment in high school when you realized everyone else was having sex
I've been dead inside since

she had lice

She was picturing you in a cum puddle beating it senseless to her for the 8th time that day. Yes women are that narcissistic.

Am I the only one doing absolutely nothing all day? I don't have a job currently so I'm applying for jobs an hour or two in the morning and then do nothing but sit on the couch or lay in bed staring at the ceiling for the rest of the day. I browse Yea Forums for an hour in the evening and that's it.

Funny how those who act superior to normals are nearly just as boring as they are

I stream netflix shows and movies from overseas sites and only pay for them on amazon you netflix-cum-streamcuck

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it didn't take an realization, they just made fun of me for it

>world's richest man
>has a name tag
wtf Jeff.

shit talking your friends behind their back on Yea Forums, you sound like a big faggot kek

That moment when you reach 26/27 and you realize all the kids you went to school with either ODed at an orgie or are married and settlsd with three kids and you're the only one who's life hasn't moved an inch since you were about 15.

once a wagecuck...

when you put it this way it almost sounds like you have the best life out of all of them. Unfortunately I graduated from a private catholic school and they're all on their way to become doctors and engineers. Even the fuck ups among them are doing well.


Snap out of it man. It's not what you do you regret on your death bed it's all irrevocable time you wasted not doing them. It took me till my early thirties to realize that and I wish every day I'd changed things sooner.

Formerly twice as


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damn, I've been a neet for ten years straight

Normalniggers don't have sex either.
It's just the Chads.

I dont even know anyone from back then
never looked them up on the internet since I forgot all their names.

but yes I am a NEET and my Life is still the same as it was when I was like 15. only played videogames and shitposted here.

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guess im chad

i maladaptive day dream

its a huge problem, it got worse on my 20s

i can zone out completely for hours

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also never had sex or got a kiss, or a hug from a girl

Yes they do, just with ugly girls.

Sissyboys don't count

there some things I'd like to try but it's hard to find private time when you're still living at home. And honestly there's not much in life I find interesting, everything seems pointless.

this moment didn't happen for me until like the end of year 13. a couple of girls did ask me if i wanted a blowjob at some point, but i think they said it to make fun out of me.

same, I know it's cringy and pathetic as fuck but I've created entire alternative lives for myself with a complete list of events for years.

Why are zoomers so fond of fabricating conflicts in their heads?

Yes, they do. I get invited by a code monkey colleague sometimes and him and his nerd friends all have girlfriends.

>feel bad not progressing in life
>visit old place
>everyone is either dead crippled or brain damaged from drugs
>girls are knocked up with 3-4 kids from different fathers
>attractive girls are single but burned out

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Learn to code or fix iphones or something. A practical marketable skill you can monetize and use as a conversational piece at parties. Don't let yourself rot.

>tfw retailcuck with minumum wage salary
>Have a tight budget and use cash only to maintain it
>Normies everywhere complain that they don't have any money to spend

>Stream services
>Brand clothes
>Eating at fast food places

Where do these normies get their money from?

I know that feel.
I'm not quite sure how I got out of it.
Do you daydream in 3rd person?
You should try to daydream in 1st person because it translates better to real life experiences.
It will feel weird at first and all the cool situations you imagine yourself to be in will feel like normal cringy real life situations, but this will help building your self confidence.
At some point you will realize that real life and daydreaming are not that different. Both act on your mind/brain/personality in the same way unrelated to if it's a real experience or a imagined one.

>tfw i could have so easily become a nerd, but life circumstances forced me down the path of becoming an anxious shut-in
it's not fair, lads

I thought people were joking...but no EVERYONE in HS was having sex in some way except me. Its apparently mandatory even just for practice for real relationships.

For me, it's when you realize everyone was invited to parties but you

My dad and my mom always make fun of me because they have social media while I don’t

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They even own Wiis and play games (including wahoo). Yet they get their dicks wet and I don't.

hold up, are you telling me that if i took my wii with me to uni i would be swimming in dicks right now?

I tried coding in some classes in college and I sucked at it. I don't see the point if I can't earn money from it.

to be fair if you don't spend much money you should be able to save almost half of your wage, even at minimum wage. You're probably living somewhere too expensive.

yep, that one is hard to take.

>user you are on the internet all day
>go out and socialise
>tell them its a forum
>don't be a loser
>myspace comes out and say everyone's on it
>don't be a loser
>don't make a facebook
>err user everyone is on facebook
>they are on facebook all the time

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I've been to a grand total of one party with people from my school. It was during the christmas after we had all left

The only bad part of that is the sense of impending doom.

