Episode IX Spoilers

Rey is a clone of a Force user created by Palpatine through the Force. There's a whole army of them, known as the Furies. The original is long dead, and Rey is just one of many, freed by a Rebel named Dosmit Raeh (whose surname she took as her own name).

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Other urls found in this thread:


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The helmet design of the Furies is modeled after the clone troopers,

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and Rey's true "parentage" was teased in TLJ.

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Even the craziest theory is less ridiculous than what JJ has written.

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>Rey is a clone of a Force user created by Palpatine through the Force.
So she is a female clone of Anakin?

>we got dedstar :Ddedede

it all makes sense now and I still fucking hate nuwars

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i wish a large meteorite would careen in,flaming hot from outer space, and bonk this bitch in the face

>the story of this fucking trilogy

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Really, they made the furries to be the big bads of Star Wars?

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I enjoy how my memory is so shit I will forget all this by december so no spoilers for me anyway

It just keeps getting more and more fucking awful.

That's just fucking terrible

IF, IF they manage to pull it off, it has potential.


>the amount of backpedaling just to avoid any further backlash

>Fugging rebel sgum :DDDD time do gil you for dhe emberor xDdd

In ancient Greek religion and mythology, the Furies were female chthonic deities of vengeance, sometimes referred to as "infernal goddesses" (χθόνιαι θεαί). A formulaic oath in the Iliad invokes them as "the Erinyes, that under earth take vengeance on men, whosoever hath sworn a false oath."

you know, quasimoto predicted this

It would be pretty weak to dump that large of a retcon this late in the franchise.


>There's a whole army of them, known as the Furries
Scariest army in the galaxy

Just like luke's true father was teased in the cave in Empire strikes back


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Time gap is too wide.

This is laughably bad. Without question the worst stab at a Star Wars story I've seen on this board, and I've seen my fair share.
None of this will happen.

The furries?

20% wookie DNA.

Indeed. It would also explain Rey's incomparable mastery of the Force and Dark Side affinity, because Palpatine was one of the most powerful Sith iirc. Anyway it's better than the Force autobalancing a rando to take on Kylo.

I mean it's awful enough to be true. The furies name ruined the believability though. No way that's true.

Is Rey supposed to be over 30 years old?


>“The 709th, the Red Fury,” says Scott Trowbridge, the Imagineering creative executive in charge of Galaxy’s Edge. “There are some stories to be told about those folks, and why they’re here, what they came looking for — or who they came looking for.”

>This elite squad from The First Order has arrived on a new ship — the TIE Echelon, which has a cockpit similar to Kylo Ren’s batwinged shuttle but the curved foils of Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced x1.

With ix resurrecting a lot of old TFA concepts, I wonder if we'll see a red star destroyer carrying these guys.

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No. But remember Jakku was the site of the Empire's final defeat. They had something of importance to protect there. Rey was found by junkers who sold her for drinking money. They must've found the cloning facility buried in the dunes somewhere and it popped out a Rey clone.

That looks cool and unique,why didn't they use it?


So this is her mom?

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I’m calling it now. She’s a clone from Luke’s fucking hand. That’s why Lando is in it. To explain (probably with Maz Kanata) how the lightsaber calls to her and is powerful in the force. If she has the same midichlorian count as Luke then hopefully that shuts up all the Mary Sue arguments.

heh, remember how this scene just ended abruptly with no climax or payoff whatsoever?

good times.

who did what?

J J Abrams takes your logic and shits on it you pleb

>The original is long dead, and Rey is just one of many

Cloning is easy.


So she's mara jade? Sounds like some rip off hodge podge of the thrawn trilogy in the books.

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Because it's cool and unique.


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>character’s name is Rei/Rey
>is part of a series of clones of a dead person
Is this a new trope?

If any part of Star Wars lore is unchangeable despite being EU only it should be that it's impossible to clone force-sensitive people without severe complications and problems.

Clones can't be force sensetive.

or just plagiarism

The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West

>character's name is Asuka/Ahsoka
>has orange buttchecks
>is a best girl
Is this a new trope?

