This is supposed to be a comedy, right? When does it start getting funny, because so far it's miserable and depressing as fuck.
This is supposed to be a comedy, right? When does it start getting funny...
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Did they intentionally copy Family Guy's aesthetic? Why would someone want to?
I’m gonna put you through that wall.
More like trying to ape King of the Hill's aesthetic, but with dirt cheap Flash animation.
Americans have a hard time accepting the concept of a serious cartoon so they have to hide it under the guise of a comedy.
It literally looks like Disney's recess you mongs.
They went full reddit and dumped the whole funny dysfunctional family bit for muh misery porn. The same thing they did to Bojack Horseman
Not so much the art style as the color pallet.
>Dad is a fat man wearing a white shirt and green pants, has a white dog with a red collar, and a wife that's out of his league.
>wife that's out of his league
lmao what
only because of the facial features
>green pants
Watch this you stupid colorblind redditor. NOW!
the comedy is awful but I liked the drama aspect of it
White people being sad is not an intriguing concept nor remotely new.
so he's copying family guy and married with children ok
So you're a fucking nigger who needs to neck himself okay
It’s literally TV-MA King of the Hill
i couldnt agree more
Not funny. Shit drama. Bad acting. Seems perfect for netflix.
I'm sorry about the dog bill
Fuck netflix and fuck shills
When will the meme of "make a colorful, funny-looking cartoon but also make it depressing, miserable and nihilistic" end?
so am i the only one that likes this show?
no user, I like it too.
F is for Formerly
You just might be autistic dude.
I don't remember laughing with this show, but I enjoyed it anyway. They're making new seasons or something? too lazy to check.
Enough people seem to like it because it's in production of season 4 right now. I like Bill's standup and podcast for the most part. I found nothing redeeming about season 1 and haven't given it another chance.
Are there tits in this?
season 2 > season 1 > power gap > season 3
Not going to watch 4, didn't finish 3.
It's an existentialist dark comedy