>What if in trying to shet your househ in order, you dishcover that your houshe is in dishorder preshishely becaushe of the way shoshiety is mesched up?
What if in trying to shet your househ in order...
How can I grow a beard like Zizek? Is there no hope for beardlets like me?
Based Mark Hamill
If you can't, don't. It just looks bad if you don't have good beard distribution.
The ring wing cuck got destroyed.
lazy answer, as usual from a commie
you're using disorder and mess as synonyms, Zizek! you know that creates a tautology!
based hobo man
So its okay to unironically blame SOCIETY if you're a leftist/marxist?
it's like blaming neoliberals or SJWs.
political discourse literally couldn't happen without facile generalizations, you shouldn't even engage with it if you aren't ready for it to be a complete waste of time.
Is this self referential?
>marxism in 2019
>we live in a society
Its okay (and important) to criticize society. A big problem with the right today is that they go in the opposite direction, at least the mainstream right. Its all USA USA USA, if you don't like America leave etc. with no allowance for criticism
>image blaming youself for the circumstances you were born into
peak conservatardism
listening to zizek makes me less depressed and want to be smarter
So we all agree Peterson got exposed as a charlatan?
Yes, because society is full of self-centered people who doesn't think of the greater good. If we get rid of that and achive the marxist utopia then noone would have to clean their's room - it would already be clean.
all you commies need to kill yourselves instead of wasting air on your pseudointellectual masturbation with no practical applications to actually make the world any better, if you put the effort you put into daydreaming, whining and making up excuses into actually working, we'd all be better off
The debate itself was nonsense, JP was completely unprepared and not knowledgeable enough to have an economic debate and Zizek simply conceded that marxism has failed in practice. then they gradually went on to a more interesting discussion and seemed to mostly agree.
no serious person ever considered peterson anything other than a self-help guru
Jordan Peterson's opening was basically his book report on the communist manifesto. It wasn't even relevant to the topic of the debate really. Peterson also got exposed for never actually reading any communist literature beyond the manifesto when he claimed that Marx was proposing some egalitarian utopia, he didn't.
Utilize Marx to redistribute pubes on your face.
this. he's actually quite good in that role which makes him getting mixed up with libertarian "politics" all the more embarassing. wangsting about sjws and commies is such a cul-de-sac and his fanbase has wound up being sucked into it in spite of him trying to offer a more down-to-earth alternative.
No because it was hardly a debate.
It was basically 3 hours of the two retards agreeing with each other.
He already was, ages ago, this just disillusioned most of his fans.
holy shit ahahahaha
based /leftypol/ poster
>implying Judah Peterstein is anything other than a globalist shill
That thing about north koreans was a literal strawman, it's like going "How can you tell an african tribesman to clean his room, they don't even have bedrooms lmao".
>I wanna review some more of Zizek's YouTube videos
Reminder that Zizek donated his fee for this debate to charity while Peterson was charging his fans $15 just to watch a livestream
He didn't win in the terms of the debate though, they went on tangent and he showed that he has more academic knowledge than hackerson, which no one doubted anyway.
>review Zizek's youtube videos
>review Zizek's....YouYube videos
jesus christ no wonder zoomers love him
>He didn't win
More or less. I do think Peterson has spent a lot of time arguing with modern 'marxists' who will approach things closer to how he describes, but that's essentially a political debate not academic. I don't think that excuses his lack of prep but zizek also mostly just rambled on and read from printouts so the whole thing was a waste.
and they wonder why they're not in charge!
They allow criticism. They just don't like "criticism" that amounts to demonising white men for no reason.
Someone post Zizek going to town on those hotdogs in the middle of the street
In philosophy it's common to give extreme examples to reveal a flaw in the opponents argument. If "clean your room" was valid advice for people in poor circumstances, it should be valid for people in the poorest of circumstances, otherwise it will remain flawed even in the best of circumstances.
ok, your dude won, gommunist revolution will happen anytime now!
clean your hut, nigger
Zizek is the most disgusting creature I've ever seen on this planet.
Peterson isn't perfect but holy shit at least he can dress himself.
and so on and so on.
fucking hell
why the fuck do brainlets keep using this buzzword while asking for confirmation? basically zizek's version of marxism isn't in line with peterson's criticisms of it. their beliefs have massive overlaps and they're both looking for solutions to the current versions of post modernism and capitalism. There wasn't a clear winner because few people have an understanding of where the goal posts even are. Zizek has branched off into his own thing that has roots in post modern thought but strays far and incorporates other ideologies.
Which right wing academic thinks like that. Jason Brennan and Bryan Caplan are hte biggest right wing intellectuals that are not fake intellectuals like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson, and they sound nothing like what you are saying.
