Every TLJ thread is maximum comfy.
Why is this bad movie so fun to talk about?
because its a good movie
nice bait
FPBP, Yea Forums btfo
confirmation bias
echo chamber, loop of validating posts
I agree, well said!
It’s like TDKR except without all the meme’ing faggots. As that is another movie where every single frame is a total disaster.
We're not talking about every media outlet defending this movie user
theres just so much to shit on, and when you think you've done it all, even more suddenly pops out
don't get me wrong, I hated tlj as much as the next guy
if that matters
Is it a wig or did this poor soul had to really dye her hair pink ?
Outside of Porgs, there's really not much to care about.
I love Jenny!!
it's similar to thebold image
>Yea Forums discussing games: everybody fighting
>Yea Forums discussing porn: calm and civil discussion
outside of some ironic baiters, Yea Forums is unified by their hatred of last jedi.
to think that disney would bring us all together, wild.
That's a Porg, user!
gross ass fas bitch
Now that's just plain old uncalled for.
We all agree that Rian and Kathleen secretly hate Star Wars and are actively trying to tank the franchise right? There's no way Rian's script and concepts weren't shown to Kathleen by extremely worried staff members, and there's no way an executive who cared about brand quality and success could read Rian's bombing runs of doom and Casino hijinx and not know to immediately fire his ass.
>Why is this bad movie so fun to talk about?
Because there's an endless amount to shit on when it comes to TLJ.
>Every TLJ thread is maximum comfy.
I completely agree with you. In fact, I think that any thread shitting on Mouse Wars in general is maximum comfy.
Circlejerks are naturally comfy. That's why it's tempting to some people to join in and in this case keep complaining about a bad movie for well over a year.
Yeah, I also find shitspewing comfy.
>Why is this bad movie so fun to talk about?
Because you're a paid marketer.
It's a boring forgettable piece of shit not worth the time or energy to get mad at.
what was the fucking point of this character? why was she introduced only to be killed?
Because a lot of us loved something about Star Wars, and whatever it was for each of us, TLJ managed to blow it all to bits. It is, as has been so memetically coined as a phrase, fractally terrible.
For 50-60 year old feminists across the country to say 'she look like me'
They wish they'd look as good as Laura Dern, the only similarity is the outrageous haircolour and the stupid behaviour.
Because it manages to fuck up on every single level. It is actually quite the accomplishment.
And the fact that the media is shilling it hard and Disney/Lucasfilm employees attacking people makes it even more fun to trash it.
Honestly, if Disney just admitted the movie was shit and that they promised to do better next time, there would be less bad blood.
because of the cognitive dissonance created by trying to make sense of it.
non-sequiteurs are inherantly fascinating, they're what comedy is based on. but nonsense has even more non-sequiteurs per minute than well-organized jokes. it's like a clown parade where all the clowns are on fire.
came here to post this
>it's like a clown parade where all the clowns are on fire.
That's a beautiful picture. I'll commit that to memory.
It's crazy, the farther removed I am from the film, the worse I think of it. Usually things can get better in time, but really the more I think about it, what even happened in the film. It's such a small scale inconsequential story, and I find it very hard to believe anyone cared what was happening. I'm not hating on star trek because that's a television show so it has to take place on a smaller scale, but tlj feels like an episode of star trek, plot wise, stretched for however long it was.
absolutely based and redpilled
>stretched for however long it was.
2,5 hours. It's the longest Star Wars movie to date and almost nothing happens.
I don't understand what the point was of having fuel be an issue and maintaining the distance between two fleets as the main narrative conflict. We saw they could just send fighters to fuck everything up, which could only have gotten easier after Kylo and friends basically wiped out their entire hangar bay. Why not do that again?
I literally don't get the main dilemma of the story.
Well, nothing of consequence. As the fin and chonk sideplot meant nothing, the slowest chase ever meant nothing, destroying the rebel bases meant nothing, rey’s plot meant nothing, the ram meant nothing, snoke meant nothing, the ram just undid the first order’s (two hour) military buildup (and made the entire franchise) mean nothing.
The movie so effectively demeaned every aspect of the entire Star Wars franchise that it’s impossible to think it was by accident.
Or even why a huge galactic conflict was just reduced in scope to a few dudes chasing one ship for a week
>why couldn't the first order just have one of their other ships from a different system hyperdrive in to right next to where laura dern's ship was
>why was running out of fuel a concern in a vacuum
imagine being obsessed with star warz lol!!!
I liked how the first order had dozens of star destroyers just slowboating behind the supremacy and no one ever thought once to just have them hyperspace in front of the rebel fleet.
The plot revolving around Luke, Rey, Kylo, and Snoke is straight kino.
Everything else is meh other than based Del Toro.
>The plot revolving around Rey and Kylo is straight kino.
