What is happening in Dorne right now?

What is happening in Dorne right now?

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I dorne know

He has 8 children in the books. Just headcanon that one of them took over or something. They're literally never going to address Dorne again

Aegon is about to marry Arianne

Bad pussies doing bad pussy things.

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Oberyn has 8 children*

I still can't believe how they utterly fucked over dorne.

god fucking damn

Their army is destroyed so the Dornish lords have went back to their castles and returned to neutrality. Nobody else has bothered conquering them because they all have more pressing matters

Who the fuck cares just watch the dragons and zombies.

Arthur Dayne rules as king.

Aegon is going to get his head smashed on a wall by Ser Robert Strong

What’s his tax policy?

all the snakes are dead right? the two are in cersei's cell still?

Doran sent Arianne to deal with JonCon, and brought the Sandsnakes to heel. He has also sent Ser Balon Swann with Areo Hotah to Starfall under the pretense of hunting Darkstar, but we all know it's actually a ruse and Balon Swann will be killed there. I suspect Darkstar actually works for Doran. Guess we'll see what'll happen in Winds :)

>I suspect Darkstar actually works for Doran
why would doran do it that way.

Open for new leadership

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Just thinken about Aegon

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Sorry, meant Darkstar. Darkstar is a good king with flat tax rates.

Why do I love Darkstar so much? It's pretty simple when I think about it. Darkstar isn't just the best character in the series, he might just be the greatest character of all time. Just imaging him riding through the sands of Dorne, the wind in his hair, his mighty steed below him. As he rides through the red mountains, the ladies swoon at his very scent. They know how he smells, the essence of his smell is sold in Planky Town under the the name of "Greenblood Orgasm." The very nature of Darkstar is mystery. could he be playing a deeper game than even his creator realizes? The answer is yes, he has transcended such boundaries as the written world, and has free will to do whatever he sees fit. However, Darkstar is filled with such guile, such arcane craft that he does not even use these powers. Why, you might ask? You will never know, for the mind of the Darkstar is not one that is easily penetrated. Darkstar is such a force of nature in his realm that nothing can truly touch him, the only thing keeping him bound to the page at all is his will to exist within the preordained boundaries of his world. Darkstar is not only beyond the comprehension of us, he exists within a plane of true focus and beauty. Observe his playful smile, his gorgeous and rippling biceps, his gallant nose, and most importantly, his eyes. His eyes, like pools of saffron, provide the only glimpse into the true machinations of Darkstar. Do not stare into them. Many good men have gone mad in the attempt. Darkstar is not just a character, a formless collection of words and images, he is himself is the binding that holds the saga together. Without Darkstar, the entire series, the entire world of Westeros as we know it crumbles. The Trident would stop flowing without Darkstar, the Reach would become a desolate crater, and the Wall would melt without his frosty gaze.

>implying Darkstar needs taxation
He could finance the entire kingdom with a smile

Get rid of Arys Oakhart, have a reason to get rid of the next Kingsguard KL sends, send KL's agents on a wild goose chase, let an opposing house take the blame if everything goes to shit, all the meanwhile using Arianne's plotting against her to isolate her and bring her to his side. House Dayne is not friendly with Martells, but Darkstar is a rogue figure in his own house, so it shouldn't be too hard to get someone like that to work for you. I wouldn't be surprised if Hotah and Darkstar double team Balon Swann once they reach Starfall.

It's been years since I read this pasta Egg. Thank you for posting it again. So many years. I dreamed I was old.

>Forgotten kingdoms in GOT: Stormlands, Westerlands, the Reach, Dorne
Goddamnit Dabid.

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Dabid's Dorne is now ruled by a bunch of bastard daughters of Oberyn and everyone in Dorne is okay with that.



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I miss the Radmure pastas.

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Watering the flowers

Hopefully they renounced the crazy bitch who went down for revenge and are going to stay away from the rest of Westeros and all their shit.

Ellaria killing Oberyn's family still makes me angry. Out of Daenerys' feminist alliance the only person I like is Yara. Ellaria and Olena both went full retard and deserved what they got.

Will Doran send his army to the Reach on Winds? I don't see Aegon surviving otherwise.

why do you people watch this shit? if they followed the books it could perhaps have been decent. grrm is a dog shit writer who nobody should read, don't get me wrong, but d&d aren't 5 % as good as he is

But what's their tax policy?


I really hope in the books that one dumbass son who wants to bang Dany is alive. 6 chapters on that guy.

I don't see it. Arianne was sent to see if Aegon is legit and will undoubtably try to seduce him. Aegon will reject her then she'll tell Doran that hes just some rando.

My guess is that she succeds in seducing him, then convinces him of some stupid plan that gets them all killed.

>their army is destroyed


I expect they will take Storm's End, Dragonstone and some parts of the Stormlands and then dig in against whatever King's Landing sends against them. They might make a deal with Aurane Waters too, who knows, maybe we'll have Blackwater part 2: Wildfire Boogaloo.


Bad pussy died 2 seasons ago pham

improved tax policy

Part of me suspects that JonCon is going to give Aegon gray scale somehow.