>If "clean your room" was valid advice for people in poor circumstances, it should be valid for people in the poorest of circumstances
That sounds like false equivalence to me and a misuse of reductio ad absurdum, the circumstances surrounding a nork or a tribesman aren't even on the same scale as a western kid (to whom the advice is geared), they aren't just poorer, their entire society is different, it makes no sense to think that a piece of advice that applies to one would apply to the other.
I don't get it
reminder that "anti-globalism" is "pro-russia" and that's it
>talking about fashion
the absolute STATE of Petershills
Wronk! He musht carefuhlly cultivate *sniff* sche hair on hiss own face *fists*
>clothing is now a scale we judge someone's knowledge and ideas
if you only knew how ironic you are lobsterboy
speaking of clothing
>can barely speak english
>has a severe speech impediment
>had a fucked up mic
>still blew Peterson the FUCK out
t.poor write your own book bucko's
>Born and grew up in a communist country
>Still describes himself as a communist
Explain how this is possible
what is the meaning of music
give money
the point juden peterstein was making is that most communists/socialists don't even have their own lives in order and they tell people how to run the country.
just because society is messed up doesn't mean you shouldn't sort yourself out before telling other people what they should do.
and I don't even like peterstein.
>just because society is messed up doesn't mean you shouldn't sort yourself out before telling other people what they should do.
In that case then nothing would ever, ever get done and the world would never change for the better. How exactly do you ''sort yourself out'' what does that mean exactly? Every human has plenty of flaws no matter what.
Reminder that if you think Peterson won you need to go back to plebbit immediately
But that's the point. If "clean your room" doesn't cathegorically apply, it shouldn't be used cathegorically.
what is this judaism
>Zizek literally tells the audience to stop clapping like petty children wanting their dad to beat up their friend's dad and actually try and let them debate to a point of revelation
>Retards on Yea Forums going HURRR my guy won LOL REKT
Imagine carrying what a Canadian beta, who thinks self-improvement is the solution to bank overlords ruining whole nations and ethnics turning them all into the same mud pile of globalist dogshit, and an old nostalgic commie who blames collapse of Soviet union on the shift from heavy metallurgic industry to decentralized, digitized services have to say about current state of affairs.
>Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Balts
>all extremely conservative
>all are former communist countries
really makes you think
>commies don't clean their houses
Checks out.
>Peterson made $50k a month on patreon for many months
>on top of that, professor's salary
>on top of that, book sales
>still charges for shit like this
>>all extremely conservative
>supplier of the most porn whores
Does he actually claim that his advice is universal like that? I was under the impression that it's really specific for a young western audience.
>no one mentioning zizek talking about chemtrails
>How exactly do you ''sort yourself out'' what does that mean exactly?
Its just a rhetorical non-argument that appeals to brainlets.
And the communists would argue that capitalism is the reason they can't sort themselves out.
It's like telling people to get out of the concentration camp before criticizing nazism.
Imagine not being a Marxist in 2019. Just lmao, right wing edginess is so 2016
In Poland's case it's due to religious influence, which survived the soviet occupation.
Name one pornstar from Balts or Poland
Protip: you can't
it's true that the debate on peterson's side ultimately ended on a note of 'we should be more willing to talk to each other and not immediately hostile to opposing views', but people saying that zizek won are simply talking about the obvious gap in knowledge and philosophical understanding between zizek and peterson. in terms of not looking like an idiot, zizek won in this regard. zizek kind of dismantled jordan's whole ideology in his first 30 minute talk and after dismantling jordan later with his counter to the lobster metaphor and the house in order metaphor the remainder of the debate was simply them agreeing that much of culture's modern problems are indeed a problem and should be solved with either collective action (zizek) or peterson's individual responsibility. i think it's pretty clear that peterson's solution here is much less compelling than zizek's, but your mileage may vary.
zizek won the debate because he exposed jordan hard. this was the expected result to anyone who had a degree of familiarity with both men's work.
In what way is that dickless canadian "right wing"? Do you even know what right wing means?
Commies definitely clean their house in a vast Kantian categorical imperative encompassing even anyone with bad eyesight or one handed people who must slap their own face to clap
>/leftypol/ hiding on Yea Forums from /pol/ and /his/
Go lick your wounds on your hugbox.
>communist countries
Any Pole, Slovak, Hungarian or Balt would call you a fucking retard. Please can you guys stop talking about things you have no idea about because you have some weird fetish for Eastern Europe, socialism and communism while typing it all from a $1000 Iphone?
He is a self described conservative and capitalist.
easy work
Peterson got schooled
The cast of Rocco Invades Poland
It was such a silly idea for a debate in the first place. The SJWs who shit on Peterson on tumblr and Facebook are the same ones who think Zizek is a white, transphobic brocialist.
>not /leftypol/
lmao /his/ is /leftypol/ now along with Yea Forums. Next we will take Yea Forums
He certainly seems to apply it universally to young western people, many of which are also in quite horrible circumstances. If he solely applied it to rich ivy league SJWs, then maybe he'd have a point.
