Is melly coming back?
/got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm acting
cersei & jaime die together
She's getting my cum back, yeah.
Yes, she told Varys she would return to die in Westeros, same as him
Plus she needs to meet Arya again to fulfil that callback
Azor Boar
Remember when Melly Sanders said she would meet Arya again after she bought Gendry from the Brotherhood With Banners? Do you think D&D forgot about it all and it won't happen or do you think they'll meet up this season for some reason?
she has to come back to explain azor ahai to the showfags
Probably not, and they probably won't ever tie the red god back into the story either. Just forget Jon was resurrected and forget that Dondarrion has also been resurrected about 10 times, and also his flaming sword he swipes on when needed. Just turn your brain off bro.
You knew what I meant, frig off.
First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.
Where is Edmure?
posting in a /got/ Melly edition
He has never left, user.
Post yfw Stannis comes back as the Lord of Light.
That Jew nose.
She will probably return just to die peacefully of her old age. Assuming Arya kill her, it will just be a mercy kill. Otherwise she probanly sacrifice herself for some important stuffs near the climax.
This thread is now blessed.
>First Servant
She's got one of those necklaces. Maybe she's being literal
best hairstyle
Have sax.
Azor Theon
best tits
>stannis will never make you wet
you just know she was that "cool girl" in school that was hanging out with boys all the time
Do all red priests have blue eyes? maybe that dothraki wife was right about people with blue eyes being witches
that's meant to represent jon snow small pecker coming back to life.
But have the writers forgotten him?
>0 ass
How do lords always fight with their men in battle but almost never die?
Pic is kino as fuck
What about the black and asian ones then.
lmao at you faggots
literally d&d spends season 6 and 7 shitting on stannis constantly
even when he's dead they still shit on him.
She's 32. Imagine what she'll look like in ten years.
Why shop out the eyebrows, she looks retarded enough as is
how wil danyfags recover
Who cares? The show is almost over and we'll never see her again.
karstark and umber both died during battle of the bastards
t. nigger
>when you have to kiss emilia again.gif
Just give me a GRRM tell-all QnA after the finale. He needs to explain the magic because he's never going to finish the book.
in my heart
Why couldn’t they just make the sword look better why does he have 2 swords fuck you dabid
>that file name
>The end of the show
>Jamie is the last thing that is standing between the Night King and Bran
>NK is impressed with Jamie not running away
>"Finally, a true k***ht" he says
>"No", says Jamie as his sword is set ablaze
>"A Kingslayer"
> I will give you a son user
rare stannis
wtf how did the butcher it so bad. fukin
Imagine being Kit Harrington in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Emilia Clarke, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and horrific 1000 year old monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck Rose Leslie his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Kit and not only sit on that dragon while Emilia Clark flaunts her disgusting eyebrows in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that smirk. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, EMILIA CLARKE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of gingers and redheads for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in London. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled forehead as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the dabid calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Kit. You're not going to lose your future b-movie career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
wait 5 minutes and tribute the right side
>somebody cared to fix it
Stannis is back, boys.
Azor Hodor
I don't want Varys to die.
She's back next episode
Varys will die like a little bitch. Not the way Littlefinger died, begging for his life, but like stannis "oh who cares just get it over with"
they will probably do a comedic hardcut
Just die breh
>abandoned plot #5982376
My guess is a giant explosion. I also don't want Edd or Royce to die. Leave some secondary characters alone. But they will all die I already made peace with it. There really is such a thing as killing too many characters.
It’s realistic of the medieval ages, m8. George told me so.
back in season 3 or whatever the season it was, why does Ayra have the hound on her list to kill? he always helped her.
dear got gen, how did jacky hagar get locked up by a few goldcloaks if hes some super assassin who knows magic and shit?
Then the war would last more than 2 years and most significant players would die of random illness. After first three seasons I was sure that Walder Frey will die of old age because it fit the nature of the story. But no it ended in fan service epic personal revenge.
he killed the butchers boy micah in season 1, and that kid was her friend
>he always helped her
He killed her friend
He killed some fat butcher boy
royce will not die because they need for eerie shit at the end of the show with sweet robin
edd might die, depending on if "king jon" decides to rebuild wall or not. cause they might do the NO MORE WALLS ending
The plot demanded it.
Jorah Momo
Where is Thorpe of Myr?