That's not canon.

in english doc

Lemme guess: the rest are known as the knights of ren?

Was Rian an undercover kinoman the whole time?

I pity you for making that reference but thoroughly applaud the specificity and applicability of it

You just answered your own question

QUACK! The only universe where the nu-trooper costume looks cool is in the Duck Tales universe.

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A leak that proved accurate in other aspects claimed all the Knights of Ren are women.

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oh yes and JJ never retconned anything before

Before that u can see the silhouette of someone in a stormtrooper helmet

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Appletroopers suck balls. The new designs are inferior to the original ones in every way.

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I like this theory but even if it's true I'm sure Disney fucked it up

Best stormtrooper costumes = Episode 3 clonetroopers.

Search your feelings...............they're totally fetch!

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>this was the plan all along, you guys!
Fuck off.

Search your feelings, you know it to be poo XD

What people can or can't do with the force has changed a lot under Disney.

Clonetroopers are pretty cool, but nothing comes close to the original, Empire era Stormtroopers.

Dosmit Raeh was a female x-wing pilot...

I still think the AOTC design was the best.

I'm okay with this, at least it gives some sense to that stupid as fuck scene.

I never got just what the fuck they were trying to say with this sequence. And then once it ended no one ever referenced it again. Just why the fuck did it happen at all?

Her parents are likely to still be nobodies so Disney with their identity politics can sell the message that any girl from a nowhere place can grow up to be the super-bestest-jedi-ever.

They don't give a shit what it does to the story; that's why they spent more time blaming the fans than themselves when Ep. 8 imploded.

Legitimately curious. If TROS explains away some of the weird bullshit in TLJ (like killing Snoke early, Rey’s parentage, etc.), will your opinion of TLJ change? Like even somewhat?

I really hope this is fake.

It definitely wasn't planned but at least it would retroactively give some sense to that scene now. The problem is that we knew we can't trust Disney so there was no need to analize anything before since we couldn't assume J.J. would decide to do anything with what Rian did. Same way Rian didn't give two shits about J.J.'s TFA. I guess maybe J.J. is still hack but at least a hack that cares a bit.

Maybe clone of Luke. Maz Kanata seemed to know things in the bar, as did Han. Palpatine could've used DNA from Luke's severed hand. Hence why the lightsaber was also found? Idk, seems like a reach.

Reminds me of the Droid control ship mixed with a star destroyer!

I really loved how the original helmet design appeared to have a constant grimace on its face. I want my space kabutos back, not the goofy shit we get nowadays.

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This is a very good explanation and this is the very reason why an absolute moron like Jar Jar Abrabinks won't put it in the movie

Why? How could this already shitty story possibly be better than that by now?

these spoilers are fake like always.
every big movie gets "leaks" and they get it wrong all the time

Literally every single plot point and development in TLJ was to "subvert" audience expectations.
They literally sat down and wrote a scene properly, then decided to conclude it the opposite way so the audience is surprised.

The reason for that is the fact that TLJ is supposed to be the ESB of the ST and ESB is most known for having an epic twist in it.

So to outdo ESB, they decided that EVERYTHING should be a twist. Every single scene. Everything.
The end result is that nothing makes sense and things were written in just to surprise the audience and since it's so poorly done it all sucks ass.

The most valuable movie franchise on the planet is sinking, so Disney re-hired him to throw it a life perserver or throw it an anchor.

With KK and her cronies still on the job, he's gonna try to throw it a life preserver even though it'll be a heavy one thanks to their unapologetic bullshit.

The book where this concept is found actually states that JJ and Chiang really WANTED to use more creative designs and go in new directions, but these ideas were rejected as "less marketable" for whatever reasons. Which I guess is just a code word for "we wanted the nostalgia audience".

They figured it looked cool and that JJ can whip up some bullshit to make it relevant to the plot.

they pretty much made the most vague, open-ended scene so that whoever was writing the next chapter had a ton of shit to work with-- unlimited options!
... so we got the last jedi

Ok here’s what’s actually going on. Palpatine used Luke’s hand to create many clones and place them on various planets. Whoever is the most powerful clone (so far it’s Rey) is who he chooses to become his apprentice. The final test is defeating Kylo. My assumption is he’s pushing cloning as far as it can go until he’s able to beat the naturally born most powerful force user in the galaxy. Also Rey/Rei? Many clones? Hmm.

