Well actually, alpha males aren’t actually a thing. You can ask any biologist and they’ll be like “What!...

Well actually, alpha males aren’t actually a thing. You can ask any biologist and they’ll be like “What!?” The simple truth of the matter is that everyone has their own skills - take a nerd. He might not be the alpha male on a sports team but he is the alpha male of his D&D club.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Alpha is defined by how desired that person is by the females. Not his skills.

>X isn't a thing, but here's two examples of X existing
what did he mean by this?

alpha is defined by leadership
females are more likely drawn to leaders

By your logic these are all alphas. Are you retarded?

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I can't wait to gas these people

No alpha is defined by status

An alpha chad in a dand d nerd group would be the alpha. His lack of skill come not into the equation even by the nerd standarts.

Uhmmm... Well actually preference varies widely, and again, i'm not an expert on this, I can only adhere to the science. Some of my close friends who are women told me they don't like muscular guys. So you can't just make general statements like that or you are disagreeing with science.

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Yes, they are.

ITT: /fit/ rages that muscles won't make up for their poor social skills IRL

but I could beat them all up in a 7vs1 cage match

And you have nothing

Thanks for making me sure that you're baiting. Show all the (You)s you got to your mommy!

An alpha is an integrated male who knows God and takes care of himself and his family

Adam is fucking lefty faggot but he isnt COMPLETELY wrong. I think if you take parts from what Joe said and what he said you would get a correct point of view

I mean he is so wrong though. Shit hits the fan and the world starts to end do you think the little nerds will be the ones running the place ?

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>women don't like muscle
This is such a fucking pathetic cope. When I go out to a club I get fucking groped by all sorts of roasties. Women just lie through their teeth when they're sober and you have to be fucking retarded to believe them at face value.

t. /fit/fag

>You can ask any biologist and they’ll be like “What!?”
Pretty sure biologist have heard this term and how it's applied to the males who tend to spread their genes more fruitfully.
This sounds like beta cope

Do gamma males like him exist?


the problem with the modern conception of Alpha male is that people still believe in some obsolete vision of "the strongest man" is the an alpha male because of similarities to the animal kingdom, but our modern society doesn't have that much regard for physical strength, we see it as brutish and it won't get you far in life. Modern alpha males are self made men who are able to lead companies and or communities with their sheer charisma and intelligence (which a lot of leftist pinko nerds like Adam think is untrue because they also believe that Chad is an "alpha male" and think that Elon Musk is one of them, despite Musk being nothing like them)

tl;dr weak men cope

so why do they fuck skinny fuckbois?

>my close friends who are women told me they don't like muscular guys
Women are experts at lying to themselves and others.

Because face > everything else, its just pathetic cope from /fit/fags that think they can compete with fuccbois that get 10/10 while they get used up roastie in clubs.

Because you're an 18 year old, maybe underage and most guys your age are rail thin.

>the nerd in a dnd club is the alpha of a socially constructed niche hobby that no one outside of the closely nit circle truly gives a shit about

You can just replace muscle with whatever the criteria are that make men dominant and attractive and it wouldn't discredit the notion that alpha males exist

If they fuck hotter and more women than you they win. You can call them sissy pretty boys all you want, they're still getting better pussy than you.

>"Dude there's no hierarchy"
>Goes on to describe a hierarchy
Is he stupid?

How many can raise a family?

if joe stood up and walked toward adam intimidating him and adam coward like the beta bitch he is how would adam explain his reaction?
what his ***science*** behind him cowering in front of the stronger more assertive male in the room

'round here we call that a "cope"

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Not just females, males too. All people are naturally drawn to alphas.

You let out something important, for example that among Chimpanzees the alpha male is not necessarily the strongest but the smartest. Some primates even run on matriarchal.

Who cares, you'll probably do it for them cuck.

In 7 billion people its not hard to find a group of alphas and make them work for you. Or is it the twink thing that is upsetting you? Well different culture begets different standards.

Jamie pull that up.

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I'm not arguing that they're getting better pussy than me. My point is just because wemen want to fuck them doesn't mean they'e alphas (obviously)

>im im not an expert but here's my expert opinion and if you disagree you're wrong

Im gay

ok true, my mind went directly for more popular animal groups like wild canines or felines not primates

>the star of the high school football team is the alpha of a socially constructed niche hobby that no one outside of his podunk town truly gives a shit about
See how easy that was?
Change the word "town" to "country" and the logic still applies.

