If broadcast "journalism" was real

>First, yes, I am a gay man. Second, yes we are indeed a political arm of the DNC by proxy and use selective reporting to try and manipulate you into taking our point of view. Finally, it's true that we in the community hate America, whites, Christians, and anybody that has any semblance of regional, state, or national loyalty, and are indeed trying to destroy your nation.

What else would they report? Black crime is out of proportion to their population? Television and film is a tool of communist ideology?

Attached: Some faggot......jpg (1600x900, 167K)

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careful now, OP, you're talking about the rampant bias on television and film and that's not allowed on 4channel despite being a topic that should be allowed on this board

Attached: 1470121876043.jpg (658x374, 82K)

b-but my shekels!!!! muh shekels!!!!!!!!

baffling for you to get so triggered over anderson cooper, who is about as real as mainstream journalists get
went to yale, covered Somalia, Bosnia, the Rwandan Genocide, a bunch of natural disasters, worked for the CIA, the works
hes about as far as a "know-it-all talking-head sitting in a studio blithely reading off other people's opinions" as you can get

do you just not like him because he is gay? seems a bit biased.

Anyone remember Channel One news? we used to have to watch that shit in school. I think Lisa Ling got her start there too. 8/10 would bang

>thinks it's about one faggot

ah yes....Mr. Anderson
the anus as an entrance, on his knees knob gobbling, hiv neutral testament to honest unbiased reporting

Attached: cooper.jpg (1022x774, 151K)

looks like it is actually judging by

Different user, user.

the internet has turned your brain to mush

>despite being a topic that should be allowed on this board

how so? inb4 "the news is on tv!"

>Why yes, viewers, we are reading from a script provided by a source that doesn't even live in our city....or hell, even in the state. So much for "local" news, right? Yes, again, we are doing it for political manipulation purposes. See, we know that if you're watching this shitty program, the probability is high that you'll believe whatever the fuck we say because we know you're a dumb ass and hate you.

Attached: local news my ass.jpg (1200x675, 177K)

>worked for CIA

was it?
or are you FAKE (and gay) NEWS

Attached: thepoooftruth.jpg (1024x569, 99K)

>Always cry about the mainstream media being liberally biased, despite most of the channels bending over backwards hiring conservatives and even former Fox personnel
>Never say a goddamn word about Fox News that is consistently the the leading ratings giant among all TV news with glaring partisan leanings to a point where it's now become the current administration's propaganda arm that absurdly even dictates policy to the president
>Ignore how most of the local news stations these days are owned by a single conservative group that regularly mandates pre-written right wing talking points to be inserted into the programming

Talk about being dishonest, OP.

>local news

damn son
someone needs to have sex

You just gave us an example of dishonesty with that post, user, thank you.

The point of that segment was to show how water levels were deceptive. Just sayin.

as I said, "the rampant bias in on television and in the movies" retard

no bias whatsoever, no advancement of agenda, no distortion of facts
Pulitzer Prize winning journalism

Attached: acostaswall.jpg (640x360, 65K)

I can't tell if they're intentionally trying to start a violent rebellion or if they're just dumb enough to actually believe people in the real world will buy into their shit.

No bias!!!!! NONE!!!!

This just in: actor Jussie Smolletz apprehended a smiling man in a MAGA hat outside the burning Notre Dame Cathedral
I'll be back with my panel, columnist Mortie Guckelburg, Representative Isaac David-Cohen, and the sweet Reverend Albert Sharpton after this brief message from Tranny Discord Dating Service

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