Because it's bad on so many levels, yet not a strain on the eyes. Like there's some decent looking shots and color in it. So it's fairly easy to watch, but the story and characters fail on so many levels, that critiquing it is like an endless rabbit hole.
They even ruined del toro by showing us we could have had Justin Theroux.
Yeah sorry, this doesn't fly. It's not Mad Max Fury Road where a bare bones plot is slapped onto a two hour nonstop gorgeous action sequence.
And they had to use scanners to find the rebel transports when Snoke has a magnifying glass in his chamber and knows they're there without being told.
>bare bones plot
be quiet brainlet
>The Jedi only add to the galaxy's problems
He says that like it's inevitable that Jedi beget Sith, but that's not true at all.
>disney damage control still being funded in 2019
fuckin lol
>He says that like it's inevitable that Jedi beget Sith
he doesn't
entire history of the galaxy proves you wrong
Because every thread is an echo chamber where everyone calls the movie trash except a few ironic trolls.
Just like twitter and reddit
The problem with that is he was directing Episode 8 of a continuous story in which Episode 6's title and plot ended with proof that the Jedi way was good exhibited by Luke and then Anakin being able to become a Force ghost which only Jedi can.
Surely there was something more to explore in the next trilogy then the Jedi being bad again, which was explored and answered in the first 6 movies.
EU or mouse canon engineered to prop up TLJ?
Her breasts in her Justice League review were amazing
you do realise that at the end of TLJ it's prett clealry shown Luke is wrong? It's only the reason why he's on that island, doesn't mean Luke is right
the point of him not being ready empire was nothing to do with "locking himself off from his friends", it was because he wasn't ready for the emotional burden of vader being daddy.
i know this because i've researched the deep star wars lore by watching the lesser known sixth film in the series (return of the jedi) where the minor character "yoda" spells it out for him.
i suppose a big shot director like mr. johnson doesn't have time for such lore deep dives, but someone should have been on hand to tell him.
And Luke being wrong about it is terribly contrived, so that Rey can be right. Which brings us back to
>the plot is shit
>They have an absolutely kino take of the lightsaber throw in the documentary
>use the comedic one for the finished movie
Oh Rian, you were on the verge of greatness and you consistently hobbled yourself.
Tranny or viral marketer?
Fans probably would've booed either way but seeing them side-by-side really sends home how retarded the goofy throw looks.
>Jedi only add to the universe's problems
>Luke becoming a Jedi literally saves the Galaxy from tyranical rule.
The way the music just stops in time for Luke to non-chalantly throw it over his shoulder makes it clear that this is a joke, it takes you right out of the film.
If it had been a defiant thrown as in RotJ, as he's doing it in the shot on top, I'd halfway have bought the whole "It's pottery" bit. Tweak the dialogue, give Luke a better eplained reason, show more of the Luke/Kylo relationship in flashbacks...
In theory, Rian could've had all the scenes he wanted in the movie if he'd just sat down and polished the script to an adequate level. So much of this film's dialogue feels like placeholder content.
watch the prequels again also movie makes it clear Luke is wrong
have sex incels I beg you
They gave 200 million to a literal fanfic author, that's why
Being the last of the Jedi Luke had full creative control over into which direction to take the new order, which he rather memorably did in the old EU, starting with Heir to the Empire, in which Obi-Wan's fading spirit states
>"Not the last of the old Jedi, Luke. The first of the new."
Now revolutionizing the code falls to Rey because of course it does and Luke HAD to be wrong because he's stupid LOL.
>caring about this so much
have sex
There's not much to care for honestly, currently it's just you being stubborn and me presenting evidence that your movie is shit.
Neck yourself you troglodyte
every board is fantastic at talking about everything but what the board exists for
>read leaked spoilers about how Kylo kills Snoke
>"This can't be real, that's so fucking stupid."
>It's real
wipe away those tears, mommy can see them and laugh at you again incel
>your movie
I didn't directed it incel
viral tranny
The prequels made a complete mess of the nice simple premise of the original story. There were no Sith, lightsabres weren't cub scout badges for forces users and there was no balance. What Luke achieves is to essentially defeat evil wizardry potentially forever, by showing that one who has fallen can be redeemed, which was previously considered impossible and killed space Sauron. Done and dusted.
You're quite relentless in taking its side though.
starbased and forcepilled
Because you’re a shill
have sex incel, you're embarrassing yourself
I loved when he did it, and the audience was dead silents. They didn't know if it was a joke, or if this was a commercial, or blooper. They just stared at the screen, jaw agape, gasping for any sort of understanding.
t. retarded
>it is the Jedi who are evil
We already did this part, dumb ass.
what were they on in this episode? i cant remember right now
I heard a "Whaa?" approximately two rows down in front of me and one guy went "Pwah...fuck off will ya!"
agree. i personally didn't mind the darker more subversive route the film attempted to take. the problem was in that they were just doing things without fleshing out the ideas and ultimately leaving them directionless. the whole casino bit really is the culprit in the total failure of the movie as a whole. so much wasted time and agenda pushing. and the inability to accept the criticism.
what an ebin response incel
>i personally didn't mind the darker more subversive route the film attempted to take.
