Is it honestly this important that a movie remains unspoiled?

Is it honestly this important that a movie remains unspoiled?

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If it is capeshit that's all it has going on for it.

not some retarded superhero movie

>-13 points
Even Reddit thinks this is too much.

The absolute state of Marvelcucks

I don't understand isn't this movie just an adaptation of a comic? Shouldn't all these marvel fans know how it ends?

Imagine how shitty a movie/franchise is if it's not worth a damn after you know the spoilers.

that faggot crying over the star wars trailer was probably hamming it up some for views but a lot of people aren't too far from him. Imagine what would happen if someone spoiled star wars for him, he'd be in a psych ward

Good guys win

literally got banned today for making fun of the capeshit sticky

>capeshit fans
>reading comics

I actually understand his argument.

Hes essentially saying that his life is so pathetically sad, that this is the only thing that gives him/xer joy.

Can someone please post a concise list of the leaks so I can go around there pasting it in every thread using multiple accounts.

>new movie announced
>oh no i cannot enjoy this anymore
lol this mindset

I told a friend of mine, based off of the first game of thrones season 8 episode, that Dany is going to die.
She got so upset with me for spoiling the show for her. She didnt understand it was just a theory I had.

Fuck no. The Star Wars films are vastly more important, and even then, no movie being spoiled matters that much. They're just movies. This pathetic soi could never withstand true hardship.

imagine being an NPC

>retarded capeshit movie
>means a lifetime to us

I seem to recall reading a study that claimed spoilers basically have no negative impact on your enjoyment of something and often times increase your anticipation for seeing it.

honk honk

not a real movie: cinema stands by itself, no plot gimmicks required

in the case of this cynical, soulless, fabricated merchandise disguiesed as a film, yeah: a big part of the marketing relies on selling you a ticket before you learn the idiotic plot contrivances, so there's an army of shills fighting to hide them

Yea Forums is, of course, about true cinema, and shouldn't stand for that dishonest bullshit

Thanos dies

Absolutely true. I would have likely gone on some kind of rampage during the screening had I not read the entire leaked synopsis before seeing Episode 8.

yeah that sounds about right. I still watched the sixth sense and enjoyed it despite knowing the twist beforehand

Guys, how can you be so mean!!!

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Manchildren have dedicated an entire decade to the MCU so spoiling this shit could literally lead them to suicide. It's sad really.

What is there to spoil? It's actually really obvious what is going to happen. We already know that Spider-Man Far From Home takes place AFTER this movie, which means the people who died come back. And we all already know that Captain America and Iron Man are probably both going to die because their contracts are over, they began the whole series, and it would be the most emotional payoff for them to sacrifice themselves. This shit writes itself, these characters die all the time in big events like this in the comics lmao.

I wish it was that easy.

>In a world so filled with sadness, dejection, and terrible headlines each and every day
Imagine being this liberal.
Every single day since November 2016 has been like one continuous dopamine rush for me. So glad I'm not a liberal or otherwise mentally damaged.


God how embarrassing

we're talking about marvel fans, tho

People like that should literally be gassed. I don’t have a problem with people liking things I don’t like, but if you think having a capeshit plot spoiled is traumatizing then you’re a cancer on society.

My friend blocked me. Only asked if he wanted to know who dies.

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Glory to the first man to drive by spoil the movie Harry Potter style

>reddit spacing
stopped right there

it might cause them physical harm, but it's not the same as
that said, i otherwise largely agree
don't spoil shit
don't into capshit, btw

one of my fondest childhood memories

>these characters die all the time in big events like this in the comics lmao.
No one truly stays dead in comics though. I won't be surprised if they cast some new face as Cap and blame it on time travel shenanigans

Not him, but I took place in a potterspoiler drive by. It was glorious. Filmed it on my little song handycam...wish I still had that recording.

I really hope someone responded with spoilers or DM'ed him spoilers.

I have friends that are extremely anal about spoilers and remove people from skype groups and shit if they are spoiling stuff. I have never really cared about spoilers. I'm not too much of a plotfag and can enjoy a movie or series even if I know some of the stuff that happens just as much. Obviously there are some movies where the plot twist is one of the main thematic driving forces(like some mystery thriller and whatever) but for some regular action/adventure movie it's really not important.
I've even actively looked for mild spoilers to see if something is worth watching if it starts going into a retarded direction. That's mostly true with anime because they are way more likely to have poorly written endings for various reasons.

Incredibly cringe

The obvious plan, one they have frequently used in the comics, is to make an existing character the new Captain America. Bucky and Falcon have both been Cap after Steve dies/disappears/etc. Same goes for Iron Man, Rhodey and Pepper for example have both taken up the Iron Man armor before. They will just take an existing character and give them the mantle. Happens every time.

