What are the must-watch Vietnam movies? I already watched Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now and I'm looking for more

What are the must-watch Vietnam movies? I already watched Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now and I'm looking for more

Attached: 187396.jpg (610x804, 326K)

Jacobs ladder and platoon

I remember this image used to be posted unironically.

why does Hollywood keep pushing this?

Attached: maki392.jpg (646x712, 84K)

I'd bet my life savings that whoever made this image browses Reddit

In case a war breaks out, people will go after the (((elites))). Better to keep everything perfectly in place within the multiracial progressive neoliberal framework :^)

It's more:
>WAR against communism BAD
>WAR against enemies of Israel GOOD

Is it not a joke?

so you remember things that never happened

>WAR against communism GOOD
>WAR against enemies of Israel BAD
Why does /pol/ keep pushing this?

Attached: 1491632881606.png (281x509, 158K)