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Honestly I think that thematically they want Rey to be "anybody" so they can contrast it with the Skywalker dynasty who are tailor made to be jedi.

What they should've done is had Rey be a mediocre jedi who does not excel on her own but sparks a new generation of force sensitive people to become jedi and then they defeat Kylo by teaming up and overwhelming him.

But instead she did it on her own in the very first movie like 5 minutes after holding a lightsaber.

Reminder that Stormtrooper movie never

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if sheev had a force army why didn't he use it?

Because they needed time to grow.

They didn't use it because the SW brand was tarnished by prequels that had fruity designs.

They wanted to play it safe and use near-OT designs as much as possible and technically it worked, but it lacks soul.

That's basically what we have Clone Wars for.

That doesn't look like anything


The prequels didn't tarnish the brand. I don't remember prequel merch put on clearance sale for 3 cents. The prequels didn't hurt the brand once fucking bit, especially in comparison to the damage Disney has done.

Starkiller's a fucking clone you stupid idiot
So was the other Starkiller, he was a fucking clone of a clone

It cleaarylt a stormtrimtrooper holmet

Well to be fair kids still bought toys in the early 2000's. Now it's all Fortnite and other stupid phone games.

draw it on the fucking image, draw in where you can see it


Twice the pride, double the dubs

Stormtroopers aren't all clones though, the premise is different because of that.

Yypour fghking bvlilind

Dubs! Un-li-mi-ted dubs!

Yeah sure, other than her showing greater power and mastery than Luke ever has. With no training.

This. Most toys are geared towards adult collectors now. Apps and games have pretty much dominated the market with kids entertainment.

She's the master of everything - with no training. It's ridiculous.

>greater mastery and power than Luke ever has
What has she really done? She moved a bunch of rocks at the end of TLJ and that was the most powerful display of the force I saw her do visually. Luke projected his soul across the galaxy at the same time.

Prequels at least made characters that worked out as cool tows. Even shitty side characters were at least a lizard man, or a flying bug man with a gun. But it had tons of armored guys, robot lightsaber fighters, soldiers, space ninjas, cyborgs, and weird aliens with guns.

Sequels we get, girl in jumpsuit, black guy in jacket, older guy in coat, old guy in bathrobe, just incredibly boring shit no kid wants. No cool armored guys, no cool aliens with horns and space guns, no flying space ninjas, no cool shootey blasty spaceships. Just fucking boring ordinary people in ordinary clothes that do nothing special or exciting.

Nice doggy :3

So you're saying Rian out-mystery-box'd JJ? based

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a thousand times this.
Even literal toddlers play with their irresponsible parents' phone all day and barely even buy actual toys

Isn't time for your nap, old man?

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Luke didn't have any training either, aside from deflecting a few training remote lasers for five minutes and doing some flips with a Muppet on his back

Marvel toys sell a lot.


eat e fick

We eva now

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>Luke didn't have any training either, besides when was training
TLJ goes out of its way to have Yoda tell you Rey is ready and doesn't need to learn anything from Luke. One training scene with the fish nun village was deleted, and his 3rd and final lesson was never included in the script.
It outright shit on the idea of hard work and training, instead of just not having it.

> Rey Clone #1138

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Fucking awful lmao

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>It outright shit on the idea of hard work and training, instead of just not having it.
It makes sense when you know Rey is Kathleen's self insert.

Its the same reason Knights of Ren are introduced and never seen again, or why the awakening Snoke felt is introduced and never seen again, or why that old guy in the beginning of episode 7 is introduced and never mentioned again, or why C3PO's red arm is introduced and never seen again, and why the way Maz or whatever got a hold of the lightsaber is mentioned but then never again, its because the sequels are just there to make money, and set up a bunch of things that can be monetized through further books/movies/comics etc in the future

Not cannon and also not true.

so they ripped off the plot of the force awakens 2?

cool, can we spoil the ending for everyone now? Everyones crying about endgame spoilers but theres nothing really unexpected to spoil so theres no fun in it

You still here OP?

