20 years since the event

>20 years since the event
>only film adaptation is some shitty BBC documentary thats only about the shooting itself

Why are people so afraid to make a columbine kino? The event is so far removed that the people actually attending columbine today weren't even alive when it happened.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Elephant was based in part on it. Probably catch too much shit for glorifying the shooters.

>edgelord and his jewish friend get tired of having gay sex and decide to go crazy
>their plan doesn't work like it's supposed to and they get bored right away
>jerk each other off one last time then kill themselves
would be boring honestly

that shitty rpg maker game is unironically the closest we'll ever get to a columbine movie

Literally the best summary of the events. You certainly are based and redpilled about this subject. Have a nice day!

Stop projecting your gay fantasies, faggot

Eric was a Nazi that stated repeatedly he wanted to kill gays and nigger. Dylan was a incel who wrote nothing but how girls he liked didn’t pay attention to him

Both were likely homosexual. KLEBOLD was a JEW and Harris was on ZOG SSRI Anti-depressants.

Why are these inconvenient facts never mentioned?

They’re not facts unless you got evidence, which you don’t.

It’s just you projecting gay fantasies

Just recently read something about these knuckleheads the other day. Pretty weak there were 2 of them and only killed 11. Meanwhile that zioperhead at Virginia tech cleaned house

[confused jags fan intensifies]

So where are the Basement Tapes?

they would be god tier villians too

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Sounds like total faggots

have you not watched lars von triers version? elephant?

It wasn’t meant to be a shooting, that’s why the casualties were low

It was meant to be a bombing and they were going to pick off the survivors as they fled.

If they were planning it to just be a shooting they’d gotten better guns then a shitty teck-9 and a couple of sawed offs

>thinking anyone on this board actually watches good movies
Silly user

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Is that them in the top left?

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No way they were the ones getting bullied a lot


Why did he only kill one black person if he hated them so much?

why do they all look so old?

>mfw went to an all white HS like this.
>senior year everyone was tall and all looked like they were in early 20s
>I still looked like a 13 year old

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I'd recommend you watch "The Dirties". It's pretty kino, honestly, and is inspired by Columbine.

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>tfw jags guy survived columbine

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Because America looked like this back then.

high scores are meant to be beaten

Why didn't you save her user?

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when that happened high school was a few years behind me, been working for 4 or 5 years already : maybe that's why people of my age are not too much into active shooting. It seems people who get fascinated with that case enough to emulate them , in a bizarre dialectic i can' quite understand, do it to protect themselves/make sense of that shocking event... sort of like how some ladies write letters/fuck/marry gruesome serial killers confined to jail forever. maybe it's a disturbance in a psychological evolutionary tactic for the weak "if you can't fight em join em/pacify em".

plenty of weakling schizoid in our society, they deserve to have their latent fantasy snuffed so they don't have the chance to act on it, like forensic psychologist have been recommending medias to not glorify these shootings for clicks/views by using exciting language/visuals/ treat the killer as some mysterious anti-hero/give em a platform and so on.

so in that sense, fuck a movie about it unless they make it about the victims and their families, make it sober , sad, anti climatic. anti weak little boring tasteless nerd who might pick up a gun to feel big.

Literally this. What are you on about Opie?


I have that same fucking jacket on the right


That's the real reason for the low killcount. They spent too much time looking for the one black kid

Lost it when the absolute fucking moron actually claimed the matrix was foreshadowing because Hollywood is just as controlled

Fucking moronic

it's their shit normie clothes. have you noticed how not one of them look "cool", not one of them try something different, piece things up by themselves, remix old clothes and have fun with it, is part of a scene. 1999 was very much the end of a wave of cultural effervescence , there was no alternative to normiedom and their nike hat and their accountant in training-tier checkered shirts. rape was back into heavy music, clubs were kicking out techno/jungle/drum and bass/etc djs to make room to mainstream hip hop. and not much has changed since then in the mainstream. not even the internet changed that status quo!

Zero Day and Elephant

This post is a yikes from me.

those virgins, that chad

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>Dylan with a girl's arm around him
Why'd he do it lads? He was so close.

We truly live in a society.

that amazes me the most


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Cast them

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If you like staring at people’s backs in hallways for half the movie then sure.


isnt this the christian pure flix movie?