>basedboys spamming the same thread all day
this guy is such a fraud
obviously sorting yourself out is a very vague concept, but when you look at a lot of socialists, they're just a bunch of middle to upper class retards that want to smoke weed and do nothing and get paid for it. then it's very hard to sympathize with your struggle.
A conservative capitalist in is Canada is slightly to the right of Liz Warren.
>why cant I be the anime reviewer for the communist party?
He later provided a more concrete example. If you are some starving fuck in North Korea even if you set your house in order your situation will not really improve. Not to mention if you live in some communal housing block and the roof is leaking and you can't fix it it can force you to have the house in disorder with mold, wetness and buckets in the middle of the room to catch water drops or whatever so your house being in disorder is due to a systematic situation outside of your control. Basically you should strive to also improve the community around you simultaneously with your own shit. I think it was really just a bit of a cheap zinger at Peterson but it's not like Peterson is saying to only care about fixing your own life. I guess he just means to engage into societal improvement as soon as possible even if it may interfere with your personal one.
They weren't really communist in the sense that it arose organically out those societies like it did in Russia. Those socialist states are the result of WWII and the USSR taking over Eastern Europe.
Order is the Ego's property.
>'we should be more willing to talk to each other and not immediately hostile to opposing views'
christ he's not going to get anywhere in the conservative talkosphere with that attitude.
>Every human has plenty of flaws no matter what.
Yass, come to the Protestant side!
Zizek immediatly conceded "nah im not a marxist" and went on to show his belly, being the clown that tell jokes nervously
Go to /his/ now and sing the praises of Marx.
Do it. I'll watch.
what the fuck are you dweebs arguing about
the fact that zizek actually agreed to 'debate' someone as pathetic as jordan peterson makes me like him less
I didn't watch it but I assume it was beyond awful
>It's like telling people to get out of the concentration camp before criticizing nazism.
"Would you tell sort your room to people in north korea?"
I get the impression that Peterson is being funded to try to calm younger Republicans down so they don't turn into communists or (worse) democrats. he seems very much aiming at an American male younger audience.
some pervert cult leader and some commie with a speech impediment had an argument and the cult leader looked like a real bozo
Please tell me this is fake otherwise that's just depressing.
This is late game capitalist theory in action.
>I get the impression that Peterson is being funded to try to calm younger Republicans down so they don't turn into communists or (worse) democrats.
Makes sense. He is involved with the same crowd that make those PragerU youtube videos and has appeared in them.
literally a Koch-trained shill for exactly that
clean your room is pretty much implicit messaging strategy for "make yourself comfortable while we make everything worse."
he has a son
but that pic is basically why chapofags and leftypol likes him, he's the slob that made it
>this whole pic
zizek BTFO retardstein forever
cancuck gatekeeper on suicide watch
What kind of question is that? He actually said that but it's a joke. Does that qualify as real or fake?
Jordan Peterson is a centrist faggot, just like you
he's been married 3 times and has a kid so i think he was just having fun
he was married 3 times idiots
centrists are just bouncers for fascists
absolutely based
>fat commie
why does he eat more than he needs? Kind of a bad communist if you ask me...
Triggered commcels
>i'm radical and i'm special!!!
do you actually believe this lol
if that's what he's doing I honestly don't have a problem with it, although he starts to repeat himself very quickly based on the three videos i've watched. he might still prevent a shooting spree or two.
>why does he eat more than he needs? Kind of a bad communist if you ask me
doesn't mean he had sex
>I have no idea what I'm talking about
right now I don't know where the fuck I stand in.
I like to get my opinions first hand from the original source before taking any decisions (eg, reading the bible before taking a position with christianism, reading the catechism before taking a position in catholicism). I used to lean more to right/conservatism but I have never read shit about politics and I'm starting to doubt my beliefs.
Guess I'll have to read Marx, Lenin, Mao...
Hes taking the money and running. Also
>shills his daughter to get on JRE as a favor from Joe for coming on his podcast so many times while simultaneously telling people to pull themselves up by their boostraps
*puffs on corncob pipe*
How quaint... Yea Forums thinks it can hang with the most preeminent philosopher of the modern era... Charming, really.
>having sex with your wives
isn't that mysogynistic or something?
Anyone who isn't a communist is a fascist or a puppet for them.
just go national socialist. it's the final redpill.
>pull themselves up by their boostraps
why does this trigger trannies so much?
when he dies his body will feed all of Zambia.
Nice try /leftypol/.
it's literally their function. Peterson is propped up by the fascists to give them validation and act as a foot in the door for their radicalization program.
It starts with "clean your room." Go ahead and get comfortable, as you radicalize out into the cult.
no he's increasing the likelihood of them. he's normalizing and encouraging antisocial, reactionary, malignant feelings in disaffected children. He's a toxic shill. He's basically an Imam, but for edgy rootless white males.
