Who /stage 4 pancreatic cancer/ here?

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love you buddy

if you are user, I Hope you go out having a lot of fun.


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sending good energy and kisses to you user

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>your plight

All I'm gonna say is you should go out in style. Let's change the subject. Are there any celebrities that you really hate?

I only have cirrhosis. And yes I am still drinking. Warp speed engaged

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want you to die desu

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Is this a level from nights into dreams?

My dad was stage 0 pancreatic cancer. They gutted him like a fish, cut out part of his insides, and sewed him back up. God speed to you.

Alex trebek

I made it all the way to stage 9, scrub.

brain tumor stage IV here
i sometimes fall asleep randomly trough the day so i left my job in december
>tfw haven't told my parents yet
might forget stuff sometimes too
i can't think of good times anyways so there is nothing to remember for me also the headaches are awful
and still not the worse disease i had

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Stomach ulcer. ...
Helicobacter pylori infection. ...
Diabetes. ...
Infection with hepatitis viruses. ...
Tooth or gum disease.

Scared pepe.jpg

i wish

ulcerative colitis, currently flaring, i shit blood 10x a day AMA

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Fucking hell dude

who /hemorrhoids from sitting all day posting on Yea Forums/ here
my anus won't stop bleeding

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>tiny transparent bump on roof of mouth is back
When will it go away for good?

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Im sorry fren but you gon be ok

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have surgery


holy shit

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>pepe posting



Take DCA

It kills cancer cells and you can live with the disease for a long time

Take helminth therapy
It literally cures that shit

only cucks get cancer lmaooooooooo

reddit cringe
4channel based

>Got diagnosed with type 1 glycogen storage disease when I was a kid
>Apparently I was supposed to die at age 20 and have stunted manlet height
>Made it to 25 and am just shy of 6'3"

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Based secret cures poster

Any good drugs amigo? Love you

i been offered an easy way out user im not wasting it.
didn't finish highschool im 24 and have no job experience.
i should tell my parents tho besides i think its too late to try to cure it i should have done something when it was diagnosed

aka von gierke disease

What even is a pancreas? Do you even need it?

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Tfw I know a bunch of secret cures but only tell libertarians about them

Commies btfo

>gets cancer

WHERE MY STAGE THREE BROS AT?! PARTY IN DA HOUSE TONIGHT! I'm partying like there's no tomorrow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

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>tfw stage 4 type 2 ligma

Wish me luck bros

chin up lads

reminder that natural testosterone blocks the formation of most cancers
if you get cancer it's because you[re a numale

Thread theme


I wish I could fall asleep whenever. I have trouble napping yet I'm always so tired at the end of the day lol

Salutations and good wishes for all the ill anons in this thread.

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You're stronger than I am user. I think I would crack.

Who /healthyasfuck/ here? I literally just got back home after walking for 90 minutes straight. Yeah that's not a typo. 90 minutes faggots

Why didn't you run

I have to drink and pop pills every day just to be able to function and work. I’m at a dead end that only completely abstaining from both will let me move forward from. Right now I’m high as fuck so I feel good but if I’m not I think about suicide 24/7 and can’t work.

>all these anons with cancer ITT
Now we have empirical proof that browsing Yea Forums and/or posting frogs causes cancer. Stay away from it as soon as possible, lads.

dude shut the fuck up you posted that shit last time too

You must be the healthiest man in America.

>walking is considered a feat to this guy

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>too poor to grab a bus
imagine that

Take care buddy

based user

its not when i want too
it just randomly happens
i once got dizzy when taking a leak and found myself on the bathroom floor hours later

also i stopped using bathtub cause i almost drown when i fell asleep when bathing.

It could have been worse, lad.

You could have been born with thanatophoric dysplasia, like I was.

It works though, look it up
I'm trying to save people

i'm on the same boat buddy
you're probably american so you have access to the good medicine
i'm stuck in 3rd world shithole and i need to hire an attorney just so i might purchase the drugs i need
it's basically the end

So how painful was it? I was always curious

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I have a weird lump to the right of my lower jaw that I can move around
Sometimes I get a really intense pain in my head that makes it hard to stand up
Sometimes I get a similar pain in my chest (its not a heart attack) for a while too.
I've never told anyone about it though.

>access to the good medicine
lmao yeah if you're part of the 1%
the country's health system is fucked beyond repair
thanks GOP

give me everything in your wills

in the neck?
that's a gland. either saliva or those endocrine ones
it's normal for them to swell up from time to time

>good medicine
Doctors in America are on such short timetables that you only have 3 minutes to make your case to a doctor before they schedule bloodwork. If the wrong tests get scheduled you're fucked and won't get medical treatment. Happened when I got thyroid cancer. Took forever to get anyone to listen to me.