>>jerk each other off one last time then kill themselves
whoa what?

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normie detected. join the neoliberal workforce they said, get in the system . there are no alternatives. dress the part like everybody just like you think and consume like everybody else. not a big deal but it sure look like that. interchangeable npc lives.

A remixed version of this plays every single day at my gym, should I be worried?

Elephant you pathetic manchild. you don't have the balls btw, not even egging you on since you're such an obvious pussy, you would never do it and thank God for that

>Chris farley
>had heart attack while on prozac
I'm sure his weight combined with the speed ball had nothing to do with it.


>Glorifying mass shooters
For the love of God. Have sex!

I remember thinking... this is kino. When I found out his name I couldn't believe it.

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>tfw on zoloft

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what a great country to live in

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oh so they didn't took medicines cause they were nuts, they were nuts cause they took medicines
this is your brain on America lmao

Exactly. All these killers also drank water. Water made them kill


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>they were nuts cause they took medicines this is your brain on America lmao
>medications that affect your mood couldn't possibly have side-effects.

they were based. show some respect.

>not posting the superior version

Correletion doesn’t equal causation. It’s not even correlated since thousands of people take SSRI’s and don’t commit mass murder

that chad is a 100% gay


Attached: Dylan Klebold Eric Harris i'm not ashamed.webm (640x360, 1.14M)

Because black people are better at running


god damn where the fuck did all the white people go these days

Watch Zero Day. Basically a found footage film about a school shooting, the final shooting scene is kino as fuck.

Kek. Perfect.

Phil Hartman's WIFE shot him!!? I thought he did it to HER!

yea wow they look old. the risk sucked out of youth , welcome to the neverending neoliberal present.

Do a re-enactment like the history channel does with medieval shows, but use ketchup and squirt guns instead. I bet it would win the tribecca film festival. Add a black obese trans woman for good measure.

What grade did you complete?

American diet makes you age faster.

Dem titties tho

Why didn’t you?

We will never get to see any of the basement tape kino because they destroyed most of their home movies.

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I never said that. Fact is the medication he was taking did have a side effect that causes aggression. There were other things that all added up to the shooting.

>Zoomers are obbessed with this shit
You guys need to get your own dark shit.


you wish , for some reason. i don't care to know about you. bye.

for me, it's seung-hui cho

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He was an oldman fan lmao remember reading about this guy in the papers

That would just push would-be school shooters over the edge. Who knows what kind of fedoralord high school kids are lurking out there who worship Dylan and Eric.

Imagine the trailer set to “Pumped Up Kicks”
Kino as fuck

what fucking high school goes that in depth into Hitler lmao

In Colorado it’s still all crackers. Stop comparing your Atlanta suburb to a proper white state, user.

Living proof that you gotta send them all back

The red pill is that the 3rd camera man (who never speaks or is shown) was in on it too.

23rd for Elephant and OP is a moron

Paradise, I'd still rather have them in my class than niggers

Then move to Colorado you limp-wristed cracker

>Living proof
He's literally been dead for 12 years

all this says it that they were likely mentally ill lmao

holy shit isn't that guy from nirvana the band the show?

Same places they've always been, towns and suburbs? In the cities the only whites you'll find are the elderly and young people who work there but will leave when they have kids.

If you want to live with white people, just move into a white town or a white part of the city. America is still highly segregated, look at NYC for gods sake (red is white, blue nigs, orange spics, green Asian). You have no one but yourself to blame if you're living with niggers.

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The uwe boll film was good.

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Because both of their lives consisted of little more than wallowing in self pity and lamenting about their status as a pair of no-one-at-alls in their rooms. The only thing that they ever did which was ever worth paying attention to was the shooting itself, which was the whole point.

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Bang, Bang, You're Dead is a solid school shooting flick

Neither of them were unpopular. They actually used to make fun of other kids. Eric had sex regularly, including with college aged girls older than him. Dylan was popular with girls but was so autistic with them he struggled, but even then he was smart and well liked.

And thank God he did or else we wouldn't have excellent reaction image

I thought Eric was a virgin? What's your source he had sex?