Back in 2012-2015 everyone thought that prequels sucked hard. Only the appearance of ST changed the opinion, as people became nostalgic towards the prequels. Not something you can predict on a board meeting.

>The Death star is filled with fresh clone wars mando clones and Ray clones.
>Sheev made an army of Mandalorians and Jedi to protect the galaxy with.
>He tries to convince Ray to rejoin her "Family" so she can protect the Galaxy from "Something"
>She kills him by throwing him down another shaft and blows up the Mando-Jedi clone army.
Sounds like a fun movie, sadly its all fake and the real movie is going to be shit.

Most people think that Episode 2 is shit and the others are okay, good films to park older kids in front of, people are not normally hyper critical of films.

Based Retard

It' sounds so bad, lame and stupid, I hope it's true.

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Stop trying to make fetch happen.

Lucas came up with it.

It was concept art from pre-sale pre-production.

Lmao who gives a fuck

Not true. The problem with cloning Jedi and other Force sensitives was that the clones would invariably go insane. Source: Thrawn Trilogy.

Cloning force users kind of takes the mystery and mystique out of the Force doesn't it?

Not canon.

I didn’t realize Rian was a master of kino
it’s still shit

Midichlorians already did that.

>still hoping for disney to embrace the yuuzhan vong

So does force sensitive droids, thousands of years of interpretive religion, school curriculum and dozens of other things that happen in star wars.
The force is not a Mystery, its a god, only its goals are unknown, how it works and what it does is well known in universe.

Star Wars died in 1997

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>look it up
>mfw it's actually true
wtf mang

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Imperial March style music playing in concert with Mongolian Throat singing while a massive space battle happens on screen would be keno as fuck.

So Is this a credible leak? Why are so many people ITT eating this up?

>A thousand generations live in you now
Rey and the clones have DNA from previous force users in the past. Holy shit its all coming together

Because its a fun idea, people actually want this movie to be good the poor fools.

Why does it look like those clone troopers in the background are taking part in an epic anal train.

> its all coming together

It really doesn't. Disney admitted that they didn't plan the whole trilogy in advance. There was no blueprint for how this trilogy was supposed to develop and end! Snoke never had a backstory and neither do the other characters.

It's a retarded idea.

Meh, it's not like the mirror thing is new.

What are you talking about? We have a black man, a white women and a Jewish man! They are so diverse and vibrant main characters! Look at how silly the black man is haha mocking black people is so funny!

lol people have been speculating about Snoke's true identity for years. But there was no identity at all, Ryan and JJ were as clueless as the fans.

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>It's a retarded idea.
That's what makes it so plausible, user.

Because LARPs are no fun if everyone just shouts FAKE!

>Jewish man
The main characters are Boyega, a Black Man, Ridley, a White Woman, Isaac, a Hispanic Man, Tran, an Asian Woman, and Driver, a White Man.

None of them are jewish.

>He still respects the opinions of the "Storygoup".


source faggit

>fanboys are so desperately trying to redeem SJW Wars that they're creating headcannon of throw away scenes to try to tie things together

Face it, nobody can write poetry quite like George.

Does it mean that she has to fight against her clones?

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Its very disturbing to me how Kennedy looks so much like Margo Sullivan who i fap to from time to time. I dont care that much about Star Wars, but i care about my dick, and she's ruining it.

Stop watching porn

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Is that...?
>id's nod de east or de west side.

Are they going to explain how the First Order rules the entire galaxy with less than a hundred star destroyers?

Cinema does not have to conform to this kind of narrative framework when done artistically, that’s the true force (pun intended) of The Last Jedi instilled by Ryan Johnson.

What he did is akin to Romero’s Night of the living dead or Miller’s Mad Max : redefining a genre and in a way giving birth to a new one, from dull space opera to universe odyssey, en epic tale of humanity for an audience that was sadly not ready to grow up.

