Trevor and Cory are stupid as fuck. I mean I've met cats and dogs that are smarter than Trevor and Cory...

>Trevor and Cory are stupid as fuck. I mean I've met cats and dogs that are smarter than Trevor and Cory. MOST cats and dogs are smarter than Trevor and Cory

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Other urls found in this thread:

smokes, lets go

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fuck thats good pepperoni

lets agree that ricky destroying lahey's kitchen was one of the most hilarious moment of the show

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The later seasons weren’t as good. I stopped watching when they got snoop dog as a guest star.

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>Canadian television taxes the shit out of any show that doesn't conform to their "diversity" guidelines
>These guidelines mandate including gay and ethnic characters, regardless of whether they fit into the story
>These guidelines are intended to normalize the degeneracy of homosexuality and the idea that Canada is not a white nation, but a mixed nation

This is where the "Lahey and Randy are gay" shit comes from, and why J-Roc, T and the rest of the negro's were created.

They are literally taxing you unless you create the "normality" they envision.

Television isn't "entertainment" anymore, it's a tool being used against the white west to destroy it.

t. doesn't watch any television in the current year

>jesus christ bubbles why didn’t you say anything look what you made me do

snoop dog was actually shit, the season would have felt better without him

Randy and Lahey being gay led to some of the best scenes in the show

Attached: randy bee.png (800x480, 399K)

Leterkenney is in the same boat. That's why their "small Canadian town" is inundated with faggots and blacks.....just like in "real" small Canadian towns, right? Wrong.
More like some of the dumbest shit in the show.

Attached: Letterkenny.jpg (2118x1056, 259K)

Your post would make more sense in Randy and Lahey being fags was centerfold in the show. As far as we know they just fuck each other dressed as bees and Indianapolis Jones

You're not gonna derail the thread so you might as well frig off buddy

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fuck off you cheeseburger manatee fuck

There's nothing to "make sense" of....Canadian shows include faggotry and ethnic shits solely because the government will tax them at a higher rate if they don't.

The intent is to normalize them in your society the same way they do in the U.S..

>grade 10

>Gonna get my liquor money buddy

Attached: ray on tpb.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Jesus fucking christ why do triggered /pol/shits on ruining every thread for everyone


Insist on*

>niggers playing ice hockey

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pk subban is pretty good though

Probably because triggered /industry/ scum insists on ruining every decent TV show and film ever released with their hatred of normal whites.


They could have made a football team, and that would make sense, but no......they went with the absolute most retarded "diversity" meme shit they could and made them hockey players.

Might as well of had an all black swim team....would make as much sense.

I know the new netflix seasons sucked ass but we did get one good new rickyism out of it
>well looks like we have no choice...we're gonna need two turnips in heat


not going to deny his skill, but he remains an exception


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This is fucked up...

Attached: Caveman.jpg (480x360, 14K)

>get em heat-ee-d up

Hey, it's Reveen! REVEEEEEN!!!!

Attached: Reveen.jpg (216x300, 25K)


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>Ok fine. I'm just gonna keep smashing stuff until I get what I want and tell Barb you got all drunk and fucked over her kitchen


worst case ontario

Pure kino

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losco you caveman

Dont' think I don't notice those sly caveman references, Lahey!

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Indianapolis Jones

My favorite is when ricky and the towel rack

Personally, I love the grocery store robbery in S1

kek, i remember that and i did not expect the shootout

Especially when you see the taxi driver in the background lmao

>What's with all these fucking bananas!

Great fuckin speech, Sam, woo-hoo!

>He's hard on the swish

Attached: Swish.jpg (640x640, 100K)

But neither Lahey nor Randy are gay, they’re bi

Dying every time

Almost everyone I've tried showing TPB to doesn't get it, anyone had more success than me?

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This guy had the audacity to film his tv screen and not even turn his phone off wtf

and why are you dressed up as indianapolis jones

I could never get into this show, does it require a certain familiarization with that form of white trash?

I live in the midwest and everyone I show it too loved it or had already seen it and ia a fan. Maybe its a regional thing.

Sam’s on drugs everyone!!!

Probably. I grew up in a trailer park and love the show.

I'm from northern New England, not far from where TPB is based, but not many like it despite how much that culture bleeds into my own

When Ricky takes "his" shit back from J-Roc

my gf is finally starting to get the genius of the show and enjoy

but are you white trash enough?

My boss years ago asked me if I thought it was really like this there. I told him that if it were I'm moving. He went completely silent and started talking about capeshit after. I guess I'm the only one that thinks it seems comfy.

I takes a while to get in to

I lived in a trailer park at one point!

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I showed my mom and she liked it. Then I showed my brother and he said it was fratty and dumb and I got too ashamed to watch it ever again.

well fuck your brother then, don't let him decide what you do in your free time.

Your brother sounds like a fuckin' dick and even though I don't know him persomably I can tell he's fucked

Attached: Ricky.png (1077x923, 1.35M)

your brother sounds like a homosexual

Got my dad to get really into it, we ended up watching the whole series together

>Julian has this new plan to make another Yea Forums. Me, I thinks that hes being an idiot by wanting to make another for advertisers when it’s just going to be the same thing

have sex

have sex
i knew plenty of black kids that played hockey when i was growing up

where do you live dude basically eveyone i knew from age 12-18 was obsessed with this show

No such thing as "bi", either you view your own gender as a sexual partner, making you gay, or you don't, making you normal. Period.

Nobody eats bananas at a wedding.


Please stay on your own fucking board.

Everybody here in Nova Scotia is a pretty big fan, for obvious reasons.

They took advantage of the animated series

>does it require a certain familiarization with that form of white trash?

I avoided this show like the plague because it looked dumb as fuck, was about trailer trash, and involved "dude weed". Nothing I would watch.

I can't remember why I started watching, but I realized that the actors were 100% committed to their characters and the joke, no matter how bad, and that commitment, combined with good editing, absolutely crazy writing, and a good supporting cast, turned out to be among the funniest and original shows of the past 20 years.

They've got attention to detail that most comedic shows would, and should, envy. Pic related.

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>we need two turnips in heat
How everyone kept a straight face I don't know.

I am on my own board, it's you that's lost: Now FUCK OFF.

Chill out you racist dick

The only people that accuse others of being "racist" are racist cunts themselves, so fuck off, racist.

Fuck off reddit

Knock knock

fuck off with the virtue signalling

You're not going to win any internet points posting that here, tough guy. Now make like a tree and fuck off

TPB is weird, i think you need low intelligence like the characters or high intelligence to get it

Safety belt ALWAYS off

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