Attached: i'm not ashamed 2016 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold plan to shoot up columbine.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

calm down incel, the joker movie is coming out this year

citation needed

cave chest boy never got laid

>Living proof


that game seems too advanced for the time but my knowledge of 1st person shooters isn't that great.

What's his name? Also did he fucking lose a foot?

Goldeneye was the graphical peak of shooters at this time so yes


The Columbine book by Cullen. He interviewed tons of people. Harris had definitely had sex, with multiple girls. Dylan hadn;t but only because he was really shy, he could have.

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Columbine by Dave Cullen. It's a pretty interesting book, it makes you hate the shooters honestly. No one picked on them really and the people they killed were mostly loser kids. The jock types, the "chad and stacy" types, etc, almost none of them died. Even the hot girl that died named Rachel was some virgin Jesus freak (CO has a TON of evangelicals)

except eric states in his diary that he's going to die a virgin, you moron.

they actually played DOOM and Quake

Read the filename

Attached: Eric Knows Where Dylan Sleeps Im Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

they didn't kill a single jock/chad

Attached: 12490216-6941425-For_the_last_20_years_Frank_DeAngelis_wakes_up_every_morning_to_-a-5_1555762450902. (634x376, 69K)

worth a watch? reviews look harsh on it

No. Just watch this clip containing all scenes with Eric and Dylan.

I've read both their jounrals fully, police reports and ACTUAL credible books, here's the facts.

>was highly intelligent
>grew up taking "gifted kid" courses, secluded from the regular kids
>became an outcast and made fun of for being smart
>depressed, felt like nonoby loved him
>awkward, shy
>wanted to belong to something
>cliche incel "i want a girlfriend" writing
>when he and eric got caught stealing out of a van he thought his life was over and he was destined to be a "bad guy"

>switched schools a lot growing up
>became the outsider
>VERY obsessed with death/violence/guns, writing about it constantly.
>stayed home all day on his computer making DOOM WAD's, talking shit on his personal website, etc
>had a physical chest deformity that people made fun of him for
>extreme narcisist psychopath with hatred for the world
>anger issues, took medication
>when he tried to apply for the marines (his father and brother were marines) he was rejected because on the application he lied about his chest condition and during the interview his mom brought down his anger pills to show the recruiter, who was unaware of this condition as well.

Both shared a love of DOOM, KMFDM, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails, Lost Highway, Falling Down and most importantly Natural Born Killers, so much so that they named their massacre "NBK". They had a mutual hate for the school hirearchy and jock worship. They started to go on vandalism "missions" togetther regularly, which progressed into stealing, then into the creation of pipe bombs, then finally to aquiring guns and the shooting. Of course, none fo this would have happened if not for Eric. Dylan had no iterest in guns apart from the ones in videogames. Eric made the bombs and aquired the guns, even sketched out the entire operation in his notebook.

you're confusing the two

believe whatever you want asshole the dudes dead for 20 years now. Everyone who knew him insists he had sex, and girls have said they had sex with him.

Yeah, same here. If it wasn't for that Eric cunt, Dylan could've pulled himself out of that hole and actually become a decent human being living up to his potential.
His mother seems like a great lady as well, and it's a shame she had to experience the event.
Goes to show how important it is to have backbone and persevere even when the world is seemingly against you.

they both died virgins, both state this. read their fucking journals you lazy dopes. Don't believe the shit some stacy says as her claim to fame. It's well known that Cullen's book is 70% bullshit, ask anyone who actually was apart of the massacre or went to columbine in 99. i've talked to several personally.

It's true. Dylan actually went to see his college and dorm weeks before the shooting

>i've talked to several personally.
How? Did you attend some neighboring school?

Eric strated in his journal that he wanted to throw his morality out the window during the shooting, that he didn't care who he killed, (although he spared some in the library)

The bombs they set in the cafeteria were meant to blow up the school and kill everyone, they only brought guns to pick off the survivors from outside.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=uAOoiIkFQq4

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i live in nyc, in hipster ass bk. it's still a hispanic neighborhood, and they're remarkably civil and family oriented. there's always kids running around, so there's very little crime.

if you walk 5 blocks into the nigger areas, there's a high crime rate. the jews don't even bother buying up the property in those areas to gentrify it.