Because unlike Arya, he respects the Faceless Men rules. You aren't to change faces in plain sight or other scenarios where it would jeopardize the organization. This includes being jailed and dying behind bars.
More like where's Anguy? Or Ser Illyn? Don't tell me that the actor survived a near 100% certain death by horrible illness just so the writers can ignore his character.
yes but how did he get caught in first place?
>Because unlike Arya, he respects the Faceless Men rules
that was pre season 5
jaqen after that is basically confirmed to be the "leader" of faceless men
game fo shit
Does arya look cute in this current season or has she gotten weird?
>oh god she’s had Seth McFarlanes cock and balls in her mouth, she probably gargled on his cum, I bet she blows niggers too
game of social media marketing
Her Bong-genes got sent into hyperdrive.
so im almost done reading the latest thrones book, and its crazy how different its getting then the show. so many important characters in the books never even mentioned in the show.
fucking catelyn stark is some weird revenge zombie, some kid named young griff has the same name as jon snow, and now davos has to go on some suicide mission to win some lords favor so he will join stannis? they should have just made this show 12 seasons long
>Game of Kill-old-white-man
>Game of Diversity-love-subplot
the fat fuck probably doesn't have a clue how to bring the story to a close since there are too many plotlines and loose threads. winds of winter may come out but he will never complete the story
Why did Tywin have such a "turnaround" and decided he wanted Tyrion dead? They more or less had come into terms in the first 3 seasons, but it seems that when Joffrey died he intentionally gave him a trial he wouldn't win to execute him
Bran is Bran the Builder incarnate.
Prince who was Promised was the original good guy, and Azor Ahai was the original bad guy.
Rheagar was the true Prince who was promised, and Jon Snow is the lightbringer and the ultimate bad-guy who will become the next Night King.
Night King was the original Azor Ahai.
it's funny how people blame GRRM for not writing the books fast enough when D&D went off the books as fucking early as they possibly could
I hate this piece of shit so much
Will Mel birth another shadow baby?
he is based
Also do you think Sansa will meet Cersei again when the power has shifted?
The one im always confused about is why Cersei is on her list. I cant think of anything she actually did to wrong Arya or even Sansa for that matter.
>it's a theon gets his cock back season
You were beautiful this morning, user.
The glistening stream of golden piss flowing out was beautiful.
The piss, user.
The piss.
Who would win, Young "Noh" Ned, or Isildur "No!" High King of Gondor.
>retard forgets Lady/Nymeria/Joffrey/Mycah incident
I think he may finish if he lives that long but it will be underwhelming. he should've outlined and stuck to it.
Sorry to be sentimental, but I am quite drunk. I just want to say that I love you bastards. I have always looked forward to posting in /got/ throughout the years. Our time together will soon draw to a close. We will all go our own ways, but I will always remember these times. All the shitposts, disappointment, theories. Please appreciate the threads we have left with each other.
delete this
Isildur has the upper hand until Frog stabs him in the neck
also rickon is on some island with cannibals or some shit
Shut the fuck up you drunk faggot
I don't think it's ever touched upon. I assume he was caught and never got the chance to change faces without giving away the Faceless Men.
She almost did it guys! it would be the end of the show basically. Well almost. I guess white walkers would come after.
i missed /got/ very much, it's much more important than the show/books the uncensored version of it
I love you too.
imagine what her belly button tastes like
is he retarded now?
>mornin' user
Tywin thought that the imp poisoned King Joff, he was pouring his wine and all that. It's explained better in the books.
Why is it that every single conflict in the story (save for the magical evil ice zombies) motivated by sex? is that Gurm's ultimate message? that humans are horny monkeys?
i hope so that was the hottest scene in the show
This. s1 was pretty much bang on with the book and pacing, from s2 things turned to shit
thats what google image search is for young user
he's a sick fuck
even in S1 they fucked things up like renly and loras
Skagos, and it made no sense how what happened to him in the show.
Every single conflict in history is about sex. Society is just one big convoluted mating ritual after all.
Not true, most of human conflicts were motivated by religion, but you don't see the religion of the this one God waging a war against the religion of the 7s in Westeros, it's all about
>me wanna fuck woman
>ok? then I start war against you and kill your family
That was unnecessary faggotry for tv. It's not exactly implied in the books but it didn't need to be that way in the show. False virtue signaling to the degenerates
Azor Beric
>most of human conflicts were motivated by religion
no user, go ask /his/
Religion was about guaranteeing order by ensuring everyone had a mate which is why polygamy and infidelity is taboo in most of the religions.
