Damn dude four years and multiple movies later, its huge disappointment. What the hell went wrong?
Damn dude four years and multiple movies later, its huge disappointment. What the hell went wrong?
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I'm starting to genuinely believe the new sequels might be genius because of how many pleb "durr bros why it fail" threads I see every day. I don't even like Star Wars either, which means they're probably for me. Good thing too because Star Wars fans are insufferable faggots.
>hey user come chill with me on the beach
t.insufferable faggot.
They made them for the wrong demographic
Incel culture
t.insufferable faggot.
Disney already has the 5yr old to 20s male sci-fi/action/fantasy fanbase locked up with the MCU.
Star Wars has the older male 30s-50s fanbase which will be dying out in 20 years.
What Disney didn't have was the young adult fiction tween female shipping fanbase (Twilight, Hunger Games/ Harry Potter). Since Disney knew Star Wars would mean lower and lower returns going forward, they went all in to appease tween girls. Even going as far as hiring nothing but females (about 8 of them?) for their story group for the first year.
This concept has completely failed since the IP is STAR WARS.
STAR = Sci-Fi/Sci-fantasy = shit females of all ages cant get into, maybe 10 to 20% at best.
WARS = War/adventure/explosions/lasers/death = shit females of all ages cant get into, maybe 5 to 10% at best.
t. infaggotable suffer
The actress is very cute. The character is horrendously stupid
9 year old girls?
A team of hyper-leftists who really weren't fans put the only thing they knew into the writing - their fucked-up feminist social views.
She's not ugly but some feminazi deliberately made her ugly so "ugly girls can have a character they can identify with."
It's fucking stupid. Identity politics has shit all over SW and ruined it.
>The actress is very cute. The character is horrendously stupid
I heard a rumor that she was supposed to get a scene at the end of TLJ where she wears a sexy dress and gets "wow, THAT'S ROSE?" makeover that would be the payoff for her dumpy outfit and appearance throughout the rest of the movie, but then they cut that part so she's just frumpy and unattractive for no specific reason.
should have tried to spin it like the stars refers to characters who in universe are like celebs now and the wars is drama they start with each other
>heard a rumor
a rumor wtf dude. you just saw the making of where rian johnson said he wanted to do that and the costume guy said is she tall and he was like nope hurrr
so they couldn't pull it off
If I were a merchandiser I would not get in very deep with the next one.
she got som weird azz nipples
The story and entire universe isn't interesting enough to support 10 movies. It was running dry after 6 movies.
Eventually the outfits and the space swords and stilted dialogue is a bit much. It's alright starwarsbros, it's not like they made 10 Terminators.
which actual one is selling for 3c there
Most women have uneven breasts with one sitting higher than the other or one larger than the other. That's why Emma Watson won't go nude in a movie.
seal leader green aka Felicity Jones in Rogue One.
>seal leader
>heard a rumor
>a rumor wtf dude. you just saw the making of
I haven't even seen TLJ, my man. I just read something about it on Yea Forums.
it's pretty gay to call that "hearing a rumor"
I saw Rose pop toys in B&M bargains. fucking dumbasses thinking girls wanted this shit.
they got boyegas hips right
It's pretty gay to watch disneywars, desu
It's pretty gay to be a man, dude
I really wanna sniff Rose’s braps all night long, I can’t believe you incel losers bullied her off social media
Pop vinyl has become a pretty good gauge at separating nerd from mainstream normie posers who like to pretend they're nerds. No real collector touches that shit.
Its the cinematography- Lucas was very consistent in the WAY he filmed and framed his shots.. The new films are full of ugly, unnecessary shots that would have never been done by Lucas. Its why they don't feel like real SW movies, they aren't.
Example of the actress herself getting bullied, please.
I don't like the character but lay no blame at all on the actress who played her.
Well no one's figured out how to turn us all into hermaphrodites so everyone can be both gay and straight yet.
I want to suck those nipples until all her supply of oxytocin is used up
She's not ugly at all, why did they shit on her in TLJ?
Lucas told the story that occurred in a galaxy far far away. Disney told the story of Earth's SJW bullshit set in space while wearing "the force is female" t-shirts.
That's the difference. The Disney crew can't separate themselves and their petty bullshit from what they're working on like George Lucas could.
Remember when people were freaking out due to the lack of Rey figures with The Force Awakens? Whatever happened to the “Disney is shooting themselves in the foot by not making figures girls would want?”
To represent her as a character girls can identify with - AND THAT'S IMPORTANT!"
It's called identity politics, and it's injected into everything now.
Completely unclear. Except maybe that being attractive in a movie is sexist?
they watched the movie
from the image:
>seeing people who look like you and who you can identify with is really important
What if you're a big boobed bimbo?