>133 replies
>54 posters
Yes, I'm sure this isn't leftypol trannies continuing in their covert ops to turn Yea Forums into a glorious worker's paradise. I'm sure you're all very proud of not falling into Jordan Peterson's snake oil huckster traps and falling into Contrapoints and PhilosophyTube's snake oil huckster traps instead. Good work comrades, keep fighting the good fight and being useless mediocrities nobody in the real world pays attention to.
national socialism is babbys first redpill. Stalinism is the final redpill.
>dude your ceos takeyour surplus value so just give them all away to le community its much better lmao
>the average poster in this thread has 2.4 posts
wow what a conspiracy
>a literal ad hoc ideology concerned only with crushing bolshevism.
>right now I don't know where the fuck I stand in
I think that's a wrong way of approaching it. Don't try to pick an ideology and then mold yourself in all of its dogmas. First figure out your positions on individual issues and try to keep them relatively consistent with one another(as in don't combine universal healthcare with 0 taxes). Then if you really want to find the right label for yourself see what political movement gets most checkmarks based on your stances.
Why are you bringing Habermas into this?
t tranny
the unironic final redpill is to become an expediency-based entrepeneur and only pay attention to politics when you have to. trouble is that that's not as easy as posting on a mongolian composite archery board.
ok thanks
whites are being radicalized by you. that's what you'll never understand. but responsibility is a toxic concept i guess.
>b-but we're fighting the establishment by doing their bidding
based Stalinist great purge bro
Do you really think anyone will listen to the ramblings of a retard who uses 'normalizing' unironically?
>dude fuck paying for stuff just keep cutting taxes for Exxon and never raising them again just every couple years cut trillions of dollars of revenue from the budget and just dump the debt on the future and tax poor people more with tolls and sales taxes hahah
>gee, why does my controlled opposition always end up the same way, with state owners who eventually become capitalist oligarchs?
What if my position is that homeless people, sick people, black people, trannies, and communists should be put into ditches and buried alive?
For a fucking Slovenian communist who looks like a homeless man, Zizek has a kino taste in movies
Who are you quoting?
based. Liberals, centrists, libertarians will always side with fascists when push comes to shove.
>he's increasing the likelihood of them
he's pretty clearly aiming to do the opposite with his "clean your room" "nihilism bad" lines. I'm not saying he's all that effectual, he's pretty clearly a soft-spoken nerd with good business sense, but at least he's not riding any of the immigrant/race/women bandwagons.
Wait. Are there people in this very thread that unironically align themselves with "anarcho-communism"?
>whites are being radicalized by you.
yeah literally I'm a Koch shill
>that's what you'll never understand. but responsibility is a toxic concept i guess.
the whole point is to normalize reactionary whataboutism to get useful idiots to justify radicalizing out against the people you fill their life experience with.
It's always fascinating when you're able to clarify the messaging strategy without realizing it's been conditioned. It's basic outgroup contempt memes.
No I am a Stalinist
maybe because they realize that communists are mentally ill trannies that label anybody on the right of obama as fascist
Then I think you are based and redpilled
Based pseud
this. who else thinks we should round up anyone who isn't an extreme leftist and put them in death camps? that's the only effective way to really get rid of fascism.
Zizek is a troll.
Remember when right wingers were the conspiracy nuts?
>*sips tea in New York*
nah man, I hate /pol/ and I hate current left and current right. I have some sympathy for evola and I like nichomachean ethics, that's about all I can say about my political beliefs lmao. I have a copy of mein kampf too, so no, I'm no leftypol
yeah, you are definitely right. I follow left wing and right wing sources of content, when one that isn't on the spectrum reads their content it is absolutely crystal clear the bias. You can see there are some legit stuff for either side but it's like they pick football teams, like they have to support EVERYTHING their side does, no matter how retarded.
What do you think? The thread is full of cocksucking millenial city rats so of course they do.
that's why taxation is so dumb, all the richest companies are going to dodge them anyways and the burden is moved onto the middle class. just get a flat tax and be done with it.
you still are. Everything you believe is being propped up and maintained to keep you literally fucking nuts about nonsense constantly. Always be batting down and away.
I'm a Death of Stalinist myself.
turn 35
>the whole point is to normalize reactionary whataboutism
You're being way too obvious now.
great flick
>so the burden is moved onto the poor
"Peterson is a psyops controlled by blabla" is much more paranoid then "pedophiles exist and they dont do things out in the open"
>that's why taxation is so dumb
t nigger cuck for corporations
>all the richest companies are going to dodge them anyways
nope you don't need to live in a corporatist dystopia, you just choose to continue shilling for the people causing it
>and the burden is moved onto the middle class.
nope it's been something that the middle class chose democratically over and over and over because people can be easily programmed
> just get a flat tax and be done with it.
this opinion paid for by rich people!
>his fanbase has wound up being sucked into it in spite of him trying to offer a more down-to-earth alternative.
