
So,is Deacon Frost Blades father?

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Blade was a virgin birth.

>I like this idea better

Deacon Frost is banging his mother though

In the comics? Or in the movie?

No, blade was his wife's son.

Some crackers always tryin' to ice skate uphill

are you slow?
he bangs her AFTER she becomes a full fledged vampire.

He probably banged her AS he made her a vampire.
When blade was born he was covered in deacon's nut.

I am very disappointed that he isn't

In the movie

Yeah, but was it raw? If so, did he pull out?

Wait,Deacon Frost banged Blades mother? I remember that Blades mother died in the beginning and then done. Nothing else of her. I don't remember much from this movie last time I saw it was a decade ago.

>So,is Deacon Frost Blades father?
In Vampirism, I'm not sure the term is used in the world of Blade/Marvel vampires but Deacon would be considered his "Maker".


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THen you don't remember the end of the movie where Blades mom is hanging out in Deacons room rubbing his chest and shit and then later on seting Blade up to be trapped and put on that blood draining alter that was part of the ceremony to resurrect Lamagra

Attached: mommy.jpg (425x445, 53K)

Did Blade hate his mother that she betrayed her kind for Deacon's cock?

I remember how Blades mother was trying to fuck him


Wait,Blades mother wanted to bang Blade(her son) or Deacon Frost?


Are you ready to die?

I want to make some snide comment how you just don't understand how intimacy works or you've never known a mothers love so of course it looks sexual to you...but she DEFINITELY WAS. Like not even subtle about it.

>I want to make some snide comment how you just don't understand how intimacy works or you've never known a mothers love so of course it looks sexual to you
That was never what was intended, since she wasn't really his mom at any point in his life, and had spent decades being a vampire cock slut. Why would she act like a parent?

She never tried to bang her son wtf,it was mother love. Wtf is wrong with you guys
She loved white cock

Vampires just want to fuggandss.

The opening club scene is more cringe than the matrix. The nineties were a mistake.

>She never tried to bang her son wtf,it was mother love.

The way I interpret it is she was willing to sacrifice her kid because Deacon told her to. She didn't love Blade at all anymore. What she was doing was trying to manipulate him and throw him off his game but being a cold heartless vampire and being Deacons plaything for the last 3 decades, the way SHE interpreted "love" was from a sexual and seductive viewpoint.

I was born ready motherfucker!

This takes place in the same universe as the avengers so why have they ignored the vampire threat??

Is he Yea Forums incarnate?
>loves black babes

This is supposedly the plug in for him to return the MCU


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I always thought she was a clone or something, just to fuck up with Blade.


Why the fuck would you think that.

No. His mom was bitten during pregnancy. Deacon bit his mom. She was already like 8-9 months pregnant.