Are we the baddies?
Are we the baddies?
Other urls found in this thread:
why are you going to reddit? what's the matter with you?
This is 4channel
We love jannies and trannies, here
>can't spell a sentence without a pop culture reference
America was a mistake.
No, the media is.
>spell a sentence
we respect all races, cultures, orientations and gender identities here
>Yea Forums is Mos Eisley of the internet
What character Yea Forums would be?
/pol/ is the "I don't like you" character
Yea Forums is the "he doesn't like you either"
Do you guys remember before /pol/ flooded this website with redditors we didn't have reddit screencap threads every day?
The world needs bad men.
hello new friend
>off by one
Do any of these retards even think for themselves? I swear reddit is for actual children
It's sickening how they seek other's approval. Can't you make up your own mind about whether it is racist? Why do you need someone on the internet to tell you what to feel
that's why people go to college user, to be told how to think
I really don't
orginal Mos Eisley?
why was this scene deleted again?
they dont want to be banned, accounts are a serious bussines for most internet users
Found the 2016 tourists
>Why do you need someone on the internet to tell you what to feel
What's the consensus on January Jones?
didn't they remove this character?
That's Tosche Station
>Graduated college
So glad I can finally say nigger without being racist
Biggs shows up at the end he's one of the rebel pilots
People who aren't delusional narcissists will try to gather information from others, see and compare other perspectives as well as any objective information that they might have missed as a single investigator. Then with this greater pool of information they can form their own opinion.
But you wouldn't know anything about that, you're that guy at work/the party/under the bridge who tells everyone how everything works despite you not actually being a specialist on anything aside from using the wikipedia search bar (before you gave that up because you decided you're smarter than wikipedia).
>"People called it racist because the people who published and spread it, Yea Forums, is famous for being a pit of scum and villainy."
Fucking citation needed? Or is that just a bit of head cannon. Sure Yea Forums spread it, but the negative reactions to it were because people literally think its not ok to be white.
Yea Forums is like the evil Nazi Empire lead by Darth Drumpf
>can't post without using a meme
>guy at work/the party/under the bridge who tells everyone how everything works despite you not actually being a specialist on anything aside from using the wikipedia search bar (before you gave that up because you decided you're smarter than wikipedia)
unironically me
Thanks for platinum!!!! :)
all me
Yea Forums spread it, but they spread it to prove the point that a non-racist saying would be vilified, and that point was proven.
Look at me! I replied to everyone!
Only badges attainable in 4chen are bestowed by Hiroshima himself after you surrender your credit card information to him.
>scum and villainy
Leftists really love their scare words
You are not allowed to be negative, cunt features
Thank you for keeping the conversation mature and on topic! ;)))) Niggers should hang, lol! xD
This would hit hard if I didn’t know the average person is a complete idiot, and Wikipedia is run by troglodytes.
he was a good friend
>People who aren't delusional narcissists will try to gather information from others, see and compare other perspectives as well as any objective information that they might have missed as a single investigator.
This is a really simple social issue. If you need validation from others regarding it, then you're a pathetic excuse for an adult. It would be different if this was some complicated geopolitical issue, but its not. Don't call me a fucking narcissist for not seeking the Hivemind's approval every time I go to wipe my ass you projecting leftist retard
>a pop culture reference on reddit
I'd upboat that comment!
t. redditor
Yes, and that’s a good thing.
only plebs rank platinum over gold
If the media and radical leftists weren't racists and complete jokes they wouldn't have taken the bait and fallen into the trap. Our democracy needs real news media not 24/7 talking heads and clickbait internet fake news.
they fucking love us those tsundere little faggots
>you can only form your own opinion after being told what to think
What's it like being an NPC?
the press died when the actual printing press died. people had at least a grudging respect for the operation, now anyone can shit out their opines.
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
>Are we the baddies?
no, Hollywood just wants you to think so
that's typical redditesque sarcastic manner
t. redditor
it's a star wars quote you fucking braindead reddit piece of shit
Wtf, is this new?
So that person does not, in fact, think Yea Forums is evil?
and that negates what I said how exactly?
no there have been platinum records forever, if you sell a million records. gold is 500,000
This topic is vaguely political, better make a star wars reference.
Nothing farms upvotes better than easy cliche references that everyone will get.
fair enough
Almost no one on reddit thinks Yea Forums is evil, at least from my experience, but I don't browse pozzed subreddits.
Oh sure the normies love their Yea Forums
We are the mos eisley of the internet?
There are way worse places including other chan boards. Yea Forums is just the one that normies know about.
I like how in their version of the Elliot Rodger shooting it was mostly women who were killed.
>they dunk on whacko incels
>user thinks Yea Forums is being attacked
congrats you played yourself
Redditors pay reddit $5.99 to superlike posts
I used to think Something Awful was pathetic but now I just don't know
the bloodied arm
>Edit: Thanks for the gold!
>Edit2: Platinum!!! Thanks!
What the fuck is wrong with r*dditors?
>you have his credit card information
Huh? A payment processor would. Nobody handles that kind of stuff directly.
