This is the pain actors have to endure when they are shooting movies. And what do you do...

This is the pain actors have to endure when they are shooting movies. And what do you do? You pirate their movies with 1 click.

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hollywood has CIA advisors on hand
how surprising

Did this information come from Carey?

>why are hollywood elite meeting with the CIA?
>Oh, ugh... you see... dressing up and making millions of dollars is very very tough... torture even... and the CIA knows a thing or too about torture, I mean how to deal against torture because they deal with the bad guys, I don't mean deal as in fiance and arm, no, no, just they're knowledgeable... *cough* so, how about that Drumpf, amiright?

green really does glow nicely

The actors already got paid during the production of the movie. The profits all go to the Jew producers.

Mr. Grinch I'm CIA

Know one really knows the blue-collar drudge work that actors have to go through. It's a tough job that never ends.

>You're a mean one
>for you

so is this what broke him?

And for paltry millions!

It takes about 5 clicks for me, so if im putting in that amount of work to see a film then surely it should be ME who is compensated

Theres people whos job is going into sewers and wade through shit just to unclog it. They also don't get paid millions and receive awards

If piracy was 100% wiped out, none of the cast and crew would see a single pay rise.

Yep, this should be the headline.

That story is been out for almost 5 yearss now

.01% of actors get paid millions.

>literally 5 months of "work"
>doubt.jpg that he was in makeup or even there that entire time
>gets paid $20 million
>"muh torture"
Nigga, you could waterboard me for a couple of hours every day for 5 months for $20 million. It's gonna end, and then I get paid, get over yourself faggot.

There are fucking millions of actors, no shit.
Do you believe in the pay-gap as well, jesus christ.

What a guy! it would take someone working minimum wage 2,758,620 hours to earn what he earned to be tourtured

god dammit

why does Hollywood have CIAnigger torture experts on speed dial?

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Maybe if you have a terrible definition for "actors"


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I laughed more than I should have. Well done user.

If he'd tried acting for once this wouldn't have been an issue.

actors don't get revenue share sweetie, they're paid upfront, the only ones losing out are the producers and executives

what a faggot

actors will get less money in the next job because producers get less.



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>Kazuhiro Tsuji is one of the movie’s most renowned special-effects makeup artists. His work has spanned “Men in Black,” “Hellboy,” “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” and “Darkest Hour,” which has earned him his third Oscar nomination for Best Achievement in Makeup and Hairstyling, but it’s probably his time on Ron Howard’s “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” that he will never forget. Tsuji relived the nightmare that was The Grinch in a recent interview with Vulture (via The Playlist), and it turns out he checked into therapy soon after working with Jim Carrey.
>“On set, [Carrey] was really mean to everybody and at the beginning of the production they couldn’t finish,” Tsuji said. “After two weeks we only could finish three days’ worth of shooting schedule, because suddenly he would just disappear and when he came back, everything was ripped apart. We couldn’t shoot anything.”

>“In the makeup trailer he just suddenly stands up and looks in the mirror, and pointing on his chin, he goes, ‘This color is different from what you did yesterday,’” Tsuji remembered. “I was using the same color I used yesterday. He says, ‘Fix it.’ And okay, you know, I ‘fixed’ it. Every day was like that.”

Who was in the right here?

Actors make believe for a living, they are liars by definition. Why would you want to defend them?

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Fuck Carey. I was happy to see him looking miserable on Coffee in Cars.

For more of his on set antics

do you think glow in the dark alphabet agency african americans could help adult actresses cope by advising the as well? Most porn is straight up torture

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>tfw your job is to actually go into sewers and wade through shit

You'd be surprised though, its mostly just water, not brown rivers that people seem to imagine.

Not being able to cope is what gets them into that glowing business in the first place. Do you think they offer mental help to the cartels? No way, Jose!

Fame, drugs and he does seem like an asshole underneath though. Jim "cocaine" Carrey didn't need to be a cunt to the guy that was making his work possible though.

She's damn unrecognizable post-surgery. And you guys bitch about Koreans when Hollywood and pornstars do the same 10x over.

Fuck off Coreaboo, nobody cares.

Not if you work for a unioninzed US sanitation department in a major city. These dudes clear hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even garbage men make upwards of 100K with overtime and get to retire close to that income.

Hell, there's some engineers that work for the city and earn >300K taking care of a few substation.

I'll fucking cut you with 1000times folded nippongo steel you western piggu

Cut your life into pieces.

The CIA wants advice

This is my last resort

Yes they do. Actors get royalty checks every time something they were in is sold or re licensed.
You only get back end points after the movie has cleared a profit though, and hollywood accounting is designed to make sure these movies never officially make any money, because then you have to start paying back investors.
Why else do you think capeshit movies have half billion dollar budgets and still look like PS2 video games? It's a ponzi scheme to launder money.

Because there are all kinds of spy and spook movies, and you can get paid better consulting on a movie then you make all year working for the government.
A lot of ex military guys pad their retirement by telling actors how to hold a gun, radio etiquette, and shit like that to make sure the movie isn't completely inaccurate about things.

what you think Adien just came on set knowing how to pose like this ? of course they have CIA advisors

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5+ dan schneider bucks have been added to your bank account

>thinking a governmental organization is competent in any size, shape, or form
Even if you want to believe that glowingthedarkniggers are running a secret cabal, they're doing it behind the scenes at the studio level, and not as line-items on production budgets.
If they wanted to make sure "actors" do what you want then any agent who is trained for deep cover is a better actor than any RSC dropout hack you could dig up.

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Steven Spielberg has raped thousands of children

to death. many such cases.

>1 click
It's even less involved than that. rss feed torrents just show up in my folder and starts plays at kino'clock every night on the androidTV.

A service has to better than the effort it takes for me to disassemble my current free setup.

And that's a good thing

>A service has to better than the effort it takes for me to disassemble my current free setup.

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>You're a mean guy...
>For Whos.

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Isn't having the herp like torture?

based pahjeet