I've never been to a single party in my life, how was it?

>anti-normie thread immediately devolves into /r9k/
toppu keku

sounds like me
I much prefer the life inside my own head to the one I live in real life

>mega link
What century is this?

I've been to several because my childhood friends became normalfags and threw me a few bones
it's not that fun, you end up standing or sitting somewhere waiting to leave because your friends are too busy socializing with people you don't really know so you have no one to talk to
honestly, that >my feet hurt wojak picture is pretty accurate

It was pretty fun, though I think 'get-together' may be a more accurate descriptor.

well believe it or not but mega has been great for downloading shit the last couple years, time really is a flat circle.

it's probably worth remembering that some people aren't particularly interested in transgressing the law at all

everyone sucks at it in the beginning
your later code is always better than your early code, even if you've been coding for a while


Normies don't know shit about maintaining a budget

this is exactly it, the normies just spend whatever they want and then whine about racking up debt

>he doesn't have Netflix while ALSO pirating

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>see this post
>sadness hits me like a punch
>my mind reminds me of all my failures in life
>tears start to flow
>mix of pure rage and pure sadness
god why am i so pathetic? was i born only to suffer humilliations?

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If I get dubs all the anons who have hit a dead end will eventually fix themselves

reminder that a bullet to the brain is an acceptable method of fixing yourself

If you just hit the gym for a few months and get a haircut you will easily get laid.

yeah but I was significantly worse than everyone else in the class, and since I'll never be good enough to be hired in a company and I find it boring I really don't see the point.

People die when they are killed

Unironically had a little spat with a normie classmate over this.

>teacher talking about some mainstream book (Narnia iirc)
>asks us what we know about the author
>raise my hand and say some stuff I read online ages ago, when they were written, that they were religiously inspired etc
>chick in front of me turns around in her seat
>"How the hell do you know these things?"
>"That's not what you use the internet for!"

not him but when people straight up laugh at you because of your face I doubt lifting weights is going to change anything. Nice digits btw.
sometimes I feel like I'm cursed or some being is fucking with me, it's like one thing adding to another again and again for all my life.

>tfw women and relationships are never a topic in our group of friends.
I guess we all mutually recognize that we're all fuck ups on that part of life. Even the couple dudes who are married.

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Why was she so triggered by that

Not true at all for mentally ill NEETs. I stopped going to the actual gym because I couldn't handle it and built a home gym with nothing but the bare essentials.

She was one of the pettiest whores in the entire school (and that's a big achievement considering another girl from our parallel class posted nudes of herself around at age 10), no idea what might have been going on in her head.

I have a similar story, but it was about Urals being the border of European Russia and Asian Russia.
This girl was so fucking upset I knew something.

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How do I subscribe to your newsletter?

No you talk about relationships and women with women, you talk about hobbies and events with the boys

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Just kill yourself already lol

Whatever makes you feel better about completely failing at life bro

>you spend all day arguing on a bavarian crocheting forum?

>I make up strawmen to cope with being alone
How's that working for you?

>tfw from Bavaria

You got a problem with crocheting?

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i wish my friends were fellow NEETs, all my childhood friends are ultrachads, having to pretend to be like them when they are around hurts my soul, they always invite me to parties and i always decline because i know my anxiety will fuck me up, they all probably know deep down that i'm a loser but they like me too much to call me out.

i learned to cut my own hair and i lift at home because i'm a big faggot who gets upset by gym banter.

>sometimes I feel like I'm cursed or some being is fucking with me
this. and thinking how my ancestors died and slaughtered for their families, their god, their nation just to have a depressive NEET who watches movies and anime all day as a descendent honestly saddens me.

Fetch pails of water


I lost the ability to daydream by about the time I was in my early 20s. It was probably due to getting really insanely high on weed several times, and a decade of drinking. I think part of the reason I got so fucked up is because I wanted to dull my vivid and over active imagination and it worked pretty much.

>watching anime and posting on a racist forum

29 here.
I have just as much as I did when I was 20. Maybe even less really.

I told them on their face they are technologically illiterate.

What is this Netflix thing?

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>Reunion with family I dont see in a long time
>Aunt do the question:
>"Hey Mike, do you have a GF?"
>"Not yet. Im just too lazy with the work and the master Im doing"
>Half the presents laugh at me and the other half give me disapproval eyes

Why cant normies just let me be? I am busy, am I not?

