Delete /pol/

delete /pol/

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have sex

Deleting all poor, uneducated people would be more effective.

how do poor people affect your daily life?

The fact that Hiro hasn't yet means he doesn't give a shit about anything.

they bother me and take my tax monies

Based and truthpilled

He cares about money. /pol/ brings in some of the highest sitewide traffic.

By voting for people who enact policies which don't benefit my daily life or the lives of people I care about. Why do you write like a black kid? Is it because you're thoughtless and lazy and that's why people like me have to explain basic causal relationships to you?

Honestly imagine being OP
even when his kind begged moot to delete it he said no
then comes along hiro listening to every suggestions when he first showed up yet the one he didn't listen to again was the Yea Forums and redditors begging for /pol/ to be deleted
jesus christ

This, I want to talk more about niggers in Yea Forums


fuck niggers, trannies, faggots, kikes, and spics

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>the average /pol/turd doesn't know how paragraphs work


delete Yea Forums

Go dilate

i don't mind /pol/ they've turned out some pretty cringe worthy zoomers on this site to laugh at

deleting /pol/ would be a good step on the way then

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we're going home boys...

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>all the election tourists getting triggered by OP
>they all write like Jamals



reminder that all /pol/ posters are 99% brown larpers pretending to be white Americans the other 1% are russian trolls

>delete things i don't like
You cant stop people from talking about things unless you want to live in a censored shithole.

You forgot the most important part

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>election tourists
Here's your average poster that goes on about election tourists:
Almost ALWAYS they're as new as the election. Why is that?

Imagine being OP and wanting to completely censor all positions you disagree because they hurt your feelings and you don't know how to debate

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This. Where do you think all the Brazilians went?

if dubs i fuck /pol/ in the ass

What a boring post


Based WOW classic poster.