>it's a Kelly episode
It's a Kelly episode
Season 2 made it obvious that the Orville has no interesting characters. Only Bortus and Isaac have backgrounds worth exploring. With everybody else it's just "hey dude remember when?". Picard had his love for archeology. Riker had his music. Troi had her mommy issues. Data had his pinocchio arc. What does Ed Mercer have? Or Kelly Grayson? Dr Finn? There's nothing there. That's why we got a shit ton of Moclan episodes and some Kaylon stuff.
Good point
they could simply add those backgrounds though. But I think if they did more exploring like season one or perhaps more on the kaylon story line it would be better. still confused why they didn't let the past know the kaylon were about to try to do something.
What was the point of the downer ending? It's just subverting expectations for that sake. Or a set up that parallel universes exist.
I guess they didn't want to mess with the timeline. There should have been a scene with them discussing this though. Maybe call up Admiral Halsey and he could say something about it. They didn't take time travel very seriously.
We'll find out next time. It could be the beginning of a whole arc.
at least the younger one was cute
It'll probably be one of those crapsack alternate timelines where, because they never married, they never divorced, so she didn't guiltily use her influence to get him a captaincy, etc. etc. and everyone ends up mostly wiped out in a big Krill/Kaylon war because the Orville never did all the stuff that prevented it.
>It's a relationship/dating episode
>EVERY fucking episode
It's a two-parter, genius.
>alt universe
>ed doesn't sink into depression over his divorce
>Kelly actually gets married and has a family and becomes a captain
They said ed would have become a captain a lot faster if He didn't become a mess after the divorce.
this episode was great though.
Bruh look at these doods
>What does Ed Mercer have? Or Kelly Grayson? Dr Finn? There's nothing there.
tbf they could still fill that in.
they really made her look younger. her acting was great too. those legs didnt work out that well though but are ironically realistic for basic bitches.
Bortus in the club scene, fucking love these fuckers. Hope we get another Bortus episode soon.
>Only Bortus and Isaac have backgrounds worth exploring.
What would the premise for a Lamarr episode look like?
i dont care about kelly
i dont like the moclan male/female bs they keep trying to push on us, its boring
robot people were cool, the krylong badguys were fine
season 3 isnt happening
he goes to a planet and humps a statue of alien mother theresa
>still confused why they didn't let the past know
It was obvious from the ending of the episode that Kelly's memory wipe didn't work and she remembered everything that happened. That's why she turned down Ed. That wasn't supposed to happen. The timeline has been altered now so the "present" orville we return to in the next episode may be very different indeed.
Were you not paying attention?
She had an extra pound of makeup and a digital beauty filter put on her face. Do you really think that's "cute"?
I really wish they would got to alien worlds more often than just have a bunch of relationship shit happen onboard the ship. It's really rather boring. The few episodes where they actually do go to other planets are great.
>it's an Orville episode
was it a different actress or not?
It was after effects.
God, I'd love to see Adrianne Palicki as Cortana in the upcoming Halo TV series. An Amazon tall blue-eyed beauty, she'd be perfect.
looked better than captian america's affects
>this is what skipping leg day for 7 years looks like
How's her footgame lads?
How do you go from this perfection to whatever the fuck happened to Cortana in the more recent games?
The ending was interesting.
Why can't CBS shut its whore mouth for 10 seconds?
Moclan episodes are the best because they make CBS scream in pain the most.
Then in five years, alternate Kelly steals the Defiant and goes on an ill-fated rampage.
Nothing will change in the present. That ending was clearly indicating they live in a multiverse that essentially follows the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Remember when plebs thought Orshite is better than Discovery? Lmao
she's a one-dimensional actor playing a one-dimensional character
couldn't watch the last episode when I saw where it was going
she's that lame
The Orville has a lot of flaws, but it's still the best space show on TV right now.
I haven't kept up with Halo in a while, what's up with Cortana's design now? I know that one is from 4 and it had incels crying about how "fat" it was.
Kelley has some legit chicken legs
>What does Ed Mercer have?