>they used it to prove that the media would villify a non-racist term
Yep. We are evil.
t. election tourist
Reddit was fully occupying this website from 2012 onward thanks to Yea Forums
>you're that guy at work/the party/under the bridge who tells everyone how everything works despite you not actually being a specialist on anything aside from using the wikipedia search bar
And this is already much more than they would ever know.
He only shows up in the 90s edition, in the original he was cut entirely. Which is confusing in retrospect since he hadn't been introduced or mentioned.
You know very well what they meant by that
I don’t think it’s okay to be white I think it’s great to be white fuck all these low self esteem homos
Nice dubs but you're literally doing what I described, I should've added "on the internet", probably where this happens the most.
>This is a really simple social issue
>If you need validation from others regarding it, then you're a pathetic excuse for an adult.
>It would be different if this was some complicated geopolitical issue, but its not.
>projecting leftist retard
"This is how it works, this is how it is, you're dumb, they're all dumb together, you're projecting! (ironic)" etc etc
This only works if your intentions aren't free to view on the Internet in >muh sekrit club
>muh secret society
>those edits
god damn reddit is so fucking gay
I mean, hasn’t this website always been made up of refugees from more reputable sites? I first came here cause my parents wouldn’t give me 10 bux.
Being white is not ok, Being white means noblesse oblige
>it’s great to be white
nice try, but white privilege doesn't exist and white men are the only oppressed members of modern society
fuck off tranny
Edit: Thanks for keeping the discussion mature and on topic!
Maybe if it wasn't used strictly in race baiting context it wouldn't be thought to be racist. Only racist people think you need some kind of positive self-assurance campaign about being white.
This post if proof you can shit out any bullshit with a little mental gymnastics
we watch the watchers
How is it race baiting? It just states a fact. It's okay to be white. You don't have a problem with that true statement do you? You're not a racist are you? Only a racist would object to white people.
Can someone explain what the fuck reddit gold is?
You give away money so that a post will get more exposure. That's basically it. Everything about Reddit is about conforming
We are just the guys you see on the street saying what we really want to say. Everyone is more honest when they are anonymous. We arent the baddies we are just honest.
You buy reddit golds for $5 each and then give them to posts you agree with so a gold icon appears on the post. Then that poster gains one month of access to premium reddit features like the exclusive subreddit where only gold members are allowed. People use it to manufacture consent on issues. Someone says "Being racist against white people is great." and then 20 users give him reddit gold and he gets 20 months of reddit premium.
Fucking disgusting but thanks for answering.
They know it. That's why they are hellbent on making us 'fringe'. The normies are terrified of the fact that at the end of the day, we are just like them. They have to turn us into monsters to appease their mind
Since when does Yea Forums make stickers?
Well, fuck the cis though, lmao
Nope. I'm just a bad guy.
Cringe Redditors thinking Yea Forums is a hivemind as usual
>points out that Yea Forums is actually at fault for the reddit invasion
>suddenly, the invasion isn't a big deal because he can't blame /pol/ retards
The absolute state of redditors
There's an inherent implication that somehow it hasn't been okay to he white and you need to be told otherwise via the campaign. That, along with he fact that spreading it is strictly associated with white nationalist groups makes it racist instead of a supposedly compo neutral statement.
If the condemnation of "it's ok to be white" doesn't CLEARLY demonstrate that there IS a CONCERTED EFFORT to destroy the white majority of the U.S., then nothing will.
So an 'it's ok to be black' sign would also be racist, right?
Am I the only one that gets angry when people write shit like "ah, X is just how I remember it" like they arent some pretentious shit trying to sound wise
>because the leftist scum get to determine what is and isn't "racist"
Only incels find this picture interesting. Delete your post and have sex pol tard.
Who cares if its racist? Why is racism bad? You leftist scum dont say shit when niggers call us honkies or crackers.
It would have racist subtext, yes.
Yea Forums is the anus of the Internet
Do you even know someone irl who browses Reddit regularly? What are they like? It baffles me how a community can be so popular, but I've yet to meet someone irl who is a bona fide Redditor
Envisage the aroma
There has been such an implication. The reaction to the sign proves it. Even you are reacting the same way because of your inherent racist hate of white people. Stop being a racist. White people are good.
Too many J's in the name.
Fucking kill them.
gib Khazar buthol
>as well as Japan
Stop it you fucking jews STOP!
I do
hes a fat balding basedboy, unironic contrarian who wont stfu about the last jedi and marvel. These people are real, they aren't just restricted to twitter
Japs are going to get POO'd
The supposed origins literally don't matter. It is just a few simple words. Would you fucking meltdown over the phrase "It's okay to pet dogs" because Hitler owned and loved a retriever?
The correct response, if you wanted to avoid falling into any trap, would be to just acknowledge it. Like of course it's okay to be white, what a strange thing to put on a poster, right? Instead you meltdown and vilify whites exactly as this stupid thought experiment predicted.
Seems like it worked anyway.
>when a useful idiot finds out what "equality" actually means
Should have listened to uncle Yuri.