Again you can view every single conflict and development in society as a means of achieving sex. Society is just a complex mating ritual.
and if they so desperately needed their gay sex scene they could have at least made renly and loras careful about it, they were so carefree about it.
More wine, your grace?
His gf is so cringe.
>most of human conflicts were motivated by religion
What kind of edgy atheist shit is this
Everything in life is about sex, except sex, Sex is about power
Well no shit, as carbon based life forms and basically animals, us humans want to survive and create new offspring to survive
when hbo does the prequel show, we still are going to come here and just call it /got/ general arent we? i cant imagine my life without you lads
best tits in Westeros
....and who...are you..
By the looks of it, that show is going to be too shit to even watch ironically.
>radmure and bobby b posting are coming to an end
if you arent tearing up right now, you arent human
>Lady Stoneheart want Jamie dead
>sends Brienne to kill him
>Brienne refuses once she meet Jamie
>Jamie in Winterfell actually fight for the Starks, defending her Children
>Jamie dies during the battle but will be revived by Lady Stoneheart, rather Beric since she's cut out of the show
>procedes to kill the Night King, now and forever known as Jamie, the Kingsslayer
>beloved by every man, woman and child in all 7 Kangdoms
low quality headcannon i pulled out of my ass, just ignore
>Bran saw my ass
It's probably too early to say, but Cersei might be one of the best villain characters in any medium ever
So, why did the poison who killed Joffrey have to be smuggled in a necklace, for everyone to see? Couldn't Olenna have just bring it in a pocket or something?
Do you think Jaime still loves Cersei?
I really hope it doesn't end up being the "diversity is our strength" one.
>poison found in Olenna's pockets
Olenna dead
>poison found on a necklace worn by SSHANSHA
Reminder Qyburn is the real final boss
She's still his sister
he loves Bran now
Did they have TSA agents groping people for potential weapons?
Half of the cast is unattractive black people. What do you think is going to happen?
In any case, these kinds of prequels are never able to capture the magic again. Like that pile of shit Caprica.
In the books no
No he didn't. Tywin knew he didn't do it but needed to blame someone and wanted Tyrion gone.
>I really hope it doesn't end up being the "diversity is our strength" one.
oh my sweet summer child, what do you know about Hollywood.
Show has literally become pic related.
she’s the only woman he’s fucked
>friendship with cercei ended
>bran is now my new best friend
Why does Bran always look like he's high?
Hmm i love Mel's juicy titties... Yum! (^_^)
embittered virgo subplot
brevo, /got(
anyone have the radmure glasses template?
this game would have been 12/10 if it was about steiner and vivi, and didnt have that faggot the flaming amarant being forced into your party
>Guy Pearce is hitting that
So Arya might kill NK with her little spear throwing thing? Lord of Light ans Azor Ahai all random shit that didn't matter.
More importantly, why didn't Tyrion kept his mouth shut like Jaime told him so he could join the Wall as his punishment
This, why did Tywin suddenly want Tyrion gone?
>aegon's conquest
>dance of the dragons
>dunk and egg
>robert's rebellion
so many things already written by gurm to do a series about and they are going for some pre doom bullshit? the fuck
>most of human conflicts were motivated by religion
No, no they weren't. Most of human conflicts were motivated by economic gain. It's always about "what can we gain from this?".
rather his dragon while riding Nymeria. digits approve
luv bro
Why didn't this guy play Euron? Such a waste to give him only a couple of minutes of screen time as a Second Son commander.
what a lucky man
What do people think of the idea that Dorne was named after the battle for the Dawn which was fought where Dorne is. In Essos the river Rhoyne froze down in the past to where it literally reaches where Dorne starts in Westeros. That the bleeding star is actually a reference to Stark and not Star. If Jon is Azor Ahai ( I still think Jaime is Azor Ahai's sword Lightbringer ), He is technically born beneath a bleeding Stark. ( Lyanna ) And Starfall is named as such as being the place the previous Night King fell who was a Stark. Stark Fall - Where the biggest baddest Stark fell. And the sword of Dawn wasn't carved from a bleeding Star but from a Bleeding Stark.
The only other material described as the sword of dawn is described in the books is the remains of the whitewalkers. Once they die and start defrosting they leave behind bones described identical to the sword of dawn.