Esoteric ramblings about Jewish superiority and white collectivist evils.
Baby Boomer psychology talking to grown ups like they're babies.
>Liberals, centrists, libertarians will always side with fascists
because sometimes.... fascism is essentially a form of last effort self-defense.
so yuo can't really blame them
You can't be leftist without believing in a conspiracy of the Capital, not saying that this alone discredits the position, but it's true.
stop it you're going to make me watch it for the 9th time.
I have no idea how anyone could think Peterson won that debate. He had months to prepare for the debate and what did he do? Watch some YouTube videos and read The Communist Manifesto. That's it. He clearly didn't read any of Zizek's books.
How the fuck can people still belive in communism in 2019?
He was too busy promoting his self help book, give him a break
>He clearly didn't read any of Zizek's books.
Neither have most of zigzag's fans
why would he? did zizek watch that faggot's seminar about the old testament? No, who gives a shit
Zizek immediatly concedes that marxism leads to shit and marx was wrong and starts doing this submissive clown persona
>"Peterson is a psyops controlled by blabla"
He literally is. You're in a cult. they cult lies to you.
>"pedophiles exist and they dont do things out in the open"
like you HAVE to understand that this is FASCISM PROPAGANDA 101 right? You're literally spelling out how it works. "Hey pedophiles DO exist, so HOW DO YOU KNOW that if we just accuse The Other that they aren't pedophiles?
Do you realize how much you talk like an actual Stalinist?
You're being abused m8. There are billions of dollars propping up the monkey shills you listen to.
>claim to be a communist
>use a computer manufactured by corporations
>live on private property
>have a bank account
>buy food at the grocery store
How the fuck can people still belive in capitalism in 2019?
>claim to hate drowning
>drink water
>t. Zoomer
There are just as many left wing conspiracies as there are right wing ones. The MSM just started shining the light on the right wing ones a few years ago because of trumptards.
>you should totally leave your cult to join our cult!
And all (ALL) mainstream leftists think Trump colluded and now that Peterson is simultaneously encouraging young people to be apathetic and become fascists at the same time. Meanwhile pizzagate was seen as crazy by everyone except small insular internet communities.
it just werks
>jewish superiority
>white collectivist evils
>father replacement figure for anxious 20s with depressed Trump voting parents
>transexuals are fine but policing LANGUAGE is bad
exactly, he's basically a boilerplate republican moderate.
I literally hate peterson but your view of him is somehow more pathetic. Look at you sperging out.
not everything is a conspiracy - and pedos exist in every class, rich and poor, and they do things in secret. Pizzagate is insane but far less so than your ramblings
I'm not in a cult. It's you versus everyone else.
BASED and ride the tigerpilled
>And all (ALL) mainstream leftists think Trump colluded
He unambiguously did. Sorry that's not PC enough for you cultists.
>ITT /r/chapotraphouse vs /r/the_donald
>I'm not in a cult.
Ever notice that cultists really hate being called cultists?
these guys are reddit
>JP absolutely btfo by superior communist logic and dialectic
>JP had a year to prepare, and he's the one who challenged World War Z
>JP hastily had to skim The Communist Manifesto and apparently can't even read properly
lolololol at least JP's room is clean I guess. maybe he should start a maid service.
> Pizzagate is insane but far less so than your ramblings
nope. Pizzagate was literally Russian active measures designed to build outrage over the clinton emails when nothing spicy was coming out of the leaks.
That is insane because it's being caused by the same people influencing everything else in your faggot life.
You're just a degenerate dindu consumer. kys m8 you're being abused.
>"Peterson is a psyops controlled by blabla"
Comes out of nowhere when arguing with trannies at a college-
It pushed to heights of conservative thought and sold as a great philosopher-
Youtube algorithms suggesting him anytime you watch anything about philosophy, psychology, self help, or even UFC-
All over every conservative show-
20 daily threads on the chans calling him a hero-
Produces nothing of value-
Spends time telling whites not to be collectivists while saying things like, "we would be very lucky if Jews actually did rule over us because so smart"-
Targets Pepe and rightwing by referring to them as boys who have dirty rooms and need daddy-
Bastardizes Jung/Nietzsche to sound smart but doesn't know their work-
Attends Trilateral Commission-
Talks against Communism but has a huge painting in his living room of Lenin speaking to the masses-
Jewish daughter is pushed for fame on Joe Rogan-
>media doesn't produce shills
To make this thread Yea Forums related, is this any good?
>are you saying that you aren't a rapist? That's exactly what a rapist would say
>basically zizek's version of marxism isn't in line with peterson's criticisms of it
Because Peterson's concept of marxism isn't real.
>why would he?
To get an idea of what Zizek's views are. If Peterson had bothered to look into Zizek, he would've learned that Zizek isn't a traditionalist Marxist, and then Peterson wouldn't have wasted everyone's time blathering about The Communist Manifesto.
