What are some good movies about mother-son relationships?

what are some good movies about mother-son relationships?

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based kid

sounds hot

Please don't rape him, Ashley.

This cunt probably laughed at kids like this before she became a mother.

Mutti Besorgts Dir

Please rape him, Ashley.


why do white women tweet blatant lies like this, is it just for the retweets?

pls stop ruining my fantasy

quite based tbqh familia

why tho

decent mothers are rare these days

What are the odds she's a single mom

I did this, but i would mute my mic first.

t. never told his mom he loves her

>implying you’d want your mom to rape you

What's wrong with this? Kid gave the correct response, as opposed to being embarrassed and showing weakness so the little faggots would just continue laughing.



How did she hear the laughter if it came from the headset? FUCKING LYING WHORE

>using your young son to get social media dopamine rushes

I really hate women

Plot twist: the kid is black

Wat do?

Ask SuMthinDiFrnt to make a 3DCG porn vid about it.

murmur of the heart

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Ask the mother lover to make love to my mother

wholesome, he's a good boy

Do you expect her son to have a 150-200 Euro Headset that fully covers the ears ?
Kid was maybe on Console with some cheap ass hsit.

What if Cate was your mommy and she molested you? That would be so awful haha!

Attached: cate-blanchett.jpg (2500x1708, 311K)

>literal Twitter whore

Sharing a wholesome situation, even in part for social validation, makes her a whore? How would you call shitposting for (you)s then?

She is sharing intimate moments of her life with a picture of herself on the public internet, she's an attention whore at the very minimum


sounds like a future soiboi to me


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awww cute

Or she's sharing her happiness so that others could feel it too?

If you're too insecure to tell your mom you love her you're basically leaking soi

Then everyone on social media is an attention whore, retard

>How would you call shitposting for (you)s then?
that's different because it's not linked to your real life
(you)s are transitory because of the anonymity of this place; virtue signaling is to artificially inflate your real life image

I hope she explains to her autistic son why that was a social faux pas in spite of being a nice thing to say.

Lmao, roastie logic 101
Yeah, pretty much you retard

(you)s are for inflating your online image. Why do you think so many insecure zoomers are begging for them? They crave validation.

literally no different from showing them off in any other way

>no new stories
C'mon, Mommyanon.

his response to his friends was the soi part
if he had said something like "fuck off", or better yet "don't worry, I love your mom too", then he'd be a normal person

>nonwhite cannot COMPREHEND a child loving his parents
probably cannot even grasp the concept of parenthood to be fair


>if he'd be an over-emotional angry little zoomy like me he'd be a normal person
I don't think so, zoomy.

>that's different because it's not linked to your real life

yeah, obsessive racist/sexist posting says othing about our real personalities haha

>playing CSGO
>team full of surly irate Russians
>everyone's dead except you
>here comes the clutch
>bomb counter ticking down, tension mounting
>grizzled Ivan and drunk Nikolei are holding their breathe
>suddenly mom pops in with biscuits and lemonade
>"thank you mommy I wuv you!"
>get stabbed from behind

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how can you have an online image here without being a tripfag?
when you can't tell one person from the next, there's no image to build

>cursing in front of your mother

Show some manners you faggot.

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nothing wrong with loving your mom

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They're temporary.

Future Eric butts in the making

expect one mother's day

my mom didn't care about general swearing because she understood the concept of context

Post your favourite mommy

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which wraps back to my first point; (you)s are transitory, so they're different from virtue signaling in "real life"

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you can tell someone "fuck off" without being angry about it
it's a natural response to the ribbing he was getting; as long as he didn't turn into a screaming sperg about it, he'd be fine

complaining about virtue signalling is just virtue signalling for a different audience you retard.

People who tell fake stories about children on social media should get the death penalty.

I've learned more Spanish, Russian and Portuguese from playing online games than any book.

never understood why larkin only wears wigs. Does she have shitty hair?

so we should collectively stop talking about it and doing it
I'd be fine with that

My mommy is the best!