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petty bitterness lives behind these posts

>be 27

>Couples are buying groceries
>Almost every woman despise their boyfriends and mocking them in front of me.

Why are women so spiteful?

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I literally don't have a tv in my living room so the only option is to watch tv in my bedroom, on my bed. hahahahaha

If some dumb fucking WHORE comes over and can't sit in a living room and talk with me, I am not interested anyway.

>finish high school
>become shut in, don't have social media or any contact with classmates
>except for one who is my best friend and has stuck with me through thick and thin
>10 years go by
>one day we're drunk reminiscing and we decide to look up people
>every single one of them is living in luxury or traveling around the world, even the retards and people who could barely read

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the social media crowd does t he absolute best to talk up their existence

I think they're laughing at you because they know you're full of shit, Mike.

You should at least try to attend those parties with them. Eventually they will stop inviting you if you don't. My friends rarely if ever invited me to out drinking. They tried, but I guess I fucked it up and I'm unsure whether we're friends anymore.

Your friends sound awesome dude, go hang out with them. I live far away from all my life long friends now I have nobody to hang with. It sucks.

is for sissy pants

>masturbate to shemale porn for 10 hours a day, its a serious problem that I can't stop
heh, that's pretty clever

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Hey shut up

Imagine watching yify-quality garbage like it's 2007 again.

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>tfw turn 30 in 2 weeks
>about to ascertain wizard status

see you nerds later

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Do people really think shitposting on Yea Forums all day is better than anything normies do?

nobody is saying that, you nigger.

I don't see any difference at all

no but for real man, just say you don't have a GF, don't make excuses

I'm so fucking autistic and sheltered I was in senior year of HS when I first learned women could experience sexual attraction. Up until that point I thought sex and drugs were things that "bad" kids did. Blew my mind when I found out my classmates were having parties and threesomes at like 16.

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t. Shut-in loser

I read an article once that said most female top searches were long tail searches for relationship advice and fashion tips. They basically have no interests beyond that and gossip. Anything else they claim to like is for show to attract guys. How they fill their days i don't know.

only autists get bent out of shape over how lossy their media is

>tfw girls have been occasionally flirting with you but you didn't get it until years later
There even was a cute girl that was hugging me and shit that dropped out in the 2nd year.
Fell pretty bad about it because she must have felt that I was rejecting her hardcore.
Fuck, I'm so retarded.

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a succubus got me at 19

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I knew but I wouldn't know what to do, I never had money to go anywhere

What do you become if you lost it with a whore?

I don't know what's worse. To have missed obvious clues or not have any to begin with.

It's all fake bro. These people literally have experiences for the sole purpose of publishing pictures online. They see something interesting or beautiful and their first thought is "I need to take a picture of this, this is going to get a lot of attention on social media" that is fucking sick. Their minds have totally been jewed.

Go out and enjoy life and don't look at it through the lens of fucking pictures lmao, that shit is sad.

Compression artifacts because bitrate is too low to preserve grain. Specifically the brown shape, look at the grain retention the lower one. There's also more fine detail, visible in her hair and eyes, because grain is detail.

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I had clues. But I rejected them. I simply didn't want to.

This cannot be true

Ok this one is really obvious. The issue is I don't feel like torrenting a 30 GB encode every time I want to watch a fucking movie. Unfortunately sometimes I have to settle for a 2GB that is probably the same as Netflix quality.

Either way I'm never gonna pay, but it sucks that you often can't find good torrents with healthy number of seeders on public trackers.

I used to do this on dates like five or six years ago before I ever heard anyone talk about it. I just didn't really know what else to do. A lot of the time I honestly just wanted to stop spending money and go sit down somewhere.

So glad I was able to get away with it for like a year or so before it became a meme.

I went home during easter and like always mom asks me the questions
>so what do you really want to do for living?
>so have you met someone yet?
>do you bring your laundry again?

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I haven't heard anyone say it in over a year

I imagine it keeps the drones patrolling the premises from shooting him

I am aware 90% of social media shit is fake and for looks, but still. They get to travel to other countries, or get lawyer/doctor degrees. I am content with my lot in life but still, a bit disheartening to think what could have been

I work retail too and it fucking blows my mind sometimes how the guys let their gf treat them the way they do. I don't have a gf, but if my bodypillow spoke to me the same way some of these women speak to their boyfriends, I would rip her in half.