An unabiding love of Kermit the Frog.
i want to facefuck alara
nice revisionism fucktard
everyone agreed the first season was way better than STD
>it's a hotter younger Kelly episode
there's the incel pilot guy i guess
shame she looks like an Auschwitz victim
But not thick or curvy where it counts. Palicki has the kind of face that looks cute and then looks really fucking weird all in the same scene. Like Jennifer Carpenter.
Perfect creepshot height.
Still do :)
The club scene was funny as FUCK.
Bortus dancing made me laugh so hard.
>w-what do you mean you're transferring me?
I only watch this shit because its a lot better than Star Trek Disease.
Firefly should be at the very bottom.
oh shit i could probably watch is poo now
> Young Kelly
> Still has The Zit
We were supposed to get another visit to the 2D universe, but they blew that off.
What I would give to kidnap Halston Sage and make her life a living hell. I would force her to dress up in elf and leprechaun outfits and subject her to pure awfulness and humiliation. just terrible degradation and shameful acts. it would be so easy to break her spirit and drive her to suicide, but I wouldn't let her do it. if I could train a dog to rape on command then I would totally do that as well. a really big dog like a mastiff. she would be so completely and utterly powerless to stop it, not to mention terrified. a big ass dog is even scary and life-threatening to a normal human but to a midget? might as well be a dragon. I'd keep her in a cell and what's more is that I would actually place to key inside with him but put it in a high place. not extremely high but just ever so slightly out of reach. it would drive her mad. I would dress her like a baby and force feed her 99 cent store baby food. I'd also pick her up like a child and toss her from one corner to the next. I'd grab her by one leg and swing her as hard and as fast as I could then hurl her to see how far she goes. I'd rent one of those giant inflatable bounce houses and body slam her all day until my arms got tired. I'd hold her down with 1 hand and slowly stick things up her butt just to see her squirm. I would stick her in dryers and turn them on and leave her in there for long periods of time. I'd force her to fight other midgets to the death. just so many things I would do.
>Security color uniform with Engineering logo
This triggers my autism.
Anyone noticed how The Orville kinda mirrors STD in the timey wimey travaley wavely kinda way? I wonder if Seth has some CMS leaker.
>and it produces a JJ-esque dark timeline with lense flares and dutch angles
>"No, Seth-sama, please don't rape me again I'll do anything!"
The Kelly handshake was cringey as fuck. But the arm grab was 'almost' not noticeable...almost.
I agree. Next episode will have nothing to do with this one.
nest episode: The Road not taken.
Fight me. You fight me now!
security and engineering are both red in both star trek and the orville
well at least before roddenberry got butthurt and changed it
No. In Orville security is red and engineering is orange.
> it's a Kelly episode
Consider yourself lucky.
I think I'm actually mentally ill. I just googled it and the uniforms are clearly orange as fuck. I've never had the mandela effect happen to me.
I hope the color on my tv is trash
What color is this? Am I going color blind?
That pic ain't the best quality but still, they're clearly orange.
That would be -- Black.
The actor on the right is an "African".
they killed any future prospects by making him a visible 'genius'
would have been better if he did some amazing things when really needed, and just said it was because of luck and goes to sipping his coolaid
When it's next to a security red it's really obvious. But when I see the orange alone it looks bright red. I think it's because some sets have this dull gold ambient light and my brain is overcompensating for the tint in yellow. There's also a lot of blue light which makes red and orange less distinguishable.
skelly kelly, she really needs to eat some meat
I think they changed it between seasons. There were these really orange-y red uniforms and really red uniforms in the first season. I remember thinking it was nice that they weren't stuck at three colors.
On the left is orange. The right is red. What color are their uniforms closer to?
Best girl was interesting but they replaced her with a boring cunt
I literally have not seen this distinction between Red and Orange in season 2.
Colorometers are a thing now.
Well shit, now they look red.
They are actually just a slightly lighter shade of red than the typical crimson uniform. A tinge of orange maybe, but much closer to red on the color wheel.
Palicki has a buttface. If anyone it should be Halston. They can use CG to make her taller.