>I identified with Peach even though she didn’t look like me
>But today I can’t identify with females who don’t look like me
You can’t win with these people
The funny thing about making an SJW-friendly East Asian character is take a look at Asian media, take a look at Asian cosmetic surgery trends, take a look at the average Asian BMI.
They don't put fat dumpy girls on their own screens they strive to a standard that only surgery and working stars like dogs can achieve.
Asian girls might not all be pretty irl but they're very rarely overweight and they do not aspire to look like dykes in hessian sacks.
There's probably less than 100 girls in the world that could identify with this character.
>I usually just make myself as a character.
That's no fun, I want to be weird creatures. It's a game after all.
Me too. That's why I like the option of playing black characters.
eh, it's nice to have as an option surely.
I mean you're not complaining about skyrim letting black people play black characters, are you?
She's overweight, which an actress should not be unless she can carry it well, which this woman certainly can not.
As for her looks, she's not as attractive as an actress ought to be. It can be overlooked for "unconventionally attractive" male actors such as Kylo's and Finn's, (although those were already accomplished actors before the film), but typically the sensible thing when casting an actress is to get one as attractive as possible.
Look at the Harry Potter films. It's unlikely they would have been as successful as they were if Emma Watson wasn't in the top percentages of female attractiveness. And they didn't even know what she'd look like once puberty hit.
But now the trend is to hire average or even below-average looking women for some reason. Ironically women would relate more to an attractive woman and men support her, even if the characters were all as boring and shittily written as they have been in all the star wars films.
There's also something stupid they do which is have thirty-plus year old women play characters that are obviously meant to be early twenties. A male character can fudge the age difference like 35 year old Driver does to play ~26-30 year old Kylo, but not so for thirty something women.
it's also because men pirate more (much much more) than women.
Games and movies are supposed to be a form of escapism, but "making characters diverse people can identify with" has become a fucking anchor that won't let creators create as they wish to any more.
It's a crime, and a form of content control. And companies like Disney have taken it to the level to where it fucks up the movies entirely.
No you can't. It's headache-inducing.
If they sell a movie to women they get two ticket sales. One to her and one to the dude she gets to take her.
or to her and her friends, which is even more.
women are also more social on average, so word of mouth is going to carry further and faster.
there's a bunch of other reasons than muh librull conspiracy. but rose was clearly more about pandering to Chinese audiences than women specifically, as those were already being pandered to with Daisy.
Especially with her and her sister's Daoist symbol in a fucking Star Wars movie.
She isn't fat you incel monkey
If you're ignoring media as a social engineering tool you're never going to get it.
>pandering to Chinese
>get Vietnamese girl
what did they mean by this
they all look the same
It's hamstringing writing (which is being destroyed by political and YKW nepotism these days anyway) because they're supposed to create characters on the basis of marketing and political theory. Nu-Wars is overloaded with characters who don't get fleshed out enough because they aren't written first and then cast, they're cast first and then not written.
If Hollywood was actually wanting to give "diverse" (ie: nonwhite) actors/audiences a fair shake, what they'd do is put more pressure on the casting departments to consider nonwhite actors for racially unspecified roles, where all writers would need to do is just not specify what the characters specifically look like, which they already more or less do.
But instead of wanting three or four solidly written characters who may be staffed by nonwhites, what they do is create token roles which clog up the screentime and aren't pleasing characters, but which will tick the diversity boxes without disrupting the core "white male, white female" product categories.
Make a girl-power capeshit movie about a super-powerful superhero girl that fucks the patriarchy, and make one with Thor and Aquaman fighting until they've blown each other's clothes off.
And see which one gets more women buying tickets to see.
These video game critics are cute. I bet they're even cuter irl.
I wasn't suggesting otherwise, my dude.
I remember when people gave a shit about webcomics I always figured if I had a self-insert webcomic I'd make myself as freaky and ugly as possible so if people met me irl and their friends asked them about me they'd be like:
>he wasn't THAT ugly and spastic
Anita IS cute
they're the ones that like star wars
If I had a self-inser webcomic I'd kill myself.
Yes but her personality is toxic
She's a pure snake who slithers into the shadows of companies and threatens them with organized PR attacks for "being bigots" unless they dump their male workforce and replace it with women and neutered beta-male man-ginas where she then dictates the very content to companies.
Most western game publishers and devs are "diverse" with women now because of her.
>What the hell went wrong?
>Good thing too because Star Wars fans are insufferable faggots.
can still agree with that
(episode 8 could still have been better, and episode 9 will sucks anyway)
Women are a meme.
TLJ is canon.
Kathleen Kennedy is still in charge.
The Disney Lucasfilm story group is stll there.
The fan base is still pissed off at being attacked and blamed by Disney for Episode 8 going down in flames after the first week. Disney should have owned up to it instead of attacking the fan base as bigots. And it's funny how Disney wanted to alienate the established white male demographic, so they want out of their way to do so, and when they did, they blame that same demographic for the movie not making the money they wanted even though EVERYONE hated the movie.