>MEGA links
Just use torrents you daft cunt

The statistical likelihood of all of them actually living a life of luxury is a false presentation. Trust me, they put on a good show for the social media crowd and those sweet, sweet likes and comments for those narcissism points, but in reality they're walking debt machines. They've likely got negative balances to their names or are on the verge of it without daddy's help.

Believe me, you likely have it better than them.

you guys have friends?

>daft cunt
love that band

I guess so. I am debt free and not in my parents' basement, plus I get to faff about most of the day. Must have just caught me off guard.

>because grain is detail.
I never liked this meme

bottom looks a hundred times better though

What's wrong with /r9k/? They are one of the few boards that still post frequent OC and the main feature of the board is great for keeping "le baisd n redbilled XDDD" faggots out.
>B-But muh ebil incel boogeymen!
Fuck off, normalfag retard. If virgins scare you just fuck off to Reddit or Twitter.

You cannot apply DNR without losing detail. And compression artifacts and blocky encoding is literally a lose of detail.

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>Be the same person as you were in high school
>Still jack off like a raging teenager
>Normies are envious that you look young despite being age 27
>See normies having constant stress in relationships and money trouble while I am a retailcuck who spends his leisure time shitposting on Yea Forums

Why are normies so stressed out all the time?

Either from parents or dumb loans.

Torrents make you responsible as an uploader. DDLs don't.

Just remember. These are the idiots who keep this economy propped up on interest payments and debt collections and are what allow you to enjoy the luxuries of modernity. They pay the price for you. Think of it that way.

Honestly, I feel no pity for the vast majority of them who put themselves into their own situation.

>have encyclopedic knowledge of dumb misc shit from reading chans and forums all day
>get the news straight from /pol/ like two days before it goes mainstream
>people act surprised when I mention shit and it turns out to be true

It's like I'm living in an atlernate reality.

Wow, a few more pixels added in. Pay $30 more. Pass.

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Not if you're using a public tracker like a normal human being. Unless it's something I really care about like a Remux of something where I can only find YIFY-tier encodes of, I'll usually just delete the torrent after it's done downloading.

Oh the nazi channel, you fucking nazi.

Analog film projected in cinema has no pixels at all. Enjoy being a pleb.

Meant for

>be me at 17 years old
>qt big tidded blonde girl always come running to hug me whenever i get to school
>she likes me and everyone knows it
>but shes 13 so i don't do anything because i fear my friends would laugh at me and think im a pedo
>one day i go to a party at a friends house
>she's there
>she keeps following me the entire time
>it gets really late
>my friend asks me to sleep in his house because its really late and the streets are dangerous
>she says shes going to sleep there too
>we sleep in the same bed because the house was full
>she wakes me up and asks me to sleep cuddling with her
>im drunk as fuck and sleepy so i go with it
>raging boner but i dont even try anything
>next day
>friends tells me they settled all up to help me fugg her and she even sleept with no panties on
>they finds out we didn't do anything
>i become laughing stock for the rest of HS
>fast foward to CURRENT YEAR
>26 and still a virgin
God pls. I just want to go back in time. Just one more chance

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Thank god they realized their mistake and didn't do DNR for the 4K release.


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It's better to be virgin than pedo convict.

>big titted
why are mutts so retarded? besides he was underage himself.

Jury won't give a shit if she's 13.

not saying I would have done it. 13 is definitely too young.

Wow, I feel much better now. Thanks for reminding me of all these things and make me appreciate my own life user!

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Look at this queer holy shit

It's $30+tax+tip, you disgusting europoor.

>Tfw realize this poster was only 17 years old in fucking 2010
Back then I was cracking open bears and played TF2.

Stop having sex, roastie

Holy shit dude why didn’t you claim that ass?

>oi, faaakin yanks, not lettin' me stick me todger in their kids!

If they didn’t want their kid to get fucked, they shouldn’t have let her go to parties without any panties on, Jesus Christ.

Thats what i tell myself. Even tho the age of consent here is like 14 if i remember correctly.

At the time i didn't think it was right. To be honest if i could go back i think i would've done it.

>He said, while posting on Yea Forums all day every day

This is what relationships do to you. We don't realise it, but we're all lucky for not being in one.