Attached: Dylan Klebold Eric Harris Prepare Guns I'm Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

I've always heard Harris never cared that much about the Marines, by the time he was talking to recruiters he was already deep into planning the massacre.

The other thing I remember hearing is that Dylan wasn't really an outcast and neither was Eric. They were far from popular but they had social lives, prom dates, occasionally went to parties. No one really picked on them. Like remember the trench coat mafia shit? They were real and were way lower on the social ladder than Eric and Dylan were.

If they made it, I think it would be a good idea to cut the movie right before they start shooting people so it's not just murder porn. The relationship between the boys, their classmates, and their parents is pretty interesting. Could be kino

>like a video game

i like how they still shove the narrative it was because of video games even though its 2019

>I've always heard Harris never cared that much about the Marines

"yesterday we fired our first actual firearms ever. 3 rounds from the carbine. taught that ground a thing or 2. I even had the 2 clips in my pocket while talking to vodkas dad about senior ditch day. God it felt great firing off that bad boy, and hopefully I'll be able to get more than just 4 clips for it. I dubbed my shotgun "Arlene" after Arlene Sanders from the DOOM books. She always did love the shotgun. Vodka's DB is looking very fucking awesome, all cut down to the proper lengths. this is a bitch trying to keep up on homework while working on my guns, bombs, and lying. by the way, I bought that flask in the mall and I had a friend fill it up w/ scotch whiskey, only had about 3 swigs in the 3 weeks I had it. plus monday I gave my T and IC to Vodka, just in case. I never really did like alcohol, just wasn't my thing, but It felt good to just have around. that argument on the 22nd was a real bitch, but I think I should have won a fucking oscar. I even quoted a few movies, remember "what the hell am I gonna do now man?! what am I gonna do!?" thats good ole Hudson from aliens. Sounded good too. and hey goddamnit I would have been a fucking great marine, It would have given me a reason to do good. and I would never drink and drive, either. It will be weird when we actually go on the rampage. hopefully we will have plenty of clips and bombs. Im gonna still try and get my calico 9mm. just think, 100 rounds without reloading.... hell yeah!"

Or maybe start with the aftermath and work backwards piecing everything together.

>that entry
lmao what a sperg

>>anger issues, took medication
this was dylan, not eric.

>Dylan wasn't really an outcast and neither was Eric
As true as that may be, things are often a lot deeper than they seem. Aside from the limited information gathered from their diaries, we can't really imagine what their thought process was like.
Most of these killers seem like normal people leading normal lives before they do what they do.
You look at even someone like Elliot Rodger at first glance and think "Really? this dude has no real problems".
As cliche as it sounds, it can take a single bad day to set diabolical things into motion with some individuals.

Sounds like your average 4channer in the closet

That's my point, he's talking about how he pretended to care about getting rejected. He was indifferent. You really think if he got into the military there's no shooting?

Scientific Evidence that White Americans are cancer to the universe . along with sand people.

If you think it's hard to find fault with Ozymandias you're a grade A retard.

>You really think if he got into the military there's no shooting?
yes, they were scared of the future. If Eric had a set path and some confidence he'd have a reason to live. there really was jock worship at columbine, and the teachers played along too. Eric and dylan had friends, yes. But they were nerds, and they knew this.



There is something a lot more eerie and human about Columbine than any other shootings. You read about what became of the survivors and some never fully recovered from it. There were even two suicides.
I don't know what it is about Columbine that makes it so depressing to read about especially knowing there were far worse shootings between then and now.

This has got to be one of the most retarded things i've seen posted on Yea Forums

get your names straight user

it was the cap on 90's teen angst. the shooters were best friends, both loved famous 90's movies and songs, etc.

First of it's kind, came at the end of the millennium

Really different world

Columbine is just americans being faggots as usual. Now this is kino

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Damn he never got to see the prequels kino.

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>literally everyone wearing muted colors except the guy in the bright blue tie-dye

the worst thing is the fact this is the spawn of the mass media cycle of shootings and how they swarm survivors for interviews and play it on television 24/7 and attempt to point blame at trival or minor aspects like they are key issues like video games, music, gun control rather than the main issue of these two people being severally mentally ill and ignored. it was timed perfectly when the format of a 24hr news cycle was perfected and rampant through all news channels. columbine isnt even THAT bad in terms of death count but the social effect it had was huge because of the coverage it got and how it was shown.

