NuStephanie deserves love too

NuStephanie deserves love too.

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im not surprised

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is that the new one?
i had lost the interest since they replaced julianna with some ugly kid, but that one looks fine

nu stephanie is a shitty actress

is lazytown supposed to have oscar nominating acting or something ?

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that's the ugly one :(
hope the next one will be casted by a heterosexual male

older was better

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Shame she turned into a fat dyke.

It's Joe Lo Truglio in a pink wig.

Attached: joe.jpg (270x270, 10K)

She's past expiration date anyway

Lazytown cost like a fuckton to make, they put tons of money into everything. It's not fucking weird to expect the acting to be just as good.

What is the name of this haircut? I need porn with brown chicks in it.

Looks like a hime cut?

It's a bob, you nerds.

That kind of straight line cut bangs is a hime cut you troglodyte.

They're just bangs, you weeb.

Okay enlighten me then on what the fuck a hime cut is supposed to be according to you.

The distinguishing feature of a hime is that it’s long in the back, fag

You don’t know what a hime cut is.

julianna was fucking perfect
in a ideal world we'd have cute solo porn of her at that age. in character

That's just called "long hair" you chucklefuck.

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Degenerates all of you

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If you want to get technical, this is a Cleopatra hairstyle, as evident in the OP.

Getting married to girls her age was normal in Luther's time though

my only mistake was being born in the wrong era.
also, being a poor, non-white, thirld worder