The FBI raids your house coming for your computer. You have 1 minute. What do?

The FBI raids your house coming for your computer. You have 1 minute. What do?

Attached: fbi-raids-california-mayor-marijuana-dispensary-bribery-charges-hero.jpg (1000x600, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wipe my hard drive of loli and pirated movies

watch pron

Bring up my fapping folder so they could watch premium shemale porn

Literally nothing? Oh no they're going to see that I looked at vanilla porn, the horror

more worried about them stealing my god damn credentials

Attached: 1546818041358.png (141x155, 3K)

>wipe my hard drive of loli
kill yourself

Google "how to stop the FBI"

>pirated movies

you monster

Turn it off.

Ignite the thermite, take my tranquilisers and offer up a little prayer before unconsciousness takes me

Nothing because botnet already has access to literally everything on there. The government doesn’t give a fuck what you jack off to.

Show them my Cara folder so they can become enamored and in time, carapost.

Attached: 942.jpg (627x783, 201K)

Attached: fucko squad.webm (470x270, 1.62M)

they'll just plant shit on there if they want to

Attached: 1553913843426.gif (200x150, 2.11M)

Call the GSG9 on the FBI. Not your fucking jurisdiction, Faggots Blowing Ivan.

Everything is encrypted.

Turn it off, unplug it, and pull out/destroy the memory to destroy any remaining keys.

And I don't even have anything illegal (probably), just Yea Forums shit

Why'd you post the edit?

3d print a gun and bullets

Wonder why the FBI are in England for a moment before recognising this once in a life time opportunity and proceed to brandish a knife allowing them to put me out of my misery.

They managed to get the Silk Road guy though

Silk road guy was caught in public with his laptop encrypted IIRC.

If I don't use the container for 5 minutes, the container automagically dismounts.