Tell me this man isn't directly responsible for sensationalizing school shootings in USA

Tell me this man isn't directly responsible for sensationalizing school shootings in USA.
So many kids would've been alive today if it weren't for the Bowling for Columbine doc.

Attached: Michael Moore.jpg (3200x1680, 360K)

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That’s a fat lesbian

There are not many humans on earth as ugly as this guy

>It's the media's fault kids are so violent

might have a point. If kids knew they wouldn't get infamy they wouldn't probably do it.

The loss of religion and rise of hedonistic nihilism in a cultureless, dying country is the cause.

Remember when the media drummed up the war drums in 2001-2003 and got hundreds of thousands of people killed?

it's impossible for a school shooting not to gain notoriety, and such an event shouldn't be hidden.


it's almost as if the entire purpose of news and entertainment is to make money

it's almost like you can make money without being a deep state mouth piece
it's almost like it IS the media's fault for a lot of the problems in the world

The media is willing to sacrifice thousands of lives for kickbacks from the military industrial complex and here's why that's a good thing

Yes, I remember when I was 10 and my parents first got me Bowling for Columbine on DVD. I was so excited. I watched it several times a day for what must of been a month. My friends and I recited lines from it for years after. I can still recite the movie word for word to this day. I don't know anyone my age who can't.

you are right but you're wasting your time expecting any sort of morality from anyone in the industry.

where am I expecting morality? why are you even replying to me? my post was a response to a retard (possibly you) who doesn't seem to understand the media engages in probably the most violent behavior in the 21st century.

What did Bruce Vilanch do wrong other than writing the Star Wars Holiday Special?

Attached: bruce.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

>liberal parenting

Big yikes

It created a ripple effect, is my point. You're being deliberately obtuse.

>drummed up the war drums

Attached: 1546896027507.gif (403x234, 1.99M)

>in the 21st century
it's always been that way.

I was bummed by Bruce

stop posting, idiot

please never stop posting you're breaking new ground posting about how insidious the media is. a perspective never before considered. truly revolutionary.

He shilled a mediocre product for a guy on Shark Tank

Your posts inspired me to kill a bunch of people tomorrow, what now, you retard?
>inb4, some retarded faggot reports me
Jk, mods

Every news channel supported the war, from Fox News to MSNBC to every pile of shit in between.

I can tell more than a few people have said you're not as bright as you think you are.

>anyone under 25
>ever watching a Michael Moore documentary
Choose one and only one.
It's also abundantly clear you never actually watched Bowling for Columbine.

please teach us more about this new 21st century phenomenon of the media using war to promote themselves sempai

Attached: main-april-13.jpg (417x325, 46K)

You're grasping at the wrong points you mongoloid

>it has nothing to do with oversocialization making bullying an almost inescapable part of youth culture
>it has nothing to do with the sense of hopelessness embodied by a country split between one group telling the youth they're going to experience resource wars in their lifetime and another telling them they'll experience holy wars in their lifetime
>it has nothing to do with a perpetual cycle of "us vs them" rhetoric propagated by media and political talking heads saying unironically that they're going to be made second class citizens because of the color of their skin or their religious beliefs
>nah, it's definitely a lack of religion and good old-fashioned judeo-christian value systems
Go fuck yourself boomer retard.
it's been happening since the fuckin 1800s
he just picked one of the lot, he didn't "start" anything.

Shut up incel. You're a moron.

Religion is necessary to instill morals in a populace, whether it is true or not. Atheism encourages nothing but hedonism and nihilism.

Religion built society you idiot. We would have all killed each other without religion centuries ago.

>the media using war to promote themselves
>promote themselves

>Arabs and Pakis

Attached: downloadfile-106.jpg (474x355, 17K)

>[Citation Needed]
Friendly reminder that "because it's the way it's always been done" is the shittiest reason to do anything.
>what if we stopped roving and started making permanent settlements to grow food?
This is you faggots right now.
>believe religion is the key to a moral society
>unless it's not your religion

>the belief that life is inherently meaningless and nothing has any purpose will not cultivate the belief that life is meaningless and nothing has any purpose

Sub-100 IQ LARPers should not be allowed here.