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y wont u date her already my dudes

So her daughter wants to be a men? Or is she refering to her son as her daughter? Is it also her kid or did she bought it? I can't keep up with the Newspeak.

damn, she is actually crazy.

>be African boy
>face lifetime of starvation and poverty
>rich actress wants to you adopt you
>shit son I hit the big time
>go to America
>she brainwashes you into thinking you’re a girl
>bongo bongo bongo I don’t wanna leave the congo

DIdn't her mom kill her father?

wait so is her daughter wanting to be a boy or is the boy wanting to be a girl?


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Where's the pic of him wearing girl's shoes and crying?

It's a boy who Charlize is convinced is "actually" a girl.
It's not even her kid either, it's someone she adopted.

>believing in genders
Reported to the Thought Police.

Why are people letting her do abuse to her children?

>3 years old

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is this legal? looks like child abuse

damn, kids are so much smarter than adults


this is why she will die alone. literally NO ONE wants to start dating a woman with multiple insane children when they're already past the age of 40.

>taking what a 3 year old has to say at face value
that's a yikes from me

she bought a boy and now puts dresses on him and pretends it's a girl

based Roastie taking pet niggers and making them sissys

Literal child abuse

I don't know

it's not child abuse if its just accepted enough that trying to stop it would be uncomfortable.
see circumcision.

I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a dinosaur when I was a kid. Why didn't my parents make me transition when I still had a chance?



Nothing wrong with being transgender, but you have to go all the way

And yet I couldn't be King, thanks mom

>when your career is dying

Can you repeat the question?

The child has a penis, but wants to wear a dress.

It's not the seven-year-old that pinned this label on himself.

>African American community reaction

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>be 3
>can barely babble out coherent statements
>thinking about goldfish or tater tots when suddenly an idea pops up
>I'm not a boy!
>get your dick sliced off and put on HRT because your mom is crazy

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It’s California so she probably gets a tax break for it.

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It's gotta be some kind of Mossad psyop right? Like Jazz actually being Palestine.

Clown world.

You fucks forgot that blind items post? She and 3 others are in on it.

Only a dumb roastie like her would take a 3-year-old's delusions seriously. When he says he's a fairy princess, do you address him by his royal title?

Oh no no no no noooooo

did you know that Kenyan infants fail the mirror test until they're 6 years of age? For comparison, European toddlers are self-aware at 3 months old.

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Will the madness never end.

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She must be a narcissist.

Taking bets on the first words of her next baby:
>$1.45 "I'm Transgender"
>$2.00 "future female"
>$3.50 "white bad"
>$500.00 "dad-da"

>3 years old
>still scared of the dark
>still don't know what sex is
>still don't know maths
>still don't know spelling
>still don't know more than a handful of animals
>5 minutes feels like an eternity
>both extremely impulsive and easily tired
>constantly daydreaming

>somehow of able to decide if you're transgender

This is child abuse

This kind of shit is what african warlords use to keep the moral up for their child soldiers: "You see this? You want no war? You want no enemy heart? You leave warband, you go America and become woman!"

he cute.

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This shit is so disturbing.

Is there a reason why most of celeb's children end up transgendered?

Celebrities get away with anything until people bother to fight back, that's why.

Everyone knew Weinstein for a rapist for decades.

>>bongo bongo bongo I don’t wanna leave the congo

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It's beautiful and empowering sweetie, and if you disagree you are literally a Nazi!

white people were a mistake



I'm seeing a pattern here... older... single.... white... women.... raising their sons to be.... daughters...

wtf? I hate charlize theron now.


>Be 3yrs old kid living together with a woman that murdered her own father and never had a husband
>Watching paw patrol, really likes it, plan to tell Mom I want to be like a character
>Mommm I'm not a boy I am a d-
>She interrupts me, tell me I don't need to finish my sentences and proceed to start giving me female hormones on the same day

It's all so tiresome.

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>children need a strong father fig-

Is it just me....or is it getting crazier out there?

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I did similar shit as a kid once. I wore heels as a 3 year old once and asked mom if I'm pretty because I thought that's what all adults do when they go out and such.
Safe to say she beat the fuck out of me and I never wore heels again.

Because a transgender kid is a great fashion accessory and shows what a progressive and open-minded person you are.

was really hoping the child's literal name was 7

it's obvious that celebrities are just the most sensitive and progressive people on the planet.
That's the only explanation for why it seems so common while in the general population it's extremely rare.
Surely they wouldn't be doing this for their own ego or positive PR.

Isnt there like an actors select few club in hollywood that does this transgender son shit for fun ?

Because they grow up in a fantasy setting. Or they're forced into it.

Indeed. This must be just another ploy of White devil to enslave and humilate black people.

actual clown world

Damn dude she's hot and looks like an uppity bitch

why does he wear the mask?

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Fucking sick. Can Cali just fucking explode already?

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Every single kid role plays as anything interesting to them at any given moment. If they keep it up for more than a moment they were led there with positive reinforcement.


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Holy fuck, clown world is real.
Why should I even bother to function in this parody?

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women were a mistake

*snap* yep that's going in my cap folder

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He's gonna commit suicide at 18 and it's all her fault

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That's not new speak your are just a. Goddam retard

Naomi Watts isn't single and that queer Schreiber is just into it as she is.

I wonder why

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but the son that is "transitioning" is a white boy.