If anything, The Last Jedi should have been a wake up call for his targeted audience but alas, they rather resorted to catcalling the actresses and harassing the cast.

They made it up as they went along. There was no plan at all. It was a very poor way to handle the biggest movie franchise in existence.

yes, it turns out the galaxy only has like 30 planets.

Rebuild the churches you burned, fucking satan-boomerist fag

Kys shillfaggot

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Eva tropes have existed long before eva user

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It could be worse, in Dragon Ball Super the supreme Kai reveals that there are only 28 planets in Universe 7 that have mortal life, including Namek and Earth.

Jar Jar is in this movie. I'm not even joking. The most insane thing is, J.J is playing him. J lost a bet and some other inside joke about J.J standing for Jar-Jar, so it's a go. It is profile shot with him in the far back of the hall. Yall gonna flip.

There's only 1 planet in our universe that has sentient life so it's not far fetched

>it's a "judaism is a race because I don't understand how religion works" episode
The shittiest rerun.

wait why did leai hug rey like she knew her then??


luke died.

IRL Hamill's fine and Fisher's off to planet Cocania

It's funny how that turned out.

She used a staff while on Jakku so it’s not hard to see that she’s be good with a sword like object


the entire didney wars trilogy is a shitshow simply because its didney wars, however

the only bit of interest here is the metanarrative of a corporate monolith raping a franchise for cash

>Are jews a race?
No, its a disease.

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>Ashkenazi Jews aren't a race

>talking about jews
>the word 'nazi' in your post

based and blue hair pilled

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Jesus Christ. Really?

Starkiller turned out to not be a clone

There's a shitload of Christian imagery in 90s manga and anime for some reason. I think they just thought it looks cool, at least that was the case with Evangelion.

i like the solo's one

that interview with Anno saying "I think it looked cool" was him talking to kids in a pre-school

Race is a bullshit concept anyway. It's a half assed generalization of ethnic groups which are themselves a generalization of genetic groups. Race is a political invention used by the global elite to control people. It's a shitty concept been used to start wars for ages.

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Why are the blacked videos with the highest production value of the fucking market

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Hm... sounds awfully familiar.

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>biology is a conspiracy theory
get fucked creationist

>Race is a bullshit concept anyway

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The OT also wasn't planned in advance. Sometimes winging shit works out. Other times it doesn't. Disney just sucks.

what a retarded illustration

are there any actual leaks for the third act of this fuckin move


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>someone makes a leak of actual quality that would make a solid movie and maybe even wrap up the trilogy in a satisfying way

>someone makes a leak that would be truely awful and nobody would want to watch

Yea Forums is truly the most intolerable place on the internet

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thats not a stormtrooper helmet silhouette, you cunt. You are projecting. i can see a womans face with a bright left eye, it can be almost anything, stop being so fucking autistic.

I actually like this. I hope this is true.

HAHAHA this is literally a rip off of the ending from Resident Evil: Retribution. Sad!

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It's explained in the two films: The Resistance and the Republic are even bigger fucking brainlets than the First Order.

You're all stupid

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What's the point of watching Star Wars if ReyLo is not canon?

thats generally the audience of cartoons user

Reminder that Kylo murdered Luke, Han Solo, executed a village of moisture farmers and watched the Starkiller kill billions of people.

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Kylo is space Hitler and the sjw reylo fandom love him.

this isnt halo stupid. it's clearly on the right

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Funny since I don't believe in creationism and even have a degree in biology. Plus creationism is bad religion too, having gone to Catholic school. It's not biology. I'm saying race is a concept used by.. blech.. social "scientists" and politicians to generalize genetics in a way to rally people behind a bullshit concept. Sociologists use bad interpretations of biology to make up all kinds of horseshit.

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The meat of Eva is the characters, it doesn't have anything to say about Christianity in the same way that Thor doesn't have anything to say about norse mythology. It's window dressing.

>I have a degree in biology
Come on man, there are vocational degrees harder then fucking biology, you can be anything on the internet and you choose to be the brainlet of scientists.