I mean, it's obviously going to be Bucky

Thats some Dobson tier shit.

Well you already spoiled it for him, as far as he was concerned he didn't know if anyone died to begin with.
No shit he blocked you, you would have just subtly spoiled more otherwise shitlord.

How old is this picture? Because 'pop-culture' fandom has all the stuff in red in an even more autistic capacity.

>Rhodey and Pepper for example have both taken up the Iron Man armor
>inb4 it's that new niggress from the comics

Bottom says 2016. I've seen it aroud here many times before.


>Bottom says
Holy fuck I'm blind

I kind of understand your point.
I've read books that I knew the end because they're historical fiction or historical account and still enjoyed it, one even had the ending explained in the cover because it was a retreat from military campaign. But I really hate spoilers and the spoilers (I'm not talking about knowing the story, but the fact the story is shit and that's probably why Disney is mad with the leaks) from Endgame ruined the movie for me because I had high hopes for this one after Infinity War. Some faggot told me the end of The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann and tainted the book for me.

It has been scientifically proven that people enjoy works of media more if they go in having been spoiled.

>in the case of this cynical, soulless, fabricated merchandise disguiesed as a film, yeah: a big part of the marketing relies on selling you a ticket before you learn the idiotic plot contrivances
Honestly, the leaks showed me how shit Endgame is.

So glad I only watch old anime that nobody cares about. Aint nobody spoiling Gasaraki.

>Yea Forums in a nutshell

This is worse than being an incel

This is why the second or third watch of a film is always better than the first.

Comics are dead. But yes all this capeshit was literally made up 30+ years ago. Hollywood is creatively bankrupt and incapable of coming up with something new.

For any movie that is actually good, spoilers don't matter. That's why people rewatch goof movies. I think people are hyper conscious of spoilers today, because the only value a lot of these films have is novelty. They're big Jack in the boxes that surprise you, but then leave no lasting value.

The spoilers didn’t ruin the movie then, Disney ruined it.

Partake in coitus

Like Borges explained in his first short story of Ficciones: People love and accept a fictional world because it's created by humans, while reality and the laws that reign over it are beyond us and were created my inhuman (probably divine) hands.

>That's why people rewatch goof movies.
I get what you mean. I just watched Goof Troop for the 12th time last night

The plotting is the only thing that matters in these superhero movies, that's why. No one actually goes in expecting a good movie, they just want to see what happens next

>Treating any story like a single moment, and a journey.
>Being this much of a fucking pleb.

If a story of any kind is ruined for you because someone dropped a spoiler for it, that means it was either..
shit to begin with.
You were just around for spectacle and nothing else.

Like I explained in the parentheses.

>In a world so filled with sadness, dejection, and terrible headlines each and every day, yes the destruction of one of the few good things we have left..


After reading that I want it to be spoiled for as many people as possible. What a fucking child

Being spoiled is actually patrician way of enjoying a story

fuck that movie. you know what's going to happen, it's based on comics
nobody cared that harry potter movies got spoiled, the books were already there

Why can't people who don't want spoilers just stay off of forums and threads that are about the thing they don't want to hear about?

>nobody cares that harry potter movies got spoiled
They absolutely did. Same with Game of Thrones when it was still following the books

It’s not like the movie was going to suck any less if you didn’t know the plot ahead of time.

Ah, the Joker! What an uplifting figure.

>Is it honestly this important that a movie remains unspoiled?
The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West

Because if they did they'd finally have to face the reality of how empty their lives truly are.

But the non-fiction in this comic is news, opinions and media which are in a way fiction created by humans as well. I guess it's more of an illustration of the author's delusional escapism or something


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how do people like this exist and live with themselves

The poor man's "we live in a society"

>needing recaps
It's a super hero movie
They wear bright colours and fight bad guys. There's literally nothing to it.


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Why are people going this delirious over fucking capeshit

People are taking this children's film very seriously.

not exactly, but what Hollywood has contributed doesn't amount to much. basically just good character interaction

>cant handle reality
>time to go get lost in kids cartoons and capeshit
Based and basedpilled

>I can't deal with real life problems and the possibility of disagreeing with someone so I'll just retreat to media made for children

I don't get this, aren't these movies even worse in that regard? Entire cities are leveled, killing countless civilians and Thanos just killed off half the galaxy. I guess it's fun in fiction?


this is gay

the Marvel fandom is made entirely of retarded people and manchildren

Not really. I already knew the Titanic was gonna fucking sink sooner or later in the movie. I already knew the nazis in another movie were gonna lose sooner or later, too. That didn't take away from the movies at all.