>she was 13

they were trying to get you jailed dude, you did the right thing, consider yourself lucky

not really i found out later joey from friends said it

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user you were an idiot. She was legit begging for the dong

Anyone else permanently furious being confronted with all of this nonsensical tfw no gf aids cancer on any given board? I'd like to be a billionaire too but do I really have to shit that in every single thread on all of this site for everyone to know?
It would be funny if it weren't so rage-inducing how all of these subhumans viciously gossip about normies when, in actuality, they legitimately idolize those same people in the most extreme way possible. You people are literally ruled by reddit. You ARE reddit.

I worked in retail a few years back and saw this too. The guys are supposed to be belittling the women for all the stupid shit they say and do because it's the only thing that keeps them in line anymore. The amount of men that sneak shit into their carts and try to pay for it without them noticing is truly something to see. Everyone should work retail for a year like I did just to feel better about themselves. Most people are literal braindead scum around retail workers because they don't think of you as a person anymore. They'll say insane shit just right in front of you.


I am a normal looking white guy and I never say shit or make any small talk besides the obligatory "hi hows it going" if I am a regular at a store I will slowly of the course of months maybe do some real conversing but other than that no. It's also a regional thing, that's how most people behave in the Northeast, I like it. No dumb unnecessary bullshit.

Had a giant redheaded woman dating a man at least a foot shorter than her outright tell me that he tried to abandon her and her kids, which I found out a couple of minutes later meant that he wanted to buy a game that was marked down to about 10 bucks. Her idea of abandoning them was buying a game to play.

Saw no less than 50 men over a years time go ask their wife if they could get something, as in, asking permission like she's their parent. Most of these men looked normal too and would often be in work clothes. I worked around the automotive area of the store and they'd be asking for something that cost 4 bucks.

Then you'd have the cases in which the wife would pick something out of the cart, stare at it and go, did you put this in there? The man would meekly say yes, and they'd just set it on the counter and say they wouldn't be buying it. That happened with 4 different couples.

Women also loved to bring up how they couldn't afford things, and the tone they'd say it in would always be pointed at the men, and they'd just take it.

I'm going to give you a (you) because nobody else did.

That never happens here. Women get they ass beat for talking that much shit

I'm in rural Ohio, it's surprising how cucked everyone is here. Moving out of state next month though, and won't be doing retail again.

I have a lot of shit I want to do and get horrible anxiety about not having enough time to do them

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Facebook is for boomers now lad

That's a yikes from me. What I noticed was that all the young couples that came in, there would be a 7/10 man (what you'd call a 'Brad') and they would always be paired with an overweight 4/10 woman. There were no ugly men or attractive women in relationships. Only attractive men paired with ugly women.

>yfw facebook is literally 40-60 year old Tinder

This. They love the local town/neighborhood pages.

For me? It's trolling on That place is leftist boomer central. Every fucking issue I interject my right wing nationalist views in a calm rational way and people go ballistic.

The Stacies that came in were always alone, or with another Stacy. Attractive women don't settle down anymore, if my experience was anything to go by.

This, I never wanted to truly kill myself until I actually got a girlfriend, it's fucking insane.


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I have a great relationship NOW, but the first 3 or so years of it made me understand what it meant to want to die. The insanity that you try to navigate through to get a woman to understand you when they actively do not want to understand what you're saying is not worth it for most people. I'm glad I stuck it out, but jesus christ.

>not shit talking your friends behind their back on Yea Forums

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>I don't really like or watch TV shows that much
Say that to any normalfag and watch him scream unable to process such information

>mom watches hours of reality tv every day
>dad does the same with sports
>get mad at me for video games

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>mfw I realize every person at my age has done everything several times while I am still barely experiencing life at a very slow rate of discovery and fulfillment.

it's like I'm living in slow motion

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>Had some qt Mexican girl following me around and giving me the smile (you know the one) throughout my sophomore year
>I know she likes me, and everyone around me knows she likes me
>People keep telling me to date her or to at least "hit that"
>Think that if I do that, I'll have less time for video games and so just ignore her

On the plus side, not dating her meant that I had time to get Thunderfury in WoW.

same. not aging in slow motion, though.

at least you got a job. My dad tried to kill the whole family after the housing crash in 2009. Fucked me up good. 10 years later and I can't even leave my house let alone get a job.

They most certainly didn’t make a great praised feature lenght film though.