Fuck all these whiners. Time for some real talk, what about when instead of saying "I'm trying to" you say "I'm tryna", what's that called?

No it's just below my teeth, on level with my chin basically.
It's been there for years now.

Ligma you say? Ligma balls


Ah, neat.

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huh i dont know
dont think there are any important organs there and if you can move it it's not cancer

Not guaranteed, but prob something benign like that. If in doubt go see your doc

Just eat fruits and meditate, bro. Like Steve Jobs

>cancerous frog posters literally have cancer
thank you based god


I blame those damn jews

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Our medical system was a million times better before the government took it over.
We need a free market in healthcare so the prices come down.

This isn't just in America.
They're far worse in countries with state monopolized healthcare like my country Canada.
Doctors won't even look at you.

in this thread we comproved frogposters are indeed cancer

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haven't been to a dr in like 10 years, if i die I die...who cares? life sucks.

based speedrunner

Pancreatic cancer is said to be the most painful death humanly possible, right up there with liver failure. I had a great uncle that died from it and he pretty much begged for euthanasia at the end

Currently recovering from a bad accident. Luckily theres nor breaky bones.

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I'm scared shitless of cancer and stds, I stopped fucking strippers and hookers so I think I'm in the clear on the std shit but what are the symptoms of having cancer canceranons? What made you realize something was wrong and go doctoring

for me, it's joint problems; the most patrician condition for relatively young 4channel posters

Liver failure here. Hurts my belly and my blood pressure gives me terrible headaches. YOLO, pass the beer!

god bless you, we shall meet again in Valhalla

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>tfw flu

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wheres her areola

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wow, are you like in the olympics or something?

If I had stage IV pancreatic cancer I would spend all the money I have on coke and high class escorts for a few weeks and then kill myself


>We need a free market in healthcare so the prices come down.

top lel

I only have IBS and it sucks

>tfw Alex dies and James Holzhauer is still on the show

Pretty sure I have melanoma

One of my kidney only use 30% of his power

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Keep posting this till you die please.

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get better mein comrade

What if it used 100% of its power?

kek underrated


I would ascend, Currently I need to drink 7 Powerade bottle filled with water to filter my piss,and I cant drink pepsi because if I do my side burn when I piss and sometime I cry because it hurt so much

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Sorry to hear that, man. Pancreatic cancer is the worst sort of cancer. Hope you have enough cash/support to go out swinging.

And also I cant drink redbull or else my kidney will shutdown

What's causing it?

I was born like that

i drink about 2.5 gallons of water a day and there is nothing wrong with me. why is water consumption so hard for normies

same request here

Can you get a transplant?

Take the helium tank way out instead of suffering.

God I wish that were me.

Yes,but it could cost more harm than good

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Damn. Here's hoping research progresses to the point where they can grow a new, functional kidney for you based on your own DNA.

>tfw I've probably talked shit to a dying/suffering person hundreds of times in the last 15 years

feels bad man

It's ok, I don't mind drinking water

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>sharp pain under right side ribe cage and back
>Go-to the hospital multiple times
>They only give me a shot of morphine and ibuprofen pills and kick me out
I just want it gone what is happening to me?

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Everyone should drink more water anyway.

I have a small annoying headache right now and it is pissing me the fuck off

left side of ribs
and upper chest pain right in the centre top of breastbone
docs did blood work and x-rays and shrugged "lol, dunno, come back if it happens again"
its constant

I get irrationally angry when I see blacks. I clench my jaw, my fists, I develop headaches from the rage, think it's raising my blood pressure too high. Doctors don't exactly know what's wrong with me but think it's related to my ridiculously high IQ and knowledge of statstics but I try not to complain about it, we all have our own crosses to bear

I also have HUGE shits.
Those niggers from blacked look like dicklets compared to my shits. I thought I'd die yesterday.
When I wiped there was blood but no shit whatsoever. It's always clean.

I'm just going to drink myself to death at this point

>non-bacterial chronic prostatitis
>a gallstone as big as a walnut
>social anxiety
I miss being a kid and not having any health problems

>doctor keep giving me pill

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>tfw ex gf felt some hard lump once on her left breast
Gotta be honest bros, I kinda wished it was cancer and that she died. Imagine the aura I would have, NOBODY would ever even consider disrepecting me, I would feel amazing just walking around, and I'd get insane amounts of pussy. My stare would be that of a survivor, a man who went into battle and came out a better man
>tfw it was just because she was on the pill
Fucking dumb slut

whats dca?

considered self-medication with booze but it gets worse with drinking

fuck its all too relatable my drunken friend. Go until oblivion my good friend
"A vanity spawned by fear"