They aren't trannies

does this sound like someone who's gotten laid before?

>I'll get revenge soon enough. fuckers shouldn't have ripped on me so much huh! HA! then again its human nature to do what you did... so I guess I am also attacking the human race. I cant take it, Its not right... true... correct... perfect. I fucking hate the human equation. Nazism would be fucking great if it werent for individualism and our natural instinct to ask questions. you know what maybe I just need to get laid. maybe that'll just change some shit around. thats another thing, I am a fucking dog. I have fantasies of just taking someone and fucking them hard and strong. someone like [censored] were I just pick her up, take her to my room, tear off her shirt and pants and just eat her out and fuck her hard.

stop pretending like you know shit.

School just went threw a shit ton of false threats and shut down because crazies wanted to celebrate the anniversary by shooting it up.

People are still fucked up by it over there.

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>the mom of a crippled victim(who SURVIVED) shot herself
what a fucking bitch

Is Evil born or made?

i think the Bulgar case is even more disturbing and made people question things even more when it happened but because they werent american it didnt get such a hype

It was the "first" school shooting in the same way that Arnold was the "first" bodybuilder. It really put the whole thing on the map and was very broadly publicized and later romanticized, largely due to the rich backlog of data on the killers and their personal struggles/ideas.
Of course, there's lots of factors that go into making Columbine what it is, but it really was a perfect concoction, or "lightning in a bottle".
You could argue that it hasn't been topped even this many years later, despite the fact that there have been multiple school shootings by now, some of which with more casualties.

wow this guy sounds like your average Yea Forums poster

>columbine was the original incel case where "have sex" would have fixed it


/pol/ would worship this faggot if this all happened today

crazy huh. and it's always because these nerds won't settle for anythng other than 10/10's. Eliott Roger could have got laid easily, so could these fags.

Everybody missed on a ton of shit. I wonder what Eric/Dylan would've thought about the new Doom.

Fuck this chart. Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man was one of the best villains ever portrayed and he was pretty much the last category. And the reason he was the best is because he didn't spend the entire movie explaining his philosophy, he just acted on it.

They weren't as fucked up as the next generation. They only wanted to take out the jocks and popular kids that made them feel like shit. Many accounts of them simply ignoring or letting other people run off if they weren't part of that crowd.

Harris and Klebold were gay for eachother

It's been known they were bully assholes, not nerds that were picked on

Didn't they let a lot of people live?

>live 115 years only to die by some edgelord kids in 1999

Im 32

does this look like the a collections of chads and stacies?
they planted multiple bombs in the cafeteria with the intention of indiscriminate mass murder, the bombs just didnt work

You're right

And yet we have an upcoming film that's looking like it might glorify Ted Bundy.

im 33

not really. they let one or two run off but it was sort of incidental

formerly 32

>the killers would've been 38 now
Man, time fucking flies.

The kids attending columbine today wouldn't be the target audience, it'd be the older people who actually knew about it.

i don't care what anyone says, film/tv/videogames HAVE inspired autists to kill.


One kid who was sort of friends with Eric was standing outside. Eric told him "just go home man" and so he did because he had a bad feeling.

Another one they let go was some kid who was always nice to Dylan. Apparently they had a weird conversation that went like this:
>Dylan? What are you doing man...?
>Oh, you know, just killing people.
Then he yelled at him to get out

i've read the book, there is no mention of eric getting laid

>bert goes on to describe Jon in an out-of-control killing frenzy. He claimed Jon threw more bricks at the baby, and then hit him with a big metal thing with holes in it. Then Jon hit James with a stick. James was lying there, still, eyes open, across the tracks. Jon had the batteries and threw one of them at Jamess face. All the time Robert said he was trying to pull Jon away, screaming at him to stop.

Are you implying that the dragon from Origins wasn't also a 'villain obeying their nature' thing? It was just a normal dragon that was corrupted, it's not like it as simple as 'just being evil'.

>that reaction at the end


was jon abused as a kid?

what games did this dude play?