And if this was a post apocalyptic society you would be the alpha, but its not, its a society filled with luxury, so the most desired, well liked and alpha are a bunch of plastic surgery riddled pretty boys in Asia.

There are more movies about handegg taken seriously as works of art than pedophiles in the MTG community, which is all about artwork on pieces of cardboard.

Women don't know what they want. They are a hurricane of emotions and unironically drain me of energy.

it would make the term alpha useless except as a post-facto endorsement of their success.

in other words it would remove the real purpose of the word alpha in this thread: as a way for people with an inferiority complex to convince themselves they've found the one true route to infinite pussy.

I don't think you quote understand.

He loves science. He uses science. Disagreeing with him is anti-science.

the structure of human society has always been based around alpha males.
whether it's the patriarch of a family, the head of a hunting troop, a chieftain, a general, a king, emperor, a president or a prime minister.
to deny this reality is to be a retard.

despite all this he probably has a better figure than 95% of all men, well Americans at least

That nerd looks like the type to say some shit like that.

Test post, please ignore.

They're desired. So yes. Doesn't matter if you think they're feminine or whatever the fuck. I doubt your average stac would go for it, only kpop obsessed women.

This is what beta boy pussies tell themselves to feel better about being weak little bitches

actually it's always been about oligarchies. kings fulfil a specialized PR role as the face of the government but are dependent on advisors and tribal elders. no one is going to have PR, admin, and political skill sets all in one person and if they did there still wouldn't be enough time to run even a primitive government.
you're mistaking packaging for function.

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all people in leading positions serve an alpha male role. you have to consider the ratio of beta/gamma peasant whatever males to the leader type people, and see it's the same as a smaller scale tribe. of course a 'tribe' the size of a country will need more people running it.


dude made such a fool of himself lol

they literally are

and yet women would still feel more loyalty to them instead to you, even if you beat them up
they'd win even in their failure, thus they're more alpha than you, especially in a society where violence gets you nothing

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True, but women respond to at least some skills.


the guy has zero survival skills, it's impossible he's in a 10 year relationship by saying that taking care of your wife is just by talking to her without doing any chores

I think all the baseless claims and wildly different opinions being thrown around itt can allow me to make the guess that nobody here actually has a concrete definition for "alpha male" or "beta male", they're just meme words that get a lot of play because they sound nice

>alpha males dont exist
>also x person can be an alpha in y environment even if he's a beta in another one
why does he contradict himself?
although the second one is true to a degree. While there are pretty objective standards, your alpha-dom is highly influenced by environment and how you act on it. Why do you think white averages score high in asia? Because with the change in environment, their position changes.
while girls in a k-pop club might see the kpoppers as most desireble, a emo girl might see a goth guy in her favourite band as it.
And while one of you sucks at everything at least they might be extremely alpha in the shitpost setting, and a boxer might be a huge pussy during camping or whatever.
multi-tool alphas are pretty rare

>Alpha males arent a thing
>Mentions Alpha male twice after first statement

Half of them are literally pimps/drug dealers. Just because they dress like fags to attract weird white women doesn’t mean they are fags.

- Women fuck men they perceive to hold the most power over other men in their surroundings, by which method said men achieve this power depends on environmental factors such as acceptance of violence, influence of personality/money, laws, rules, etc. .

- The higher IQ a woman has, the wider and more long-term she thinks. Hence why "low iq trash" women would fuck some local drug dealer, because he's considered to be "cool" and "has money", but if this woman had a bit more IQ, she'd realise he's a worthless piece of trash with no influence or power over men just outside his immediate surroundings (the men in his immediate surrounding probably have less money than him, and are probably addicted to the drugs that he deals).

- This is why for example in our highly integrated global society, the men considered to be the most attractive by the most intelligent women, are CEO's, celebrities, politicians, military leaders, etc. .

- Now, even if a highly intelligent woman considers the above mentioned profiles to be the most attractive, being highly intelligent also means you are able to calculate the likelyhood if you landing a serious, stable and comfortable relationship with men in such positions. If said intelligent woman calculates that she would be unable to land such a relationship with such a man, she will set her sights on men who posess qualities which while also attractive, may not be the 'most' attractive given current societal circumstances, and whom are more readily available in her immediate surroundings, say a very strong and good looking guy with a stable job in her neighbourhood.

