/Matrix/ General Discussion - Plot Line

Matrix is a great film and was revolutionary when it came out but one think really bothered me about the plot line. If machines needed power would they not look for more stable and reliable sources like thermal or nuclear ( excluding solar OFC ) ? BUT if the machines used humans for processing and power. If they used some part of the unconscious mind of humans to process task what are difficult for Advanced AI wouldn't that make more sense for the plot line ?
Sorry for my bad english

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I don't know but Zion was the second layer of the matrix

Processing power was the original idea. They scrapped it because it was too complex for normies.

the humans were supposed to be processors yes, but the writers estimated correctly that the audience were brainlets and did the energy thing instead to not overload their brains

It's basically bible story with cyberpunk shit.

i like the part when jesus fights pontius pilate at the end

I would think thermal power from the Earth would be better than using human as batteries

>Neo, did you know that you only use 10% of your brain? What if I told you that you are being held prisoner by intelligent machines that are harnessing the remaining 90% as a processor while they are also simulating a photorealistic virtual reality for you and all other humans?

What a tragedy this was scrapped.

The machines kept us alive but useful cause we were their fathers, they also knew that humanity would destroy itself and only by machines leadifng would humanity reach the stars

this movie was released when most normies didn't even have computers, it may have worked but i guess it may have been too convoluted for them

My point is it makes as little sense as the battery thing if you think about it, and it's a total myth that people only use 10% of their brains.

That sounds very compassionate for an AI, but i like your idea.

Thermal is expensive to tap and not available everywhere, plus that irksome problem of volcanism. Nuclear is finite and dirty and requires elements that decay and have handling dangers. People can fuck and make more people, a self-replicating power source that can also be artificially crafted from simple biological materials you don't even need an entire human to harvest from. Logic wins.

Not something cheesy like that.
Theory dreams actually a insight in the process, they would use our minds to predict chaotic systems and we see just visual representations of our tasks.
>photorealistic virtual reality for you and all other humans?
Could be easier for machines to manipulate our senses, it just has to get recordings of what it needed to replicate. I recomend The Animatrix very good short animated films about the Matrix world.

You don't relies how much thermal power there is or that machines don't care that much about dirty nuclear power, or that is lat only 5000 years, just needs to find new sources, leave the planet . Fusion nuclear power not that limited.

The Animatrix is canon so no.

doesn't matter how much brain people use, the processing could be embedded in the simulation itself

but yes, probably you can engineer biological computers without the need of the rest of the human, so not much sense anyway

people get energy from food, you can literally just burn the food to get the same energy

damn, American education

What was the point of the movie?
Didn't they just stay in the matrix at the end with no change at all?

The battery explanation by Morpheus was a total scam.
They really wanted revenge for what people did to them, but didn't want to kill off all human life that's why they put them in a controllable state.
Also some them even liked the humans and wanted to set them free (The Oracle)

In the movie, Morpheus says what he believes to be the truth but he doesn't know shit. He even admits that there are no historical records from which humans could piece together what happened. The machines' motivation and goals remain a mystery as far as the first movie is concerned.

Everyone in the matrix gain the choice to leave or stay inside, and would know the truth about the real world.

for me its the woman in the red dress

You mean the "real" world?

This bit fucked with me, that whole 'trapped for eternity' thing presses my buttons

It makes absolutely zero sense to not process the food needed by humans some other way. Just think about it, you're losing all the energy needed to upkeep bodily functions

Absolute brainlet

it was supposed to be more of a neural network than as a power source, executive meddling made them dumb it down but it's not hard to ignore. also if you watch the second renaissance it becomes clear that machines still respect and revere humanity, they seem to feel compelled to preserve humanity and even wanted the matrix to be a paradise in its first iteration, so getting rid of humans wholesale would probably be more of a last resort for them even if it's inefficient.

shit theory and shit concept

good point desu

Zion is real

except there is no evil in Matrix

Combined with a form of fusion etc. Sci-fi = future = unknown tech= not the main point of the film


Please do video essay about it

But the machines loved Humanity. that was the point. They know and accept that Humanity created the machines. They know and accept that they are creatures and humans are the creators.

Using humans as an homage. That was their gift : using us while it was not necessary.

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Explain this

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he got deleted and so did smith

Neo is an utility that made to find exploits in the program. A patch. All of it was programmed so he can did what he should - point at bugs.

hmm... deja vu


How many layers are there? 9999?
Its obvious that the "real world" is just another layer (since Neo has matrixpowers in there too) and machines have possibly been replicating the same recorded events for hundreds of thousands of years that all lead to creating another layer of matrix

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hmm... deja vu

I used to like the matrix. The lines and action were cool, but then I grew up. There are so many plot holes and commie shit that I didn't like. The film is barren, fear mongering nonsense. The red pill blue pill dichotomy is cancer. Just get to work fixing your degenerate habits and stop relying on ideologies to save you.

The Machines were the ones who came down on the meteor that wipe out the dinosaurs. So the matrix has been around for 66 million years

>he got reinserted

That was a weird movie making choice. The audience is left to either believe there is another layer, or that magic is real. The whole thing is portrayed at bit as a religion.

>The film is barren, fear mongering nonsense. The red pill blue pill dichotomy is cancer.