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you can't trust their stories, they both just blamed each other

>Robert was greatly upset by now. He said Jon would say he took off Jamess pants and played with his privates.

yes and there is some debate as to why this actually happened. it's possible that eric let brooks live because they were still all the way back at the parking lot. shooting him there would've alerted everybody while they were still far away from the school.

as for dylan and john, apparently the fire alarm made it hard for them to actually hear each other, so the awkwardness just kinda made dylan hesitate and say "uhh just get out of here"

Brooks was one lucky motherfucker

Eric let Brooks live because they made a truce weeks before and had been on really good terms leading up to the massacre.

The shitty way those edgelords handled those weapons is pretty accurate.

that's true, and most people think he let brooks go simply because he didn't want to shoot him. however, brooks himself is not 100% sure about why. based on what we know, it's pretty obvious that eric was not planning to spare anybody, even people he was on good terms with.


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That’s him, Matt Johnson. Jay also has a brief cameo in The Dirties. I would highly recommend Matt’s second movie Operation Avalanche if you’re interested

>look him at
>he did a questionnaire on leddit
>all his answers were deleted
garbage fucking site

>ps1 controllers
>playing on a CRT
>both of them are playing but there's only one player onscreen
>game looks like it's from current gen
>shooting some kind of plasma rifle and states that it's like Columbine
nothing makes sense

That would be so tight

shame they are too old now, 10-15 years ago would be great

Here's one of the best columbine testimonies to date. She was a younger student, (funny enough, sister of the guy who created the Trench coat Mafia, he graduated, never got to know Eric or Dylan) she survived the library. She has autism and goes into great detail. These were the type of kids they killed, nerds, anime fans just being loenrs in the library at lunch.


you just KNOW

if this was 10 years later they would have 100% been 2009 Yea Forums posters

>Eric was a Nazi that stated repeatedly he wanted to kill gays and nigger.

Sounds like someone who is extremely uncertain of their sexuality. The people who are the loudest against gays are usually gay themselves.

rent free


what is even more likely evidence is the fact he was a prime example of an incel, why do you think traps and femboys are so popular here? because incels see it as a means to have sex with someone, settling for a fag or a trans rather than a woman because they cant get a woman. They arent actually "gay" in the normal sense, just desperate for sex and are willing to go for a feminine guy. Chances are Eric would have fugged a guy dressed up as a girl if it meant he got to bust a nut thanks to someone else


the 'ol prison gay for a new generation

making a movie about them is exactly what they wanted, they literally wanted it to be real life natural born killers, and the media gave them that, tenfold.

>say you want revenge on the jocks who bullied you
>shoot a bunch of unpopular kids and nerds
>untouched jocks get to console sad female classmates with their dicks and shit on Dylan and Eric

Chad always wins. ALWAYS.

Hell they've become THE quintessential school shooters. Enshrined in eternity.

it's weird to realize they only killed what, 13 people? If Columbine happened today people would get over it in like a week because the body count was relatively low.

cause the movie will get torn to shreds by any shooting that occurs anywhere near the time of its release

it would still be huge if it happened today because of all the content, home videos, footage, audio, diaries, news clips etc.

people forget about the others because theres barely any content. doesn't have anything to do with the bodycount.

so what youre saying is, they won?

hmm, i wonder why there has been so many school shootings in the past 20 years

Could you summon them as Servants in a Holy Grail War?

virgin with the 1000 yard stare would probably loosen up and be a great drunk friend in college

You just reminded me of Tranny Phantom and his monumental 24+ hours of material going on and on about the fucking ghost squad - resulting in a body count of 3 because by his own admission "that's probably the most I could get without fucking it up"

That was quite a thing

reminder that the police had a search warrant for Eric's house because he'd been caught using pipe bombs and vandalizing Brooks Browns' property and did nothing with it.

they would have searched Erics room and found everything.

Didn't it turn out that all the cool kids were taking the day off and they only killed the speds and outcasts?