My three year old daughter has told me a few times she's a boy. But not nearly as many times as she has told me she's a dinosaur or a dragon. What the fuck is wrong with her? Is being transgender not enough?

she doesn't have offspring of her own, she bought a few niglets to play pretend

wikipedia actually says their relationship ended in 2016.

I guarantee after they separated she started to "transition" this kid herself.

>Is there a reason why most of celeb's children end up transgendered?


Satan's gifts are always poisoned.


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That would be pretty cool tbqh

>why are celebs showing the last fashion?

I would fuck her (him) in her (his) ass (boipussy), if you know what I mean

>Yes, I thought he was a boy, too," the 43-year-old admitted to The Daily Mail. "Until he looked at me when he was three years old and said, "I am not a boy! I am a dragon rawr!"

In 20 years this is going to bite them back in their ass so fucking hard it will be glorious. It will be like people going back 4 years in twitter to find an offensive joke, only multiplied by a thousand.

based progressive user

>ITT: Incel central

Seriously, why the fuck do you even care what others do with their lives? How does it affect you in any way? Are you that resentful at yout shitty lives that you have to bring everyone else down with you to feel better? Unironically have sex.

Pd. Charlize is a beautiful brave woman in her prime, and her daughter is even more beautiful now that she's living her true self. I wish them luck in their journey.

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>step up and marry me

nice pet monkey

>but the son that is "transitioning" is a white boy.

in 20 years these mangled frankenkids will end up murder-suiciding their sick fuck parents

1/10 too obvious.

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Her and her husband really are fucking up their kids. Fucking hell.

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imagine being the adopted son of Charlize Theron and instead of wanting to rape her at every moment what you really want is to wear a dress and be a sissy that have to be the gayest nigger ever

I shouldn't care that parent's abuse theur children and warp their identity?

post it

The west will have completely collapsed in 20 years, this will just be one of the causes.
We are living on borrowed time

That was a very odd case. They were seeing a dominatrix that was shooting ketamine and estrogen into their dicks.

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Imagine the smell

Bingle bangle bungle I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
Don’t want no estrogen, dresses, dick chopping surgery I make it clear
That no matter how she asks me
I’ll stay right heeeeeeeere

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imagine if your mommy charlize theron decided she wanted a daughter instead of a son so she forced you to wear dresses and then she pegged you to train you to be more girly

jesus christ

Is "transgendering" your kids and putting them on hormone blockers worse than parents who are "regular", physical child molesters?

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I wish prime charlize pegged me tbqh

that's too early for a child to be saying that kind of shit. only a parent would.

I went through a phase when I was 4 where I wore girls clothing, thank god I grew up before this hysteria.

There's gotta be a perfectly legal and 100% Constitutional way to turn California into a containment State for all this degeneracy. Give 'em a taste of their own medicine. Let 'em have all the Socialism, all the immigrants, and however many genders they want.

Mosley must've think somewhat the same at some point.

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yes at least molested children can grow up to be marginally healthy adults and procreate

see there was also a follow up blind that said liev schreiber changed his mind and accepted it

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Honk honk

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I now only hear prime in an aussie accent

Why is this so normalized its a fucking kid he prob doesn't even remember what clothes he wore last week.

My 3 year old nephew told me he was spiderman

protip: This is advanced pimping. Decadent celebs get progressive points, go to talkshows, receive proposals for movies with big directors/producers. Then the big names stay some time alone with these brave, amazing and beautiful kids, knowing them more intimately...

Theron fucked up tho, no one wants ooga boogas freaks

It’s over. I give western civilization 10 years tops.

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Fucking genius. Make deal with Satan where you have to give him your first born son. Convince Son he’s a girl so you don’t have to pay up.

Do it in California so you get a tax break

he had it coming
kinda feel bad for him tho

No, you shouldn't. I'm not him, but you seriously shouldn't. Because it won't impact your life at all. It's not these people who are keeping you from making money or getting laid, it's you. Work on you. You are all you have, you are all you can trust. And I don't give a shit how Jewish you think that logic is, it's all any of us have been left with. They won before we got here. Cope or end yourself.

So did my kid. I threw him off the roof.

Woah there, buddy. Cool it with the antisemitism.

This is what America does to children.

Sounds like an amazing, wonderful life. I mean, I seriously envy the Wachowski sisters. They're the only sci-fi visionaries who have actually committed themselves to pioneering the next evolutionary phase of humanity. They are what David Bowie only imagined being.

How is this legal?

i swear these people treat children like customizable gadgets rather than actual people
then again actors arent much different so it makes sense

Reminder that these images specifically of her son trigger discord trannies as it shows a childhood they will never experience.

This is the future anyone who voted for Obama chose

they look in their pants

Jesus Christ, are these people mentally ill?

Why are you pretending to give a shit about some noglet she bought and paid for? If she decides to launch fireworks from his ransacked asshole, who gives a shit? It's just merch.

the modern equivalent of a chihuahua in a bag

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insane women raise insane children

Huh? So they can't have ice cream like a child? What?

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fuck puppets for suits*

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he cute

>just ignore it bro don't matter
>fast forward to 2019 its all reaching a climax where tranny/gay shit is shoved in your face 24/7

Not gonna lie, this is hilarious

ITT: Yea Forums pedos pretend to worry about kids.

Next time you get into an argument with a discord tranny just post these images.

he meant that to say they're destined to be fugly frankenpeople