You see, Rian's stance on the matter according to the audio commentary is that dark wasn't what he was going for. He wanted to tell people right off the bat that this would be a funny movie. The thing is... the situations it depicts the characters in are not funny at all so every single attempt at humour comes across as the movie satirizing itself, making the characters appear as idiots and deflating the tension.
I recently had a conversation with a guy who agreed on TLJ being shit but then told me, as if he had made some sort of discovery, that he went back to watch the OT afterwards and noticed that they, too, contained jokes galore and thus TLJ had risen in his esteem.
I asked to think of a situation within the OT where the humour was not contained with Han, the droids, or Chewie and he came up empty. Which is the major difference - everyone's a quipmachine now.
no. Biggest waste of potential in the entire star wars franchise.
you should stop projecting
Did he really have any potential? He had a shitty visual design and was a boring rehash of Sheev writing wise, it felt like they tried to make him as uninteresting as possible so no one would care when he fucked off.
All that was really needed were a few oneliners from him and other characters on how he rse to power and why he was able to do what he could do right under the Emperor's nose and it would've been fine. But no, TLJ made a point to show that he had massive Force powers and even more limitless ressources than previously thought and then just killed him.
Apparently his motivation was to have a pet Vader, that's all.
it's the exact opposite.
It's a terrible movie that generates unlimited amounts of shitposting.
>everyone responding to this bait like...
Hey isn't that the main guy from L.A Noire?
Because Rian Johnson is an annoying and pretentious POS who thinks he’s smarter than all the “babymen” that pointed all of this out.
He draws prestige out of the fact that he does not overthink space fantasy the way we "autismos" do, but funnily enough, if you scrutinize the OT the same way we do with TLJ, the OT is just better at covering its ass than TLJ is. The problems are glaringly obvious where with the OT you'd have to do some more digging before you hit a point where only "just turn your brain off bro" can work.
Because it's so incompetent that the plot progression is a comedy of errors more so than the drama it tries so hard to pass off. That and the vitriol that Johnson, Kennedy and the Disney machine stirred up trying to play like a gamergate victims, deleting Trahn's social media, directing hate at the fans, and banning fan service.
They made their beds as sloppy villains and now the "too big to fail" franchise and IP owner get ridiculed endlessly for it.
>and now the "too big to fail" franchise and IP owner get ridiculed endlessly for it
this is probably important. the bad guys lost so you get to make fun of them and recognize there's some justice in the world
It's the "damn the child" quality to writing good fiction. Well, writing anything really.
You have to have internal consistency to be believable or immersible, let alone likeable.
Those who like TLJ could be entertained by anything and take offense when others aren't so easily amused or pandered too.
It doesn't matter to them that the Yoda ghost was completely out of place and character, they just want to like it, and so they do
Because it's fun to shit on bad movies
Well, more like taking what you can get, because Disney still owns starwars and the only way justice can be done is if they end up selling it for less than purchased
>out of character
Because most Star Wars fans are united in their hatred for the soulless Disney Wars 8. There has never been a SW movie as bad as this one.
What the hell did Lynch see in Dern? She was never attractive, and it makes no sense because almost all of his other girls are drop-dead gorgeous.
Basically this.
Except replace unique hammy characters lile CIA with the desicration of iconic timeless characters lile Yoda and Luke
Because, outside of obvious shitposting and bait, a huge majority of people here hate the movie.
It's the sense of unity that you're attracted to
The thing that bothers me is that it seems Disney forgets it is called "Star WARS" because all of the military aspects of the film are fucking terrible. Holdo for example completely ignores the concept of chain of command and gets shocked when the troops rebel. Ok, there might be a traitor on board, still doesn't give her the right to not even say she has a plan in the first place.
no one argues that TLJ looks bad
it's one of the few things that everyone say that it nailed
it's amazing looking
>the jedi do nothing but cause problems
this is what a brainlet thinks
if the Jedi wasn't there, the dark side would be far more powerful
Also Jedi Master Yarael Poof sacrificed himself to save Coruscant from getting obliterated
sheev was right
letting the hate flow through me feels good
Holdo would have been fine as a character if they hadn’t cast someone who can’t play a character who looks soft but is actually a hardass. Acting like some granola faggot who can suddenly be a badass doesn’t work when all context of her feats boils down to the writers just saying she is.
It's not. At all.
Frankly I can only assume you're being paid to post them.