A real tragedy about that one is that one of the victims was a girl who had just started working there like a week ago. He says in the videos that he really doesn't want to kill her but "if she's there, she's there"

Just some chick wanting to make a little extra money stocking shelves at night and get shotgunned by some psycho faggot who thinks he'll become famous and turn into a 9 foot tall transgender OC from a danny phantom episode. surreal

>so what youre saying is, they won?
>Woohoo, I'll never have to take a final again! feels good to be free. I just love Hobbes and Nietzche. Well tomorrow I'll be ordering 9 more 10 round clips for my carbine. I'm gonna be so fucking loaded in about a month. the big things we need to figure now is the time bombs for the commons and how we will get them in and leave then there to go off, without any fucking Jews finding them. I wonder if anyone will write a book on me. sure is a ton of symbolism, double meanings, themes, appearance vs reality shit going on here. oh well, it better be fuckin good if it is writtin.

they wanted the fame and they got it.

>because of all the content, home videos, footage, audio, diaries, news clips
Then why don't we ever see any of that now?

When you think about it Eric & Dylan got exactly what they wanted. Everlasting fame (we're still talking about them today on some imageboard) and chaos (they started the mass shooting epidemic where some incel gets pissed and goes rambo)

>Then why don't we ever see any of that now?
of what, columbine? it's still everywhere dude. or if you meant of recent shootings, it's because the media learned their lesson.

When columbine happened it was the first massacre that was televised at that scale from beginning to end, even the aftermath. shit was candy to news stations.


Anyway, when are we getting a Supreme Gentleman movie? Rogers was basically Patrick Bateman and the original incel.

Attached: hesdoingitagain.png (325x457, 270K)

I took zoloft for a couple years all it did was make me take hours to cum.

wouldn't they be mid-tier since they had severe autism and couldn't help the way they were

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>The event is so far removed that the people actually attending columbine today weren't even alive when it happened.
But you Americans still have your weekly school shootings.

I meant the content/footage of modern shootings.

>not going to Taco Bell and ordering the Andrew Blaze Special

oh shit I forgot all about that. What was it again?

Even though Jeff Co have claimed that the basement tapes were destroyed, does anyone else believe that maybe the FBI or even Jeff Co themselves have backup digital copies? Or do you believe they are gone forever?

Attached: hitmen for hire eric harris dylan klebold i'm Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

more importantly, who would be cast as jags guy?

Attached: jags guy.jpg (363x318, 59K)

Attached: hitmen for hire eric harris dylan klebold i'm Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG (2).w (1280x720, 1.63M)

Making a film on columbine is one of my deepest creative desires. I would break up the linear structure, give a well-rounded story from the killers, victims, and media perspectives, and most importantly not paint the killers in this somber, evil way as the other films. It wouldn't be edgy or glorifying, but it would be somewhat of a crossbreed of CKY/NBK. Bored kids hyped out on building bootleg bombs out of fireworks, shooting shit up with BB guns, joyriding and jamming out to music. That's basically the reality of it. They weren't deep or gay as people make them out to be; the reality is quite mundane but that's what makes it more interesting for me. The false projections, the romanticizing, and all that shit would be exposed while telling as truthful of a story as possible. There's a damn good film to be made here, but there's no way it'll be made. Maybe if the US hadn't had like 200+ school shootings in the last 5 years, a movie might have already been made, but no one will ever touch this story without a reminder of how bad guns are in every other scene.

Why are all those high school students in their mid 20's

Del Playa (2017) is a horror movie that loosely is based on him, though i've never seen it and heard its shit.

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did they actually make this irl

>20 years already
Fuck time flies


Attached: zero day assembling 2003.webm (640x360, 3M)

megabased post

Is that the Sherminator?

What is he doing here? Is he making it automatic?

Thanks for this

no one cares. I don't care. no one should care. you shouldn't care. off yourself.

>going apeshit and killing yourself and others before you even leave high school because your life sucks
Imagine being this fucking narrow minded. Life doesn’t really begin until after high school ffs, they imagined some dark depressing world and committed to it without giving the real world a shot.
>Killing yourself before growing up and leaving your hometown
Yikes. If they’d chilled the fuck out and not commited to doing anything drastic until after leaving high school they might both have made it

Oregon trail

>Harris had definitely had sex, with multiple girls.
There's literally only one woman who has claimed to date Eric and she was lying. The voicemail of "him" she still had was not actually him, and neither was his picture.

