what is some live kino Yea Forums ?
What is some live kino Yea Forums ?
ukraine riots were pretty kino
i'm sick of it all friends
will it ever get better?
It'll get a lot worse before it gets any better. Prepare accordingly.
They even tried to build a trebuchet
what is happening to france
riots and demonstrations with hundreds of thousands accross the country being censored the last 6 months
>pic from 5 min ago
Holy based. Only when we lose everything we are free to do anything
boomers are mad
It never gets better but it can always get worse
Before the EU we didn't have 300% inflation, it's basically all organized poverty, unemployment ever since, and worst is the good nigger cattle population work to solely get robbed of their earnings, everything is laundered and funneled towards financing foreign wars and the migrant invasion.
>unironically shilling a russian propaganda channel
nobody cares about the "riots" anymore, the movement died like 3 months ago
source: am French
>blocks a baton with his arms
fuck off retard, yellow vests still active in more than a dozen countries, can't help every single platform and fake news MSM censors them
Of course they are. They stole their sons and daughters futures. The kids found out and turned against them. Can't have that. Gotta use up all that money before they die, THEN their kids can deal with the mess. No sooner.
The EU is the state of the future which was planned well before the first world war. All citizens will be a low IQ mixed race mongoloid that is easy to control and will be ruled over be a technocratic elite that will eventually merge with machines and live forever.
Why the fuck hasn't Macron stepped down yet? No other "Democracy" could get away with 23 weeks of protesting and still have mandate to govern.
>fake news MSM
as opposed to RT, the most objective Kremlin endorsed journalism there is
I walked past them in amsterdam and it was like 30 people tops....
There's 10-12k people tops each week, nobody gives a shit.
get off it
Get off it.
>burning peoples cars and bikes instead of public buildings or politican homes
thats pure evil
they aint out in force because of immigration btw. far from it.
my favorite part is the cognitive dissonance who goes into supporting the cuck vests and shitting on black blocs who do the same shit
when you have a bloody revolution as your foundation myth you shouldnt be surprised when people riot
>Get close to politicans house
>Get hundreds of cops and secret service people arresting you for domestic terrorism before you can climb over the fence to their gated mansion
Nothing, a bunch of unemployed boomers wants more gibs, as usual, so they break a few things and burn some tires each saturday because they have nothing better to do
Then a bunch of keyboard warriors glorifies them and /pol/ tries to convince itself they are against immigration and shit when most jackets just want to do a referendum about more gibs and have nothing to propose beyond that...
Movement is also infiltrated by a bunch of antifa in disguise who are just here because they like burning shit for no reason.
so what? you are rioting arent you? why does burning a poor guy bike acomplish anything?
really curious about the line of thought
post more riot kino bros
I feel like every euro country is becoming a seething pot
>be scared of the upper class
>fuck with the working class which ends up shitting on your reputation and making you lose followers to the point your movement becomes irrelevant in just a couple of months
based 50 IQ vests
>be a /pol/ user in 2016
>watch livestreams of protestors petrol-bombing cars and smashing windows
>"OMG WW3 is coming the world is fucked this is so epic!!1!"
>3 years later
>WW3 isn't here, Macron is president, LePen hasn't been heard from since she lost in 2017
>protestors are still burning shit
>realised that /pol/ is filled with losers who want the world to burn to make up for their own personal defects
Nothing is happening, retards.
case in point you end up having an unrealistic perception of the world when you don't ever leave your house and get all your info from safespace bubble news websites
Shit the stream is pretty comfy
>be rioting
>still pussing out with fear of being arrested
women behaviour
The french voted for a neoliberal and now they are mad he is doing neoliberal shit.
>be assblasted neolib stooge
>get mad at a bunch of loners for revelling in riot/protest streams
reminder that the core of the gilets jaunes movement was just simply people getting a bit miffed that petrol prices went up and has been infiltrated by anarchists and the alt-right
That shits still going on? When will they learn that socialists don't give a shit about what the little people think, and see the little people as bugs that need a heavy hand of "leadership" decoding all things for them for their own good?
Why can't they just shut up and pay higher gas and emissions taxes to compensate the government for the added pollution caused by that very same government de-whitening France by bringing in millions of "refugees" and putting them on French roads?
Based Frogs Notre Dame-ing their own city
kino as fuck
Who would play the Ukrainian snipers paid to fire into protesters and the police?
I am hearing gun shots (probably tear gas grenades) now. What the fuck?
They voted for him like we voted for Obama. But the imported voters DID vote for him to serve their interests over France, and their numbers are high enough to effect elections now. He doesn't represent the French people at all, nor does he care to.