Can you incels now please stop.

>have sex

To add this post, there are numerous factors which can throw a womans calculation of which man she perceives to be the most attractive/realistic for her to attain completely off, such as mental illness. So even a very intelligent womans calculations of what man she should be aiming for, can sometimes be 'off' due to things like that. Another example would be societal propaganda aimed at mentally manipulating people.

Sophism is a hell of a drug.

this, it's literally the biological imperative of the entire concept of an alpha male

anyone who equates being alpha with anything other than sexual attractiveness and mating success is a coping numale retard trying to redefine common sense

Americans actually so retarded they can't use basic social hierarchy system and replace it with alpha-beta shit just to continue being retarded and call brainlet sheep gammas "muh real alpha male".

Like actually believing into splitting social position into only 2 groups without even basic meaningful interactions between them.

Women are attracted to twinks just as much as fit men. Remember how massive Justin Bieber was in his prime.

watch the clip, it's very clear what he means
humans don't have what biologists or anthropologists mean by an alpha male


>...a female's ideal mate choice among potential mates is one whose genes will produce male offspring with the best chance of reproductive success.
>This also implies that a potential mate's capacity as a parental caregiver or any other direct benefits the father can offer the mother, such as nuptial gifts or good territory, are irrelevant to his value as the potential father of the female's offspring.

>In a society where males compete with each other to be chosen as he-men by females, one of the best things a mother can do for her genes is to make a son who will turn out in his turn to be an attractive he-man. If she can ensure that her son is one of the fortunate few males who wins most of the copulations in the society when he grows up, she will have an enormous number of grandchildren. The result of this is that one of the most desirable qualities a male can have in the eyes of a female is, quite simply, sexual attractiveness itself.

>...research on the ovulatory shift hypothesis has shown that during the most fertile times of their menstrual cycles, human females are more attracted to more masculine and physically attractive men, and to men whose physical features are indicative of a higher exposure to testosterone during key developmental periods.

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and again, i'm not an expert on this
and again, i'm not an expert on this
and again, i'm not an expert on this
and again, i'm not an expert on this
and again, i'm not an expert on this

This. If you have strong enough willpower, a woman will want whatever you want.

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>t. /fit/fag

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>everybody on Yea Forums is pathetic like me!
Incel-tier cope, my nigga.

Having a good jawline is way more important than having muscles, which is more of a gay guy thing.

cope harder """/fit"""fag

Imagine having to cope so hard

pic related is a guy whom all women would rather fuck over your CEOs, politicians and generals, no matter how intelligent those women were

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"little nerds" are a stock character

post body

Realistically how many years of training to get this body?

It's not.

4 months

I suppose you could call it lying to themselves, but I think it's more that they are absolutely clueless.

3 months

He's not white, so most women won't dare touch him and the ones that will have various psychological issues.

>anecdotal reference
>if you disagree with it you are disagreeing with science
did he actually say this or are you just being retarded

3 months assuming you're low bf already

Jesus Christ this entire podcast was his projection of insecurities onto the male population, especially that shit about men being pressured by society to not be close to their friends.

Nope, because if they tried to cuckold those men with the man you just posted, they'd find out through DNA testing (since they're intelligent aswell), and the woman in question being intelligent aswell, would not risk her genes/life by doing something as stupid as that.

Only a low IQ retard, such as yourself, would think that's something that could happen.

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Depends from where you start.
2 years if your skinnyfat

post face

Little girls are attracted to twinks
Women like masculine men

Actually it's been more about groups, not single individuals. Patriarchs aren't alpha males. They have power because of their age and status as founder of a family. A lot of those other positions aren't exactly comparable to "alpha males" either.

>Contradicts his own statement

what a fucking retard

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>you have to consider the ratio of beta/gamma peasant whatever males to the leader type people, and see it's the same as a smaller scale tribe
Any source for this?

wanting a long-term relationship with and wanting to have sex with are different things. women will have sex with one type of man and then allow another type of man to raise the resulting kid.

Some women might, some might not. It varies a lot.

Not him but no they don't.
Haven't you seen all the puppet emperors and kings, the ultimate 'leading position' but with little or neutered power? You can hardly call them alpha males. Nor can you call the eunuchs and emasculated advisors that usually controlled them alphas either.