But yea the idea is Dorne is named after Dawn. That Azor Ahai ( Jon ) was born beneath a bleeding Stark. The Starfall is Starkfall where the Night King who was a Stark died ( Winter is coming is very Night King like ) and Dawn was made from his remains and it wasn't carved from a bleeding Star but a Bleeding Stark.
Also they seem to have Ironwood in Dorne ( House Yronwood ) and in the books at least I believe it was Ironwood magic trees that helped create the Night King and was substituted in the show.
Ironwood is Black. When burn't it burns blue fire. The leaves are used to create 'shade of the evening' ( shade of the long night ) The IronBorn may have a connection with 'what is dead may never die' and the ritual of drowning and resuscitation, and the tell tale game was about Ironwood which has the theme song 'from iron to ice'. And white walkers hate iron ( but there was no iron during the dawn age but still used bronze ).
And it would be inspired by garden of edens 2 magical trees. The tree of knowledge of good / evil ( wierwood ) and tree of eternal life ( ironwood ).
I hope she comes back so someone cuts off her fucking head.
>had a child burned for nothing
Shall I bring you a ladder, m'lord?
>tfw he pics up beric's sword with his right hand and it bursts into flames
why did they give daario margaery's season 2 wig?
He's high on life creaming his pants watching Sansa get raped in full HD virtual reality while relentlessly shitting his pants all day because he can't move his faggot legs, knowing some poor servant will have to come and scoop up his steaming diarrhea, but he won't even care, he won't even be awake because he'll be watching looney tunes in his dumbass tree monster brain in his little wheelchair under his blanket covered in crusty cumstains. This fag isn't even mad at Jaime because he knows the moment he fell from that tower his life would consist of being pushed around in little carts and just being an obnoxious nuisance to everyone, while he just bathes in cum all day and stares with that gay look on his face. I hate him so much
>dany 2019
>dany 2028
You just need her S1 photo to complete the progression.
They want to do something with a clearly evil inhuman enemy for the normies.
Why is bran such a creep?
>why didn't Tyrion kept his mouth shut
Because he didn't want to go down for a crime he didn't do
Tywin hated Tyrion his whole life
Why didn't Bran warn little Ned Umber not to go back home? Was he still pissed about Rickon?
i hope they fuck
Cast him in the prequel series.
I miss her bros
>f-f-fire zombies dabid
He can't change the timeline.
did she die?
Yeah, these threads and Preston's videos shitting on the show are the only reason I've been excited for a new season for a few years now
Hopefully these threads will be allowed back when the prequel series airs
lol. Moon is no egg. Moon is goddess, wife of sun. It is known.
>be fapping in winterfell
>close to cum
>black out for a moment
>finished cumming when coming to
>clean up
>run out to the couryard
>see bran smiling like a faggot at you
>tfw bran stole your fap
'Moon is faggot Khaleesi. It is known.'
what do we know about the night king and the white walkers aside from the children made them to fight humans and they dont like fire or valaryan steel? they obviously dont see the children of the forest as their masters, but are they still following their programming to kill all humans? like, whats the point, they kill all humans, then have to retreat way back north once spring comes anyways, what is the reason for even coming south
Young Beric?
War of the ninepenny kings series would be cool
"The foursome Jon. I saw it. They were all beautiful."
He did, but in S3 he said Tyrion would get a wife and rule somewhere (not in Casterly Rock), then he got to marry Sansa and would have put a child in her that would rule the North when they came of age. Then Joffrey dies and he decides he wanted Tyrion dead.
>do they only go where its cold? Or does it turn cold wherever they go?
something like that was dialogue in the books
I don't think they're following their original programming.
The North is going to die out because people are afraid to have sex with little faggot Bran watching them while they do it. He is the real threat
I read this, thanks for posting user. It's a thing where the original words become lost over generations and very small shifts of language pronunciation and spelling.
Are you that user who was shitposting about Bran?
>smug about not being lifelong sex slaves like doreah
>are still sex slaves anyway due to their fathers being killed by rival khals
What did Irri and Jhiqui mean by this?
Also, Doreah deserved better. In both mediums.
Is there any explaination or theories about how Denerys could birth those three dragons in that fire?
Isildur was canonicaly a super human twice the size of a regular man.