That's why dems in America are engineering surges on our border and sending them to republican-voting districts while getting pissed at Trump for sending them to areas that already vote democrat.
>french government
the absolute state of americans' perception of political affiliation
Remember that altho most are probably good people, cops are the tool that allows big capital owners to inflict violence and oppress the working class.
>Remember that altho most are probably good people, cops are the tool that allows big capital owners to inflict violence and oppress the working class.
At this point with how things are in Europe, I don't know if you can call them good people. No good person would be towing the line for the leaders of places like the UK, France, Sweden or Germany.
Most are good people as in most probably don't realize how they end up working against their interests and the interests of the working class.
i get what's wrong with the tories in the uk, but what's actually wrong with the others?
It's not about big capital, you stupid leftist.
It's about the rising costs of European immigration and how the French people are expect to shoulder more and more of the cost - while they themselves are seeing rising food, gas, rent, and other costs due to the surge in demand - while they themselves are being economically-displaced from all good-paying jobs in favor of the invaders "for the sake of economic equality."
TL;DR: they're making less and less while all costs around them keep rising - and Macron wants more from them.
It's so difficult for "revolutions" to actually start, nowadays. After the end of the WWI, and especially after the various fascist/commie revolutions, the western world has bunkered itself with contingency plan after contingency plan to make sure such a thing could never happen again. As long as the French have no idea how to assign a leader and act with some coordination, it'll never mean anything more than burning cars and the odd dead guy. It's especially a problem when people are too scared to put any genuine pressure on the police and actually try and fight them hand-to-hand.
And it's definitely not an anti-immigration group, overall.
you're glowing in the dark, nigger
It's almost as though they should be focusing more on coordination and showing up in numbers too big to control rather than showing up in Paris week after week and setting random cars on fire.
cameras and fingerprints
This. Was exactly the same about three years ago. It's actually lovely to have that weight lifted off your shoulders when you realize the depth of inanity you've surrounded yourself with.
I'm sure some retard will take this as me being a blackpilled leftist, but many of my political opinions are more or less the same, I've just stopped going to /pol/ and have actually focused more on my own personal happiness.
This needs better direction
didnt they use the trebuchet to bombard a government building or was it one of the catapults?
they also made armour and weapons out of street signs
it was kino as fuck
Oh so Professor X is there
>dude there are tons of homeless people and people on the brink of homelessness but what can you do?
notre damm is more important than a bunch of wortless plebs though
Too bad this whole shitshow did nothing good for the country.
>a building is more important than people
No other channel covers it.
Not that guy but Notre-Dame certainly comes before gypsies and sandniggers squatting in the streets.
its a nice building
They also set fire to the ministry of finance iirc
yes, user, part of growing up is realizing there are things greater than ourselves.
My mans gave him that 2 piece with a large soda
might be a numbers game, fuel tax/(police overtime+property damage+closed businesses)
more like "part of growing up is putting the buildings I like above the suffering of other humans"
As far as news goes, ill take Kremlin sponsored over kike sponsored.
you didnt need to greentext, its true, ancient egyptian temples are worth more than every egyptian alive today
>that polish guy is 94kg
based Hans
humans who smell and shit on the streets and never made anything of worth compared to a cathedral built on a sacred place for more than two thousand years in wich some of the best craftsman spend their live on it, think about all the workers puting the stones, the stainglasses, all those hours... thats worth way more than your life, sorry to be the one telling you about it but you have to grow up and face the truth
Some fucking stunning photos
fuck homeless "people"
I mean it's a nice building but are people really putting blocks of stone infront of the needs of their fellow men?
We starve, blocks of stone don't.
based /heem/poster
their fellow man? lol, they are not bakers or doctors, they are scum, degenerates, drug adicts, they chose their life
and its not just building, its a national symbol, a monument, living history, more than three centuries of work, thats worth more than some 60 year old smelly fag who have probably never done anything positive in their lif, not even cleaning their ass
That's not the point, it's that when they rebuild it they will make it look ugly, on purpose.
Has somebody put up the Great White/Station Nightclub fire yet?
>that's not good
>Has somebody seen my husband? ARGHHH ARGHHHH
>i know, man
My name is Doug...
A lot of them are victims of economic marginalization by French liberals who transferred the nation's jobs and wealth to the immigrants.
Where do you think all of the Mohammeds and Obama-people shopping at Harrods, Selfridge, and Galeries Lafayette got their money from? Why is it that there's a radical demographic shift at our hospitals, engineering firms, and other STEM-degree workplaces?
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