>Zizek immediatly concedes that marxism leads to shit and marx was wrong and starts doing this submissive clown persona
And Peterson immediately conceded that capitalism is seriously flawed and insisted that his opening statement wasn't a defense of capitalism. Peterson was twice as submissive as Zizek.
Is there such a thing as a modern day commie who isn't:
A tranny
Gimpy looking numale
Ugly femoid with borderline personality disorder
ye it's fun
said the cultist LOL
I used to be a Republican strategist brah. It's you versus the world.
Your whole NO U shit is LITERALLY what you're trained to do by your agents of influence.
did zizek seriously defend china?
>Pizzagate was literally Russian active measures
the only thing worse than leftypol and chapofags are cultish democrat boomer old ladies like you
Yes me, pic related
whoah niggers
Evidently not since Mueller came up with nothing. Sorry if that goes against your programming.
>Pizzagate is insane
>Pizzagate was literally Russians
This is what happens to anons who watch fucking youtube shills and actually fall for it like Boomers watching the TV
nah, he clarified that i believe before the response
there is no position in the world that says capitalism has no problems. nazis say that, muslims say that, catholics say that. Even ancap faggots say that but in their own twisted way ("it isnt a real free market" etc)
the debate was ridiculous because zizek immediatly conceded and then got submissive, peterson immediatly chums up to him and soon enough they jerk off their own old material ("german toilets", "jesus blabla")
the debate only served the two
No and he explicitly said he wasn't defending China and said he was worried that China's fusion of authoritarian government and capitalism could be all our future. He was just using it as an example.
It is though. It is not Marx's Marxism, but it is what has actually been attempted to get realized in the world.
cry more cuck it's your fucking life.
Acting like a WHY I NEVER old lady and fleeing to strawmen in your head is what you do when you're in a cult.
Stay assblasted m8. Your life ends in suicide.
Yes, Jews and non-whites.
Horrible argument. Just stop.
>Peterson is encouraging young men to become fascists
>spends his entire career screaming how white people are evil in groups
Just stop
>he doesnt believe organized pedophilia rings exist
I don't care, obviously there are pedo networks in rich circles. It doesn't need to be a pizzaria thing.
There's been loads of dems and repubs caught in scandals, goddamn the catholic church scandal is much more outrgeous than any pizzagate-theorist's claim and it was real nevertheless
my point is the "LE RUSSIANS" idiots are far more paranoid than the craziest alex jones type
>I used to be a Republican strategist brah.
what are you up to these days? also, was your life anything like In The Thick Of It?
>embrace individualism
>fake tweet created by tweeterino.com
That's stupid. Just stop.
were you the boomer democrat calling the brazillian a "nigger who would die in global warming" in the other thread and who thinks Brazil controls world wide messaging along with Russians?
>he doesn't believe dumb obese post menopausal white women exist as a voting block
>fake tweet created by tweeterino
based retard
So you are a fascist, right.
Why did Jordan fake this tweet? Doesn't he want his alt right followers to know his true intentions?
notice how there are always these ESL shills with propaganda ready to post and messaging strategy ready to paste about how Russia a good boy.
Just always call anyone that questions daddy one of the newspeak labels and post some propaganda to trick the kiddos.
learn to read, I do. Not necessarily in the way pizzagate people believe but it's idiotic to think russians propped people's interest in podesta's emails
>the literal bottom right of that picture says fake tweets.
jesus fucking christ m8
>tfw hate rich people but also hate trannies
who do I side with?
>be a """"communist"""""
>choose to live in a capitalist society
Trannies will be sent to the gulag under real communism comrade
become a national socialist
Zizek conceded because he isn't a hardcore Marxist. Peterson blindly assumed that Zizek was a typical commie and didn't know what to do when Zizek agreed with him on most key issues. You're right that the debate was a ridiculous waste of time, but I think Peterson fucked up harder than Zizek. At least Zizek challenged a few of Peterson's views; Peterson spent most of his time attacking a Marxist strawman and googling.
niggers, the only sane people left
>muh Koch
A faggy little berniebro appears.
Why did the old jew stop talking about houses when he asks how much shit rich people really need?
Back to Young Turks, swine.
Zizek is right that communism tells a good story.
Communism has a great story in fact, it just wastes the body.
If only there was an ideology that worked on an individual level and a communal level, which focused on the honest redistribution of wealth based on hard work, honor, and family values.
A self sufficient nation beloved by all citizens.
Shame that doesn't exist.
This is embarrassing. Wasn't this talk planned some time in advance? Isn't this guy a self-help dude?
Are these real? Holy shit people take this guy seriously.
I hate rich people but I also hate poor people. the poor are just the attack dogs and vote farm monkeys for the rich.
I cant do communism because I dont want the poor to get money. I want them gone.
tldr just kill yourself kiddo nobody cares about your cognitive dissonance and the boogiemen in your head.