Attached: literally my mother.jpg (844x1200, 274K)

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My mom is a conspiratard, but not the redpilled kind, the "I have electric allergy" kind

More like future Chad. The way he handled it was alpha.

Back to the Future

>posting my wife
mommy? wtf you talking about

Why would I if I dont?

Anything with Jodi WEst

giv ashley mommy

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>shut up mom I'm clutching!


Same reason she always wears costumes/keeps on these weird lower torso corset things, because she has fucking horrendous tattoos

Yea im gonna need to know who thi is

This happened to me once when i was young. i was playing xbox and i was like maybe 10 but i was still calling my mom mommy, my teammates heard me and forever shamed me into no longer saying mommy

Oh no no no

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What does she base that on?

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damn my eyes almost rolled out of my skull


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katie is my gf and ashley is my mommy

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Yes, literally every person who posts on social media is doing it for some factor of attention otherwise they wouldn't fucking be on social media you brainlet.

literally who is this and why should i care about her basic liberal-feminist opinions?

Are we sure the son was real and she's not just an insane cat lady?


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by "son" she means my butch daughter

>woman's fear: violence of one guy
>man's fear: violence of every other man in range and the entire government apparatus

YOUR wife, fuck off man, she's mine

no, a chad would return the bantz
that's just a lame "I am rubber, you are glue" tier response

>attempting to earn real life look how great a person I am points please praise me is same as pointing out that someone's being an attention whore
Bit of a stretch innit

>It's. not. always. about. you.
>It's about ME


attention retard

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speak for yourself pussy


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now you're making virtue signallers sound smart and media-savvy.

good you start

Is it even molesting if you enjoy it?

110% chance she's a single mom

I'm sorry for defending her earlier in the thread.

She is. she also posts a lot about dating different guys every week...

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sadly this

where's the annie story?

Kid's gonna be a tranny

I'm with him on this. I am a naturally weak guy so I feel less safe because I know I can only win vs the fat.

Fuck, now I have to masturbate to Larkin again.

>bringing politics into a mommy thread

This is why everybody fucking hates you, Zoomers.

Please masturbate before posting on Yea Forums

>mommy thread
Why don't you fucking neck yourself 90s born queer

this webm makes me feel weird!

That's rich coming from the generation whose boys dye their hair blue and pink.

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The daughter-dad relationship is a lot more important imo.

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I am a gen x boomer, faggot. Your generation is just as pathetic as the zoomers.


>I take pride in the year I was born in
So why haven't you killed yourselves?

Sure you are, zoom-zoom.


>talk with female friend
>tell her i went shopping with my mom
>she answers: aaw you're such a good boy!
>jokingly pats my head while laughing

>i get sexually aroused


ahhh, the old "I'm an incel because I'm too much of a nice guy" episode. good one!

wo saw pic related?

my absolute favourite, i wish she would do more like this


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>millennial faggot talking anyone down
Kill yourself faggot


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>shits on your chest when u been not a gud boy

that’s hot

Die zoomer


Why is it sad. His is an uplifting story of how one shit of a girl turned her life around, started a family and learned to stop mocking people for expressing earnest love and embrace it. It's fucking fantastic.

Google the french film; Luna.

Thank me later.

only watch her taboo joi stuff

More projection, kek. What color is your hair? Have you donated to any Patreons lately?

It was never my intention to see it but then I clicked on the wrong webm and saw how she let out a juicy turd on some guy.

Holy Christ. This is why I hate getting older with social media. Nobody gives a fuck lady.

I've only watched her bent over the table momson stuff and I'm scared to watch anything else because I know it's all mostly cuck shit and disgusting stuff like that.

>not patting her pusy with your dicc afterwards
pathetic this is why you stay a virgin, incel

that premature ejaculation video where she got mad.

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Why do you hate creampies so much? WHERE ARE THE CREAMPIES YOU FAGGOT.