Episode 9 doesn't stand a chance, so why bother? Many (like me) won't give it a chance. Fuck the notion of crawling to a company that sees me as "the enemy" and made it a point to take a hostile stance towards me just for being born white and male.
>Star Wars has spent decades being one of the most coveted franchises out there due to how "toyetic" the variety of iconic aliens, droids, and cool looking armored guys are
>Populate the cast of the sequel trilogy almost entirely with boring and plainly dressed human characters.
It's shocking to see a bunch of leftists and Jews slaughter a healthy horse and pick its bones clean when it could have worked hard for them indefinitely.
If they had held a convention and picked a neckbeard at random he would have known how to do SW better than the people in charge.
>Yuna, 2013
How do you play with Star Wars toys?
>oh no it's the evil stormtroopers! they were kidnapped as kids and indoctrinated into fighting, LETS KILL THEM!
Disney killed Toys R Us
>Stormtroopers are black slaves
>the resistance kills fuckloads of stormtroopers
The resistance is pure evil and racist.
Yes it did. TRU was really hoping TLJ would be successful enough to save it, but it wasn't.
I also blame parents who take their little kids to the phone store instead of the toy store.
>She's not ugly but some feminazi deliberately made her ugly so fat white women wouldn't be threatened by a cute asian when their soifriends drag them to see Star Wars
Fixed that for you
>PT were clones who were bred, brainwashed, and enslaved to die by the millions in a war that they stood to gain nothing from, and had no say in the matter
>PT also had battle droids who were inexplicably programmed to have individual personalities, and be intelligent enough to have a sense of self-preservation and fear of death
>OT stormtroopers were in all likelihood conscripts who, again, had no say in the matter
>ST stormtroopers were child soldiers who were abducted and brainwashed
Star Wars canon fodder "bad guys" have always been kind of fucked up.
Bet her vagina is as wide as her face
I absolutely would
It's such a shame the female elitists of a certain ruling ethnicity in Hollywood actively undermine the progress of other's careers, particularly Asian women
>Disney killed Toys R Us for THIS
you wouldn't play with toys over a phone if you were a zoomer, i guarantee it
>t. beached whale
Rian had a frumpy Asian fetish
>seeing people who look like you and that you can identify is important
Well most video games are produced for a white male audience, no better argument against diversity I guess, shit it down boys
>She's not ugly at all
I saw a bunch of these at my supermarket, about 18 of them.
Battle Droids developed personality because the Separatists were too cheap to do regular memory wipes.
>absurdly large
I remember being a kid and all the toys would always be sold out and you would have to get some random droid or character from the movie because thats all they had left. Wtf happened? I look at the wrestling section of toys and it always looks active with kids while the star wars section always looks neat and clean like if no kids play or even look at them,.
i don't think she's fat so much as she has a very wide skull
she's robust from pulling the plow in the field for generations
This is the angle you see for 90% of the classic CORE-era games. And it's 100% impossible to play the game by staring at Lara. Your eyes have to constantly focus on the environment to where you're paying attention to everything but Lara.
But feminists are offended at Lara not being a flattie that flat girls can identify with just the same.
when i was 10 i had toys if i was 10 now id want a cosmetic for my character in fortnight
Black girl can only truly identify with an ogress
Even if people still liked it, it still costs too much. $7 for a Star Wars Hot Wheels is fucking bullshit on a stick.
can you imagine her in a bikini? She's fat
>no new ships
>no cools robots(bb8is trash for a toy)
They had to lit some bad ass looking aliens
Fuck I can't talk about star wars anymore without getting mad
That thing about the 150% breasts is false! In reality the male designer who made the 3D model wanted to make her realistic but some exec asked him to make her boobs bigger. Of course this shows at least ONE man was decent so dumb feminst wannabes won't write about it.
I like how feminists aren't mad at Lara for being a white colonialist who raids the historical treasures of the countries of brown people.
I don't need to be telling you of all people since you've clearly played the classic games already. Nevertheless, for those who don't know, the original games are unbelievably hard. Think DS with puzzles. I highly doubt many ever beat the game without cheats. In fact, no one would know of the game if they hadn't added the tits.
Also feminists just want attention. They're Hitler. They cannot exist if there is nothing to fight against. They will keep becoming more and more extremist as the industry gets closer to clothing every women in a burka and every man in a black leather thong.
>2013 Lara is still hot
What is force link?
I just bought the game as a kid because it seemed interesting to be something like Indiana Jones in a videogame.
The one on the left always makes me laugh.
whoa you need to step outside my dude
Those are nipple covers...
I wonder if feminsts still secretly hate each other and envy each other when they think about who's prettier or uglier. Like all women do.