>wake up one morning and your oneitis is younger, tighter, perkier and wants your dick
can you imagine
>have the ability to fuck the younger hotter version of your ex who not only still likes you but wants to fuck your brains out because you're older and more successful
>this gives the bonus of pissing off your current ex who doesn't want a relationship for stupid reasons, but wants to be around you all the time
>don't do it
Imagine not doing this. It's every married persons fantasy to fuck their wife back when she still loved him. Women too. what a faggoty episode.
I hope the future is changed and it results in Alara coming back.
So someone made Moclan dancing webms, right?
Ed should have taken the opportunity to scan young Kelly when on their date in the simulator. Then late that night he could have himself a youngKelly oldKelly threesome.
Family Guy did it!
I might be some kind of hack screenwriter, but I immediately thought that was older Kelly trying to find out if Ed would fuck her younger self. When he turned her down I was absolutely certain she was going to sigh a heavy sigh of relief then... wait" which Kelly are you? What! Kelly!?
Oh dude no shit on fucking point
I hope not. The only episodes worse than the ed kelly relationship episodes are the endless bortus episodes and the alara episodes.
I'm seeing double! Four Kellys! haha
May you never be able to open a jar of pickles again.
>>it's a Kelly episode
>Kelly episode
More like
>smelly episode
Lads in the near would you like to have a job in Orville or settle on some planet?
Smelly Kelly on suicide watch.
I'd live on Moclus if you know what I mean.
I would like to be on non union spaceship so I don't have to follow their stupid rules.
how many episodes are left lads? I thought ep12 was the last one with the whole kaylon climax
Why do I like Kelly even though she's a one dimensional "responsible adult" type character
She only became two dimensional when Cashews or whatever his name is failed to predict female irrationality
was really hoping there'd be a 'critters' episode that scott grimes would have ptsd over.
I feel like they drag out the Kelly/ Mercer thing too much. Season two, the characters really didn't leave the ship as much as they did in the first season. I feel like season 1 was generally much better overall.
i forgot how rock hard she used to make me
Go to Moclus, Suck the Coclus
I would like to inquire as to what user means by this? Surely he does not wish to procreate with a male and lay an egg? Is user a faggot?
I liked the alara horror episode until it was set in stone that it was a nightmare episode. Once gordon was eaten there's no way anything could possibly be real nor could it possibly matter.
>read that in Issac's voice
>fuck you're drawing nigga
Based issac
you are the drawing user ?
I'm totally into skinny chicks. Young Kelly got me diamonds.
Since they moved Lamar to engineering we've hardly seen him at all...was this intentional?
Yes. He's the worst actor on the show.
He’s cool Geordie with a better Data
If season 3 happens they need fresh ideas for plots. Season 2 has too many follow-up episodes and rehash. S2 handled the Krill well, but no more "moclans hate women" episodes. No more "ed and kelly test their relationship" episodes. Season 1 definitely had more variety because it was making new material instead of trying to add continuity.
But despite all that Season 2 is still better. Season 2 feels worse than it is because its worst episodes aired after schedule delays. So it feels like it's been shit for weeks despite having less mediocre episodes than Season 1.
young evil Kelly > old grumpy Kelly
He has no charisma and only works as an underachiever buddy for gordon
I've always felt like seth should've cast himself as navigator and gotten someone with a commanding charisma as captain. It's hard to write him being buddies with gordon when he's in that chair too.
>If season 3 happens they need fresh ideas for plots. Season 2 has too many follow-up episodes and rehash. S2 handled the Krill well, but no more "moclans hate women" episodes. No more "ed and kelly test their relationship" episodes. Season 1 definitely had more variety because it was making new material instead of trying to add continuity.
>But despite all that Season 2 is still better. Season 2 feels worse than it is because its worst episodes aired after schedule delays. So it feels like it's been shit for weeks despite having less mediocre episodes than Season 1.
I actually agree with a lot of what you are saying. Season 2 is not terrible, or anything. It does feel like left-overs from season 1 mixed in with follow ups from season 1 as well. The characters don't leave the main ship as much as they did in the first season, and a lot of episodes revolve around character relations. The show does have solid characters, so I am OK with that. But I do feel like the first season was more adventurous in how they would visit random plants/ space stations/ get captures in a zoo, etc. I prefer the self contained episodes of the first season a little more. I agree that they need to introduce more fresh ideas into season 3.