Go make some kinos

>missed obvious clues all throughout high school and college
>now two years out of college and no woman has so much as smiled at me since I graduated

>My dad tried to kill the whole family after the housing crash in 2009
Tell the story

>be dad
>kids crash house
>get mad
>kill kids

now that is my most frustrated dream, to be a film director, I don't believe I would make the best movie ever made, but I would try if I had the opportunity

>Hear everyone coming back from parties at 1 AM again while I stayed home alone all day


Must be shit parties if they're coming home at 1 am, you didn't miss anything

based and fappilled

This, it ain't a real party if you don't wake up at 5 AM sitting upside down on reclining chair with your head on home unknown girls feet.

A girl actually asked me something like this

You have the opportunity, it was literally never as easy or accessible to make film than it is today.
Go shoot music videos for local bands for free. Make short films. Shoot music videos for money. Make short films. Shoot small business commercials. Make short films. Make big name commercials. Make short films.
After about 10 years of constant work like that voila you might get in the big league if you're worth anything.

You can shoot on anything, and if you absolutely want the best you can literally rent industry level cameras and lights for a couple hundred bucks per day, no excuses. Just shoot and make shit, a lot

You fucking idiot.
God, why these niggas on Yea Forums so dumb?

>Not using stolen account for 1$ with 1y warranty.

>giving me the smile (you know the one)
haha oh yeah i most certainly know what you're talking about haha I mean how could I not know am i rite

>exchanging various jewish papers makes you jealous

It doesn't matter, user. I lost my virginity at 19 and it did fuck all for me. Some of us are just beyond help.

>be me
>be 15
>live an upper middle class life style
>don't really enjoy it much because my dad is an alcoholic, abusive, and constantly cheats on my mom
>housing crash happens
>dad finds out he's going to lose the house and he's swimming in debt
>dad gets supper waisted one night
>dad decides he's going to end it all and take us with him
>stabs mom then comes for me
>run upstairs to my room and lock the door
>dad starts banging on door and tries to break it down
>big brother hears the banging and comes out of his room
>big brother tackles him and yells for help
>come out of room and jump on them both
>wrestle around until we can hold him
>hold down dad while my big brother is wailing on him
>neighbors have called the cops already from all the noise
>cops take dad away
>mom's in the hospital but lives
>we all go live with our grandparents
I don't even know if he's still alive or not.

My self esteem is so low that even when I do pick up on it I convince myself there's no point.

HIV positive.

It's their world now, user. We just live in it



post ethnicity of each parent

>Why don't you just steal?

>why don't you just jaywalk


My mom's american white and my dad's from spain.

they were disgusted by you since you don't use a private tracker like a non-african

>Jaywalking is the same as stealing
How retarded are you?

>downloading movies on the internet is the same as stealing
How retarded are you?

>you wouldn't download a car

What if I don't seed?

>Intellectual property isn't property
Kill yourself

I get that he wanted to end it all but why bring you with him? That makes no sense.

>being this cucked for the libertards

I thought Yea Forums was better than this

Shut the fuck up commie

It’s a Hispanic/Romance thing they inherited from dead Romans. The whole family is one unit, so if it’s time to take yourself out, you’ve gotta take them with you as the Pater Familias, or they’ll live with the shame you created for them.

>what do you do all day?
Photoshop my ex into Riley Reid Blacked gangbangs

>why would an abusive, alcoholic, narcissist blame those around him and then do something crazy in a fit of drunken rage?
really makes you think

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But it's not, mouseshill.

Then you're not gonna get to feed either.

believe it or not, "wanna rent a movie from blockbuster?" was the move before netflix.

Streaming and torrenting arent illegal.

no but distribution companies/governments make it seem like they are illegal and it deters most people from trying it.

Governments and companies are gay and jewish to bh

>torrenting arent illegal
really? is it just seeding or what?

Just seeding yes even then you are probably fine and will get a letter from some greedy jewish media company at most

as long as you deny they can't prove you did it, those letters and laws are just a way to pressure people into admiting guilt

Heyyyyy buddy, you alright?

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Honestly I've been recently wondering what the fuck normalfags even do in their free time. I'm a college student and I still spend days doing nothing but play videogames.

>coming home from a party at 1am
lmao was the party at a daycare?

social media, drugs, and small talk, i think

Casual sex

I never even noticed feet before I came to this fucking site. You fuckers ruined my brain

>then whats your furniture pointed at hurrdurr'
what was your furniture pointed at?