Just based on your very own picture, doesn’t look like it was a kid from the school. It was some dude in a mid life crisis that lost an election, probably got cucked, and lost his money. Plenty of motive to go crazy there...

Just looked into this. How did the FBI find out about this so fast? She only used fucking geocities and other obscure forums. Something ain't right bros...

Are the people who really hate niggers, actually black themselves too?

skin color != sexual orientation

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Ah ok, so anyone who hates someone different then them, but ONLY when it comes to sexuality, that equates to them secretly being closeted, correct?

Yep. It's fucking stupid. At least just off yourself and spare the rest of the world from the tism fit.

>but ONLY when it comes to sexuality,
It's like context is too foreign a concept for you.


have sex

Attached: April 19 1999 eric harris dylan klebold i'm Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>Why are people so afraid to make a columbine kino?
there was a huge columbinesploitation boom in the late 90s/early00s you fucking zoomer

I've been looking through her journal

>harvey danger starts playing

Attached: page11.jpg (2629x3478, 1.26M)

Is that really the same person?

Probably not. They just look eerily similar so it's memed on.


>>extreme narcisist psychopath with hatred for the world
im exactly like that lucky for me you dont see hard bullying nor i saw bullying in my teen years but i was and im still are a psychopath and god damn i hate 99% oof people guess lucky for me and for some people i was not born in america

>you fucking zoomer

>Implying he completed any of the grades

Kek, I almost forgot there's still a portion of people who think you choose your sexuality. Conservatives have largely moved away from that platform.

Everything about how these guys were "nazis" or were racists in anyway is completely made up nonsense. These guys had their own private message board circlejerk going on with their other computer friends where they listed off their pet peeves and one of their biggest gripes was racists. Eric literally said he hated how some people think they are better than others just because of skin color.

Eric would say he hated niggers and in the same statement claim he hated racism. Kid didn't give a shit about politics or convention, he just wanted to kill people.

That's too bad.

Attached: eric harris dylan klebold ending i'm Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG (1).webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Attached: eric harris dylan klebold ending i'm Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG (2).webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

wtf did it really go down this way


Attached: eric harris dylan klebold ending i'm Not Ashamed 2016 720p BluRay H264 AAC-RARBG (3).webm (1280x720, 418K)

poor kelly

Lmao she btfo those incels

Me on the bottom right

>killed a bunch of nerds that spent lunch hour in the library
After the initial adrenaline rush they just wandered around then killed themselves. Got to wonder if at some point they realized what they were doing.

>If they’d chilled the fuck out and not commited to doing anything drastic until after leaving high school they might both have made it
I doubt it. If vanilla highschool clique shit and bullying (which by most accounts they barely even experienced) is enough to make you snap and slaughter people you were probably never going to make it.

was this an attempt at a pro christian movie?

It was produced by evangelical Christians

Didn't they plan to actually survive and hijack a plane or some shit? Like the school was just part 1 of their big plans, and it was supposed to get blown up.

Is that a KMFDM hat in the top left?

There was a school shooting before Columbine?

These tier lists are just as retarded as fictional character battle matchups

Me, 2nd from the right 2nd row from bottom

reverse this chart and its correct. no one gives a fuck about muh tragic villains

im also curious about this

nice tits

This is not a school shooting. It's worse

Attached: MurderOfJamesBulger.png (1183x627, 177K)

>At the family home, the Klebolds also observed some rituals in keeping with Klebold's maternal grandfather's Jewish heritageen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Harris_and_Dylan_Klebold#Dylan_Klebold

Wow, the 90's sure was the edgiest timeline ever

who was the biggest qt that was killed?

By the end though it wouldn't make sense for there to still be a third cameraman. I interpreted it as the guy only being able to go through with it if he could pretend there was a camera filming it all.

>chads all wear white baseball hats
>virgins all wear black baseball hats

Attached: Columbine Zero Hour ALL Eric and Dylan Scenes (cassie bernall death).webm (640x360, 1.38M)

>breaks his nose like a retard


>when you take 90s nostalgia too far

>ywn have psycho qt's thirsty for your dick

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I seen that ages ago.

>Why isn't there more propaganda about that hoaxed event years ago


Theres nothing tragic about Ozymandias, faggot

At least he never got to see Disney Wars.

What's Giygas' motivation?