Actual brainwashing and too much soi in their diet.
Capitalism was a mistake.

>because the only value a lot of these films have is novelty
It's not even novelty in itself but the social points you get for sharing this novelty with other members of your group. People don't actually even watch a movie like that to enjoy it but becuase all their friends will also watch it and they can talk to their friends about what happened in it.

Woah man spoilers!
Next you're going to tell me they tease more Marvel movies

You can feel your prescribed level of emotions in a safe space to lower your 'emotional needs' bar so you can be a good NPC in your real life.

Literally me

only underage tumblrfags say "fandom", they're fans or a fan base or fanboys

It's probably why they reveal all the shit in trailers now

When did retards start using the word fandom to refer to fans of a fandom? I see it everywhere now.

a good book or movie will remain unspoiled even if you know the plot already

The fuck are you on? People have been using 'fandom' online since the 90s

Imagine not killing this person. Imagine it.

no they haven't you fucking zoomer retard

wtf I'm reporting spoilers now. can't let those faggots soys enjoy their reddit capeshit.

Snake kills dimple door.

Why the fuck should I come to sit down 15 minutes before the show starts?

i seem to recall reading a study about you being a flamboyant homosexual

yes they have lol

>when you have literally nothing to live for and the only thing that brings you joy is commodities

To take in the ambiance and mentally review the events over the last 10 years rhat have culminated in this moment, you cretin

> ambience of the Ford F150 ad playing on the big screen while parents reign in their children

But STROMBALD STRAMPF isn't president in capeshitland

They study was debunked by your mom.

Kek. Based

>pop-culture fandom
>Not a fan of something that happens to be in pop-culture
>A fan of pop-culture in general
So they have no real taste and would go with anything that's popular?
At least normies don't care enough about what they consume but these fags consume it precisely because it's popular and then act superior to others

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Surprised marvel haven't forced Drumpf jokes in their movies yet.

go to /r/movies then find endgame threads and pm people spoilers

its fun

I like this, I'm on it. I wont spoil on Yea Forums because you guys are cool. But reddit?



>lives in the first world
>complains about “terrible headlines”
lmao marcels

yeah that would really suck haha

>not laughing at tragedy
How pathetic HONK HONK

>literal reddit thread

Attached: ....jpg (650x366, 48K)

>last movie in series
>expects no one to die

C'mon now

Pretty soon foreshadowing will be considered an unethical plot device and basically the same as physical violence.

Okay, of all the films of any genre ever in the history of film and story, capeshit cannot even be spoiled because no one ever dies and they just start over all the time anyways. There is no story. They just do whatever the fuck they want all the fucking time.

Change your diaper and go to bed

Even if literally everything a movie has going for it is a shit plot?

The idea about the gauntlet, the stones and the heroes is the same, but the way it's being resolved is different. Adam Warlock for instance, who was a key figure in infinity gauntlet is missing from the mcu since he'll be in gotg 3.

>didn't watch it in cinema
>still felt as if I wanted my money back

I imagine whoever made this comic wanted to make a point that wasn’t “my life is so awful that my only way of dealing with is escapism into cartoons and make-believe fantasies”. Alas, he didn’t make it.

Because everyone is connected 24/7 through their phone nowadays. Everyone's got their facebooks, their group chats, meme websites they visit like imgur and reddit. They use their phone for every aspect of their life, including scheduling and maps. They can't go without their phone for one day, and that is why it is almost impossible for them to avoid spoilers.


Why are most Marvelfags more immature than actual children?

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>In a world so filled with sadness, dejection, and terrible headlines each and every day, yes the destruction of one of the few good things we have left is absolutely unequivocally unacceptable.
I guarantee this worthless piece of shit was virtue signalling on twitter about the Notre Dame fire being a good thing because muh colonialism.

I thought these movies were based on comics? isn't the plotline already decided ?

>that spacing

Why? Why do normies like these fucking movies so much. And why can't I have the same passion for their shit films.

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They don't even like the movies. All they care about is being in on the cultural zeitgeist. No normalfag seriously gives a shit about what happened in Iron Man 2 a decade ago.

Literally..... Reddit personified

Based on yes but the aren't straight adaptations

>comparing SJW Universe to The Muppets

What the fuck

Yes, in the sense that you won't ever get to experience watching it for the first time without knowing how it plays out. I'm sure you have that one movie where you wish to forget it just to experience your first time watching it

Honestly they made me more hype to watch when it is about something I like but I can understand some people wanted to have the surprise until the very end.