I probably blasted my nuts three times when Jordan got anally annihilated by Slavoj. What a great day.
Oh well, here is another
Incel thread
he's busy giving speeches to his cult gatherings
thank you, crazy boomer
Peterson is accostumed to corporate neoliberal sjws and hasnt yet been in contact with the "but im a real leftist" crowd. He's a basic grifter
Zizek survived through the same thing he always did, "oh im just a clown with a funny accent saying weird things like borat" but he was far too submissive and could have found way more shit on Peterson
>Incel thread
You are mistaken, this is the next thread over, the big penis thread.
>still has free education and healthcare
remember conservative in europe means socialist in america.
always a newspeak meme label
always clear evidence that you don't speak the language
>Bunch of directionless white incels worshipping their substitute daddies
Nope, this is the thread.
>blaming other people because you can’t make your bed or keep things tidy.
This is how folks keep blaming Whitey for everything. Fuck off. Take accountability for your shit
capitalism is literally the exchange of debt. it's not possible to only have rich people because financial transactions are inherantly unequal.
anyway the solution is to get rich and move to a gated community so you don't have to be reminded of anything bad about the social system you are a part of. there you can raise your children to take it for granted so they squander their advantages... and the circle continues.
>literally keeps pictures of men dressed like women saved on computer
you're not fooling anyone pervert.
This. Undesirables with intractable mental illness such as homosexuality or gender identity disorder will be sent to labor/death camps or experimented on to further medical science. Communists are almost as based as the nazis.
Ahahaha, got you little fag, your little messiah won't even live to election, and if he does, his own party will tear him down for being old white male. Get fucked.
I have had sex twelve times and I only paid for it once. Each of these instances of sex was with a different woman. Therefore my opinion is better informed than yours.
Literally Russian IRA Shills
>russians created pedogate
>it's not real because Democrats don't push for transgender kids or have any sexual proclivities.
>Hollywood and Democrats don't work together
>European leaders haven't been busted for child sex trafficing
This is your brain on Media
You gommies are aware that the Capital will never be defeated, right? You understand that it has unlimited capability of absorbing and adapting to whatever shit you try to throw at it, every marginalized group, forms of political struggle, dissenting modes of thinking, altenative lifestyles, anything can and will be commodified, its signifiers mutated into merchandise and safely absorbed into the system and you can ever do is watch in awe, you are only wasting your limited time on this earth trying to fight against it.
it's important to remember that a lot of these people are just confused and want to do the right thing but can't tell what that is.
Russians created gamergate too. Everything you've cared about since 2014 has been astroturphed by people that want you to kill your self.
Keep shucking and jiving nigger.
I believe you
LMAO. put the fucking weed down and take a shower you disgusting mumbling fucking Slav.
You seriously need to be dragged behind a car around the block couple of times. It's not free on tax level and nowadays it's not even free on cash direct level.
>It doesn't need to be a pizzaria thing.
That's why mixed market economies are best. Communism is still shit.
>Russians created gamergate
Russia made Star Wars suck too
Reminder that Republicans in 2012 said that Russia was the biggest threat to America.
And then Russia bought into the Republican Party and started shilling for them, and suddenly Republicans shut up about it.
If believe in an afterlife, you're going to burn in hell.
Kill yourself now shill it only gets worse.
have sex
>Reminder that Republicans in 2012 said that Russia was the biggest threat to America.
I am Russian shill while your messiah vacationed in Soviet union. Okay fag, tell Jimmy Dore to send you more corporate money, seems you are faltering here.
Yep they've shilled against Disney shit since the 70s. Disney=America.
They were using TFA to agitate virgins against grils too but nobody was paying attention yet.
you're being abused faggot. This website is literally moderated by the IRA.
Jesus Christ. Peterson never presented that “advice” as some universally applicable axiom. Of course you can find an example where there are external circumstances that prevent you from achieving the tidiness goal. Peterson was presenting it in a North American context and is relevant to people that need to realize they have to take on responsibility to sort out their compass when they lack direction. It’s so goddamn simple and it was never meant to be some complex earth shattering idea. It’s topics used by psychologists to help people realize the best of themselves.
I hope you manage to have sex twice or more with the same woman user.
The guy barely speaks English how to fuck am I supposed to understand the point he is trying to make?
it only "werks" at increasing GDP which is a shitty measure of human progress.
health, both physical and mental and the environment suffer because of it
>it's not possible to only have rich people because financial transactions are inherantly unequal.
It's not possible to only have rich people because people have different capabilities, even in a system that doesn't use money to signify wealth and power like in a not-truesocialist dictatorship, some people have better capabilities of acquiring the means to power than others.
>"without question our No. 1 geopolitical foe,"
You're a degenerate shill. KYS.
>And then Russia bought into the Republican Party
Reeeely? So Obama/Clinton selling them Uranium and the entire Democrat party taking money from China is normal to you?