Now HERE is a character I can agree is a Mary Sue. The director gave his literal waifu superpowers and even made multiple copies of her.

>the furries

>ywn have a silent duel between Corran Horn and Shedao Shai with a thunderstorm and the fate of Ithor hanging in the backdrop.
It would be absolute kino and you fuckers know it.

That and THE GANNER. Imagine this song playing out while THE GANNER performed his fucking "I claim this threshold as mine" scene.

Who wins in a confrontation, a band of Mandalorian warriors, or a squad of First Order Stormtroopers?

See. I wouldn't mind this.

>Rey is a mary sue! She's nigh omnipotent and can fly a spaceship with no training, defeat a sith apprentice with no training, and is basically invincible and all powerful!


See, I wouldn't mind that. But that seems more like JJ trying to patch up his plot with gigantic bandaids. Rey is astoundingly powerful and skilled compared to any character in previous movies, and yet no one finds this completely baffling. Everyone she meets should be like "What the fuck is your story? How can you fly the Falcon better than Han despite this being your first time? How have you mastered the force in a mater of days? How can you do any of the things you do?"

Instead no one seems to be that impressed. So if JJ does go full "genetically engineered super soldier" then that's a HUGE and obvious plot bandaid because the other characters reactions should have hinted that she was not normal at all. Instead everyone treats Rey as if she's normal. Skilled, but normal. Not completely bonkers overpowered like she actually is.

Mandalorian warriors every day always in new and old cannon, Mando culture is autistic in its devotion to winning small scale fights, a first order squad stands no chance against a squad of mando's but a first order army could beat an mado army if the first order is led by a good commander.


>The scene where Luke gently comforts Ray as she copes with the discovery she's just a fucking clone

I would have killed for that scene

oh wait luke is dead fuck you incel xD

>People complain about Rey and don't like her character.
>JJ conspires to have dozens of Rey clones die on screen.

No one wants to read a second rate comic or a sixth rate book.

Then shut the fuck up and stop complaining.

New Republic trooper steps on a downed FO trooper, uttering Imperial scum before delivering the coup de grace.

No faggot i enjoy complaining about this shit more then this retarded fucking franchise deal with it.

You mean a New Rebel Trooper, an enlisted member of the Galactic Rebellion, the new government established in this movie.

fight me

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So you just like being angry? You like complaining? Seek professional help friend, you have some deep-rooted psychological shit to deal with.

Is the last Jedi the Evangelion of Star Wars?

No, TLJ does not have an army of sexless weebs defending it.

Which is why, like his hero, the only way he's getting redeemed is feet first.

A whole army of Rey?

Imagine the orgy potential.

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New Republic has been fucked over so badly by the writers, I almost pity their sad existence to be wiped out just to keep the status quo of small heroes vs overpowering evil

If they wanted to take the lazy route, why didn't they simply plagiarized Kotor 2 and make Kylo a not!Revan?
>the Republic is at war with what remains of the Empire and start losing badly, as the latter become more ruthless than ever
>Kylo tells Luke he wants to intervene, but Luke says the students aren't ready
>Kylo goes anyway, hiding his true identity to his parents, and manages to make the Republic win
>he suddenly disappears and comes back later as the apparent Leader of the Empire
Much better than the shit we're getting.

Good goyim

That would not have fixed the movies.

>JJ WANTED to use more creative designs
nice try shill

What are you even talking about? If it’s not canon then they don’t have to adhere to that. They can do whatever they want with that concept moving forward.

No she's a clone of a female Anakin

endgame, mark my words
finnpoefags and reylofags on suicide watch

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There was a post a while back claiming that the Knights of Ren were clones of Rey. Seems to go along with this a bit.

Why didn't Kylo mention anything about it? He's the leader of the Knights of Ren.

You've been Disney'd friendo

How did it get to the point where one of the 20th centuries most beloved franchises is almost becoming irrelevant?

I've seen the original movies tons of times, I've watched all the prequels and sequels once, on TV, torrented.

No fucks about any of them or watching them again.

"is it true you're just a scavenger"
"it really is you"
he knows her

I guess this is the only way to fix the other two movies.

