Crank 3

Chev Chelios has to _______ to survive

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be calm


not cum

Be on fire




literally do absolutely nothing

be drunk

Charge his colon with atomic isotopes

murder women

grow hair

Charlie Cheerios is injected by a special toxin by the Jewish mafia and must remain drunk for 72 hours straight to counteract the affects.

Coming probably not this summer but as soon as I have time to start shooting... DRANK

suck dick


say the n word

Study FBI crime statistics



"go nuclear"

He has to expose himself to increasing amounts of radiation.

Starts with microwaves, and x-ray machines and ends with him sitting on a nuke, and detonating it.


Find black people in Frasier

We have a winner

That's not bad! I'm not hating that.

patrol thots

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that would be perfect. I was in college when the other ones came out and we loved them. I dont usually go for these movies.

Fuck a shark

molest children

have sex


Livestream himself shooting up a mosque

shout nigger in the hood

The doctor left a surgical tool inside of Chev during his heart surgery, and now he has to keep applying a powerful magnet to it Tony Stark style, except he can't build a super energy source.

Scenes include
Chev fighting in a hospital, and breaking an MRI machine to use it for a mid-fight boost.
Chev breaking into a model store and grabbing handfuls of the model magnets while he has a gunfight in the store destroying tons of miniature tanks and model train cities
A final fight in a junkyard while the sidekick crushes people with cars using the giant magnetic plate.

Drink water


>chev spends an entire day browsing Yea Forums
>can't take it anymore and kills himself

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rise up

Eat people

A chip planted in his brain forces him to only attack black people otherwise it'll explode

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believe in Jesus Christ

Drink human blood or Crank 3 when?

> he has to say nigger to survive or else his head explodes or something
>the whole movie he finds himself surrounded by black people
>after hearing nigger they all attack him without a fail
I'd watch that


Feed and Seed

The ghetto without high blood pressure

or better
not get sexually aroused

Slap random people.

browse /r9k/

be racist as much as possible

That’s...actually kind of brilliant. Good one mate.

fuck, i knew the shooter reminded me of someone


Invest in mutual funds

Secure peace in the Middle East


Crank 3 will be a rock opera

have his prostate massaged


this could work
shit songs form him for full movie

Die Hard 2 basically did that.

dance to survive

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be low key


ejaculate hourly


his brain is in a suitcase, prototype quantum g10 link allowing normal function, highly dangerous (future technology?) was only way to save his body after the end of crank 3, yadaa yadda yadda

must remain within 10 to 15 feet of briefcase for maximum functionality, any more than that and he will get progressively less signal, stupidity, input degradation and functionality problems will follow, the further his brain the more fucked he is. Any further than, say 100-150 feet and his autonomic functions shut down, flat line.

fuckers try to steal his brain

cool fight sequences where he hits people with the suitcase and starts giving himself a concussion, realises he can head butt the shit out off people with little ill effect

cool car chase sequences with his brain in the other car, has to keep pace or he starts driving like an idiot. Drives car off bridge to catch up with his brain, etc

someone throws his brain off building/bridge/down shaft, immediately leaps after it knowing he'd be dead anway, can't work out what to do till he gets closer to his brain

might turn out to have surprise payload in his head at end of movie?

smoke weed

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Have sex

Snuggle kittens and puppies

be pc

please excuse the reddit spacing, this is from my pitches and concepts folder, gotta keep that shit readable

>gotta keep that shit readable
In America, we have "sentences" and "paragraphs."

Stare directly at the sun

don't write actual scripts, do ya punk

Watch anime

Why would I? I am neither Jew nor homosexual.

And yet you look and smell is indistinguishable from them, ever considered a career change?

Clench his ass TIGHT, so the grenade stuck inside doesn't explode

>gay jew finds the shift key
Now THAT'S a good post.

Say the nword

You were the one pushing correct grammar, that self hate will eat you alive ya little yiddish twink, it's nice outside, go take in the air

Concept is cool, but that's not reddit spacing.

>herschel forgets which posts are his
You'll get it right, but maybe not today.

never been on reddit but all i see is people throwing around "reddit spacing" these days, pkease don't hurt me, i just like movies

That’s a pretty cool idea user. A little one-note though.

Are you drunk? That's a holy crime on the sabbath isn't it?

This sounds like a fun movie, too bad Hollywood isn't making new movies anymore.

yeah, needs a bit more...something, not sure what yet

I wouldn't know. As I said, I am neither Jew nor homosexual. Is 4/20 the "no u" holiday on 9gag?

Chicken...and grape soda.


Successfully transition into a woman, taking larger and larger doses of synthetic estrogen as the movie goes on.

The movie ends with him completing his own sex change operation, realizing what he's done, then committing suicide.


read the chain of our conversation, your brain is broken i don't want shit to do with you

then we make these ourselves, they'll be shitter big budget but maybe they'll be fun at least

>read the chain of our conversation
I did while it was happening. If you have something to say, you've had several chances.

fucking. pyscho.

>he was reading the whole time? WHOA

Just read back over our dialouge, did have it a bit the wrong way round, you're saying that Jews and Gays (who run Hollywood) have bad grammar, got it, sweet. I was wondering though, do you like movies? I mean, at all?

Is this reddit spacing?

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i don't even know when my own birthday is

Hows he gonna turn on the microwave if he cant fit himself in one

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Wears it like a hat, duh

find his body. After crank 2, Chev Chelios was turned into a cyborg except that he finds out later that...HE'S ACTUALLY ROBOT.
His brain was placed on the experimental robot prototype of the Russian Mafia, the Cybertronic Radial Automatycal Nuclear of Killing, or C.R.A.N.K to abbreviate.
Now, Chev Chelios has to find his human body before it rots away! and to make things worse, his robot nuclear battery is gonna explode if he doesn't FUCK and SUCK his girlfriend every 20 minutes


My thinking now is that he's been given some experimental treatment (possibly nanotech, some nonsense like that) that can regenerate/heal him extremely fast.
Except it doesn't stop by itself, it needs a dose of radiation to switch off, otherwise it keeps growing new cells like a cancer.
The bigger the injury, the more radiation needed to stop it after it's healed.
So early on he might break his arm, and then jam it in the microwave after it's fixed as it's bubbling up. Then he gets shot, then a car accident, and so on.

By the end he's on a military base, and gets hit with a rocket launcher, blowing up half his body, and ends up growing like the end of Akira, forcing someone to nuke him to stop it.

Didn’t he say nigger and attack blacks in the first one?