

Attached: butts.png (1046x635, 692K)

Couldn't he have at least put on a shirt and tie, or something?

He's clearly wearing a shirt though you retard


his name is butts lol
breddy pased

Those cargo shorts

the manchild uniform is appropriate in context

I love that huge scab in his face

herpes from his wife fucking those niggers all day

what's with the burn mark on his face. what happened?

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A proper shirt, incel.

>disney gets desperate and tries to make this guy look like a victim to spin the narrative that's making fun of star wars
>ends up becoming an even bigger laughing stock on national television
I really love watching how desperate this company has become to save their bad investment.

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I'm convinced he is being paid somehow. The media will reference him and the big bang theory for any time of argument about nerds. He is now the new spokesman.

haha imagine if she made fun of my peenis and made me lick her feet haha wow that would suck

bruh he probably posted his own video here knowing we would shit on him

>the big bang theory
Yeah about that....

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Have we decided whether or not he was acting?


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haha imagine if 2nd season was directed by someone competent instead of J.C. hacks

The amount of libtards in the photo is enough to make my skin crawl.

That would pr genius if he did.

given that he was already crying before the video started it seems pretty obvious that he was.

but it's irrelevant now that he's become an ascended meme.

>Has ASSpergers

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>it would be standard internet attention whoring

PR genius... yeah.

>The Star Wars Geek uniform
>Cargo shorts

everyone who points a camera at themselves is acting

Purposely dropping it on Yea Forums knowing we would ridicule him then it would spread to other platforms. Yeah that was pretty much smart

The manchild bug in brain doesn't allow

>makes his own short movies
>makes music
This guy is pretty based

jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work themselves into a shoot

>not dressing how you want
top pleb

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he's a young 40 year old married man. what do you expect?

It's too perfect his name is Eric Butts.
This is a con. Some type of Tim and Eric shit.

Dressing like an adult is the antithesis of being a manchild.

damn Baby Buster looks like THAT?

Fuck off, The Prodigy is cool.

Why you gotta do Medhuggah like thst man?

How long until someone digs into his history and finds some dirty laundry which will make the media turn on him?

He's wearing cargo shorts on purpose because this hot chick who made fun of him made a joke that he's worse than guys who wear cargo pants.

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>t shirt is the same thing as a shirt
literally go to any clothing website and click on "shirt". tell me if that looks anything like what he is wearing you moron.

eric butts fakes it for views, ashley is a cringy tryhard and there's nothing wrong with cargo shorts. change my mind protip: you can't

>>t shirt is the same thing as a shirt
It is.
What you are thinking of is the button-up, which falls under the general category of "shirt" much like the t-shirt does, because English is a dogshit horrid language stitched together from 6 other languages by absolute mentally challenged subhumans. Meanwhile every other language in existence has clear differing names for the t-shirt and button-up.

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>nothing wrong with cargo shorts
why do faggots here even bash on cargo shorts (or even pants)?
They are fucking comfy and look allright.

There is nothing wrong with cargos if you are in the middle of the Congo war or something like that. It's cringe if not.

>not wearing exclusively hawaiian shirts

It's a joke, you faggot.

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until the day you die, keep this thing in mind Yea Forums: You made him famous. YOU

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Nice. I knew we could do it.


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>fake reaction with over-the-top emotions so you get those sweet sweet clicks
>end up looking like a sperg, people call you out on it

We're so influential we can make nobody's famous just by shitposting about them.

Only thing that bothered me about this guy was that shit on his face. I don't know how the fuck you could ever be around someone like that and not glance at it constantly and/or feel nauseous. It's like a colony of zits on his face. They probably pulsate with the beat of his heart. Other than that, he just seems like a goofy sort of girly dude which I guess he can get away with because he's married with kids and both of them have probably stopped caring about being the paragons of masculinity or feminine sex appeal.

>we can make nobody's famous just by shitposting about them.
But you can't save yourselves from mediocrity, loneliness, and wasting time on Yea Forums.

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Cool projection, kiddo.

>I'm totally cool, that's why I reply to threads on a Mongol basket-weaving forum

Think about what you're doing right now.

>Yea Forums
This is 4channel.

>last name is actually butts

the amount of anons getting upset and confused whenever cargo shorts are shit on lately says a lot about this place.

Aaron Asses

Who do you think makes all the capeshit threads?

Why are incels so obsessed with this guy


the average white american dresses like a 12 year old.

literally no fashion sense

fashion is for queerosexuals

Don't like it, don't speak it.

On the contrary, you should stop speaking my language since a good portion of English is its rapebaby.