It's no coincidence that this is one of the favorite films of the far-right.

Watch the video I posted. Its only popular on the far right because they are to dumb to understand its an anti capitalist movie


what are you even talking about desu

this is true, confirmed by the scene when Smith says to Morpheus “youve had your time, like the dinosaur” watching it on tv now just noticed that

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or neo is part machine since he is the one and was able to harness his connection to the source to fry it, really don't get how all the leaps you have to make to justify the notion that zion is another layer except it's all a secret which invalidates most of the story is easier for some people

close but it's more because the far right intentionally co-opts things from the left. the far right wouldn't listen to music that says "based" and they wouldn't agree with the core philosophies that drive the wachowskis works ("redpilled")

Honestly the Matrix we got makes zero sense
>be humans
>rely on the sun for making your climate livable
>decide to blot it out
>meanwhile robots don't even need sunlight

>be robots
>decide to use humans as a power source
>said humans need a source of nutrition anyway
>net negative energy return on energy investment
>also you have to provide a fantasy world for them to live in

you could say there are 3 layers

the matrix - the world of the mind
zion - the world of the body
radiant light - the world of the spirit

zion is the "real" physical world and not just more matrix

Being part machine should be physically measurable in the real world. They would be able to tell if he was.

biggest question i have is when and how did smith become self aware? does he actually represent God finally lashing out at all his creation? he is not evil he just wants to exist eternally and the machines have a nice settup to perpetuate his existence forever. thats the best i can think of. the obvious mephor is satan but that just doesnt make sense, he would want humans to continue being hedonists, “virsuses” as he says. he must be of good alignment, or at least lawful.

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Yes, what a tragedy that the bigger brainlet story was scrapped. The 10% thing is a meme,
that's it's not referencing output or processing capacity.

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Regarding processing, why not just emulate processors within the simulation? They could technically have unlimited processors that way, like they'd need processing for the concept of a single processor, but the rest could just be copied versions of that processor which they could run processing queries through.

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smith is neo's opposite, sort of the like the machine's "one". as smith described it, when neo destroyed smith at the end of the first movie he became more human by rebelling against his directive to return to the source and be erased, and instead wanted to take control of everything and everyone because idk the guy's a real jerk.

that makes Neo satan, the “one”, the fallen
bear in mind Neo kille hundreds if not thousands of people for selfish reasons (save morpheus and then save his boo)

uhh what

blue matrix green matrix

There was no food being processed for humans that wasn't other humans. It was literally a self-sustaining system of recycled biomass.

>be computers that do billions of computations per second
>use humans to do their 1/s computations and have to maintain them in a massive complex simulation as well as feed and grow them
yeah that makes way more sense brainlet/10

But that violates the second law of thermodynamics.

Not if the death toll was marginally higher than the birth rate.

> "The power of the one extends beyond this world [The Matrix] it reaches from here all the way back to where it came from...The Source, that's what you touched when you reached out to those sentinels..."

The Source is the machine mainframe where all machine life came from, is connected to, and where they go to be deleted when they've served their purpose. How Neo is able to access the Source wirelessly isn't explained directly, but because of that connection he's able to take advantage of that connection and reach through the Source and into the beings connected to it. When he's blinded, Source-connected beings are symbolized by the golden light he sees. In your picture the Sentinal crashes into the front of the Logos and Neo "feeling" it's death is symbolized by the Sentinal's golden "life force" shooting through him.

My theory is that the machines in general are slowly adopting more "human" like traits of consciousness, especially those in close proximity with the humans connected to the Matrix. The more they're connected to humans the more humanity kind of "rubs off on them" through some computer processing cross-coding bullshit thing that's not explained. Thing is I don't think it's a 100% thing, like Smith is getting human traits in his personality like hatred and disgust but isn't completely there, same with a lot of the other programs.

I think the implication is that when Neo jumped into him and destroyed him at the end of the first film a part of Neo's code overwrote Smith's. Neo, and by extension his code, is the embodiment of the system of the Matrix being kind of shit at processing human choice and urge for freedom to the point where it eventually crashes the system if it's not regularly rebooted. Because of Smith's still somewhat purpose driven nature as a program being imbued with what Neo's code has to offer makes it so that he can't reconcile his freedom with his somewhat half-baked, rage fueled "humanity" and he lashes out. The "equation trying to balance itself out."

Does that make sense?

Side note: for me the clear Satan metaphor is the Merovingian. On top of his generally decadent, hedonistic attitude and the fact that the gang confronts him at a place literally called "Club Hel" supplementary material has more or less confirmed that he was the O.S. of the second "grotesque" version of the Matrix that was replaced by the Oracle when she introduced the idea of the cycle that plays out for the sixth time in the films. Instead of going back to the Source (which to me better symbolizes the concept of a Brahmanistic God, with the Architect being more Judeo-Christian) where he would be deleted he decides to live cast out and in exile in the Matrix, more or less becoming the leader for all other "cast out" programs from the Machine World.

youve done your homework

If the goal is to make a believable simulation then there's no better way than Neuroimaging to pull it off.

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It's not but can't blame you or anyone else for thinking that because they did a real shit job at explaining most things.

you just inspired me to dig through all my old shit and get out my 2 disc reloaded dvd

>mfw the freeway chase was not CG