That's fucking retarded and Rian should go fuck himself. There was never even a reason given for Snoke existing yet he was supposed to be why Luke almost killed Ben Solo and isolated himself? A kike wrote this bullshit. Fuck you.
Kennedy doesn't really hate Star Wars per se, but she absolutely loathes the old fanbase. Rian doesn't really care one way or the other, he's just a dipshit that was given a whole movie full of empty hooks by JJ and decided not to play a rigged game. Rian could've written whatever he wanted for Episode 8; Kathleen would've approved a three hour long reading of Mein Kampf as long as it introduced some cute animals and managed to squeeze a couple lines about how much better women are than men in between the bits about Jews.
They could easily explain why the first order are so powerful by saying they found rakatan tech in the unknown regions or some shit. Would also explain how Starkiller was a thing.
What about another Star Forge?
Because its hands down one of the worst movies ever made. Even justice league was so bad its amusing to watch. TLJ is awful AND boring. Zero redeeming qualities nothing of interest or importance happens.
Either that OR like every woman supervisor or manager ive had irl. They usually have no idea what theyre doing and also have a massive ego to boot. So they basically fuck everything up while tapping themselves on the back and being oblivious to all the problems theyre causing.
>Honestly, if Disney just admitted the movie was shit and that they promised to do better next time, there would be less bad blood.
But then theyd have to admit what a colossal fuck up Kennedy is and that cant happen since women are stronger than men and dont make mistakes.
The writing is so objectively bad. It uses every single cliched modern trope and uses them all wrong. There's just so many hundreds of hilariously stupid things to laugh about.
I honestly think thats why so many normies liked it
>"omg its so pretty that means its good!!"
Im not even that big a star wars fan but how could you completely and utterly miss the point of lukes character so bad? Its literally a star wars movie designed by people who dont like star wars.
Tdkr was kino you fuckin faggot.
>Those who like TLJ could be entertained by anything and take offense when others aren't so easily amused or pandered too.
Im seeing this with every popular (insert medium) nowadays
>"user have you seen (flavor of the week entertainment)?"
>"eh no i dont think it looks that good"
>(begins to get upset) but everyone is watching it user? Why arent you? You do know everybody likes and is watching it"
I just dont remember another time in my life where people got personally offended if you didnt watch what they watch.
It's a feature length plane scene
I wouldn't call it kino, but it's certainly nowhere near as bad as TLJ.
Nostalgia blinds you.
Agree. At the very least, more quotes stick with me from TDKR than TLJ. I am glad I don't have any quotes from TLJ in my brain. The only one I do is from the trailer cause I watched it 30 times cuz I thought it would be good...
>he thinks tdkr and by extension all capeshit isn’t on the board for any reason other than for memes and to bait
Lurk moar.
you forgot the obvious shills, the proof of that is the capeshit sticker on the board
woah calm down incel
>Lurking with no story in episode 7
>died like a wet fart in episode 8
They shouldn't have bothered putting an inconsequential final boss.
Don't forget he was written as a serious threat for decades after RotJ in which even Luke was powerless to stop him from ruining Ben's life and rebuilding the Empire.
None of these shots look even remotely impressive.
It's objectively bad, particularly when it comes to pic related.
No you see, she did it just to prove a point to Poe; what was that point? She has no idea.
>the jedi have done nothing but add problems to the universe
>1000 years of peace before the prequels
>only got corrupt because of inundation in government which Luke's academy wasn't
>now there's Kylo and Knights running around wreaking havoc with no jedi to stop them
Regardless there are still Sith running around when he ends the Jedi. You'd think he want to go stop the sith before ending the Jedi too huh?
Then the Luke plot is driven by out-of-character stupidity, because by no reasonable stretch of logic does that make any sense. just like the rest of the movie, like Finn and Rose trusting a dirty hobo in prison with military secrets
Ironically, Rian's ideas would've worked much better as an Episode 7 of one of the proposed endings of Episode 6, which is Luke walking off into the sunset at the end of ROTJ, ending the Jedi and Sith
niggers tongue my anus
>tfw there will never be an Auralnauts version of TLJ
Good, there's nothing funny about that garbage.
Except that one, "Whoop" when R2 gets launched out of the ship from the final fight in episode 3.
what a fucking stupid pink-hared childless dyke
Star wars movies are like train wrecks. It would be so easy to make a good one, it's so simple what people want from these. Yet everyone (even George Lucas) completely fucks it up.
All we want is a space swashbuckling adventure. With fun, danger and a little romance. There's nothing more to it.
>w-watch the prequels again!
How about no.
They can't seem to do it without fucking up the simple lore that the OT established. Which I don't even get because all you have to do is watch the OT again to follow all of that.
She's a self-insert user.
>not funny
you have autism
There's some eerie about how that description is written.
I feel like The Rise of Skywalker is going to show us why Snoke existed and his connection to palpatine.
Way too late for anyone to give a fuck.