That was season 7

I stopped being able to tell them apart before then, but Bad Pussy was the sexiest one. Her pussy must be really bad now.

man i hope we get a glimpse of that bitch looking at the pile of ooze that was her daughter

I'm disappointed Bronn didn't get to make her into a good wife and lady.

bad pussy looked like a little man
and the fake tits were hard as a rock, yall got shit taste if her boobs even in top 5 of GoT tittays


Looks like a foot with stink fumes coming off of it.

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Why didn't he just cut the finger off?
What if he gives grayscale to Arianne? It would be very GRRMlike for a woman who uses her beauty and sex to be disfigured by grayscale and be forced to adapt into using her head for once.

Darkstar rules as Lord-Protector, abolishes taxation and w*men and establishes AnCapos.

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Sand niggerish things.

blonde girls are getting bdc

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>JonCon is going to give Aegon gray scale somehow.
user, I...

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+1 internetz lmao good sir xD

>using her head for once
She's pretty good with that too

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Dornish lords helped the Sand Snakes with their coup. The Sand Snake coup takes the place of the plot to crown Myrcella

Jaime's not even blonde now

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The Bloodroyal is restoring glorious First Man rule and chasing out dirty Rhoynish sandniggers.

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Northern dornish are andals

Read nigga, read!

wait i thought dorne was a city.

pretty sure 5 of them were under the age of 12 by the time he died, the sand snakes are the only older ones

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In the TV Show? They're probably invading the Reach, since a lot of Marchers defected to the Lannisters and the Tyrells are all dead.

Didn't know that. Shouldn't they be more like Northerners?. I always thought they had blonde hair and blue eyes. The Daynes have anime white hair ffs

holy based

Martin doesn't into genetics. Remember this is a South-America-sized continent with all of four ethnic groups and only one language.
You're right, Ironwoods do have pretty blonds+blues tho.



How did dorne differ from the show?

The two are almost completely unrelated. I would have to write down the entire Dorne plotline here to answer that, and that's just way too long. Note that Dorne was introduced quite late to the story and there is still a lot that we do not know of, yet it's very obvious that the direction the books are heading is wildly different from that of the show where Dorne is concerned.

arianne tried to kidnap myrcella to turn her into a queen to use against kings landing in revenge, doran found out about it and ambushed them, darkstar (one of the dayne's) slashes myrcella's ear off and escapes, arianne gets imprisoned along with the sand snakes for a while

in the meantime doran sent quentyn martell to essos to marry dany, quentyn tries to impress dany by taming and stealing a dragon but gets burnt to death by it

In the books they're more like Spain and Portugual, in the show they're just a 1000 Arabian Nights rip off.

why does she look like a shitskin pajeet?


Show Dorne
>Joff's sister Myrcella, is sent to Dorne to be engaged to Trystane, Doran Martell's son.
>Oberyn shows up to Kings Landing
>Oberyn gets killed by the Mountain
>Sand Snakes plot to get revenge
>Jaime and Bronn head down to Dorne to get Myrcella since the Sand Snakes will most likely kill her.
>Jaime and Bronn get caught, Doran agrees to send Myrcella and his son to Kings Landing
>Sand Snakes kill Doran, Myrcella, and Trystane
>Sand Snakes take over Dorne
>Sand Snakes support Dany
>Euron kills most of the Sand Snakes and Cersei executes the rest.

Book Dorne
>Myrcella is sent to Dorne to be betrothed to Trystane Doran Martell's youngest Son
>Oberyn dies fighting the mountain
>Sand Snakes start plotting revenge
>Doran's eldest daughter and heir Arianne sides with the Sand Snakes and seduces the Kingsguard(Artys Oakheart) sent to protect Myrcella.
>Arianne thinks she hears Doran talking about replacing her with her brother Quentyn.
>Arianne plans to make Dorne join the civil war by trying to install Myrcella as queen instead of Tommen. Joffrey is dead at this point
>Arianne, the Sand Snakes, Kingsguard, and Darkstar abduct Myrcella.
>Doran's troops stop them. Kingsguard is killed and Myrcella loses an ear.
>Arianne and the Sand Snakes are imprisoned in a tower.
>Doran explains to Arianne that he sent her brother Quentyn to go try and marry Dany. She was going to marry Viserys(Danys brother) but hes dead.
>Quentyn proposes to Dany. Dany laughs in his face. Quentyn decides to try to tame one of her dragons since his great-great grandmother was a Targaryen.
>Quentyn is burned to death by the dragons.
>Word gets back to Doran that Quentyn failed.
>Kings Landing sends another Kingsguard(Balon Swann) to find out what happened to the last one and to give the Mountain's skull to the Sand Snakes.
>(F)Aegon lands in the Stormlands with the 10K army of the Golden Company claiming to be a Targaryen
>Doran sends Arianne to meet (F)Aegon to see if hes legit.

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people who draw shit like this should be beaten to death.

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did he get blacked?

>I got all the flawed recessive genes

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Dothraki breeding grounds

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Tax reform.

the whip one was the cutiest

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its what years of depression and stress does to you

>tfw the entire show known for its massive scale in both world and story is now just The North, Kings Landing, Eurons ships and possibly Iron Islands

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What is happening 'Dorne under' haha