One theory I heard was that they want to get revenge on the Children by destroying all Weirwoods (and any remaining Children) on the Isle of Faces.
the dragon eggs just needed to get hot enough to hatch. how dany survived i dunno, lol magic probably
why doesnt GoT have any gambling
the books have cyvasse but that's only in Essos iirc
makes sense. I think the same thing happened with the words lord and light. The words 'lord' and 'light' in high valrian are near identical with a one letter difference in each word to the words 'gold' and 'hand'. Similar thing I guess.
Aeksion Onos and Aeksio Ondos.
hi bridge4
Is that just your take on it, or does it say anywhere in the mythology that it was like that?
the walkers are just pure evil, the night king wants to bring eternal darkness and rule over it
Euron makes a """funny""" comment about dice in the last episode. So they do have gambling.
just my take. but everything in the books seems to indicate it that way, mellisandre wanted to burn something ot make dragons on dragonstone come alive, some old targeryn king tried to burn some shit at a place called summerhall, and burned down everything.
i never heard that bit
Euron mentioned someone cheating at dice last episode.
They bet on the fighting in the slave pits, dumbass.
Why they don't destroy weirwoods beyond the wall then?
They bet on tourney stuff. Littlefinger and Renly bet on the Mountain vs Loras joust.
LF said that he lost the dagger to Tyrion betting on the joust. He lied about Tyrion betting against Jaime though
Not to mention that the whole dagger plot with jump started the war of the five kings.
He has always wanted Tyrion dead, the murder trial was just a convenient way to do it
The Valyrian steel dagger that Bran gave Arya was wagered on a joust.
She needs king sperm for that and Jon already said no
Why didn't Tzeentch save him?
Because with Sansa out of the picture there was no way for the Lannisters to gain a claim on winterfell so Tyrions usefulness ended
But then anyone could hatch dragons if they had stone eggs. I only watched the episode in the show, but to me it seemed to imply that it had something to do with her specifically and the fire too. Like, something about her being of dragon blood or something.
Tywin legit believed that Tyrion poisoned King Joff. That's why he wanted him to take the black, it was Tyrion wanted to go to trial because he was innocent of it, but lost the trial by combat which means that he is guilty I suppose
What happened to Jhiqui.
Melly confirmed
from the HBO app
Being of dragon blood is a Targ larp
Probably fucked off with another Khal before the dragons were born.
I keep forgetting she's still alive in the books
I'm not the person you're replying to but I think it would be faster to kill the first wierwood tree. Wierwoods have seeds ( Bran ate Jojen mixed up with wierwood seeds and sap ) so it's not a stretch to believe the children have planted them around.
Maybe the trees operate like a hivemind similar to the white walkers when they raise the dead. Taking out the source may take them all out. I think the children that go into the trees when they die become a hive mind of sorts. And GRRM in his other works loves hive minds.
Maybe the gods eye is where the first wierwood is. We've seen what looks like an eye in the cave carvings. There were moons, eye, theta symbol and the spiral symbol.
>Tywin legit believed that Tyrion poisoned King Joff
Is that why he did nothing to prevent Cersei rigging the trial and let Shae lie in front of the court.
It's not like she's doing anything important. I think she's a part of the Dany search party with her BF.
All part of the plan.
fire and blood magic
But she can withstand fire and heat, and her child that she gave birth to was some kind of freak of nature half dragon of some sort, from the description of it.
It was a combination of things
The red comet had made magic extra powerful and Dany basically performed blood magic. Her Targ blood might have played a role
It served a greater purpose in allowing Tormund to return with a warning next episode. He is the Three Eyed Raven. His concerns are on a much larger scale.
Could be but I still think if that's the case they would attack any weirwoods on the way
how are there still no decent games of this series?
Except Tyrion wasn't going to be executed. It was a ruse. Tywin tells Jamie this while trying to con him into giving up the gold cloak.
what was the point of bran being able to wog into hodor anyway, other than for convenience. i have a feeling bran will never wog into another human
>Plus she needs to meet Arya again to fulfil that callback
>D&D remembering anything that happened before the last episode
this is why cersei want elephant?
>red comet of magic passing by at the right moment
>a beloved king and a life being given to the flames dragons hatched from
>mirri's chanting
>dany's willingness to walk into the fire herself
>WW stirring beyond the wall
Could be any combination of these things.
She dykes out with Dany, that's all I remember
The only wierwood that seems to be destroyed by them is the one where he was created. It was turned black, lost its leavse and has ice coming off the branches etc. But that could easily be byproduct of his creation.