Rian literally wrote and cast her to be "the sort of girl I'd hang out with at school" aka spergy trog who looks obtainable and non-threatening for a soi-boi bitch like himself.
every store I go to has pegs full of Black Series Young Han Solo and Lando. I just want a fucking Grand Moff Tarkin
The figures have chips inside them that interact with pic related.
Yeah they're definitely harder than the average modern adventure game is, and there is no easy mode short of using cheats, and even then using a cheat won't spare you from having to figure out where to go/what to do next unless you level-skip (which defeats the purpose of playing in the first place).
I refuse to believe this; Disney can't be this stupid. Don't they have focus groups and market researchers? Spending 4 billion on a franchise targeted at teenage boys only to target girls instead is beyond stupid. You can include female characters. You might even be able to create a spin-off. But there's no way anyone in upper management was insane enough to look at Star Wars and go: "let's add 21 century identity politics from some fringe groups on the Internet, focus on girls, and release this in China to make a lot of money".
This looks cool as fuck. A shame the toys look like shit.
I cant imagine any boy playing with those rey or tiko toys.
The correct opinion.
The directors set out to make a movie they wanted to make rather than a film that fans wanted to see. /thread.
Her character was stupid and the movie agreed with her. That's the case for multiple characters in TLJ. For example, Holdo's pink hair isn't the issue. It's that she's insufferable in her condescension.
>Disney can't be this stupid.
The most capable organization in the world is still susceptible to group think and virtually all of Disney's recent success has come from it's ability to buy up good companies and let them do what they want.
>Spending 4 billion on a franchise targeted at teenage boys only to target girls instead is beyond stupid.
They obviously thought assumed that the decades long fervor of the hardcore male starwars crowd would carry over to anything that lucasarts put out. When you're thinking like that, trying to bring in mainstream female audiences with a female MC makes perfect sense, because the men will keep watching no matter what and probably 'wifu' her, while girls start seeing SW as 'not just for nerdy guys' and thus they can capture the entire demographic.
But, they made a massive miscalculation on KK and JJ and the rest is history.
And then they attacked and blamed the fan base when it didn't do as well as they wanted it to. That was their biggest mistake, and why I won't see the next one.
Characters possesing disagreeable and unappealing designs is a smokescreen to label people sexist if they disagree with them.
Her character was stupid and the movie agreed with her. That's the case for multiple characters in TLJ. For example, Holdo's pink hair isn't the issue. It's that she's insufferable in her condescension.
I fully believe the "WHY THE PURPLE HAIR" or "THE WRONG SISTER DIED" posters are plants by Disney. If Page's and Rose's actresses were switched, Rose would still ram Finn in an effort to "save what she loves" and leave child slaves behind in favour of bunny horses.
>She's overweight, which an actress should not be unless she can carry it well, which this woman certainly can not.
You're an idiot.
>What the hell went wrong?
unironically no more white men so jews, women, mutts and faggots took over screwing up the biggest IP ever
they in wirrd azz places
>t.insufferable faggot.
that's a pretty sick vape she's got
But this argument is exactly why all protagonists should be strong, capable white men
No other race or gender combination gets things fucking done
Except asian guys but they have small dicks
They're not making this argument up though, originally the devs wanted to make camera more cinematic, but couldn't work out what's the best way to approach this. Then the execs told them to leave the camera as it is because Lara is the appeal of these games so having her ass in the middle of the screen from a bug has turned into a feature.
>franchise aimed at middle aged white men
"the force is fucking female!"
Toby Gard left the project because of these shenanigans, he was woke before being woke was a thing.
imagine john boyega in part one thinking get gets to kiss a hot white girl but then in part two he as to kiss a fugly gook
I don't know if it was because of Disney but Hasbro really fucked up. Maybe instead of filling aisles with Zucko or whatever his name was, they could have released a (one, x1) figure of Luke like everybody wanted.
When are they going to make a playable videogame character that looks like me?
The Asylum Demon exists so it must be possible.
They did. Luke, Vader and Kylo sold out very fast. It's the other characters that are warming up the shelves.
>When I create a character, I usually just make myself.
If you're not slamming all the sliders in the character creation screen to one side of the screen, you're doing it wrong.
Redguards are a thing in canon, though
That's what ronnie does in his comics and it works out well for him
Did Rian conveniently forget that there would be New Republic battlefleets which were not in Hosnian at the time of the attack thus would be going on roaring rampages of revenge against the First Order, as they are now royally pissed off?
No, he just didn't watch the first movie at all
>expecting even a single component idea or person involved in star wars, save for Mark
what's even more infuriating is that they (disney) won't admit they were wrong.
and they keep doing this:
Ummmm sweaty. The First Order killed all their leaders so they obviously shut down like battle droids okay?
i wonder if anyone has modded this figure?