Maybe she was taken and hidden? I’m not sure by who though. Maybe Kylo himself? Maybe if they betrayed him he felt that he could at least train one apprentice. He probably didn’t want to tell her just as a manipulation tactic. There’s that theory that the shot of Kylo in the woods in the TROS trailer is him taking out the Knights of Ren. Kind of looks like one of them. If that’s the case then maybe there’s some evidence to suggest that they turned on him. Maybe she finds even more clones in the Death Star remains and discovers her real identity. I don’t think that’s too far out there for a main saga film. The message will have to do with being your own person and making your own destiny, not giving into the dark side even though you were bred for that purpose, etc. Typical shit.

This is a good idea. I doubt they'll do it. I bet it's the "you're all skywalkers now friends" and maybe some fucking time travel because of JJ

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Kill yourself nu wars cock sucker

The story group couldnt even keep the story straight for a year dumb fuck.

All shippers must hang

Youve onky seen tbe prequels once. Your opinions are irrelevant reddit nigger.

I always thought is showed Snoke silhouette

What did they contradict?

Disney wars doesn't connect to the real star wars movies at all. Not the characters, not the history not the concept of the force. Fuck disney and fuck you for supporting this shit.

Except that it technically does. Go seethe somewhere else.

Legends was better than nuwars. Fuck the story group

Because Legends wasn’t full of contradictory and dumb bullshit.

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That rabbit went through a god damn character arc making it better than Nu-Wars. How does that feel?

this is like a Rorschach testing on retards

It had some dumb stuff but the good stuff was miles better than anything nuwars has done so far.

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Legends wasn't having billions pumped into it by a megacorporation to give essentially the same results.

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>Except that it technically does
As a star wars autist i can guarantee you it doesnt.

I’m betting they’ll make Rey be the living incarnation of the Force or some shit
And have Sheev be puppeted by the Dark Side

Rey is a clone. That is what the spoilers said.

It was just one of the Emperor's giant boreholes. It's talked about (sort of) in Aftermath (book 3). Written by Chuck (Parentheses) Wendig(.)

kathleen kennedy is hot

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>There's a whole army of them, known as the Furies.
mega cringe.the rest is passable.


>electrobinoculars built into helmet
>uses hand held instead

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>revealing the backstory of the protagonist in the third movie or the trilogy

I hope you guys are ready for Star Wars X

>need to get from the port side of the bow to the starboard side in a heated battle
>have to walk 20 minutes around the 'circumference' of the ship

this is retarded enough to be true

This is what happens when they listened to RLM too much.

and I thought them digging up the corpse of star wars and brutally gangfucking it till the head has to be stapled back on the last 4 times was bad.

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yes they are, but the feedback loop of two of the same "energies" drives them insane, or kills them by hyper aging them.

Rei a shit. Misato best girl

Kashyyk camo scoutroopers are aesthetic af

What is this supposed to mean? That she is her own parent because CLONES? In any case, you can't stop an army of force users.

I read that as "Furries", still sounds good.

Actually while this is true across the board, Star wars toys have been bombinhg in comparison to the disney toys and marvel toys.

That guy killed himself.

That’s retarded. It would have been better if they’d just made her Luke’s daughter than this trash

Maybe he is just using it to take photos

My stupid ass was going into TFA with the idea that they redesigned Kyle Katarn and we'd have multiple people on the rebellion side using the force.

instead we get token black guy who cant even use the force. Shit I was hoping he'd atleast have a little bit in the fight against Ben but apparently he doesn't have enough midichlorians.


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>Kylo Ren
>Rey Klon
>Rey Clone

that is a really good pic of her.
the prequels, for all their faults, had their merchandising done by the hardest of hardcore SW fans, at lucasfilm. they understood what fans of all ages wanted, and marketed to them in unique ways.

this is done by the mouse.
Luke was on Dagobah for months. under one of the best trainers the jedi order ever had, outside of masters Ood Bnar and that Hutt that was the Dude Love version of a hutt.
is there going to be a rey clone orgy is the important question

10/10 master troll, well played