It's 4/20, post Hitlerkino
It's 4/20, post Hitlerkino
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Dude, fuck nazis
dude, sneed, lmao
Triumph des willens
Look who's back was pretty good
This is kino
>still no sticky
Teevee mods are qucks
was good until the DUDE AFD ARE NAZIS epilogue
it's 20/4 you fuckin mutt
Nur noch AFD! Außerdem war das Buch um Welten besser
Yeah if you entirely miss the self flagellation message.
It's good up until the interminable speeches from random assholes.
Dude amphetamines lmao
End of Season One Man in the High Castle.
There is no 20th month there are only 12 months, fucking idiot
that part isnt long. there is another hour of Hitler speeches and marching
Please bump my thread
He really had to pee.
Robert Carlyle was a 10/10 Hitler and you can watch his entire movie straight on youtube
I must've watched this shit like 3 times during history class in highschool. I don't think they would risk teaching you about Germany from the perspective of Hitler anymore.
here's a slightly higher quality version in two parts
His cap is fucking cool.
Smockin a fat yarmulke for our nazi overlord
you know outside of your little echo chamber no one at all thinks racism is funny or cool. I'm not even a liberal or anything but I cringe so hard when I see threads like this
Everything you've been told is a lie.
You're not a liberal but the mere mention of Hitler makes you butthurt and triggered?
Cringe and have sexpilled
We're trying to discuss movies. If you want to racebait go to /pol/
BASED. How long do you think his streak was? I read somewhere it was 25 years.
He completely stopped at 29 apparently.
Movie is full of shit and I hate that bearded twink.
what bearded twink
Der Untergang. Rip Bruno Ganz.
the digitgods approve
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
this so much this
this but unironically
This is entertaining, but holy fuck is the acting hamfisted.
hitler was based and redpilled
hitler and his cabal burns in hell
The manga is surprisingly good and hilarious at the same time.
based robbie
>Hitler poisoned him
Poor dog had no idea
Nah they bathe in heaven
Except for himmler and goring.
what is the point of this film? based anyway desu senpai
To tell you that we really havent changed and we still could follow a man like H-man in the modern age.
based thread
JIDF arrived sooner than expected
fuck hitler
What did you say, laddie?
the post that saved Yea Forums
Better than getting buried in rubble and slowly losing oxygen
Its not 2016 anymore
Tranny is the new gay, isn't it?
Anyway, I'm sorry your father abandoned you and that you feel the need to lash out on the internet.
This. We have to remind all these newfags that Yea Forums is an esoteric Hitlerist site.
Why was he on so much drugs? Is that why people smoke pot on 4/20?
mfw we live in jewchan timeline
>muh [insert year]
Dude, Reddit
what's the name of the manga?
Incels are more likely to not have father figures. They don’t know how to be men since they were never taught by one. I guess you could say you and the trannies have something in common.
The Incel
Incredibly based
The tranny cries out in pain even as xit strikes you.
Hitler had gastrointestinal issues that made him to be a chronic farter.
So more than likely he was the source of the gas for the gas chambers. And it can be supported too: Hitler dies = no more gas chambers. Coincidence? I think not!
Literally my birthday today, and I am spending it on Yea Forums, in a thread I can contribute nothing to.
Things get old and stale over time you bonehead
This movie was pretty kino
Most kino Hitler scene ever, can't believe nobody has posted this yet
>this kills the incel
Based, fuck germs
wtf, I love Hitler now
Kill a kike, that's your contribution
flawless logic
>can't believe nobody has posted this yet
Because its shit for retarded US Mutts who believed Hitler screamed nonstop while in fact he mostly spoke with a lowered voice
You can joke and say Hitler was a bad leader and National socialism doesn't work etc etc but the fact remains. If every jew was killed the world would become a peaceful utopia in a decade.
Stalin was worse, desu
Habby birdday
>hitler bad
Stalin killed goyim, Hitler killed the chosen
Are you a retard. No it wouldn't.
Good goy, it's all just random chaos, we're totally not instigating it all.
>Kiel Mutineers were in communication with and supported by the Jewish controlled (Hugo Hasse) Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD)
>subsequent Spartacust Revolution which took over Bavaria was Jewish led
>Degeneracy was championed by jewish scientists such as Magnus Hirshfield (who was a crossdresser himself)
Reminder Hitler was right.
Happy birthday man, what would you want for it
Kek, wtf is this from
He was too melodramatic imo
i miss u hitelr
hortler pls come back
The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West
>I'm mad but I'm not mad
>Nazis are racist
>Nazis are white
>Nazis have scary uniforms
>Nazis give big speeches to huge formations of soldiers with giant Nazi flags draped everywhere
Every movie does this
This is the most kino.
>Every jew thinks and wants exactly the same and they are all in on the conspiracy
This is what /pol/ actually believes
God i miss him so much, lads
Some Norm kino
Press F for Fegelein. Also, endless memes that i as a German speaker have trouble understanding because reading and hearing different things fucks with my perception.
>mfw i didnt know he died
huh, didn't knew krauts actually spoke bong
>jews don't share the same motives
>jews don't think the same
>jews don't share the same culture and morality
Reminder Israel does exist and proves a unified jewish agenda.
>Hitler walks into the United Nations
>"These Jews got gassed, and no cunt leaves here till we find out what cunt did it."
>mfw i didnt even know he was sick
>all those buttblasted /pol/faggots
>no fapped so hard he almost took over the world
fucking BASED
The Rocketeer
>nazi falls for the juden
Based, screw nazi's and screw commies
I wonder is his dog was allowed to breed and you could find ancestors of Hitler's dog for reasons I mean who would want to own a dog related to Hitler haha
He was a textbook Taurus and people still deny the true horoscope. Same with Napoleon
> A fixed sign is a sign that maintains stability and preserves tradition
Nothing screams preservation of tradition like Napoleon.