>telling people the new star wars movies are shit qualifies as abusive.
conclusion: Mark Hamill is Russian.
lol do you take me for some sort of a cuck? you can pay for those kids, lmao
Russia ruined Mad Max: Beyond Misogyny
>Dur hurr ur the faggot actually even though i push for it
>without question our No. 1 geopolitical foe
>You understand that it has unlimited capability of absorbing and adapting to whatever shit you try to throw at it
"it wasnt real leftism" (is absorbed)
"it has to be more radical and outside the premises of capital" (is still absorbed inside its confines)
"it wasnt leftist enough! it was too much like liberals" (is a mirror image of liberals)
nope it's just politics training for disaffected virgins to feel persecuted by their culture and society and stuff. Part of the broader radicaliation strategy to turn "rootless white males" into radicalized incel types that are more willing to action against the state.
keep going shill you're doing such a good job
>national socialism is babbys first redpill. Stalinism is the final redpill.
In all metrics we live in better times than ever, the environmental question is the sole thing you can argue that's going wrong, but capitalism's natural systems and the inevitable technical progress will take care of it, remember when all the forests were dying? When the massive amount of paper we had to use was a serious concern? Digitalization took care of it and no one even noticed.
what is your argument shill?
do you not remember 2012 shill?
do you not speak english shill?
why not kill yourself today shill?
do it now.
do it right now.
livestream it.
yes, that's why people accept unequal transactions in the first place. it isn't because of money "signifying" anything: not using a intermediate means of exchange at least for costing purposes would force civilization to revert to Manorialism.
no shit, the same party that turned on trump too because they're post-mccarthy boomers addicted to imperialist adventures for jewish neocons
Alex is a CIA shill and denies pizzagate. And he was taken off youtube/twitter/facebook because his comment section was full of redpills calling his fat ass out as a shill - top comments. He was useless at that point, so they hero'd him
I'm just trying to have fun man lighten up
When individual members of a society strive to improve their own lives, they also improve the society around them. Individuals who the demand the society change to fit their concept of an ideal society instead of trying to make their lives what they want them to be themselves tend to be a destructive influence who incite violent revolution at worst, or, more typically, indolence and scapegoating.
better times doesnt apply to all countries. and better in what regard
I honestly hope you get killed during a robbery.
They're both fucked though, one on the right looks like a goblin and doesn't look after her hair.
One on the left is a whore.
Nazism is different from Fascism.
keep cucking for daddy you're so special and smart we love you so much little special boy
and your propaganda is so good you're so special and smart
Zizek actually read the Maps of Meaning you retard lmao
>Zizek immediatly concedes that marxism leads to shit and marx was wrong and starts doing this submissive clown persona
Nice making shit up when he clearly concedes in his argument that he's originally a Hegelian but he thinks that Marx' theoretical works (pretty much everything that isn't the Manifesto) still holds some merit and says that most of the stuff Peterson described as Marxism aren't even Marxism. Watch the fucking debate.
>Individuals who the demand the society change to fit their concept of an ideal society instead of trying to make their lives what they want them to be themselves tend to be a destructive influence who incite violent revolution at worst, or, more typically, indolence and scapegoating.
"If some individuals have nice lives then everything around us magically changes."
t. drug addict in a fantasy world
Jordan Peterson worked for the UN, he's a globalist jew loving shill.
do you think that making appeals to ignorance is something that cult leaders do?
why do you feel like you can only use your newspeak? why are the academic terms for what is being used to control your life so triggering to you?
You some kind of sniveling fucking nigger or something faggot? Kill yourself you PC police cunt.
>They're both fucked though
One works as a politican to save Italy from invasion and made kino Italian techno 80s music. The Stalin grandchild is a junky tranny freak with a plastic gun and no life.
Life expectancy, wealth, access to information, crime rates.
>doesnt apply to all countries
It does, the exceptions might be those under violent conflict or some heterodox economic regime.
damn she still hot af
You are thinking too broad with terms that are almost purely subjective. And then, today compared to which day and age and place?
Half my country can't have savings, big cities are too expensive to live at, minimum wage is a joke and the cost of living eats up four fifth of your loan. We have the smallest amount of house owners. I'd consider my country China 2.0 but i live in Europe. Your terms are just too broad and all it does is feed on simplistic views like you would find on pol.
I agree on the life expectancy though.
When power is decentralized by virtue of many hands holding pieces of it, fascism is less likely. But that only happens when many voluntarily strive for acquisition of power, and in distributing it in their own interest. Asking for those in power to think in your benefit is very fruitless, and overthrowing established power structures is just a temporary reset. Human nature is the issue that needs to be accounted for, not what packaging the societal policy comes in
Not only did Peterson push this guy's shit in, he did it with absolute and utter class.
Beautiful to witness, every second of it.
embarassing desu