"I remember her bad poosey Jon. It was beautiful."
It was all for le epic drama twist. Time travel is the shit tier writer's prime choice of plot twists.
The milking will start once this is over.
The director said that they originally had a Dawn that looked like the book description but on camera it just looked like a piece of white plastic. I don't know how that justifies making him have two swords instead though.
Tywin didn't want it to go to trial, he wanted Tyrion to admit guilt and take the black. Tyrion didn't so it goes to trial which is rigged so it goes to by combat. Tywin didn't want his son to be executed which is why he had the deal to take the black, but once Tyrion wouldn't do that he had to let it play out.
more cock you're grace?
>white bois btfo
honestly i wouldn't mind them just dropping the time travel thing altogether i found it really fucking stupid
That was the other handmaiden iirc, the one that gets sick later in the books
There is. It’s called Conquest
Your love for Tywin has clearly warped your reading comprehension
>mfw book bronn dissapers after tyrions trial and is only ever mentioned in passing, instead of going on cool adventures with jamie
id rather read about bronn in his castle fucking his fat wife lollys and hanging out with his sellsword bros then finish this dance of dragons book, its fucking boring as shit, you bookfags lied to me
why live
Small fry
The Telltale was alright
AFFC and ADWD were always shit aside from the Jaime, Cersei and Jon chapters.
read the epilogue
Crusader kings 2 mod?
Who the fuck are you and what the fuck am I doing in your bedchamber?
kek what is this from?
>only two good playable characters
>have to choose between killing one of them
>plot fucks you in the ass no matter what you do
I have lost count of the times Petyr fucking Baelish of all people has killed Rhaegar in single combat whenever I play the Robert's Rebellion bookmark.
tasteless faggot, the only bad parts were the iron men and even then not all of it.
Next thread
>not a carrige full of Bran's
come on now
you JUST KNOW they banged after the filming
His grandson the king just got poisoned at his wedding, Tyrion is the prime suspect because of previous death threats and being the wine pourer. Grandad is playing what's in front of him but still trying to protect the family name. Also based Grandad can skin and butcher a whole deer by himself so fuck the haters, he wasn't wrong to bang Shae either, thots are gonna thot.
Anybody got a picture of Bran watching the rape?
alright =/= kino
Still if you're a massive got fanboy it's fun to play
Rodrik tossing the cane into the fireplace and saying that he is going to kill Lord Whitehill were pretty kino though.
I just wish that the sequel we are never going to get could have been about Rodrik and Asher rather than about the characters no one gives a shit about.
What a retarded take. The effect of religion on war is to make it longer and more instense. It gives people a reason not to fear death and keep fighting, but very few wars start over it. You honestly think the crusades were about religion? You think if everyone was the same religion, Europe would have just let some Arabs keep control of the eastern edge of the Mediterranean and the gateway to the riches of the East? Fat fucking chance. All religion did was make it easier to rile up the rubes.
literal super human vs mediocre stupid northern retard
I think it's likely that it was due to the intense heat of the pyre, combined with burning the maegi alive.
During filming. Kit is married, so the joke is that kissing Emilia is disgusting to him.
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
You are a pirate! (yay!)
We got us a map (a map!) to lead us to a hidden box,
Thats all locked up with locks (with locks!) and buried deep away.
We'll dig up the box (the box!), we know it's full of precious booty
Bust open the locks, and then we'll say "hooray!"
Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee,
If you love to sail the sea, you are a pirate!
Weigh anchor!
Yah - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is all right to be!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
Arr - yarr - ahoy and avast dig in the dirt and you dig in it fast!
Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! you are a pirate!
Ha ha ha (yay!)
We're sailing away (set sail!), adventure awaits on every shore!
We set sail and explore (ya-har!) and run and jump all day (yay!)
We float on our boat (our boat!) until its time to drop the anchor,
Then hang up our coats (aye-aye!) until we sail again!
Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee,
If you love to sail the sea, you are a pirate!
Land ho!
Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is alright with me!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
Yar har wind at your back lads, wherever you go!
Blue sky above the blue ocean below, you are a pirate!
Ha ha ha!
You are a pirate!
yeah i got that. i meant you got a link to it?
>Wanting Smelly Melly Older than fossilized Skelly
That's a Khaleesi-Yikes for me, dawg
what if bran travel to past
and rapes Oberyn's sister