Movies you love but Yea Forums generally dislikes

>Movies you love but Yea Forums generally dislikes

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Other urls found in this thread:

>look at my special snowflake film that defines who I am as a person. Therefore noone else likes this film except me

>belorussians good
>ukranians bad
wow so deep war is hell

>guys...war is like actually really bad
pleb film desu


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>literally stalker for capeshit-addicted retards

I can't get over the dumb look on that stupid slavshit kids face that he has through the entire fucking movie

sucker punch

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I watched both films and I don't get the Stalker comparisons. Please explain.

Thanks for proving my point

Love this movie just rewatched
I don't agree, stalker is about the men on the journey and what they stand for and believe in. Annihilation is about the events of the journey and how the bubble changes the people within it.
Absolutely adore stalker but they are 2 very different films

Great movie, surprisingly more enjoyable on rewatch

Yea Forums can't into allegory, particularly not double allegories.

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Loved it. I think it's the best portrayal of extra terrestrial contact ever put to film.

how is it propaganda?.its just whole war depicted through a kid's eyes.

Why do you say that? I thought the German occupation of Belarus isn't often disputed by Holocaust deniers, isn't there solid evidence of the burning and mass killing of entire villages around 600,000 were killed on record

>liking Annihilation
>unironically thinking it's a well-made movie

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blade runner 2049

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Unironically this, I know I'm in the minority and in no way is it a perfect film but I really enjoy it

I know it's a joke but 2049 and Drive are like the two untouchable movies of this board

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I mean objectively it was a well made movie, it's shot well, the cgi is very well done, the practice effects of the anomalies of the bubble look cool, aI think jjl gives a great performance along with oscar issac
I get why people don't enjoy it but it's well made

No amount of Yea Forums hate can make me not enjoy this movie.

There's people who dislike Come and See?

You must realize you are on /pol/'s favorite board which is populated with film illiterate retards like or who have probably not even seen the film but just read the synopsis on IMDB and the threads on here and cannot see anything from a film-making point of view but choose to post from a political one because it is more easy to bait with and is very low effort.

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not OP but for me it's partly being dumb and unable to make anything out of the laughing/ screaming scenes beyond an attempt at conveying the poor kid going mad, and the shed burning scene being way over the top
wouldn't say it's bad per se but it just wasn't the 10/10 goat it's hailed as for me

that scene is based on a real event though