ITT redpilled scenes

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Based Gabrielle. Desperate Housewives was good

>mfw she gets a nice brick in the face and a box cutter to the throat

Money’s mine babygirl

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>blonde white woman good
>black haired beaner woman bad
how did they get away with this

>being shallow of spirit is redpilled
Yikes. Seneca would not approve.

but a huge part of the reason that the rich are so fucked up is because the money isn't actually making them happy and they're just psychotically hoarding wealth

MO ey buts comfort, not happiness. Comforteaves to free to pursue happiness, but the lack of struggle and accomplishments ultimately leaves a person unfulfilled.

The truth is ENOUGH money can basically buy happiness, but it takes hundred of millions so practically it's not really true.

This is how I feel when Hollywood puts anti-capitalist propaganda in their films and shows. It's like the jews saying MONEY FOR ME, BUT NOT FOR THEE.

Won't someone PLEASE think of the billionaires!?

Who are these "rich" that are fucked up?

>when phoneposting goes wrong

I have wealth disphoria. Can a surgeon fix that by putting one million dollar on my bank account?

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>MO ey buts comfort, not happiness. Comforteaves to free to pursue happiness, but the lack of struggle and accomplishments ultimately leaves a person unfulfilled.

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what about brad pitt and his tranny kid?

Elon Musk

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>what is marginal utility

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Based negbro. She'll be ready to swallow his urine the next time they meet.

Find one statistic, anyone you can think of that makes a human a "good person" in your mind. In those statistic rich people will come out better than poorshits. Rich people are simply better...

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>find a statistic measurement for subjective morality


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Nice digits, bad post. I bet you are poor, they are dumber than rich people like me.

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Germany - Brazil 7-1

He's special. His wealth has nothing to do with him being happy because he wants to change the world. I guarantee (in another universe) he's chilling on beaches and partying whenever he wants instead of sleeping 4 hrs a day.

It'd be like giving Tesla $100M and saying "look, he's rich and not happy!" Of course a revolutionary mind isn't going to be satisfied.

No. It's a lie well off people spread to cover their ass.

based eggboy

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When you are succesful with money you are already accomplishing things. I can do without the struggle desu, that's only for poorfags who at the end of their lives can say that 'they did for something' and they 'experienced everything'.
OP pic is right, a hard pill to swallow. Its the law of the land

kid's been hitting the Dimetapp way too hard!

lel women

if he was special he wouldn't be wearing a rug lmao.
also Tesla are fucking toy car shitboxes

>attacks The only senator who wants to defend his nation against terrorists

What a megacuck.

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Based strokeposter

What movie is this?

Fuck off you red bastard

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he one where she gets nude

Wow sounds like you got lost on the way to reddit.

Yea Forums nogs dont know micro, 100,000 is the sweet spot I think

>Believing Elon Musk is anything other than a charlatan

For a 20 years old man to have a comfortable middle class life until he is 90 without having to worry about ANYTHING at all, no health expenses at all, be able to trade a regular car by another regular car whenever he wants, send his children to whichever college he wants, he needs 2M $

Don't get it

Elon Musk is a red flag to distract you from the fact our consumerist society is going to collapse and we'll have to be cannibals to survive.

Shekels can buy "happiness", but not salvation
Happy Easter everyone

He's right you know

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so what movie

You were supposed to understand they were bad people failing at life. Same with the Sopranos. It boggles the mind that morons literally don't realise this.

>pissing away your fortune on children

>inb4 autistic incels think movies are reality

Real life kino. I mean, seriously. You could not do better on a movie set.

>when life scripts its shit better than anyone could

Well they are based on someone's experience...

>psychotically hoarding wealth
When will this meme end? When will libbies learn basic economics?

Manuel Ferrara took up acting now?

Lol at your life for expecting intelligence from here

Donno lads, i would be a hell of a lot happier if i had money.

I'd rather be poor, young with a nice hairline than middle aged, bald and rich

her boyfriend is playing and fucked up so the bitch in front eyeballs her

So that means you can't like it, right? Are you dumb?

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über alles, über alles auf der Welt.

That would be a monthly budget of ~2000$ if you just live of the interest (assuming it's 2,5%) and you'll be loosing money to inflation, also I'm not sure about the tax situation, so it might be less
I don't think that this qualifies as "comfortable middle class life until he is 90 without having to worry about ANYTHING at all"

Happy Führergeburtstag everyone.

You need to meditate, be introspective and live a good life adhering to your own principles and values. Money has nothing to do with it

*proceeds to burn down a neighborhood with a disproportionate amount of poor citizens*

Yeah this is what I always say. They go after the pawns and slaves. Go right for it. Kill the elites.


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