The fire place

>write down alternative realities in a word doc
>suddenly your a fictional writer
Writing is a fun hobby user, and you're basically halfway there.

those crossword or whatever games on facebook

Sports sports sports. Pretty much nothing but sports. Maybe shallow discussions about mainstream music and television sprinkled in here and there.

>making small talk
Nothing makes me want to burn down an entire village more than this bullshit

It's nice to hear an user refer to themselves by their name. We should do it more often. Also, she knows you're full of shit, Mike. Normals just fall into relationships, it's not something they have to make time for.

hey Yea Forums Im a regular on this board for 10 years and have written a book that begins with-I have been obsessed with sucking cock for 10 years, have no nationality, no personality, and no love

will send this to publishers and if they dont care, then amazon kindle or something like it

>We should do it more often
Okay Gaylord

How many streaming and such services can somebody have?

Aren't there at least 10 forms of TV subscription?

fuck you faggot, I agree with
and I'm glad based Mike used his first name
based mike

I have chronic fatigue, so this is normal for me.

I want to fuck Mike

Honestly I'm not sure if Mike swings that way, but what I can say with confidence is the speculation here about Mike's sexuality has taken on an extra significance now that we are on a first name basis.

>Our boy Mike
>Doesn't have time for a girl
I think we all know how Mike swings, but the question is has Mike come to terms with it yet?

It hurts bruh

Most of the women are dull and tattooed up where I am at.

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based boomer

All women are dull dude

Normies are stressed because they don't know how to be happy with what they have.

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Based and unabomberpilled

>having those people around you who get to ask those questions

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Based and gamepilled!

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>things that never happened

then you're a faggot

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Are you a bot?

Seriously did /r9k/ dump all their rejects here?

Physical appearance does help to a good degree
Of course, doesnt really matter how attractive you are, if you're an autistic sperg.
I know that feel. I'm not ugly but my personality is so terrible that I cant even talk to people

Netflix has nothing worth watching. It's sad how they bleed hundreds of millions of dollars a year on content but none of it is good, and they keep going further into debt.

I just don't know how to be happy.

Fuck off back to r*ddit.

All people are dull, famiglia

nice digits and have sex


take some responsibility for yourself cocksucker

don't shoot a school up or anything, timmy

but it's true. too much effort for just a short high and a warm hole. just get a good guy friend and a functioning right hand

no but they're always a variation of my current life. Attractive and intelligent me pursuing his dreams, with a 10/10 perfect relationship, slightly less attractive and intelligent me studying something he likes okay with a 8/10 relationship, me studying in another country, etc... (and I'm a shit writer)

>when you realized people actually hung out outside of school and didnt just play video games like you did

actually thats still true now

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you don't need any effort. If you feel like you make efforts to have a gf you're either going to be bossed around by your gf or you're too unattractive/undesirable to get one in the first place.

People on Yea Forums are not dull

It's like learning a new word and seeing it everywhere.
Typical story of loss of innocence

books or audiobooks

I want alivaia wild to drink my cum

>that moment when you take the Godpill and realize a bunch of godless heathens succumbed to sin, yet you remained pure till marriage

You mother fuckers, you fat fucking cucks in this thread.
You let actual TRANNIES and REDDITORS (who by the way, are mostly virgins) come into your OWN HOUSE, and tell you to "have sex". And you have allowed this one tiny phrase to UPSET you.
This board is ruined and it's your fault, every thread ends up being

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In an alternate timeline you are telling this story from prison after getting raped by Bubba wishing you've never had sex with that 13 year old

>implying anyone would ever prosecute or even found out

You have to be pretty fucking delusional to think 13 year olds aren’t fucking.

please please PLEASE receive intercourse

because i have BASED stan instead

Fuck. I've been created lots of universe where all my imaginative characters that as pathetic as me going through hard life and then become successful and happy but it didn't change anything for me of course. I always had this imagination playing since i was child and really can't cope with it everytime i feel bored or got nothing to do. But yeah i always on free time with nothing else to do beside browse Yea Forums or whacking off

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this. the OP has nothing to do with sex but it's all people talk about.

Fuck this gay ass thread

>ahem... have sex

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Sounds like a pretty cool superpower desu.

lmao you whites are idiots, getting laid is so easy... you get cucked so often due your bitch mentality

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I'm not white

Pirating is fucking retarded

>>Why instead of paying a few bucks to conveniently and legally stream series in high quality you don't look for illegal links on the net then wait for the computer to download something on shitty quality illegally